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When I found out she learned of Kobe and her daughters death due to the media, I was so devastated for her. That's horrible. And then the media chased her around for reaction sales.


Did the cop or cops get fired?


Cops are like priests.. they just get moved around, if anything.


Back to the desk job you’ve been demoted !


See you back on the streets in 2 weeks.


The streets is watching - Jay-Z


speech all flame, streets y'all blame - Beanie Sigel


To quote The Wire: "I wonder what you have to do to get kicked out of this department?!"




When it comes to fucking young women without consent, Kobe also seems to have done his share.


Nailed it.


So did the priests


What kills me is the SUSPENSIONS WITH PAY…. You’ve done something to warrant a suspension… but OK WERE GONNA PAY YOU ANYWAY


I just read that the police chief in uvalde got fired. He will probably just move a town over and get a job there though


this is the best comparison I've seen bc it's so true


They literally got fired. Why are you lying


He means they’ll just get hired at the PD one town over. Common story. Cops take care of their own.


Till their union Sues for wrongful firing and they get re hired in a few months


Only to retire on a full pension due to PTSD from the job.


No but the money is coming from our tax money haha That will teach them!


When police are found at fault, it should come from the police union, not the city. That would solve things rapidly.


The pension. Watch how fast things straighten out.


More likely, watch how fast under served communities get ignored.


Can someone explain how this isn’t a simple fix? I know in education people always share dumb easy hack solutions on Facebook and I would really love if someone could explain how this is a good/bad idea. I hope it’s as good as I think it is.


The unions are very powerful lobbys. And nobody wants to appear "soft on crime."


Simple, cops blackmail politicians. Their union associations have a ton of money they give to favored candidates during elections. Plus they'll call you weak on the "always rising!! we need more money asap!!" crime. If you don't give them raises, you might not get a city council seat. Also cops are known to tell crime victims "Sorry we'd like to help you but we got defunded" and other lies so the populace believes giving them more money would help reduce crime. It's a toxic cycle where every turn cops and cop unions get more money and power and influence.


Like others have said, the police union is very powerful. I feel the best option is insurance. Insurance companies won't have the same political pressures as politicians. And if an officer becomes too much of a risk, they'll drop them. It would be similar to doctors carrying malpractice insurance.


Police unions suck. Qualified immunity sucks.


What a joke. Take it from their pension or garnish some of that cushy OT they be milking doing fuck-all


The cops reviewed themselves and found no wrongdoing so all good


worse - they are keeping their jobs and making us all pay for it.


lol good one!!




That’s the real question


I guess the tax payer will be floating this bill too


Who exactly foots the bill for these judgments? Taxpayers?


I would like to know this as well. Can cops really just fuck up so bad the city taxpayers have to pay out 16 million dollars to an already-millionaire?


They do it all the time


Okay but to this tune? To an already rich person? I’ve never seen a decision like this before.


The family of the others that died in the same accident got $15 mill. They had an earlier judgment.


The fact that she's rich has nothing to do with it. She was done wrong by the police and they have to pay up.


“They” is LA County aka taxpayers. I don’t blame her or the others for suing.. But it still seems wrong that taxpayers have to foot the bill.


That's why police reform is so important. You don't like taxpayers footing the bill for police fuck ups, hold police accountable.


I just might try this


*Police HATE this one trick*


police budget is decided annually. Tax payers are footing the bill regardless. LAPD gets around $1b a year. This just means the department will have $16m less for buying itself cool toys. they aren’t spending the money properly either way.


I agree with you completely. She's a human being that lost her husband and daughter. No one deserves to be treated this way and in this way fame is a curse because the people that spread those photos didn't think of her as a person or a human but a spectacle.


fame is a curse in every way


If this happened to a normal person they would not be receiving this much money..


It sort of by definition couldn’t have had the same impact on a “normal person” given the public interest in Kobe. It spreads further, faster, etc. Also, lawyers.


She was awarded the settlement because of the emotional distress this put her through. "Normal" people absolutely can be similarly affected by images of their loved ones' deaths being smeared all over the internet.


No, you don’t understand she has *millions* more emotions than you.


Ok I laughed


Even the victims of sandy hook families got nowhere near as much as this. The money was awarded because she is a celebrity wife with influence. This payout only happened for that reason, any "Normal" person would get a fraction of this for the same thing.


I'm not defending their actions, but the pictures weren't spread on the Internet. Sheriff's deputies and firefighters shared thrm amongst their spouses and some friends.


That only reinforces my point, the photos weren't widely disseminated and there's a way smaller chance for her to come across them on the internet without trying. Or even if she does try. But for everyday people whose loved ones were killed on surveillance camera or had people film the aftermath of their fatal car crash, there's zero legal recourse or compensation even though they suffer the same level of emotional distress. And there's entire websites and subreddits filled with people who share and fetishize these images of their loved ones. I'm not saying I have no sympathy at all for her, just that people on here claiming there's no way everyday people could have the same thing happen to them are being ignorant.


Because they can’t afford lawyers. Everything is pay to play.


A normal person would not have had his or her death scene exploited.


I know what you mean, but unfortunately that's not true at all. I was actually just talking about this in r/ptsd. The true crime industry exploits everyday victims and their families all the time.


Very very true. There’s been families that have been negatively affected by crime podcasts. Some people have been harassed, and these are families and friends of victims. It doesn’t matter how much money the Bryant family has. This is a precedence for setting up consequences for wrong behavior. Maybe not even a precedence, but a warning that might make others think twice before they pull this shit. It’s awful. I can’t imagine people sharing pictures of my dead daughter. Disgusting.


It happens all the time. It's called gore. There's been subreddits dedicated to it.


I like to imagine if I were her I’d sue for .01 to get the message across. Like Taylor Swift did that one time - and that was in a personal situation where the DJ would have paid her. Would have been a baller move on Ms. Bryant’s part but oh well.


You have compensatory damages which you get awarded for the loss you suffered. Then the jury can award punitive damages to punish the person for the act. Punitive damages are often much higher than compensatory damages.


Police pensions should be the payouts.


Or police unions. When they pay from their own pockets maybe they will begin to care about consequences.


Only downside is that they paint themselves as victims even more than they do now


Is that possible?


Fuck yes they should. My wife is a surgeon. She has to carry a metric fuck ton of malpractice insurance in case she messes up. They should have to do the same.


It's a pretty normal thing where cops get judgments against them in court but keep their jobs. It's really pathetic how inept and corrupt police forces are at the same time.


The police are paid for and by with our taxes. Every goddamned thing related to their existence comes out of our pocket. Every penny.


Technically a cop can lose quantified immunity, however in order to do so you have to prove he or she acted with gross negligence, broke a law... Than they're responsible not the city. I don't think I've ever seen a case where quantified immunity was stripped tho


Her husband and one of her children were dead inside that crash site. Who care how rich she is, she was fighting for the right of famous deceased people not to have their death and/or remains exploited.


Everyone is correct about insurance payouts in the short term, but ultimately the budget for LAPD and LASD insurance premiums comes from the taxpayers. Every time they lose a lawsuit, the premium increases. And LAs law enforcement is a huge proportion of our city/county budget


Insurance first, then tax money. So it depends how much insurance the city/county has and how expensive the other claims on the policy are (I.e. if there are multiple big judgments or settlements involving the same policy).


Most large Cities are primarily self-insured and pay most of the costs of these lawsuits. https://www.governing.com/archive/city-lawsuit-legal-costs-financial-data.html


Insurance companies, police unions, taxpayers


Yeah we're supposed to feel relieved that tens of millions of dollars of taxpayer money were awarded to families of millionaires. Imagine an average person suing the state because they photographed a crash site, good grief


Many people would try to sue if pictures of their loved ones dead body were being sold to the press


The photos were NOT sold to the press. They weren't sold to ANYONE. I don't think she's even seen the pictures in question.


Yes she has. I worked on the case.


i wouldn’t want any photos of my dead body around so yeah i would sue


Yes. But it’s not about the money. It’s the principle and about punishing those responsible to make sure nothing like this ever happens again.


Everyone saying the rich getting richer, I’m sure she would rather have her husband and child instead of the money. I’m not mad at her getting the money, I’m pissed the idiots that took pictures and costing the tax payers millions


Came here to say this. She didn’t really do this for the money. She’s just livid pissed. $16M is a lot of bread but she’s worth WAY more than that. Her lawyer that’s kicked ass will enjoy the money more than her.


Yep, I bet she’d gladly pay all her money to get her husband and kid back


This is the way.


That’s horrible. She lost her 13 year-old daughter and her husband and people were passing around photos and gawking like it’s some spectacle. The combination of grieving and having privacy violated at the same time is unimaginable.


She wasn't the only one on the lawsuit either, just the biggest name. A lot of families were traumatized by the sharing of those photos and the callousness of those first responders.


See, what I don’t get is how the first responders arrived at a horrific crash site with dead KIDS and thought, “oh, let me take some photos so I can get some $$$ out of this.” It’s depraved, cruel, and utterly devoid of empathy for the victims and their families and friends. I wonder if eventually, the vultures who took, sold, and disseminated these photos will begin to look like actual disgusting carrion birds… Sure, I get why Matthew Brady and other photographers took and produced images of the battlefields during the Civil War. People needed to be dissuaded of romantic notions of war and seeing the corpses and destruction was a good way to achieve that. But this? No one needs to see images of these poor mangled human beings (including kids!!!!), unless they were accident investigators and the photos were relevant to their work.


TMZ is known to have EMTs, cops, and hospital employees on their paid roster to give them tips when a celebrity comes into the hospital or gets in a crash. It's been a persistent believable rumor with how often they scoop major news.


That one witness of the Depp/Heard-trial said something along those lines


In LA in particular that sounds mighty plausible


TMZ had the scoop for a decent bit of time before the other networks were able to confirm, so you know some asshole arrived on the scene and immediately called TMZ instead of, you know, rendering aid


i don’t know how you’re supposed to give aid to someone ripped in half and missing 3/4 of their limbs


TMZ probably paid 10s of thousands for the tipoff


This blows my mind. My husband was a firefighter-paramedic for a decade before being medically retired. My brother is a paramedic in the Navy. My mother and father were paramedics for 25 years (my dad was a field medic as a Ranger in the Army). My whole family is first responders, and they’re all a little morbid in their humor, and our dinner table conversations are probably pretty disturbing to others… but still, I can’t imagine any one of them whipping out their phone to snap paparazzi photos on a scene. Sure they might come home cracking jokes about how they had to bug bomb a body bag because the rookie put it on a fire anthill, but they’d never in a million years sink this low. Everyone who took part of this scandal should be fired.


My understanding is that they claim the picture where taken in line with the normal process post incident. I think those pictures were shared internally. But the case would have been based on the photos being used outside of normal processing. Like them being shown to officers not part of the original investigations. A recent case happened in UK where 2 dead sisters had their pics taken and shared in a WatsApp group with civilians in it (who reported it). They were fired.


People with sociopathic tendencies gravitate to law enforcement type jobs. This isn't surprising to me at all.


I was traumatized knowing what the autopsy report said, I could never imagine seeing that or being the wife/mother/sibling/child of the deceased and knowing those photos were passed around for clout.


Very sad. She had to fight for their dignity in death.


That’s love right there. Vanessa is one badass woman


I didn’t realize he was decapitated in the crash. Made me real sad to know she may have seen those photos.


As someone that works in accident investigation this happens ALLLLLLL THE TIME! Not necessarily by first responders on scene but every time people pass a bad accident they have their cell phones out, they wait on bridges until bodies are pulled out from crushed or burned out cars, and this isn’t just the media whose helicopter cameras are so good they can probably read a cops name plate off their uniforms while airborne No this is the average fuck tard that feels they wanted in traffic and get the right to post about it on social media to their friends


Good. There’s probably more cops who do this. Hope this stops some of them now. I think it will be just a matter of time before those pics are out though sad to say.


Why would it stop them? They aren’t the ones paying it, the tax payers are


Exactly. Fire them. Arrest them. 2 wrongs don’t make a right.


Cops, firefighters, and EMS. Having known a lot of people in all those jobs I’ve seen a ton of fucked up shit on peoples phones.


I knew an MTA worker (public transportation in NYC) and he would try to show me graphic pictures of suicides by trains. He would tell me that his coworkers would text them to him.


I heard the same thing from an NYPD cop, they take pics of train accidents and text it to each other/group chat




Military too


When I was a kid a family friend emailed me a video of them playing soccer with a severed head in Afghanistan. I was 8. He was never the same coming back from that shit, still to this day isn't right




Only thing I don’t like is it’s taxpayer money being given


Cops need to have insurance just like car owners. It would stop tax payers footing the bill AND keep cops from switching to a different department with no consequences.


Exactly. Kind of like malpractice insurance.


This isn't goong to stop any of them. They need to be fired from their jobs for one. Then the city need to sue them as well. This will do what you are wanting.


Tax payers foot the bill. Have it come out of their pension fund


Gotta love how in an article that's clearly throwing shade at the cops for sharing said pictures, the article uses "grisly photos of the NBA star" as a clickbait link.


Vanessa Bryant* wins, awarded $16M in trial over crash


What a strange way to write the headline lol


The other is a better headline because most ppl don’t know her so the story only matters because it’s Kobe


Over crash photos being leaked to the media


Over close up pictures of her husband and 13 year olds corpses that were taken for the sole purpose of sharing. I love how many angry redditors are trying to downplay this because their are mad about rich people getting anything, deserved or not.


It’s not like she wasnt a name before he passed, with so yeah they should lead with her name.


Titles are meant to convey information quickly, people knew Kobe, nobody gives a fuck about Vanessa.


8.24 HAPPY KOBE BRYANT DAY, LA! You now get to pay for these dumb cops mistakes...AGAIN.


Wow a whole day to celebrate a rapist


At least it’s one of the less offensive/exploitative holidays. Lol


Good. I heard someone dm'd the pics to her. Is that true? So fucked up.


Not sure about that but I’d heard the people on the scene would have needed to move her daughter’s body to take photos. Edit: wording


Yes this is how she found out. They took photos and sent them around before even notifying the families. Absolutely atrocious


Yes, I believe it. Why? Because I was offered to see the photos and I declined. I personally know people who have seen the photos. The lawyer for the county is bullshitting - those pics made its rounds… all it took 2-3 degrees of separation.


She was at a restaurant where people were discussing them (the photos) and showing them to each other. Horrible.


Its really funny reading this thread then scrolling down and seeing a video of a robber getting shot and killed


Maybe the robbers family should sue somebody too.


Paid by the taxpayers.


The LAPD are absolutely vile.


It was the LA sheriffs, not LAPD


Isn’t that the police agency that has actual cop gangs?


Yup. Google LASD gangs [https://knock-la.com/tradition-of-violence-lasd-gang-history/](https://knock-la.com/tradition-of-violence-lasd-gang-history/)


Good for her. What those officers did was despicable and they should be ashamed of their actions


I wonder how much the average citizen would have got


Sue the cops now, as individuals. Government employees and officials cannot be sued for simply doing their jobs; however, producing and distributing internet gore is NOT their job….


I'm not a fan of basketball, but you don't have to be to have a heart for a guy who had to die alongside his daughter in such a horrifying way. Fuck these walking pieces of trash


I don't get how anyone views this as a positive or a win in any form or fashion. The individual officers won't have to pay, they'll just be transferred to some other department. Tax payers now get to give an already rich woman money she'll barely notice. Her daughter and husband are still dead, and I really doubt this lawsuit alleviates any of her grief. I feel bad for Vanessa, I can't imagine how hard it must be everyday.


Good. The cops acted disgustingly. Even that cop who took the stand first and who kept excluding himself and then blamed the carnage of the crash scene. Yeah - it was so horrible you and your buddies took photos of a dead father and child and sent them amongst your peers you pathetic POS. Every cop who sent these photos should be fired!


I’m not saying she doesn’t deserve it, but if I was her that’s going straight to charity.


tbf it wasn’t like she asked for that much > Her co-plaintiff Chris Chester, whose wife and daughter were also among the nine people killed in the crash, was awarded $15 million. > “We’re grateful for a jury and a judge who gave us a fair trial,” said Chester’s lawyer Jerry Jackson. > Vanessa Bryant’s attorneys did not give jurors a dollar amount they thought their client deserved, but Chester’s attorney gave them suggested guidelines that would have meant tens of millions for each plaintiff.


Crazy part is, I don’t know anyone or have ever heard of anyone seeing sed pictures.


16M of taxpayer money


I just really hope these photos never leak. It would be so devastating for the family. No one (or anyone else for that matter) should see loved ones like that.


And who feels the financial pain? The taxpayers.


Seriously? This is a fucking city that has nothing for the homeless and don't have enough police for the law & order, and yet the fucking jury thought it was okay to award 16M? Ask the fucking union to pay the dues.


A rich person get millions from the tax payers while nothing really happens to the cops. Sounds great


Thank you taxpayers.


And on Kobe Bryant Day. Awesome!


Great! Tax payers are bent over once again!


I hope she donates the money somewhere. Her estate doesn't exactly need it.


She should further her husband's legacy by donating to teenage rape victims


Hahaha too true


Hope she donates that money cause it’s clear she doesn’t actually need it.


She could donate it to Kobe’s rape victims


My heart aches for her and her family. I can not imagine the pain.


Losing her loved one is already tough as it is, i think she won’t care much about that 16 mil at this point. She only care if she win or not.


I completely understand the necessity for this but 31 million is a fucking ton for some pictures…


Deserved, but god damn we let cops throw our money away.


Ok, on one hand we can all agree those photos shouldn’t be taken. On the other, absolutely fucking Bullshit she’s getting a 16M settlement. If someone took crash photos of your non famous spouse, that would personally be EQUALLY as painful for you. Oh sure he’s famous and the photos are worth money, but like no. The emotional damage is the same and trying to price emotional damage based on the value of the person is bullshit. If John Doe crashed in a helicopter ride and the cops took photos, his wife wouldn’t even get a settlement worth suing for.


The reason hers is higher because pictures of Kobe Bryant and his daughter is a lot more likely to spread; it's a lot more likely those pictures make them to her than the other pictures. Therefore, there's more damage


Yup I was genuinely worried for her that some shitty person would send it to her and her kids. That is definitely not out of the realm of possibility. And, looking at the comments she’s getting from vile idiots, I’m starting to think the chances were higher than I thought.


It's the same reason there's a celebrity section at the LA morgue; because people really suck and the idea of seeing famous people in compromising situations (Like being completely mangled - I think his brain got tossed) gets them riled up


Yes, there’s always paparazzi/parasites who try to take pictures of dead celebrities. The crash was so honorific that most of them lost limbs. I would hate for those images to be made public.


Seriously, I don’t understand the people saying she doesn’t deserve any compensation. Not the amount, but anything at all. Saw many comments on another thread saying she’s not “emotionally damaged” because she never saw them. Imagine losing your husband in a horrific accident, then learning the first responders took pictures and shared them around for amusement. And now you not only have to come to terms with your loved ones’ bodies being used as the end of jokes, but also deal with the very real chance you get sent these photos or god forbid they make their way to your children. It’s happened before, there was a bad crash years ago and the same thing happened except the pictures actually got on the internet. The family of the girl who died was absolutely flooded with people sending them pictures of their mangled daughter on every conceivable platform. It doesn’t matter that in this case there’s no known instances of the pictures being online. The bottom line is the cops improperly sent them to others, and no amount of “I told them to delete it” can unsend them. Once they left the chain of custody all privacy went out the window, and now she has to deal with the possibility of them leaking forever.


The value to resell those photos is a lot higher since he’s a high profile figure so the suit is high too. Yes, it absolutely makes a difference if you’re famous or not because news outlets and tabloids don’t care about buying photos of ordinary people. Sorry, that’s just how it works. You can talk about how things “should” be but that’s just not the reality of the situation.


It could have happened and we wouldn’t even know about it


It’s a garbage amount. People murdered by police don’t have families getting a fraction of that.


It wasn’t a settlement. It was a jury trial award.


Complete BS that tax money goes towards this. What kind of society do we want to live in?


Because we as tax payers are legally the employers of the police force, so we are liable for their negligence just as any employer would be. Don’t like it? Vote for police reform


What taxes do you pay on stuff like this?


Since it’s not personal injury, it’s taxed as income


Not taxable


Good, fucking sickening situation. Absolutely abhorrently disgusting behavior by the department.


Unpopular opinion: Kobe would still be a live if he didn’t feel the need to fly a damn private helicopter everywhere he went like the entitled millionaire that he was. But at least on the bright side his rich wife is now richer so that’s something


I will jump in with you. The first part of your comment intrigues me as well, especially with people digging into the carbon footprints of a lot of celebrities and politicians right now. While it’s tragic that that day the consequence wasn’t just higher emissions, I agree that those deaths could have been avoided if they hadn’t made the choice to travel by air unnecessarily. Most people are tiptoeing around this part because it’s been deemed off limits to say anything negative about a deceased celebrity (Anne Heche is another one people aren’t being entirely honest about now that she’s no longer living) but the choice by that group to take a helicopter when they didn’t need to absolutely contributed to the sad outcome.


Damn homie cmon


Is she going to give the money to the woman who was raped? Probably not.


Pretty sure she has a name.


Donate it to the poor people in California


Would be great to see her donate these funds to a worthy cause.


Like victims of Kobe Bryant's rapes


Paid for by the citizens of Los Angeles These sort of lawsuits should be illegal


Good, she needed more money. Well, I better get back to work.


Good, I’m sorry she had to go through this.


And the rich get richer. The average person wouldn't get this kind of payout.