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I dont want any of you doubting the quality of german beers after this look for yourselves the ref clearly had some before the match and the quality speaks for itself


"Ich habe seen nothin', *BÜRP*!"


You know it's good German beer when the burps have umlauts.




The linesman must have been paralytic to miss an incident 2 metres from him.


what the actuall fuck.


And thats not even the worst descicion those refs Made that game


I literally caught myself saying ,,was zur Hölle“ and throwing my hands up in front of the TV multiple times. Look I don’t really care about refs but the blatant favoring of one team was apparent.


You could see the disappointment in his face when Germany scored and he found no way to revoke it.


I see comments about this all the time, is there any footage of the ref seemingly disappointed after the match?


there was in the live broadcast, when he blew the final whistle, he looked very grim


I just found it in this sub. He doesnt look happy however i dont see any clear frustration/anger either. Anyway, this match was not pretty regarding the refs consistency for sure.


The second the game was over he looked very frustrated. I noticed it live when it happened and said "What does he have to be frustrated about?" to my husband. It was just his facial expression and his quick walking away looking frustrated.


Agreed that is such a clear cut decision it's not even funny, that is a free kick and yellow to Switzerland.


Then watch Portugal-Turkey I bet you will startle more than ever


nah this match was the biggest robbery by the ref so far in the tournament, so many times he closed his eyes in favour of switzerland. Im happy it's his last tournament, he should be fired immediatly because once again What. The. Actual. Fuck.


The fuck is the linesman doing???? Refs tonight were fucking dreadful.


Watching the line, that's his job description I guess.


Rather snorted some other lines pre-match, otherwise it cannot be explained.


He was zoned out for sure


Rodriguez knew 🤣🤣🤣


Everyone knew.


I hope who ever paid the refree for a swiss group win lost a lot of money that day. Infuriating


The disallowed goal was correct but this and the Havertz bear hug were blatant


The Beier bear hug was even worse! I don’t even get this manhandled at 7 a side playing with no refs


Mbappe was right ... Euro is way harder.


Especially, considering how Argentina was flattered by the refs. Courtesy of 3 penalties in the 3 most important games of the tournament. Every next one being more non-existant than the previous one. You go into a game knowing that it will start 1:0 to Argentina. But Messi didn't feel that way, did he... The World cup is always going to be easier than the Euros that way. For some.


France got 2 penelties in the final sir ... Argentina bodied Italy ( The Euro Winners ) Argentina beat any EU team that came its way Saying this is undermining Argentina and we shouldn't do it. Was it "rigged" when Saudia beat Argentina?


>Was it "rigged" when Saudia beat Argentina? I think it was. It's just my opinion but I really think it was. Many think that the whole tournament was fixed so Messi could be champion. For example the hardest group match for Argentina was against Mexico and the coach was from Argentina, after the world cup he is coaching Messi's team in Miami. But that's not it, that coach left out of Mexico NT one of their best defenders, Salcedo who had played for Eintracht Frankfurt when they beat Bayern Münich in a cup final. He also left out Chicharito who is the all time top scorer for Mexico's NT and left out Santiago Giménez who had been the top scorer in the Europa League right before the world cup, and was the Mexican striker with the best goal scoring rate for both Mexico and his club, Feyenoord. And last but not least, he didn't play Edson Álvarez on that game against Argentina when he had started every game before that and was one of the main players for Mexico. If that doesn't smell fishy to you, you better go check your nose. u/MaziAstro


We are not talking about how many penalties they had. We're talking about penalties that just were. not. there. Saudi beat Argentina after a penalty in the beginning and Argentina was shitty enough to let it happen. End of story.


still crying about argentina winning the world cup... shameless dutch, you relied on Werghorst to save you! You Are A Finished Nation.


I'm not Dutch you moron. And yes, as much as you'd like it to be another way - if it wasnt' for Messi's imaginary penalty, Argentuna would've been done in the Quarter finals. Kinda where their real place was on that WC. I'm not saying the Dutch are amazing and would deserve to win. I'm saying Argentina has been overly hugged by the refs on the WC.


Okay, I apologize for that dig, but I really can't see how some people would say Argentina blantantly rigged that world cup, the 'penalty' shouts are all valid albeit some very soft.


How is he a moron for thinking that you are Dutch when your flair is Netherlands


Do I absolutely need to be a Dutch to have that flair, or can I be born in one of the other 185 nations that are not represented on the EURO?


No. but why does him thinking that you are Dutch because your flair is Netherlands make him a moron?


Argentinians when they're in a "most insufferable people" competition and their opponent is Portuguese.


Daddy chill!


What the actual fuck lol.


Usually prefer to assume no Ill intent, just refs being shit in general and fans being bit too passionate. And probably it's better to assume same. But this one felt as if refs had flat out deal with betting companies or something. Having infrastructure for VAR, have all kind of cameras around and somehow it never utilised to communicate to ref things he missed. Implementation of computarised crap as it is makes zero sense


Fans simply have no clue for the most part and always feel disadvantaged. Nothing new


Did you see that match?


Yes i did and Havertz alone had like 3 or 4 pathetic dives. Mittelstädt was shameless as well. But of course, nobody talks about that. Instead people are upset over a goal that was correctly disallowed and a pen that most refs wouldnt give. But sure, the ref had it out for Germany in particular - couldnt possibly be that a team that has underperformed for the last 10 yrs is not as good as they think just because they trashed a pathetic Scotland side. No, must be the ref holding a grudge against Germany


"a pen that most refs wouldnt give" complete bullshit, every ref would have gave the pen. But not only did he refused to give it HE EVEN REFUSED TO LOOK AT THE VAR


Expect for the refs that said they wouldnt have given it, of course. But hey, talking in hyperbole is just so. much. more. fun. Yay.


Typing. Like. This. Makes. You. So. Cool. Yay.


Holy hell, what are you talking? The ref made the worst decisions since emperor caligula decided to make his horse a counselor. Or are you just mad that the ref couldnt bring it hone for your swiss boys?


Im not swiss but it is hilarious to see how pressed germans are. I get it, yall have had a dry spell but the reactions to the ref have been peak clown behavior right down to people saying the goal shouldnt have been disallowed. Like come on peeps, touch some grass


It's not just us that disagree with the refs decisions, basically everyone except you in this sub does.


lol, who shat in your breakfast brother? by the looks of your message, the German national team did. Why get pressed about people supporting their national team and feeling hope for the first time in a long time? doesn't make sense to me, but yeah, go off I guess


The "dive" from havertz was a foul even more than the goal he disallowed. He had a clear line and it was when a Swiss player hits the ground it is a foul when German does it's normal contact.


Do you see the Gif? Pushed away with both arms is not a foul? Do you know the rules?


I have to admit referee was Swiss yesterday 😆😆😆


I think it is unfair to the Swiss team. They played very well. But we are talking about the referees. You got robbed, too.


To be fair with a normal ref the Swiss doesn't come close to winning because either a penalty or the goal would have to be given. So it's 1:0 Germany and then u have a different game.


"doesn't come close" might be a bit of a stretch. The Swiss team is competent enough to beat the germans on a good day.


They had a good day and everything else was going their way aswell.


You can always have a better day my friend :)


Not really they had 2 chances scored 1 Germany didn't score on many chances and the referee helped them out big time. It isn't going to get better.


I'm sorry, you can't convince me that it's IMPOSSIBLE that the Swiss are beating Germany in a fair game xD


Well, if your 15 of your 17 shots or so are not even on the goal, it's kind of difficult to claim much. Disallowed goal was a correct call. Quite the hit by the German. Penalty: yes agreed. But don't forget that Switzerland also had two chances in the last 15 minutes and the offside goal was just pure luck by Germany, not because they defender consciously put the Swiss offside.


The offside goal is as lucky as the disallowed goal. Both "fouls" didn't have any effect but it was the right call. There were 2 penalties just to remind you. The one just doesn't get talked about because the German didn't make a fuss about it, but it was even clearer than the bear hug. U had 3 chances all game and made one goal that's efficient and that's why u took the point but nothing more.


Jesus christ. I really never saw a crowd of people complaining so much after their team got 7 points, scored 8 goals, has a good momentum, plays great football and comes out first in their group, just because they had a draw and the ref was bad. Must be a German thing. What did you lose due to the bad ref? Qualifying for the ko round? No. The first place in the group? No. Just calm down and celebrate. Jesus christ


Nobody can tell me that the referee didn't get bribed last night


what the referee even doing?


prolly sleeping 💀


He’s Polish. This was revenge.


counting swiss money


Reminds me of when Jose Bosingwa planted a boot into Yossi Benayoun's back at the end of a Liverpool v Chelsea match years ago. Right under the nose of the linesman and referee. A blatant red card offence. Nothing.


I swear to God refs this Euro are all incompetent.




Why the VAR can’t come in between situations like this just baffles me. It’s a great instrument but it get such a limited use. I have seen at least 5 times that a corner kick is wrongly given or not given with 1 time a goal was scored pretty soon after that decision. While all these situations would’ve been correctly called by VAR in 2 seconds as they were all pretty clear in the replay. VAR should continuously check the game and just give the ref the order to call a foul/decission instead of with these particular situations the VAR can chime in. VAR should become the foundation not a supplement.


The problem with this is how long they take to adjudicate with VAR. They're so insanely slow, even for basic decisions. This one from the clip is on the linesman.


They are slow when things are pretty muddy and then the ref on the pitch needs to go to the screen himself and yeah that sucks but things like this are seen in a blink of an eye and like I said for example corner kicks are usually fast and pretty unambiguous decisions. They just should have ruled over the refs on the field but the rules make it so that they can’t in situations like this.


Yeah, if they could get their shit together, I'd be for it. So far they've failed to get their shit together.


Of course because they get limited by the rules, if they could call everything their percentage of quick correct calls would skyrocket, but they only get certain situations usually not the most clear ones which gives them this negative atmosphere around them. Football has become more fair since VAR, the amount of off side goals has gone down and a lot of penalty moments are called more correctly than before. Also I think UEFA and most other big football organisations probably give the refs some nudges to call in a certain way, like not too strict (‘to make the games more exciting’) which also plays into it. Because these pro’s get too much leeway in time stretching and acting as if they where cut in half when someone coughs a little too much in their direction.


What I would also like to see is that these refs explain their dubious decisions after the match. What went on in their reasoning. Things like that would make refs maybe try to even get better and the folks get some extra insight in the rules as well as how these refs go about their interpretation of the situation. The unknown and how they go about it isn’t doing much in the refs favour. And I don’t mean in a quick off the cuff interview right after the match finished because then they probably evade that by giving a zero explanative media trained answer.


U know its bad when even the other swiss guy is raising his hand


Ganz klar Ball gespielt.


Its the new "Copa Musial" Ballseries from Adidas


Kannste nix machen, der war da noch dran


fucking stupid bullshit asshole


As a Pole, I was so happy to see this.


Is this the same referee from Serbia _ England match. Referee that game was also shady.


Thanks for sharing. I was waiting for the replay during the broadcast but there was none. As per usual, they only show replays when it at least somewhat supports the referees decision.


Wow that ref is blind


Many of the top people at UEFA are swiss. Just an FYI


Letting an Italian referee handle a match for the German team? Brilliant idea... said no one ever.


They should bring in coaches’ challenges for crucial decisions. Just like in American Football 🏈


I honestly think this is just one example that shows the refs are corrupt this competition. The refs have been making completely polar opposite calls to each other and there is no consistency. People probably had loads of bets on Musiala to get fouled or for the player who fouled him to commit a foul or get carded, so the ref didn’t give it. In England’s first game Kane and Bellingham were fouled 10 times between them, in England’s second game they were both fouled multiple times and the ref just waved play on. The best players like Jude Bellingham and Musiala don’t dive unless they have been fouled, because they don’t have to, they can keep the ball from anyone. The refs are just making the calls that line their pockets the most.




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The refs this tournament have been poor th amount of times I have seen a player clearly getting the ball and get yello carded for it mental that really


Yeah. I’m pretty sure the ref left his whistle at home


Shouldnt have the var interfered here ? I think the var should be used throughout the whole game no matter where the play is , if it is really this useful as many say...there were numerous corners not given...shouldnt the var have checked on these too ? As i always say the var system is shit !


Did the check clear before the game?


Ah yes, that's how I like it muhahahaha.... Joking aside, pretty unfair


LMAO what are the ref smoking i want some... Holy shit.


Now thats a classy ref out there


This one was crazy, my wife and daugther are casual fans and still were surprised .


The Sport is doomed if there is no way of holding Refs accountable for corruption. I've only gotten back into watching soccer this tournament and have no favorites, but even just watching an 8 minute summary made it apparent that either I had a heavy Pro-Germany Bias, or the Referee was hiding PCP in his pipe. I wonder if this shit would happen if there was no way you could gain money from the results.


That had to be targeted 😭


Fuck the referees, VAR and UEFA. With all the technology we have today we could be miles ahead in providing a fair playing ground for both teams. But no, the ref is still king and can just completely define the rules for each game. One day it's a foul the next day it's not. One minute he might call the VAR to double check, the next he might not. Some days the rules apply to both teams, some days one team gets a strict whistle while the other can do whatever they want. And all this happens while dozens of cameras provide us and the VAR with multiple angles of what is happening on the pitch. It's a fucking joke.


The Germans was just not tough. Real man stands up after falling down instead of pulling hands up.


Just be quite lol


how about you show them the video of the german player kicking the swiss player in the head? or does that not fit your narrative?


I doubt that was intentional and he got a yellow card for it anyway. The problem is the Swiss players who dragged, pushed or even hugged the Germans didn’t get penalised


That foul was rewarded with a yellow card. The intentional push on that vid here not. So what are you on about?


Ffs he did not kick him in the head, Tah went up to get the ball down, Swiss striker came from the side trying to head and Tah got yellow for dangerous play, as he should. How you saw kicking anyone in the head is beyond me. Germany should have gotten at least a penalty for wrestling and the disallowed goal is a 50/50, but going by the decisions of the ref throughout that game, it shouldn’t have been called a foul - because he was apparently suuuuuper lenient (as you can see in the video). All the small the decisions really get me close to the edge of saying that he’s had an agenda in that game.


he got a yellow card for that but the penalty for germany was robbed and all other fouls switzerland did against germany


he got punished for that, like he should be. Here he didn't even call a foul.


Please show us because I did not see that


He can't. Because it didn't happen. There was contact between Tah's leg and someone's head after Tah went up to clear a ball and the Swiss player stayed low to head it out. But no kick. And Tah got a yellow for that.


Not enough in that push for me to see it as a foul personally. Plus the linesman would've had a better view and they didn't call for a foul eaither.


U must have taken some really good stuff...


I'm just comparing it to the Sunday league stuff my bf plays in