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It's a shame. Italy didn't get to use their favourite tactic of wasting time for the last 20 mins... šŸ˜ž


the match was really just the entire spanish team against donnarumma


Great job by Spain. With regards to playersā€™ generations, most of the big nations in the past have had ā€œcyclesā€ of strong generations. Italy had a very talented squad in the 2000s winning one WC and runners up in the Euros twice (counting 2012). Spain had their golden generation a few years later with 1 WC and 2 Euros. Germany had a great generation in the 1980s- early 90s: 1 WC, 2 WC runners up, 1 Euro. France currently in their golden generation cycle. The ones missing to be honest are England and Belgium, not being able to make the most with their latest golden generations.


That was a shitshow. 75' without so much as touching the freaking ball. We even managed to score the goal for them. A truly horrendous game, with some less than poor performances (Di Lorenzo is just an example) I hope this serves as a wake up call. Not to win this Euro 2024 (that chance is long gone) but at least to play them with some dignity.


I pray that dignity includes less diving. Italy's acting was over the top.


I don't think it's was worse than the Spanish. One of them literally wasn't touched and stayed on the ground three minutes on the end of the 2nd half.


I didn't get to watch every minute but up until the goal I would've given the Oscar to Italy.


Bro we all know that italy is the best šŸ’Ŗ


we absolutely sucked that game


The national football team of Italy seems to be experiencing a generational bridge crisis since 2002. Back in 2006 when they won the World Cup, they were already ridden with players pushing 30 like Totti, Camoranesi, Zambrotta, Cannavaro and Inzaghi, and Iā€™m talking about the top tier players. In 2010, Italy ended up with then-become dinosaurs like Zambrotta and Camoranesi, and a lot of players with no relevant record to make a difference, except Quagliarella and Pirlo (the latter already veteran of the team). In 2014 during the World Cup, the strongest player was Balotelli, but later on he turned out to be not consistent enough for the rest of the tournament (if you already know his records in general, you know what I mean). And overtime the whole team went in free fall becoming not able to even qualify, at least for the World Cup in 2018 and 2022. If we exclude the runner-up record in the Euro 2012 with Cassano and Balotelli, and the Euro 2020 (actually Euro 2021) victory, Italy never had a consistent record since 2006. Most players were from Juventus, especially if we consider the 2000s timeline, hence why there was a certain level of cooperation in the team. But now in particular, most players are scattered around several clubs, hence why training them to have a certain level of cooperation isnā€™t easy, especially considering that the national team doesnā€™t get to train as much as clubs, having a relatively limited time window doesnā€™t help either. Another factor that makes building a generational bridge difficult is the lack of youth players being pushed to become better and better, because most teams tend to buy foreign players which is more expensive but also quicker. So basically the major causes of not having a team good enough, or better say consistent enough, are these: 1) lack of players good enough to the point of making a difference on the pitch; 2) lack of investment on the youth; 3) lack of time needed to train the team properly; 4) lack of stable cooperation between the players. Considering that Italy had like 7 different coaches since the moment of their downturn, so of course we canā€™t always blame who is in charge as coach.


Italian Football is slowly dying. We saw it yesterday. That was a disgrace but tip my hat to Spain, they should of scored 3,4 or 5 on us. The biggest problem is Serie A. 90% of Italian teams rather develop a young foreigner then there own. This has to change if we ever want to be able to play good football again. We need someone to come in and change the policy and break through the red tape Italian politics plays in our game that allows all the foreigners to come in and play. They have to rebuild the infrastructure and bring back the old ways that only allowed 3 non Italians to start. Restructure our football ASAP!!


Thats a bit dramatic. We can't always win


Italyā€™s match was very bad, but damn Carvahal is so fucking annoying


Worst player of the Euro24 so far


I did not really like how Italy played this match, we used to be better than this. Spanish players kept falling to the ground, and Calafiori scored for Spain since he was there at the wrong moment (that was actually very unlucky). The match was basically Spain vs Donnarumma LOL, and I must say that this year Italy lacks a lot of good players like Chiesa, Immobile, Chiellini, and many others. Well, Italy got unfortunate, but Spain did not score that goal by itself, it kinda got some "help" from Calafiori. Better luck next time I hope :(


What a shitshow. One of the worst, most humiliating Italyā€™s matches ever. And tbh 1-0 was a really generous end result for us. If wasnā€™t for Donnarumma it could easily end 3-0 / 4-0. But mister Spalletti must understand one simple thing: 99% of the players he has, play on 352 / 3421 squads. I know he loves 433 / 4231 but it just ainā€™t it with this team. Players like Di Marco are heavily nerfed on that pure left back position, he hardly partecipate on offensive actions and we all know how much he contributed on Interā€™s overall offensive performance these last couple years. We have Inter, Roma, Juventus, Atalanta, Torino players but for some reason we are forcing them to play on a module they are not confident with. Then I know the real problem is that we donā€™t have enough quality players, and for this reason alone please donā€™t complicate things even more. I really hope there will be some change tactical wise.


Does Di Lorenzo suffer from SLA?


I mean, letā€™s face it, donnarumma didnā€™t just play a great game. Every shot was atleast catchable, so he made no errors except giving a bad rebound on the ball for the calafiori og, he literally sent it rolling down the middle of the box that If a Spanish was there he could have put it in the goal. Also it was a really subpar save. And thatā€™s what caused calafiori to send it in the own goal. Spain didnā€™t have really any real chances to score from the ones who went to the goal, all shots were either from outside the box or too close like the morata one. The defensive job from bastoni and calafiori was incredible for not letting the Spanish attackers find a way to shoot from the right distance, and they played a good game overall. The issue with Italy was the midfield and Di lorenzo. Itā€™s more about lost ball than defensive errors. Anyone blaming calafiori and moreover bastoni doesnā€™t get the real problem. Without the unlucky own goal their game was extremely good.


Huh? It was not done on purpose, donnarukma played great, the attack and middle field was meh


Ofc it wasnt, still was a poor clearance


Why can't Italy produce players like Baggio and Maldini anymore? Their defense is so poor and attacking options so little.


Because serie A is too full of imported players... young squads too


Cuz we start importing foreigners from a very young age. Back in those days there was a limitation for foreign players


shame on you, racist.


This comment makes no sense


Thatā€™s not even racism


As an Italian It literally felt like watching Donnarumma vs Spain lol it was really a weak game up until the 80th minute imo


We looked better when Retegui was subbed in


E sempre colpa di Calafiori


You know, I couldn't care less about football/soccer but my homecountry really likes it, so I cheer for the winning team


Calafiori made a high bet on ESP winning the game. Nobody can tell me that this goal wasn't by purpose


The ball was touched by a defender and by the goalkeeper before it went on Calafioreā€™s knee come on


it was a really unlucky goal




Spain is a good team and I hope we can win a few more matches.


You know what Italy lacks to be a good team? Chiellini Just Chiellini


And a bunch of other players too. After the Chielliniā€™s generation thereā€™s a empty hole


Right, Insigne, Locatelli, Verratti, Bonucci, hell even Immobile, Italy now is a completely different team from last euros, hope they get out of their group, they only need to beat Croatia if I'm not wrong, so there's hope


Why wasnā€™t Immobile included in the squad?


Yep, a win would qualify us, a draw could still work but that's too risky


they probably would qualify even if they lose the next game.


I donā€™t agreeā€¦ itā€™s true that we lack experience in defence but itā€™s not the main thing. Our midfielders got dominated and the attackers were non existent.


This sport is so damn boring Iā€™m convinced this is all some sort of joke or social experiment and soccer fans are actually bots.


A chess game can be boring too if you donā€™t understand what the fuck theyā€™re doing. If you watch Football (NOT SOCCER šŸ˜ƒ) and just wait for the goal because you donā€™t understand how the players are building the actions, defending and moving around the pitch then I think you need to watch more games or just change sport. But making some comment like this is just straight ignorant dude.


Because sports where you score 150 times every game really keep you on the edge of your seat in anticipation hoping your team gets to 151.


Thatā€™s because you call it soccer. American football and baseball are more boring according to the rest of the world


But baseball is such an interesting sport. šŸ˜‚


You probably play American footballšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I like both, Football and American football.


You mean you like football and you like ads.


Just imagine this Spanish team with a poacher like Raul. It would have been 6:0 easily.


You mean David Villa.




Very happy to see Italy losing šŸ‘Œ


it's coming rome, it's coming rome, footballs coming rome


Itā€™s coming home, oh wait no itā€™s coming rome


womp womp, coppa in faccia.


bro still crying since 2021. But the cup is still in Rome


Keep crying sucker




Stop being a dick you damn racist.




Still buthurt from 4 year ago ahahahah




https://youtu.be/daS5YGSs9H8?si=YvFHL1f_vtJ3pC24 šŸšŸšŸ


Still crying since EURO2020?


We have in Rome


It was the curse of the white jerseys. I canā€™t remember a game Italy played well wearing white. Letā€™s hope weā€™re back to azzurro next game.


The inaugural game against Turkey last Euro was a 3-0 victory for Italy, and you were wearing white. Insigne scored a banger against Belgium in euro 2020 while wearing a white jersey, and you knocked them out.


Rare moment in time


Also we sucked big time, dilorenzo made me miss Calabria, not a single shot in a game is a shame. Itā€™s true we lost for an own goal, but we played very badly. I hope Spalletti makes some changes for Monday, the main one to be lineup, 3-5-2 so at least players will play their correct positions




Fagioli can be the right bet


It has nothing to do with the Jersey. Italy has to improve a lot to reach the next round. Nothing is safe at the moment.


What a boring game šŸ’¤ I didnā€™t even watch the full match


With a bit of luck (and more cool from defenders) this could've been a draw. However, gotta say that Spain kinda deserved to win - much like Portugal vs. Czech Republic in 2nd half, it has been having the upper hand during the whole match - and it was actually kinda unlucky as well. Italy didn't get to attack that much and basically had to play a defensive match - but sadly, defence has been pretty poor, too. I'm not blaming Calafiori for his OG, considering that withstanding continuous assaults is confusing and puts a great amount of stress on the defenders - but the overall impression I got is that they really didn't seem to be in the zone. Almost every pass has been intercepted, even in Italy's area, and has been turned to a chance of scoring. Spanish players do really resemble jugglers. Fast and accurate, always pressing on the defence. If they always play like this, they really deserve to play in the final match, indeed.


czech wasnā€™t unluckyā€”ā€” they have a poor centre back and a poor goalie


Yep, but that's not what I meant - regardless of luck being there or not, both Czech and Italy couldn't stand a chance vs. their opponent.


Spain played an excellent game but I donā€™t think Italy is getting enough credit. Spain didnā€™t score against Italy. Not even one goal with all those chances. Had it not been for the accidental OG it may have been a tie game. Again, definitely gotta give it to Spain for dominating but Italy played excellent defence and Spain could not score on them.


Spain didn't score thanks to Donnarumma, not the defendants.


I have to say I completely disagree. I don't know where you saw this "excellent defense". The non-existent midfield, beyond Barella who was actually trying to play, left very large spaces ALWAYS allowing the insertion of the wings. The defense was COMPLETELY asleep, they were being blown up like skittles and when they recovered the ball, they lost it. We were unable to build a single good action from a recover. Terrible DiLorenzo on Nico Williams, worst one by far. With pain, I have to say this game would have been fair with a 3-0 for Spain.


Yes but Italy scored for Spain šŸ˜›šŸ˜›




I donā€™t give Italy any credit. Complete domination from Spain and Donnarumma is the only reason this game is not 3-0. Italy had zero pressure until the 80th minute . Zero ideas moving the ball forward offensively. Italy has 4 shot attempts at the net with 3 of them in the last 10 minutes when Spain decided on their own to take the pressure off. The passing and crosses from Italy have nothing but hope attached to it and no plan on what they are doing against a quality side. Spain moves the ball effortlessly and it was in full display today.


I was at the match and agree with this. Spain moved the ball 10x faster. IMO Di Marco was the worst player for Italy. The biggest difference was Spains organized high pressure on the ball was too much to handle for the quality of Italy. Our high pressure was not well thought out just one man Gattuso charging in by himself easily released. Calafiori played very well one of our best players IMO. Donnorumma was insane, only thing he could do better was to score at the end of the gameā€¦ and I hate him as a Milanista.


Italy had a lousy team


As a neutral, I must say that Italy played like crap, at least offensively. In my opinion Donnarumma saved them from 2-3 goals. I would say an okay defensive game considering Spain is playing beautifully.


Donnarumma saved more than 3 goals. Did you watch the entire game? Spain dominated beautifully. They didnā€™t score any goals so not sure Iā€™d say ā€œplayedā€ beautifully. To me playing beautifully means entirely. Offence, defence, scoring.


He did save more than 3 goals, but what I meant is clear goal opportunities, not just regular saves. There are games where you do everything right and just can't score, so you have to rely on a bit of luck (own goal). This was Spain's game. Just because they didn't score using their own players, doesn't mean that they didn't play beautifully and dominated. I had bet that Italy would win last euros, my guess in this year's edition is between Germany and Spain, specially Spain, unless they stop playing like they are right now or are very unlucky. I think at least semis for Spain, based on my vision on quality of play.


Yeah, Spain really dominated Italy. It sucks because we've been programmed to Fawn and Lust for both the Gucci and Ferrari brands. Who can go a day without Pizza here? Am I right? So as a non italian, you're just subconsciously rooting in your heart of hearts for Italy. You Know?


Spain is a beast. I consider this a good result lol


they litterally injured 2 of our players because they know that they probably lost, then calafiori dis autogol because he is in his world


Let's hope we go on to the knockouts and maybe have another chance!


Has Calafiori requested asylum yet? šŸ˜›


Yea as a die hard Italian fan, I donā€™t blame him at all. It wasnā€™t even a mistake or bad positioning. He literally just had bad luck. Defending that long and that hard it happens.


Dude, I remember Baggio missing that shot in ā€˜94, I remember how bad it was for him after.


Btw Baggio was robbed yesterday during the match. 5 men broke into his house and one of them hit him in the head with a gun (hit, not shot). Luckily his family wasn't harmed.


Omg! Thatā€™s horrible!


Honestly he was good today. Own goal was pretty unfortunateĀ 


Congratulations to Spain on the win today ā€”it was quite deservedā€” and for winning the group! Despite keeping it close until the end, which created a few nervy moments, we were not up to par today and didnā€™t play quite well for most of the match unfortunately. Poor game plan from Spalletti and subpar executionā€¦ Hopefully we beat Croatia on Monday to join you in the round of 16ā€¦ good luck rest of the way šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡øšŸ‡®šŸ‡¹




iā€™ve never seen such a crappy italy match like this one spalletti missed everythingā€¦why play with 4, when you already have a good block of 3 defenders?


i dont knowā€¦ the spanish wingers are really dangerous so they need the full backs to defend


What do you think about Carvajal? Iā€™m a Madrid aficionado, but yesterday I hated seeing him complaining all the time and falling for every contact. He is much more professional at Madrid, and even Carlo said ā€œel fĆŗtbol no es para seƱoritasā€


carvajal complains a lot and fells when somebody touches him even a bitā€¦ he is always like that


I really had to think about this Peaky Blinders scene when I saw Vincic in the last 5 minutes: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yuxzuj5\_AU4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yuxzuj5_AU4)


Had to scroll too far for this one


We were annihilated by Spain relentless pressing. Absolutely lucky that Donnarumma was on a very good day, could have ended several goals to zero.


I almost hoped that Donnarumma would make a goal at the end, since he played so greatly during the match. But alas, It was too late. I'm disappointed, they couldn't stop the ball, as if they were playing tennis


Literally a one man team XD


Yeah šŸ”


Spalletti should have played with a 5-4-1 to close the middle masked as a 3-4-3 and try to play with few touches. He tried to keep up with Spain technically with short passes from the back and obviousoy failed. It was clear that Di Lorenzo would struggle agains Williams as he is solid but slow. Then you can still open up during the game when Spain gets frustrated.


So... Spain wins two games and neither result truly reflects how the game went. If Dalic fields a good team it might actually be a very good match. For neutrals, that is.


I'm curious to know as to what do you think the scores of the two games should've been. Imo 3-1 vs Croatia and 2-0 or 3-0 vs Italy


2-1 would be ok for us, but 3-1 might also be realistic. Considering we let all 3 goals in very easily and should have defended at least one. But then again, Spain probably did slow down a bit in 2nd half. So let's say 3-1. Italy 2-0 easily, if not 3. The real results are what they should've been, but neither one paints the complete picture. If you gave someone who hadn't watched the games the scorelines and stats of the game and let them connect the pairs, most would probably put 3-0 with Italy stats.


Croatia was better than Italy. They missed a penalty. Could have been 2-1 easily. For Italy yeah 2-0 or 3-0.


I'm Italian, 5-0 would be fair tonight ... Shitty Italy, an Al Legri masterpiece


BAHAH. Let's have mercy...šŸ˜‚


Hey one question. How many points can be earned in a match? Italy has 3, Albania and croacia 1. So do they have a chance to surpass Italy or is the max points 2 per match?


3 points for win 1 for draw 0 for losing. Albania can surpass Italy if they win against Spain but only if Italy loses or potentially ties to Croatia. Croatia can surpass Italy if they win against them.


In football you gain 3 points winnig and 1 drawing, in the case teams are even in points u count on the 1vs1 and if it was a draw on goal difference( goals scored- goals conceded) so italy needs atleast a draw against croacia to be 2nd but they cant be first even if they win because they would still be under spain


If you win itā€™s 3pts, draw 1pt loss 0pts


Do the goals count? Like if you win 3-0 it gives more than 1-0? Or maybe if you draw 3-3 instead of 0-0 its more points?


No but when teams have the same amount of points in the end, one of the things they look at is goal difference to determine who is better.


I think in this tournament its points (obv) > direct outcome > goal difference, which means even if Italy wins and Spain loses (both 6 pts), no matter the goal difference Spain will always top the group


Yes you are correct. So it does matter, but not in Spains case.


You can score 15 goals and win n u will still only get 3pts..


No goals do not count..


Alr thx for answering! I'll be cheering for Italy next monday




Italy needed to play the entire match the way they played the last 5 minutes.


Italy does not have the tactics do deal with Spain pressure. Italy can only hope to take every game to penalties to advance if they make it to knock out stages. Spain allowed Italy to move forward once they stopped playing and passing .


Spain didnā€™t let them do it tho. They pressed very high and very hard, not letting Italy play the ball


Trueā€¦ most of the game they just seemed to lack that extra bit to close plays, but at least they were a bit tighter in their passing which was sloppy AF the rest of the game and actually took a few chances. If they play like that against Croatia they will be annihilated.


Italians thought they will play Albania again.


The ones who don't follow football? Everyone with basic knowledge knew this was going to be hell for Italy, 1-0 is a miracle.


Who here thinks if that own goal didnā€™t go in would it still be 1-0 or 0-0..


I mean hihgly plausible after seeing some of the shots they did, especially the crossbar one, if that was in it could have been one of the best of the euro




Cucurella did amazingly. Opened some huge opportunities, great defending and passes were on point. A huge reason as to why we had as much possession as we did.


I became a fan after this match. He truly wasĀ excellent in his role.


Man of the match for me. I never thought he was very great in the PL but wow he flows very well with our national team.


it's because of the magic hair


Cucurella was excellent. He owned his side of the field. Ā 


Ez against cambiaso


Wonder if Italy is going to play for the draw or the victory against Croatia.


If Italy does not score in the first 20 minutes they will focus on playing for the tie .


Seeing how they played Albania and tonight. It's not like they will be choosing how to play. They'll just play like shit and hope for the best


idk man, but honestly Italy is still a lot better than Croatia currently, aynway it will be interseting match on monday and I hope Dalic will change his starting team and start with youner players


I just hope they will at least play and lot let play only. What pisses me off tonight isn't the fact we lost. But how we lost.




Yeah that's true. They are very strong and they style isn't the most easy to go against. But we're talking about Italy, it's not like we just started playing football. What I hated more about the game yesterday, and this has nothing to do with Spain, it's the missed passes. All those missed passes. There's no excuse for that, they weren't focused in the game, at all. I can understand not being able to go through Spain, but missing passes and not pressing them isn't right. They never went to try and block them, they waited for them to get in the penalty zone before acting on it. If Spain can do what they do, there's no reason Italy can't do the same.


Yeah, both this game and in the previous one with Albania, we were just scared of losing the ball. Every time we got to the opponents half of the field, weā€™d pass back to Donnarumma, wtf?


Too much playing behind and not enough pressing. Losing the ball and instead of trying to get it back, running all the way back to wait for them to come to us.


What a huge disappointment! Was Spain that great? Not really. Yes, they played better, but this is classic Spanish style and should have come as no surprise. Their attacks looked dangerous, but inefficient, nothing new. As a long time Italy fan, I was mad at Spaletti's (lack of) strategies and the players' lackluster attitude on the field. They couldn't even keep possession and pass accurately, as if they were somehow scared of Spain. Why defending already in the first half? If you lose the ball, go after it! Look where you're passing! I was screaming the entire second half. What a shame! At least Donnarumma did a great job.


Or you didnt see the game or you dont know nothing about football, Spain made Italy looks like a infants team. The last match i saw against Italy like this was euro final in 2012, the only difference was that day Spain had more luck against goalkeeper.


Spain not that great? Italy had one shot on net. Why? The whole game was Spain pressing and Donnarumma saves . Spain will go to final four minimum.


šŸ˜‚ Spain made Italy look like a pub side. They were in complete control. It was a great performance.


You didn't watch this game, but it's also obvious that you haven't watched any of Spain's matches in the last 5 years. The problem with Spain was not their ability to score, but their ability to create chances. They were a team that could dominate the game with high possession but not create real danger. This has obviously changed, mainly because now we have two great wingers. Another thing is whether we can score those chances. Today we missed all of them, but against Croatia, we scored almost all of them. On most days, it would be somewhere in the middle.


I don't understand why they couldn't manage their pass. And why they waited for the ball instead of going at it when Spain is pressing. And why they didn't press as Spain did, letting them do whatever they wanted. Disappointing team, absolute garbage.


You watch the game or are you blind? I do agree that Donnarumma was great though.


Mate the score should've been like 4-0. Fuck outta here with Spain not playing great.


Did we watch the same game? Spain was really good the whole game


Spain played pretty great in my opinion. They did lack on the finishing side as you said but I canā€™t of anything they underperformed on other than the finishing. We had some pretty great shots but you guys actually have an amazing keeper.


Good job on qualifying already for the next round. Now take it easy on the next game. Keep Pedri and Williams on the bench, so they get a good rest for the round of 16 ;)


Hehe weā€™ll be for sure playing our reserves lucky for you guys. Canā€™t wait for the match, Iā€™m sure you guys will give us a better match than Italy.


Good idea. Play Olmo instead. The one Spaniard that will want to win just so we have a chance of going through.


Everyone says Donnarumma, but for me Williams is man of the match.


Donna bcz he kept that scoreline respectful u get me.. if it wasnā€™t for that mistake it wouldā€™ve been 0-0


Your opinion. I disagree.


Spain dominated and deserved the win, sad it was an own goal though. Donnarumma is a God. I miss Chiellini and Bonucci.


I don't miss Bonucci but Chiellini hell yes. He was a beast and he was so damn right. Never tried to play dirty, always chased after his mistakes to get back the ball. Amazing defensive player.


I meant them as a pair. I started watching football only in the last roundšŸ˜…, rooted for Italy back then and their duo was something for the team.


Most accurate comment. Wish we could have just known how to pass.


The difference in technical quality was astounding. The Italians missed so many passes and were incapable of moving the ball quickly. This was the worst tournament Italy Iā€™ve see in a long time.


It's a young team with very little experience and close to zero teamplay. Every italian expect our team to always be the giants we were in the last world's championship we won, but this team isn't even half of that good...well, at least we have Donnarumma i guess...he's not Buffon, but he seems doing just fine


I didnā€™t expect Italy to be great. But I did expect them to have an idea of how they wanted to play. I also expect them to be able to do something other than pass backwards to beat the press. Itā€™s okay to lose to Spain but being able to pass relatively accurately or trap and control the ball should be a given at this level. They were horrendous in this aspects.


Amazing performance. The team is very young and there will be mistakes along the way - have to learn to put some of these chances away - but I thought that was far better than what we saw vs Croatia. So proud of these guys ā¤ļø


Yeah you guys fucked us in the ass


Thatā€™s the most Italian thing Iā€™ve heard in English in a long time


Yeah ahahahahah


Nah that was Calafiori


Besides him, If we hadn't had Donnarumma the game would've ended 5-0.


Yeah, Donnarumma was a beast


Well done Donna for keeping the scoreline 1-0


Spain and Germany are on a collision course if they get placed on opposite sides of the bracket, also GG EspaƱa.


Well done Spain šŸ˜€šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


As an Albanian we are fucked the next game


I don't actually think so. You played very well and Spain is already qualified. You never had better chances to beat Spain. Difficult, but possible. I would love to have Albania and Croatia win their last games. (Italy would be 4th with 3 pts then, everyone else probably qualifies)


I think that we'll let our main players rest and use backups probably. Not like they are bad but it's probably better for you. Wish you luck!


Hopefully u do everything u can not to humiliate us hahah. Thank u and good luck too!


I don't really think we'll humiliate you, you can for sure do it!


Who knows, who would have thought it that with Croatia it would be 2:2.


Spain is going to play their reserves