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He has a wedding ring on during the Darfur episodes and refers to Kem as his wife when he catches up with Benton before his transplant. Their marriage is not a happy one though and that makes me mad and sad every time I watch. As quickly as the Darfur episodes he makes comments that gives the impression they are almost estranged, and we see the outcome in the finale. I really wish they had another child and had a happy marriage. Carter had unlimited resources to design any life he wanted, so doing volunteer work and constantly going back and forth wouldn’t be a problem, but he still ended up unhappy. I hate he got such a bad ending after so many relationships. Perhaps he should’ve stayed with Wendell.


I agree with all but Wendell. She was dull. He never *quite* got over Anna Del Amico. She was the one!


I agree! They were such a great work/friendship couple. Their romance could have/should have been epic.


I want to say yes because in a few episodes prior to this one, Carter gets his kidney transplant by Benton and I could’ve swore I remember him saying a line like “I think my marriage is over.”


Worst character ever! There was absolutely no chemistry...and the worst was her going to the ER observing and critiquing it...


I’m torn on their chemistry. At first they are cute, but it’s like a holiday romance. They hardly know each other and they act like love sick teenagers. They spend so little time together in the real world and then when Joshua is still born their relationship implodes because they don’t have much else. I think it would have ended anyway, because their relationship wasn’t built on reality or a real understanding of who the other person was.


I think they had great chemistry. Much better than Carter ever had with anyone else.


She was absolutely insufferable. There's no way she'd have been allowed to stomp around the place without being employed at county legally.


Well if we're talking about reality, Sam would have been fired about 15 different times. The time she had a tantrum and threw a medical treatment pack at Luka in the middle of a trauma would have gotten her escorted out of the ER by security.


Not to mention all the times Luka just up and left in the middle of a shift to handle his totally not an emergency personal stuff.


She seemed to dislike him from the get go. The relationship never made any sense.




She doesn't dislike him. She dislikes what she thinks he is. A rich American with a white saviour complex, that goes to Africa for a few weeks to ease his conscience. But once she gets to know him, she starts liking and loving him.


Carter deserved a lot better than her. She was cold and dismissive. He lost a child and she was completely selfish. Perhaps he finds someone after he returns.


Who cares? Kem is awful.


The worst. No character on this show deserved a love interest as bad as her. She was the most selfish bitch on the show.


Not ONCE did she acknowledge that Carter lost a child as well…


And she was such an asshole to him about his money and never acknowledged that she also came from privilege.


I never liked her character. Carter deserved someone and something better. He was such a nice guy.


I never understood their relationship. It always seemed like it was a situational romance that got her pregnant but they never seemed like they fit well together. She seemed so judgmental and Carter lost whatever personality he had trying to make her happy.


In real life, she would have had her mistake aborted and he would have gone back home, and that would be the end of it. But no, they had to turn him into a fawning, sickly sentimental wanna-be-a-daddy. Why?? He had a line of eligible girlfriends for years before Kem who he could have married and bred with. But no, he paraded his trophy baby-mamma back to stick it to Abby, far as I could see....the whole thing was doomed from the start, she didn't seem to be into him much at all.


They did get married. He talks about his wife and his marriage multiple times.


I cant stand Kem and how she just closed herself off and almost hated Carter for their loss. He was suffering too and he had no one to turn to. I wish he stopped trying so hard to get back with her.


Yes they did. It’s mentioned in season 12 for the first time and Carter wears a ring from that point on.


Cannot stand Kem. Cannot stand Kem. I cannot repeat this enough. She treated him like complete garbage


I don’t know if it was ever a “traditional/legal” marriage. They were together but I vaguely remember him saying (in darfur maybe) he “sort of” got married or something like that. So maybe they promised themselves to one another but never legally got married because they were both out of the country and couldn’t or something?


No, he says they’re married. More than once.


I know- I just mean it may not have been a “traditional/legal” marriage. She wasn’t a US citizen nor he French, and they were both in Africa half the time too, no wedding shown, I think it was just their personal thing.


You can absolutely marry someone from another country. 😂 I’m going to assume they married in France. I think it was very much legal.


At that point, I no longer really cared. The show had changed so drastically.