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Just wait til you get kids and are making hot chocolates+ for them.


Wait, I'm scared to ask but... you're making hot chocolates in your espresso maker? My kids acceptance bar is pretty damn low with hot coco, basically - does it have sugar and vaguely taste like chocolate. Plop some whipped cream from a can and they're in hog heaven. So I'm not sure I need to go there, if this is a thing. But dammit I can't just sit here and not try things. Edit: OK, looks like you just use the steamer to mix and heat the coco and milk. That makes more sense.


The simplest recipe is 15 grams hot water with 15grams of chocolate syrup. Mix with 6oz latte milk and don't forget the art:-)


I thought I was the only one! ☺️


I always make her a latte when she gets up if we're both off.


True, in the morning we both get espressi


Yes. I finally made her a cup she preferrs over her usual 6 month+ old blade grinded beans in a pressurized basket. Feels good 


My wife wants me to make her a latte every time she comes home so I do


My gf doesn’t drink coffee so it’s my solo espresso/latte in the mornings and then the machine is sleeping til the next morning.


I always ask my wife if she wants coffee to open up for one of our favorite lines from Murder She Wrote - "I don't want coffee, I want justice!". But to answer, no, she doesn't want coffee, or a coffee drink.


Absolutely. My wife loves when I make her coffee. She makes instant when she's on her own. I realize that's not much of a hurdle for me to clear, but...


Yes I would, I would even get excited to make a capuchin, but she won't the most of the time


Ah the famous „no it‘s too late, them i can‘t sleep“. Most heartbreaking sentence ever




That's why I always have a bunch of decaf close by. That way, once the clock hits 5 pm(or 1pm for SO), just switch the beans and all is well 😁


My SO mostly gave up caffeine after having kids (whereas I doubled my intake). We came to a mutual agreement of half-caf for our previous makers. Got a Breville after our last died and started single dosing. Can't believe it took me this long to figure that out, best thing ever. SO gets full decaf, I get full caf when I want, but decaf is there when I just want the taste of coffee.


This is the way


Absolutely this


Mine despises coffee. Sigh. I'm still working on her. I do keep decaf beans around just for the afternoon and evening brews


If they don’t like coffee or caffeine in general, decaf chai latte is a nice option.


I will give that a try! She enjoys caffeine, so maybe even a regular chai latte will do it. I did toast make her a cinnamon toast crunch latte once, and I swear that would win her over, but no luck there either.


I make my wife an iced latte every day she has off. In fact it’s usually a quad shot latte, or there is a second latte mid morning. When she works, she is typically out of the house by 5:30am and I am not even up yet. I will often deliver her lattes at work, when she works and I do not. She works in healthcare, so this is basically whenever she works weekends.


My wife hates espresso so she makes herself Americanos, does the exact same process of weighing the beans, wdt and Puck screen. When I get a new fancy bean in I ask her how was her coffee and she says fine with zero enthusiasm. Sad times.


Get some good decaf beans. Then you can have more


…and commensurately bummed when she declines in favor of a Duncan Donuts K-cup. 😬😆


What doesn’t kill you make you stronger. Make that heart work!


Is that Andrew Tate?


I hope not, i want nothing to do with those types.


Just got an espresso machine and my wife loves anything a make her on it.