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Someone missed a donate lol


9-6, and they pass, what were they thinking!!!


Just glad they weren’t.


Even knowing what OP has (and that five trumps are out of the pool of cards for everyone else), there still are S1 hands that *could* (or even *should*) pass this. Most notably anything that had two or three of the offsuit aces. Swap out OP's A of spades for a 10 of spades, and you may still pass with the A-9 of trump (you can only be beaten by someone holding both jacks). It's easy to look at dealer's hand here and say that something was missed. Hell, it's probably *extremely likely* something really *was* missed here. **But if this situation never ever happens to you, then you're donating too much and leaving wins on the table** just to spare yourself some potential immediate embarrassment.


I mean you basically named the combos in first seat you could justify a pass here. Makes sense but if first is holding anything but this it’s an auto donate. It’s not rocket science .


I think two-trump-one-ace probably also comes close to the range of hands that could pass. But yes, knowing what S4 has here (*update: and also knowing that the upcard was a J*) blocks out a lot of hands that do okay passing. It's enough that you and /u/thejoggler44 acknowledge that there do exist hands (however rare in this particular case) that could reasonably pass, despite the possibility of becoming meme material for this sub. Now that I'm back from my trip, my extended cough spells are gone, and the hockey playoffs are over, I'll have some more time to continue my little projects from before (looking at danger rates for certain hands in donation scenarios--this time with offsuit aces--and building a framework to turn a sim score distribution into a WP matrix).


Your point is a good one however, if you knew the opponent had this hand there are no situations in which you should pass.


They led the 9s so they fucked up


If this was me my partner would've ordered, and possibly gone alone.


Same 💀


How are you not donating here?!?!


What was the upcard?


Jack of spades, dropped the King H


And that's why you block up 9-6 in s1 if you can't block the up card loner