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better call maul




I really liked the first one thought it was a fun watch. The director not returning is concerning.


It's probably due to a scheduling conflict. Naishuller just ended filming an action movie with John Cena and Edris Elba for Amazon a couple of weeks ago. They gotta be in post-production for some time next


The first one was already pure formulaic shlock but it had a visually fun fight or two. I hope the second doesn’t come off cheaper or it will lose what made it watchable


Same, even own it on Blu-Ray. At no point did I think we needed more of it.


Really? It even ended with a sequel tease after the credits.


Agreed, the director not back is wack


Can we please try not to kill Bob Odenkirk this time? I like him.


"I'm going to f*** you up."


That fight in the bus was so good. I loved how he got messed up too. He was rusty but he was ready. I had no idea what the movie was about before watching it, and I assumed it was going to be about a guy who becomes a trained fighter but given that he already was one was exciting. Christopher Lloyd with that shotgun. RZA as the brother. Just awesome.


I really liked everything up until the bus scene, it felt like that was it's own movie with it's own arc. Everything after the bus scene was no where near as intriguing.


Interesting. What kind of movie were you wanting then? It was kind of set up similar to American beauty before. Suburban middle-aged dad who is in a rocky marriage and distant to his kids. That's why I think it was so refreshing when it was revealed that he was a trained killer. But come on! RZA as his brother and Chris Lloyd as his dad with that shotgun. Amazing


For the record I like the bus scene a lot, my cut off is after that. I think the power fantasy element (which is present in all action movies to some degree of course) becomes a bit too pronounced after that, it also seemed a bit derivative of John Wick. It's a fun movie, don't get me wrong but I think it starts a lot stronger than it finishes.


I can't help but *that's what she said* to your last comment. But anyways, I do understand what you're talking about! As somebody who had no idea what this movie was even about when I saw it, I was just entertained. But I do understand what you're talking about. Very interesting!


>I can't help but that's what she said to your last comment. Noice It's a decent movie to be fair, to summarise It just feels like watching a movie and it's weaker but fine sequel back to back. And from an action choreography point of view there's a lot to like.


It is set in the same universe as John Wick. The movie is supposed to be similar to it.


It is even better with a Slayer song overdub. You’re welcome. https://youtu.be/1gDKnWqhvBE?si=IHPBNNTJ5y7_w0XC


I don't think that's better tbh


Lol, that was terrible




I would like a refund of my time.


Damn hippy


Take your sensory abuse music elsewhere, sir. This is a Wendy's.


"Give me the goddamn kitty cat bracelet, motherf&cker!"


You know you guys are allowed to curse on Reddit right


I dunno, I was in a subreddit where I got downvoted for using the word "bullshit"


Im calling bullshit


so did I, that was the problem.


Yeah, there are just some subs where it feels inappropriate. Sometimes it's nice to keep it light.


"I hope these guys like hospital food."




Honestly I just watched the first one to see more of Bob after BCS, who established himself as a comedian who can do drama with the best of them, no joke. The premise of the movie seemed very similar to **John Wick** but ended up with a quite different vibe and tackled different themes, I enjoyed it much more than I expected. But I feel like those themes cannot be revisited in a sequel without turning further in the action part, which might be a mistake. The action was good, was secondary to the more human emotion part IMO. I dunno, I initially dismissed the first one and it would be hypocritical to do it again for the sequel, but this didn't scream "franchise" to me.


I personally enjoyed the film for what it was and was surprised Oden was able to pull off his role convincingly enough. I especially liked the scene where he explained his life to the goons that broke into his place and has tied up in his basement. The movie treaded a good line between soke realism showing he isn't as invincible as say John Wick is while also not taking itself too serious and throwing some good comedic bits in along the films runtime.


I thought it was okay, but had pretty high expectations after bb and bcs that weren't quite met. Never thought there would be a second, that's for sure, but happy to see it happening.


It very much felt like a one and done film. It had it's story and it was nicely wraped up.




Fine, I’ll do it.


NO WAY ! Can't wait! I was totally surprised by the first one. To see Better Call Saul kicking ass was entertaining...like a John Wick type comedy.


I don’t think this needed a sequel, but I’m open to it.


another sequel that isn't needed


Is it a movie people mostly enjoyed? Did it make any profit whatsoever? If so…hope you’re ready for the 5 sequel shared universe and inevitable prequel and reboot!


The first movie wasn't "needed" either, but it was very well received, and a surprising take from Odenkirk. I, for one, am very excited to see what he'll do with a sequel.


Ssshhhhh back to sleep kemosabe


_Marvel has entered the chat_


the first one was great, but doing a sequence without the director is a strange choice


Great...sequel for a forgettable movie. Same ole song from entertainment industry trying to rehash something not worth it.


To be fair, I thought it was a great movie. I’m a big fan of Odenkirk so I’m interested to see what they make for a sequel, and if it’s not good I’ll simply move on with my life


Sure but look at the box office. A ton of original movies have come out. Great reviews, great word of mouth, great cinemascore, and nobody is going to see them.


Name one that fits the bill on all those…


Challengers. Want more?


That did 150m at the box office.


It barely broke even. Did you see it? How about Love Lies Bleeding? Monkey Man? Abigail? Again, there are a ton of really good original movies in theaters that audiences are for the most part ignoring.


mid budg dramas tend to do those numbers, it’s part and parcel of the biz.. the ones that are exceptionally good do occasionally better box office numbers. maybe we have different definitions of “really good” but i guess I need to check those movies out, haven’t seen a one of em


You said Hollywood makes nothing original. They are. And these are good movies. I bet the average person would have a great time at all of these. Even Fall Guy. It is technically an adaptation but its something new and good. The problem is people are not watching them. Challengers cost $55M and has made $140 after 2 months. That ain't great. And it is exceptionally good. Instead everyone is waiting on Deadpool & Wolverine. The sad reality is audiences are not going to the movies.


When Christopher Lloyd pats the dead henchman's cheek, like "You've done your part, smooth sailings."


Loved nobody but absolutely do not want a sequal


Waiting for Better Fuel Huell & Better Fuck Chuck


I’m excited. I love the movie, and want him to have continued success after the incredible better call Saul. Also glad his health troubles resolved. He’s one of my favorites.


NOBODY watched the first one


I hope it’s called: “Nobody: Literally no one:”


S/b called Somebody


Remindme! - 6 months


Wasn’t Nobody really just a straight ripoff of John Wick? JOHN WICK: random bad guys, sons of Russian Mafia, kill his puppy and steal his car. Begrudgingly forced out of his hit a retirement, he kills every Russian in a hundred mile radius. NOBODY: forced to be a Joe Schmoe, the price for retiring from being a hit man, and with a wilting marriage, he begrudgingly snaps back into action believing house robbers took his daughter’s puppy - er, no, her plastic bracelet - although they actually didn’t. He find the robbers, but shows mercy since they have an infant and shows he’s an ex-hit a with a heart of gold. BUT on his way home he randomly gets into a fight and essentially kills 5 sons of Russian Mafia, and must then kill every Russian in a hundred mile radius. If it were music, John Wick would sue Nobody for copyright infringement.


It was written by the same guy, what’s he gonna do, sue himself?


Nice catch! Never occurred to me to look it up. Thx!


I love bob odenkirk and enjoyed the first film but I don’t really think it needed or warranted a sequel. That being said I do wanna see this and ig it could have the potential of being the new John wick or something


This was the first movie I saw when I got back to the theaters to see movies again…Great times and a perfect action movie to watch.


I didn't mind it but not a single second was believable. I never bought Odenkirk kicking ass for a single moment. It was like a well-shot SNL Digital Short that went on for 90 minutes and never got to the punchline to explain why Saul Goodman was kicking everyone's ass.


The Hero we need.




Agreed. First one was okay but overhyped imo.


Still cannot for the life of me understand why this movie got such good reviews. I found it boring and nonsensical


Cash grab. No thanks.


oh yeah, the studios execs are *rushing* to put this out to maximize this year’s profits…


Can I finally say I found the first lackluster in acting and action without getting hounded on by Odenkirk superfans? 😅 and I LOVE BB and BCS..


Totally concur with you there. Odenkirk’s efforts to make this great were vastly overshadowed by a cliche’d, nothingburger story with a weak villain and almost no character depth.


I agree, I love Odenkirk and think he did fine, but it was definitely overhyped. Movie was entertaining, but John Wick it was not 


Interesting because I never compare it to John wick. It's actually a fun and good movie. The bus scene alone is so good as he gets his butt kicked. I'm not calling it the greatest movie of all time but I don't find it overhyped. In fact, a lot of people I know have never even seen or heard of it. I've had to show a lot of people this movie. I don't know how somebody could sit there and watch it and be like Oh this isn't that fun. My significant other who does not like John wick movies, in which I love them, loved Nobody.


I just really didn’t like the bus scene honestly. Dude looks tired, sure, but not in a “middle of a scrap” kinda way. I guess maybe I just cant remove the Mr. Show part of Odenkirk from that character, because it didn’t seem realistic that he could take those guys on. I also thought “I’m gonna fuck you up” is a cool line but the delivery was a little off to me. People are free to like the movie and it wasn’t *bad*, however I just couldn’t get into it and I tried watching twice! I just feel like it was overhyped. And like usual, the actors aren’t the problem, it usually comes down to direction or writing.


I thought it was great, but I took it for what it was: a fun action flick. I would watch another one, but I won't be super hyped about it.


no shit it wasn’t John wick, lmao…if you “love” Odenkirk then let him have his fun doing a sequel to a reasonable well received popcorn flick that he almost died making


Oh I didn’t know I got final say on whether he makes another movie! Maybe relax a little, and realize I can like an actor but still be critical of which roles I enjoyed more