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I didn't realise there were so many close personal friends of Brad and Angelina on Reddit. Having so many people with first hand knowledge of the situation is so refreshing. Most subs are full of people who've read a few online articles and have created an unshakeable narrative in their head. Those people are the worst. Right?


I told Brad and Angie (that's what I call her) what you said and we all had a big laugh.


Tell Ang she still owes me a tenner.


You tell A-JoJo that I said hello, ok?


Send big AJ my love.


I'll tell Aggie you moved mountains, but still couldn't make it.


She owes me her bow!




Or a hummer… vehicle


Why would I tell the director of Brokeback Mountain that Angelina owes you a tenner?


Has Ang Lee had an op I wasn't aware of? Is he a she now? Should I send a fruit basket or something?


All I can think of is Tahani in the Good Place. "My good friend Gisele, BUNDCHEN!"


> Angie (that's what I call her) What has the former German Chancellor to do with all this?


I didn’t read the article, I just saw the headline and came looking for the hot takes, was not disappointed


I didn’t even read the headline. I’ve just clicked into a random post to express extremely irrational opinions and spread misinformation.


After reading your summery on the hot takes, I have a firm and unshakable opinion


It is the entertainment subreddit after all.


i am a close personal friend of neither of them. but boy the stories i could not tell you!


I can't wait to not hear them.


You mean there’s another side to the story where Pitt was an uncontrollable abusive alcoholic that assaulted his wife and adopted kid on a private plane?? The same kid who is old enough to rightfully call him out on it in social media posts and yet people still watch his movies


I've got no horse in this race and I'm definitely not trying to get into an argument on Reddit, of all places, about two people who don't even know or care that I exist. I'm just stopping by to say I thought that your comment said "and adopted a kid on a private plane" and it made me chuckle. That is all. Carry on.


Alcoholism is a disease and we need to stop vilifying it.


Do you get to beat the shit out of your wife and kids and be excused because you claim to be alcoholic? That’s a horrible excuse that will never ever validate shit behavior; just makes proper use it as a crutch for their horrible ways.


Oh but it’s ok to steal from your parents when you are hooked on hard drugs? I hear all the time on Reddit how addiction should be viewed as a medical condition.


Dont know what youre talking about and i dont care. Youre trying to argue semantics when its just people not accepting responsibility for their actions.


Don't know. Neither do you. Also, don't care.


Lol. Yes you do You know how i know? You replied back. Seems like I do know things


Were you there or did you read an outrage headline and take it for truth?


This is a really really dumb argument. You’re very obviously allowed to believe things that are reported upon, you don’t have to be personally present for every single event in history to form an opinion.


I was there


Don't care about celebs. However, I very much enjoy irking those that do.


Seems like kind of a sad and empty way to spend one’s limited free time.


Moving those goalposts eh? You could always try to maybe be better at being a troll but that would require more effort than a non witty post on a comment no one will see. Also, you need friends. I wont be one, you’re too weird, but you do need a friend.


We won't be friends? I'm devastated. Well c'est la vie. Keep up with the ragging on people's lives you know nothing about you naughty scamps.


I would tell you thats the pot calling the kettle black but something tells me you have no idea what that means so when you eventually grow up and gain some life experience; maybe you won't be the way that you are.


What is this 'kettle' you speak of? When I grow up I want to be just like you, with lower blood pressure.


People are just bantering on an entertainment sub. What's worse is you bitching about the bitching, or me bitching about the bitching bitcher. If it were your way, there wouldn't be a single comment...


Shut up, you bitching bitcher who bitches about bitchers of bitchers.


We can only hope.


You could just scroll on, or unsubscribe.


...and miss out on all this? An alternative view would be that if you get triggered so easily perhaps Reddit isn't for you.



I’m only here because I was on the front page and stumbled upon this. I came to find comments like this and point out the fact that you care about strangers lives, how’s yours btw? Why don’t we extrapolate on your failures which are many I’m sure, you are on Reddit after all. Same goes for me but at least I’m not a drama freak. Ok I’m done. Back to my hole.


A bunch of wannabe lawyers and ceo experts too. This website has tons of people of all walks of life under anonymity. A Billion of production people who have to put up with A-Lister being divas on set and whatnot. But anyone who talks about legal advice comes in bunches and comes off fake.


Oh my goodness I laughed at this! The number of C-levels on Reddit make me snort. Loudly proclaiming it too..... Like, if you are really C level anything, I very much doubt you have the time, or the inclination, to be trolling around on Reddit! (Unless it's a fake inflated title given to make yourself feel important I guess...)


idk about you, but most c levels I've met have "doing nothing but looking busy" down to an art form. I've had the same conversation with different ppl where they tell me how little they do all day in between their (usually) once a week meetings.


Really? Wow.... hmmmm. Most of the C's that I know (and I don't profess to know many) are crazy busy work obsessed types.


I think it probably varies by industry


Ah, that would make sense.


You Brad, tell Ang I said wassup!


Yeah Brad is always round mine. Hes on the Xbox at the moment.


These intense parasocial relationships are gonna be the end of us


Where’s the /S?


Is this Brad or Angie?


Ha....ha ha 😭


As a sarcasm connoisseur myself i give your comment 10/10. Made my day


I find that celebrities who have domestic messy court shit are exhausting, and frankly i want nothing to do with them. Now wheres that dennis from sunny in philadelphia? That fellow seems like a stand up guy but what do any of us know


They Are all good people and close friends. I only know cause i listen to the podcast and they talk about how the show was made.


They really are. A true anomaly in the entertainment word.


I want to watch him in Blackberry but I'm having an internal argument over whether to cave and pay the subscription fee, or hold out in the hope the sub prices stop climbing (or wait until Prime has a sale on the stream service).


It’s worth waiting for, or more like not worth paying subscription for


It's just too much, for all the services, and I'm out.


Everyone in it is good. The story is a “who gives a shit” because in reality most of the people in the story aren’t particularly likable but that’s life. The hairpiece tho, it’s so blatantly bad I don’t understand how they fucked that up so much.


He totally got off man.


This article reminds me of how lucky I am to be far, far away from my abusive ex-husband. This whole situation is just madness!!!!


This is risky on Pitt’s part. So he might win the winery fight but forcing Angelina produce the NDAs potentially exposes his abusive behaviour and bringing everything to light. Stay tuned…


It’s a bold strategy Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for him.


How would having her produce NDA’s she sign expose his behavior? His team is trying to show the NDA she refused to sign with Pitt is not all that different from other NDA’s she did sign. Presumably they know she did sign other NDA’s. My guess is his gambit on producing other NDA’s won’t change much, but I don’t think it will wildly backfire either.


According to Jolie’s lawyer in the article “The judge’s ruling completely opens the door to discovery on all issues related to Pitt’s abuse.” No one knows anything right now, that’s why I said stay tuned.


yeah he denied using NDA's to cover up any wrongdoing on his part. They're definitely going to requests his NDAs and details about those situations.


Yeah her lawyer.


> Stay tuned... [My reaction](https://media1.tenor.com/m/jqfTdAJg9jQAAAAd/no-i-dont-think.gif)


I’m pretty sure they both have shit to publicize that will be unflattering.


Unflattering is one thing. Letting his alcoholism get out of control to the point of being abusive is another.


The only people who win here are the attorneys.


They were such a beautiful couple and it's such a shame that so much shit they bring out in public.


That’s divorce in a nutshell honestly


I knew one couple who split and agreed on everything before even going to an attorney. Very amicable. But that’s ONE couple.


This is very correct and I admire such people! But unfortunately, not everyone has the wisdom to reach this point.


Paying people, with their own money, to abuse each other could be entertaining. Paying them in future earnings would be hilarious. If only we could include whole families, maybe incentivize slander and remove legal recourse.


Is that what crosses your mind when you are standing in the supermarket line gazing at the tabloid rack?🤣


Fucking insane how any time there's the toxic past and behavior of a famous guy exposed, you got every dude online defending him. Fucking disgusting




Yeah that Brad is fighting this at all is a bad sign, tbh. He needs to accept he has a problem and recover and hopefully patch things with his family or he’s a huge loser. ETA: he needs another 7 years in Tibet.


Fucking insane how any time there’s the toxic past and behavior of a famous woman, you get every gal online defending her. Fucking disgusting


You tried it and failed.


you schitzo typing into the void or something?


You are a disgusting person I hope you know that ^^


What’s been exposed? We know fuck all


She's crazy too though 


If, as claimed, the NDA would've extended to their personal relationship, that would definitely seem to be unconscionable. Restricting speech on very troubling personal conduct allegations during a business transaction would result in a lot of people changing their mind & selling elsewhere. And, considering that it was being imposed as a requirement of the sale, with a lawsuit to follow upon rejecting that provision & voiding the sale...if true, not only do I hope that Pitt loses, but that it's public so that all contracts don't become one-way forced signings.


Rich people problems.


Probably what they said about Nicole Brown Simpson at the morgue, huh? 🙄


This whole situation is dumb af.


I hate Brad Pitt


I don’t think either one is a saint.


Well, Brad Pitt sucks a lot more than Angelina Jolie does, so…


No one is a “saint” not even you so I don’t understand why you’re saying that. He’s abusive and he’s dated minors in the past, Angelina on the other hand, did things when she was younger and got better before she even had kids and grew as a person. I’d take Angelina over Brad!


I’m not going to argue this . We don’t know what either one really did , just what we’ve read or in pr pictures.


You don’t know, but people with a brain do. It’s not that hard to read court documents and fbi reports. If even the fbi has to come out and say “they violated Angelina’s and the kids’ rights by not arresting” says it did happen especially since 4 of the kids testified against him and there was a plane crew witness. The whole “saint” thing is pathetic. Angelina is only blamed for her past which she grew from ever since having kids and Brad should be blamed for being abusive and being a p*do for dating minors several times but you don’t want to talk about that😐




Yes he should be thrilled his ex sold her share to an oligarch who has other business partnerships with another Russian oligarch who is part of Putin’s inner circle and is on the sanctions list — and this partner met with Putin after the invasion. Who would not be filled with joy to find this person as their business partner — I imagine you would embrace the new partial owner and all his business friends with open arms. /s


That’s so untrue lol he spoke against Putin which almost caused his life so stop spreading misinformation






He’s an alcoholic woman beater who’s been disowned by all his children dragging this private fight out in court over a winery he can afford to lose and shouldn’t have for his own sake... Brad has made some bad decisions. If you have more sympathy for Brad than the people forced to deal with Brad’s bad decisions, you might be a misogynist. Worth you self examining.


If he can afford to lose it, so could she. That works both ways. They’re both famous actors. They’re both about as privileged as it gets. Nobody should be forced to give up assets for “their own sake”. Nobody should be able to weaponize court process into coercion. If you think someone having a counter opinion to yours is misogyny, your own logic dictates your position to by misandry. You are not supporting a neutral position, you picked a side and dictated the other to be based on inherent bias without founding your position in proof. Without solid proof, your own position is as suspect to the same claim from the other side. Jolie’s mother was famous for weaponizing children. Growing up in that kind of environment, with all her acting credentials, everyone should absolutely expect her to follow those childhood lessons. Not entirely her fault either, it’s how the reward system evolved within the law.


Isn't the whole thing that she doesn't have it? They aren't fighting for ownership...


I think anyone who cares more about the stress of Brad Pitt than the wife and children he traumatized says a lot about their values. I think misogyny is misogyny. And I don’t think you know what the fuck that means. He’s been dragging this out. She sold her half and he wants it back. Kinda classic abuser playbook to find the one point where you can make something painful for the other party and hold on to it like a dog with a bone. Love it when men claim their kids are getting poisoned against them. I guess years of watching you drunkenly attack their mother and other siblings had nothing to do with that? Poor Brad! He’s too handsome for accountability! Y’all crazy. Keep dick riding for these men who beat their families and don’t give a fuck about you. It’s pathetic.


I think you prejudged everything and are judging everyone who disagrees with your assessment. I think you are coming at it all from an ideological bent. I think it’s far more likely that your bent is more misandry than the random people who haven’t come to such extreme positions and are on the Pitt side are misogynists. She held onto half an asset, that was one of his pet projects. She didn’t allow for offset, she demanded half of something he cared about. You have the malicious side wrong. They’re fighting because she broke an agreement and “sold” to someone sketchy just to mess with him. Libel, slander, good luck. She picks fights with someone who is drinking, doesn’t make him an abuser until you prove abuse. She’s about as manipulative a picture anyone could draw, even has the family history. Sure, sure. Nobody has any thoughts of their own, right?


The guy she sold it to isn’t “sketchy” at all. He is well known in the winery business and knows more about it than Brad does which is why they sued Brad for tax evasion (which Brad lost that case lol) and using the winery as his “personal piggy bank,” he’s just mad cause he didn’t buy her out in time and he wants to cover up HIS sketchy business decisions!


We’ll see. Yes, the guy she sold to is sketchy. As to piggy bank, never met a winery that could keep up with inflation. Good wine is expensive to make, expensive to store, expensive to staff. Market has dipped so many times in the last few years that all kinds of major brands sold bulk to off labels just to stay current.


He lost a case about tax evasion and he’s being sued for $350 million because of Brad’s terrible way of making business decisions! You claim the other guy is sketchy for no reason. Is it because he’s Russian? A lot of people claim he’s sketchy only because of that which is xenophobic especially since he publicly stated that he’s against Putin despite rumors!


A corporate interest lost a case on taxes. The local government declared that during a period when historic vineyards were selling casks for huge losses, just to stay afloat, professional assessments were undervaluing properties. The government wanted more revenue when everyone was hurting, retroactively went after anyone who did their fiduciary responsibilities correctly and had assessments done. It wasn’t Pitt, it was a corporate interest. What decisions is that? Does a Hollywood actor seem like the type to be micromanaging? Or is it more likely that multiple tiers of business managers and fiduciaries were trying to do the correct business work? Care to look up Jolie’s buyer before we go over it? Do you think quoting a large value of a claim means anything?


Angelina’s mother was a great mom to them! Jon Voight was the deadbeat dad and he still is so stop being deluded!


Okay Pitt Stan ✌🏾


Take a big step back and ask yourself: why am I defending a man who has (on at least one occasion per police records) physically abused his wife AND children? There’s no “if” about it here: he’s an abuser and it’s been well established that this incident on the private plane did occur and he got physical with his wife and children. If that’s someone you think is worth defending more than the woman who was the victim to his abuse, then you have a LOT of growing as a person to do.


Or, people really just hate women and Angelina Jolie It’s not that complicated


No it’s not complicated. But I still think it calls for those who hate women to need to grow as people if they don’t want to be pieces of shit for the rest of their lives.


wish everybody was this committed and comfortable expressing their disgust for genocide, the upheaval of women’s rights, and the stories of strangers who don’t end up in “the news”.


From Twister: Aunt Meg: He didn't keep his part of this bargain did he? Jo: Which part? Aunt Meg: To spend his life pining for you and die miserable and alone Angelina wants Brad to die miserable and alone and he declines to do so.


Angelina is not the one keeping this in court. Brad is the one who continues to file lawsuit after lawsuit.


I guess my news and your new are quite different. Again, for the crowd I do not think Brad is a wonderful man and father, but I don't think Angelina is a wonderful mother either.


Ok I’m curious, what makes you think she’s a horrible mother?


What makes you thinks she's a good one? She adopted kids from other countries to further her aspirations to be considered a humanitarian. I bet you love Harry and Meghan too.


The part where the adult kids are dropping Pitt’s name and younger siblings don’t want to visit with him


She is a wonderful mother lol if she was her kids who are adults now wouldn’t want to be around her but you see that’s not the case right? In every comment of yours, you love to act entitled and try to invalidate what happened to her and the kids! Brad is an abuser and Angelina was being protective over her kids. You’re just annoyed that she’s not the “perfect victim” in your eyes so you try to invalidate her AND the kids in the process which is damaging to abuse victims!


I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with anything you’ve said and none of what I say relates to how good of a mother she is but you have to admit, if you owned half a winery with your partner owning the half, if you then split up its logical that if you no longer wanted to share the business then you’d either buy them out or let them buy you out. That would be standard and logical solution yeah…so it stands to reason the only reason you’d sell your half to someone else without telling the other part owner is out of vindictiveness or spite. I mean it’s not like she needed the money and this Russian was offering more than Brad or because Brad couldn’t have afforded to buy her out.


Angelina offered to sell her share to Brad. He wanted an NDA to silence her about abuse. When he did not get his way, he refused to negotiate a deal. So her share was sold to another party. He did this to himself.


Why do yall keep bringing up that he’s Russian? I don’t see yall doing that to the rest calling them Americans…it’s weird and it seems xenophobic when he’s against the Russian government. You clearly didn’t read the article or court documents, she went to him first to sale her share to him and he presented an NDA which she was okay to sign but after he found out that she had filed abuse files, he panicked and changed the NDA several times to prevent her from ever speaking out about his abuse and she wasn’t having that so she refused. She asked if he could go back to the original NDA because she was fine with signing that one but he refused and backed out and then the deadline passed so she sold her share to someone else. She followed the “rules” that he keeps saying was in an unspoken nonverbal contract agreement…what does that even mean??? She followed everything that “contact” said do so he can’t be mad now. Plus he never gave evidence of this “contact” he keeps speaking of.


I don’t think I brought up the fact that he is Russian in a derogatory way. I initially referred to the buyer simply as “someone else”. I simply referred to him as Russian later on because the article did. I did read the article actually but no, I haven’t closely followed events or read the court documents because I’m not that invested in the lives of celebrities. From what I can see though Angelina seems like a good, caring and very protective mother. Equally Brad doesn’t seem like a serial abuser to me but there’s no smoke without fire and I can fully believe he may well have overstepped the mark on the occasion (on a plane I think?) when all of this started. As I said I don’t follow this or any celebs closely but I’m sure I’ve heard that even their kids don’t want anything to do with him so he evidently did something wrong. As for the court case, again I’m not taking sides as such. If the contract allowed Angelina to sell her half to anyone she chooses to then that’s the lawyers fault for allowing that and Brad will have to suck it. She’s done nothing wrong. All I’m saying is for her to do that then it had to be out of spite and I’m not faulting her for that either…that and far worse happens all the time between people when they split up. She’s as human as the rest of us and we’ve all probably experienced times when we know we’re doing something out of anger or retribution. She seems like a very intelligent and reasonable woman to me and I don’t think she would have chosen to sell it someone else without feeling justified. My only point here is I think we can all acknowledge and agree that the only reason one would do that is as a fuck you to the other person. As I said, she’s human as the rest of us and we’re all capable of actions like that and equally none of us truly know what happened between them , how bad it was or how long it went on for.


Oh okay I agree with that. She didn’t do it out of spite cause she went to him first and he backed out himself (I’m not saying you said that, I’m just clarifying)


Oh ok, in which case what the hell is he bitching about?! Did he just expect her to keep hold of it? Actually that wouldn’t surprise me, her name and her brand definitely adds a lot of value.


It seems like he just wanted to control her. Abusers really hate when the person that they’re abusing, gets away from them and says no. He had this coming by trying to keep trying the NDA when the original one was fine.


So you are pro oligarch — Shefler has a dispute with Putin — which strangely does not stop him from going into business with one of Putin’s inner circle oligarchs — Aven — who is on the sanctions list. Aven had meetings with Putin post invasion. Do you not see an issue being part owner with an oligarch who has business partnerships with close to Putin oligarchs? Or am I being xenophobic? https://eng.lsm.lv/article/economy/business/sanctioned-millionaire-avens-helicopter-sold-to-lithuanian-businessman.a496654/


Yeah you’re being xenophobic because he’s publicly spoken out against the Russian government/Putin! When he spoke against it, kidnappers were literally sent after him 🤦🏽‍♀️Don’t believe misinformation just because Brad’s pr team wants you to think that by them constantly saying “oh he’s Russian” like that means anything!


You know them all personally?


I mean most of the kids (adults now) from John and Kate plus 8 want to be around their mum so touche…


How did I act entitled? I'm not trying to invalidate anyone. I'm simply saying they were not a good match nor are either one of them wonderful people. You need to grow up and care less about people you don't know.


lol. The gods of irony are pleased with your offering…


You’re the one who started this thread. Introspect more. Do better.


“Care less about people you don’t know”🤣wow that’s rich. You’re claiming she’s narcissistic without any proof of that but there’s proof of his abuse and dating minors but you fail to acknowledge that part! Seems like you might be an abuse apologist😬 A terrible mom wouldn’t have kids who love her so she’s a great mom who protecting them from further abuse. Hopefully you have a great mom also cause obviously you wasn’t raised right!


Where on earth are you getting that from?


She wanted to sell the winery on the NDA terms they agreed upon, and he changed them. Truly believe she just wanted to separate from him completely.


I think they are very self-involved people with not much to recommend them. I feel sorry for their children.


The kids themselves said he was abusive! He’s the only POS here!


Their mother is an narcissistic mess. Just because he's a POS doesn't mean she's an angel. I feel for the kids.


Brad likes to hit the bottle and then his kids yet you're all over this thread defending him and attacking Anjelina. Interesting.


And the kids are siding with her. You seem to have conveniently forgotten that post from Pax on his IG, on Father’s Day where he called out Brad for his abuse, and said he was an awful human being, adding fuck you at the end. Or that Zahara dropped the Pitt in her name, and just goes by Zahara Jolie. Maybe the fact that Maddox wants nothing to do with him for years, has escaped your memory? Brad is an abusive asshole, and doesn’t have the integrity, or humanity to apologize to his kids, and do anything to make amends. He is the narcissistic abuser, NOT Angelina. Thank god, the kids have a loving mother who stands up for them. You seem to have some ulterior motives for rigidly standing by your misconceptions, and purposely turning a blind eye to the facts.


He strangled his own kid in front of strangers and people are still desperate to give him the benefit of the doubt. The way our society coddles male abusers is truly something to behold.


> Angelina wants Brad to die miserable and alone and he declines to do so. Considering he beat her and his children so bad that the kids still refuse to even acknowledge him so do I.


Maybe, and maybe not. The reports are ambiguous. Do I think he's a nice man and a good father? No, I do not. On the other hand she's an over protective narcissistic mother. Pick your poison.


I am gonna go out on a whim and says she's overprotective because her ex ended up being an abusive alcoholic


'Out on a limb'. r/BoneAppleTea


Nice whim. I'm not defending him. I think both of the are self-involved not nice people.


I never said you were defending him, but using a mechanism that she likely picked up because of his mistreatment against them is a choice.


She’s not narcissistic at all. Her kids literally side with her only because she’s not the abuser like Brad and she’s a great mother! Also the reports aren’t “ambiguous” since there was a plane crew witness who reported him, the kids testified against him, AND the FBI literally came out in the court documents and admitted to violating Angelina and the kids’ rights by not arresting him and allowing CAA to close the case!


You need to investigate narcissistic parents. She's a classic case. Of course, her children support her she's trained them too. I don't like either one of them, but I don't think he's all that is evil.


>Of course, her children support her she's trained them too. lol what. As if his own behavior has no affect on them. The kids, especially the older ones, are quite close to his family. It's quite obvious they have issues with him because of the things he said/done under the influence.


If a parent is narcissistic, the kids usually figure it out long before anyone else. The idea that she has six children, some of whom are adults, and they’re all in denial about being abused by their narcissistic mother is just delusional. She has an incredibly close and beautiful relationship with ALL of her kids. She is not the problem here


That’s so not true at all. It can take year of therapy for kids to understand a narcissistic parent. Look at the Richards sisters, well in their 50-60ies still in huge denial over their childhoods .


Wow you’re unbelievable! Quit acting like you’re a psychologist when you’re not. She can’t “brainwash/train” SIX kids like dogs. That wouldn’t work. If she tried that, that would push them away and because they’re so close and happy with their mom shows she’s a great person and protects them as much as she can and they’ve done that in return. You clearly don’t care for abuse victims and you may need to seek therapy to resolve that. Imagine if your daughter and her kids were abused by her bf and people called her “narcissistic” because she doesn’t fit the “perfect victim” stereotype, how would you feel??? You are sick


You're absolutely right. I am a terrible person.


Glad you finally realized that!


I am not the biggest markle fan, but I have learned people who go on *that* subreddit like them are not really worth the time lol


What sub? A sub that hates on Meghan markle? That’s weird


“I don’t think he’s all that evil” um did you miss the point where he abused his ex wife and kids and dated minors??? By saying that you’re enabling abusive men like him and it’s disgusting


You come across as the narcissist. You act as though you have special knowledge of two people you've never met in your life.


So do you.


He’s the one keeping her tied up in courts and his PR works over time to make morons like you believe shit like that. He’s a raging alcoholic and an abusive piece of shit. There were witnesses. Fix your internalized misogyny, girl, it’s not cute, and you’re not clever.


You’re absolutely DELULU. Fucking Pitt stans are the most unhinged people on the internet. The man is a verifiable abusive piece of shit. Angelina in absolutely no way wants anything to do with him. She’s been trying to separate herself from him for years and he is the one that continues to abuse her through the courts and drag this all out.


Neither, it's George.


Damn, she just got Tyler Durden'd.


on hisdeath bed his lawyer will say there is a complaint from his former wife about his health


He won't sleep with you