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The gasket's not upside down?


Smooth side ‘pointing up’, ridged side ‘pointing down’


Okay. Hopefully, the new gaskets work. If not then it may be a loose portafilter collar.


Oh the collar has a little wobble to it! Just checked. Not loads but it’s definitely moving. … is this a ‘open the machine again’ situation? Because I was hoping to spend 4 hours burning my fingers, losing screws and swearing loudly all over again today, too.


Unfortunately, it's a major tear down, AFAIK. Maybe wait to see if the new gasket works? https://youtu.be/W1iGAJGVSh4?si=c-2-eGZcDX4LEi4R If you check the comments it seems some people are drilling through the case to access the screws instead of taking the whole thing apart.


Ah yes I found that video but didn’t read all the comments. Drilling Some small holes *might* be a great way to do this. I’ll investigate and report back! Cheers


Good luck!


https://preview.redd.it/tjyy0xeahq5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3350347ba685f8eb4512523dfc83b90bd7a7501 Managed to eye-match screw placing to that video and was feeling very smug when I managed to locate these two perfectly. Only one needed tightening. Collar now doesn’t move a mm and the lock is much tighter so didn’t bother drilling for the third screw. Managed to get the pressure up to 3 bar but still not in range. The coffee looks and tastes ok , so Maybe the manometer is broken? Feels like a fairly simple bit of kit so surprised if that’s gone out. But other than sending it back for a full service (which they probably won’t do now I’ve drilled holes in it) I think I’m done Might have to live with it for now!


Wow! Glad you didn't have to take it all apart. Have you tried pulling a shot with an empty pressurized basket? You should get a reading inside the espresso range. If not then there's an issue.


https://preview.redd.it/zaz12oeqcr5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bebddddffb725278457fd5e018ccd4da3d62cd9 It’s fixed!! We did it! Had to change up the grind settings - whatever we did meant my old grind settings weren’t right anymore (🤷🏼‍♂️) but now I’ve got my coffee machine back! Owe you one, buddy


Try grinding finer.


Oh we’re way past that