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The score did not represent the game I watched at all. That was entirely one sided.


Italy’s defence was on point though


Defence wise, yes. Building up plays and providing opportunities for the midfield, no. Donnarumma was the best player on the pitch today and without him we would’ve lost as bad as Croatia.


I don’t understand how Italy consistently produce great goalkeepers you literally have a little factory popping them out


As Scotland


20 - 4 shots on goal. Without Peak-Donnarumma this would have been a slaughter.


Goal attempts 20-4 indeed, shots on goal 8-1. But the conclusion is the same, a very one sided game with a heroic goalkeeper


Against us they dominated the whole match with Frattesi, Chiesa, Scamacca, Jorginho and Retegui. But in the end it was Barella and Bastoni who scored and won them the match. If I recall right, their whole offensive scored around 6 goals in their last Euros. Which was 1 goal more than Schick's 5 goals in the whole tournament. Their defence is always top notch and they only concede goals when they are mentally defeated. But they also lack a bomber, and a playmaker since the days of Iaquinta, Toni, Quagliarella and Pirlo.


Brother, Italy scored 8 goals in 3 group games in euro 2021 … then 6 in the 4 knockout games en route to winning it all… in general, Italy is very good offensively & defensively, especially at last euros This year they have a new, young squad, a new manager who’s implementing new tactics and a team that hasn’t molded together yet. Spalletti has only been with the team 8 months… The defense is still strong as we saw tonight, the offense just needs some minor revamping …


You just proved his point. Italy is arguably the best defensive team in the tournament but when it comes to producing attack they are nowhere near their 2021 caliber of play. They need major revamping, not minor.


No, he says Italy’s attack was bad last tournament which is factually incorrect I will concede that in this tournament the attack needs a revamping, but not major. We have the players, just gotta get a system that best suits their strengths


Ah you’re right, I was more so referring to the first part of what he said. I think Italy had maybe 7 goals at least in the group stage alone last euros. The reason I’m not sure a minor revamping would suffice is because there’s offensive talent but not major offensive talent. Scamacca and Retegui aren’t all that, chiesa would make a better striker tbh


They could barely get the ball out for the first 20 minutes of the second half though


I think they may run into trouble against Germany in the QF, it looks like they'll be up for a meeting there.


Germany isn't stable enough to pose a challenge to Spain. First or second mistake will seal it.


Come on guys, it's Not black or white. It'll be an exciting match


Because the first, second, third, forth(i could go on) mistake from italy sealed the deal...


Here is the problem with Spain: Their back line plays very close to the midfield, leaving a ton of space behind them. Italy could not pass their way out of a very crowded midfield today. A team that can open the game to the wings with fast wing players would find a lot of positions vs Spain. Carvajal had one of the easiest games of his life today. 


True, the Spanish team takes too many risks with the defence line for me to feel comfortable. A few lucky passes and some fast attacker could wreak havoc, even if Simon is a really good goal keeper. By the way, yesterday Cucurella was a titan intercepting tons of Italian passes, what a player!


Italy had practically non-existent wing play and anything to the contrary, Cucurella saw to that.


Spain plays really well but occasionally i remember 2004 and it wasn't exactly the team that played better who won the tournament,it was the best team.


Italy got crushed. Their offence was non-existent. Spain's overall structure was so much better.


Despite looking much better than Italy they only managed to score with the help of an own goal, wouldn't sing them too much praise.


They did some really great shots, but Donnarumma tonight was awesome. If it wasn't for him, we would've lost at least 3-0. Spain really has the quality to go all the way through


Any other goalkeeper and a little bit of luck and they’re scoring 3 or 4 goals.


The only issue for them here was being clinical. They put 3 past Croatia in a half. If the shooting boots are on, it’s ropes for most.


Did you even watch the game?


He’s right though. Spain completely dominated but had to rely on the own goal to win. So it’s not thaaaat impressive as if they would’ve won without it.


Only because of the outstanding Donnarumma performance, but honestly it's better this way: Slowly making our way upwards, without making noise. "A lo bajini", as we like to call it.


Yeah you look like you will win it.


>Only because of the outstanding Donnarumma performance People seem to forget that the goalie is one of the eleven players as well. No one ever says "they only won because of their strikers amazing performance" as a way to discredit the team.


Sure then the OG shouldn't discredit Spain either because he was also part of the eleven players. Can't have it both ways


That is absolutely not the same principle. I do, however, agree that Spain shouldn't be discredited for winning by an own goal. They created enough danger in front of Italy's goal that it made it more likely for some randomness to result in a goal for them. But to say that a team with a great goalie doesn't deserve a result because the goalie kept saving them is not the same as saying a team that scores an unlucky own goal deserved to lose because that player messed up. Own goals are basically always unlucky and random. If a coach plays a defender that keeps taking risks that often result in own goals, I would hear an argument for it, but not if it's a random, unlucky occurence.


First of all your whole premise is wrong. When a single player bails out a whole team's performance, that is always mentioned. It has nothing to do with it being the goalie. How many times have we heard that Argentina only won because of Messi? Nobody is saying goalies don't count, people are saying that Spain absolutely dominated Italy, and if it wasn't for Donnarumma the scoreboard would reflect that dominance.


>First of all your whole premise is wrong. When a single player bails out a whole team's performance, that is always mentioned. Disagree. Never heard France be put down because of Zidane being the difference in 98 or 2006. >How many times have we heard that Argentina only won because of Messi? Never heard that. Would be a silly thing to say, especially since he was hardly the only Argentinian playing well in the final. >Nobody is saying goalies don't count, people are saying that Spain absolutely dominated Italy, and if it wasn't for Donnarumma the scoreboard would reflect that dominance. No, but it's implied that their performances are somehow outside of the team's performance when they play well. Once again, I never hear anyone make similar comments about single players on other positions. But if we can't agree on that premise, which you've stated that we can't, then I understand that we see all of this differently. Agree to disagree.


Yea and how many goals did Italy take??? Oh that’s right none lmao Thank you for the goal either way We are going to 16 Are you lmao


Dont mine me. I am here for comments.




Mamma mia


Here is the translation in English: Is it just me or am I still waiting to see Spain? In this match against Italy, they played well, but I still saw some weaknesses. 1. In attack, with a solid defense from a great football nation, they are a bit clumsy. 2. Their central defense has not yet been tested, and I think this defense can be beaten. I think if they come up against a team that plays well in attack and defends well as a unit, this team will fall. I wish them the best, but I think the best team remains Germany.


Germany isnt that good, we all saw it against Hungary


You’ll be shocked then, because that back 4 isn’t going all the way.


Neither is England tbh.


That's a very low bar.


Didnt think we were talking about England?


I don’t think England will win the competition and did not from the beginning.


They better pray they don't face Scotland again. They couldn't handle another Mctominay masterclass


You guys have a great team. I hope you finish the group stage with a big win.


I gotta say my hopes were tempered with Spain. We're still in that transitional team stage, but hey, we're improving at an incredible pace, and De La Fuente seems to be that kind of "old devil" that knows how to give the team some fucking testosterone or whatever. Yesterday they were incredible, as they were against Croatia. Everyone is starting to slowly put them as serious contenders, and I'm kinda in that boat right now. Flaws are clear, but I think they're still playing the most beautiful football alongside (surprisingly) Romania.


Slowly? They are the top favorite right now. Neither France nor the Netherlands will change that today.


I haven’t watched any other games but man I’m worried


Pedri was wasteful in front of the goal but what a player he is! Post making the changes and taking the best players out, Spain looked terrible against Italy in the last 10-12 mins. Defense needs work to avoid getting knocked out against teams like France or Germany who have equally electric player like Mbappe and Musiala. Cucu and Williams had a fantastic game, Carvajal missed some passes in the last 10 mins further opening up the defense wounds. Morata needs to do more in the final third with all his experience. Laporte has to lead the defense line and not leave so much space for the opponents to break on the counter. Lastly, Rodri is brilliant! He controls the midfield like Kroos. I hope they don’t face France or Germany anytime soon in the competition, hoping that De La Fuente will work on the defense in due time. Vamos!


Fabian Ruiz to win player of the tournament.


Typical Spain side, they won't make it to the semi finals. However, they will completely dominate possession in whatever knockout game they go out, but still lose nonetheless.


Yeah, thats why they lose posesion against Croatia....it can be whatever except "typical Spain side", the typical side won euro / world cup/ euro in a row.


Two games dominating but not many goals .... Le Normand is a vulnerability in back.


A lot of talent at all levels, with the brilliant Rodri as conductor. On the other hand, I'd be curious to see Spain against an athletic team.


I agree. Win or loss is the part of the game. But the way Italy played last night is complete disappointment. They failed to ATTEMPT a target once in whole match. This is not done. Spain should reach semifinal from here on at least the way they played last night.


Defensively wa sgreat attacking was lackluster. Wish more chances were buried, pedri was open lots and nobody saw him for a clear goal and when he did get the ball like everyone else he missed. I wonder how they would play with either olmo, merino or lopez on the pitch. Looked great otherwise tbh im excited to see how zubimendi performs considering u cant bench rodri.


It was not lackluster, moreso a really good performance from Donaruma and cowardly play from Italy, which is their style. The only lacking player of ours today was Pedri.


You have Carvajal in your team, alone he dives more than all Italian players in history


Pedri played well, but he could have done more. Especially with that one sitter he missed in the second half


Cowardly? Spain taught Italy how to roll around on the floor


Italy was diving too much


Like usual


Italy was shooting itself in the foot, Spain just let them do everything. Italy was unable to even move the ball imagine to shot the goal. In the end they did it once in their own. Absolutely abysmal performance from them. Spain was average.


Spain was far from average. They put in a performance we should have a few hours earlier.


Yes because England was well below average. Spain didn’t do much against a Italy that couldn’t even exit their half. Donnarumma was great but Spain should have scored 3 goals against such a weak opponent


The reason Italy couldn’t do anything was because how good Spain were Italy were amazing defensively


no spain was just ok, they Italy was really bad.


Hm... You're not making much sense really


If Spain was average what was England?




below average


I really can't wait for you sunburn drunks to inevitably get eliminated. Did you watch the game with your back to the tv? I'd be trembling to come across us if I were you, and you have the courage to call us average?


yes if you are average amigo


We are literally the team that has shown the best football so far this tournament, only tied with maybe Germany. I wouldn't expect a Brit to know anything about football tho, even less about a Euro.


germany plays much better


Your Opinions are valid now


We will see that. We 2 are the best from this tournament right now, that's for sure, and England isn't even top 5.


Yup totally agree, Spain and Germany are the two best by far. No one else even comes close. Whoever wins between them in later rounds wins the whole thing


Why do people keep bringing England up when other teams are criticised haha, we live rent free in your heads


it’s so childish