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I’m half on both sides of my family, so this game was my nightmare LOL So, I watched this with a completely objective viewpoint. I found that both sides played like shit, and were lucky to even score a goal on both sides Croatia is not the team it was before. Their offence is lacking, their defence gets scrambled a lot, leaving Livaković to do most of the work, and I would look at finding another goaltender because he has been mediocre at best these last two matches. Their midfield is the strongest part, but even then it’s slowed down a lot And Italy was not that good either. Compared to the previous Euros, this team is garbage. Not starting their top forward put them in jeopardy, whilst their defence is not what it was. Di Lorenzo should never step on pitch again, and the only reason he’s there is because of Spalletti The entire game, the Italians were taking their time while Croatia was putting on pressure. After Modrić scored the Italians decided to wake up. A lot of Croatia’s fouls were embellished I must admit, although a lot were deserved. And the eight extra minutes was a bit excessive. I saw the celebration for Modrić, and Zaccagni took about the same amount of time. But the substitutions should not have taken as long as they did, I cannot stand players walking off for a sub rather than running. Also, let’s not act like Italy didn’t try to stall the game Italy got lucky, and luck does not last. Their performance on Monday is a bad look going forward. And the Italian fans acting like they won that game bothers me. They didn’t win, they were just in a better position to advance. After Spain beat Albania, both teams were trying to win that game, and all it took was a draw. A draw is not a win, so don’t act like the score was 1-0 or 2-1. It was 1-1, and draws don’t win games in the knockout stage. I’m sad that Croatia is out, and I hope Italy plays better. But after seeing Italy this whole group stage, I’m not so confident in their ability Andiamo, Italia Volim svoju Hrvatsku


\[ITA\] Journalist: "Good evening, Luka. I want to thank you for everything you have done. Not just today. Please don't ever retire because you are one of the best players I have ever covered." Modric: "Thank you for such kind words, I am touched with all my heart. I'd like to play forever, but the day will come when I have to quit. I will continue to play, but I don't know for how long. Thank you!"


Performance was just overall poor Spalletti needs to bring back the italian spirit and keep on the players that actually want to push for goals. Being defensive will have us knocked out against the Switz the game plan needs to change for Saturday!!


Italy-Croatia, 2002. Goal disallowed for Italy, regular. karma never fails. somehow, it made up for it


Karma will comeback to you


And you will get yours with Switzerland for that dumb ref.


Ref should have given 3/4 red cards minimum to the croat players who entered the game to beat (litterally the italians).


Cause of the 8min extra time? Perhaps would have been less if some Croatians player wouldn’t fake cramps by the end. Everybody does it but can’t blame a referee for allowing extra time, in agreement with the staff btw


What 8 minutes? It was until Italy scored, then ref was scared shitless Croatia would score in last cca 30 seconds lol


No idea what match you’ve watched, these are butthurt comments. It was painful, we get it, we haven’t qualified in a World Cup and we didn’t blame no referee, just our game. Truth is, Italy was no better than Croatia last night, but not worse either. Doesn’t mean there’s a fcking conspiracy to favor Italy


I didnt say Italy played worse nor did I say I’m in any way hurt (I’m all for Austria, France, Germany, in that order), not that Croatia isnt to blame for overall result, neither that theres conspiracy going on, I said ref was on your side and if you think I watched the wrong match, then read this whole thread again, or work on your observation skills, and leave me the fuck alone already.


Leave me alone? Thought we were here to confront and share, then wtf are you doing here? I’ll leave you tf alone alright you poor soul. Have a great day


Read what I said then or don't bother responding.


Wtf is going on with di lorenzo and di marco? Why are they suddenly so bad?


Bolliti fisicamente, non si reggono in piedi.


DiLo has been performing VERY poorly the whole year (NAP fan here), but I think he knows as well that he's still starting because Spalletti trusts him a lot. I hope the trust in him can make him perform better, even tho I'd probably leave him out for a game...Hard choice


Dimarco is injured and has been trying to play through it. No idea about si lorenzo


Di Lorenzo never been a top tier player but a solid one for sure. This year, after the Scudetto he played not well… and still it’s below his level. But Spalletti never touch him…


Croatia used to be a good playing team, now it's a bunch of butchers.. Italy was terrible last night but Croatia was not better at all. A draw was more than deserved. See you in the summer time, a gin tonic for me. Cheers


butchers? until last game we had zero yellow [cards.You](http://cards.You) have 60 million people plus players from the diaspora (Argentina) who play for you, but your roster mediocre .


maan dont be that deluded croatia desetved the win and u know it, reffs were terrible


Nobody deserved to win yesterday, goal chances are actually leaning towards Italy. With the number of fouls committed i think the reffs did a good job.


its like you didnt even watch the game, italy start time wasting in the 14th fcking minute and do it for the entire first half, but only +1 min, a million fouls for italy that werent even close to being fould, especially the foul that budimir “commited” that led to italy scorimg the goal, and he blows the final whistle right from croatias kick of even tho it should have been played for at least 2 more minutes, but it shouldnt even be 8 minutes in the first place


Livaković did all he could. Honestly all goalkeepers in euro2024 are playing like crazy. I see people complain a lot about passive games and no goals being scored, while the goalkeepers are leaving their hearts out on the field defending their goals!


E in qualche modo ce la siamo cavata un’altra volta, altrimenti non saremmo noi


Gianluigi Donnarumma is the actual hero. The guy’s goalkeeping is insane!


he definitely won the game for Italy




Croatia dirty as f:;?! , so many yellow cards


Reds would have been deserved


Did you watch the game? Ask the referee who is dirty. Maybe he had some dirt in his eyes.


Croatia with very dirty tackles


Men up.


Thankfully they’re sent home so they can’t injure talented players on other teams


As a ref myself I have to disagree, Croatia were rather dirty with their style


Lol, why it doesn't surprise me your answer hahaha


you just can't accept it man


What should I accept? Why do you have that weird need to talk to me? Cuz you know that all I'm saying is truth?


nah, not true at all. Continuous yellow cards as if you wanted to destroy our players, your fans throwing cups on the pitch, substitutions to waste time, 3 minutes just to celebrate the 1-0...come on and I haven't even said everything


After we scored goal, referee was become your 12th player. Everyone saw that and you know it. Just go analyze those yellow cards and also take a look at your fouls. Some where even for red cards.


Guys you almost stole a game with a non existenet penalty and dirty play deserved at least 3 red cards. Keep crying


Hahaha hahaha, aaaaaaaa non existent penalty. Lol


Just accept it, no referee was paid, it's just a way to convince you that Croatia deserved the match when we had more than 50% of ball possession and had more goal opportunities. Then, respect for Modric, but our goal was 10 times better (but this is just my point of view). However, I hope that England win to let you through round of 16, respect for you, it was a good match


It's not about deserving the match or expectation to go forward and perform, that was long gone in previous matches. You didn't play any better. It's the incompetent ref.


If we go further, we will be demolished. Italy and Croatia are very weak, and everyone will be extremely motivated to play against both of team cuz of their history.


Football can be very cruel. But in the end, you have to score your goals and earn your points, especially in such a tough group.


Croatia is just bad


We played like Lions...the ref is a son of a bitch 8 min for what??


GROW UP.  10 subs, 7 yellow cards, penalty to check and Modric wasted time after he scored. And you played like crap even worse than we did, and we're by far the worst italian team in 50 years. You deserved it even less, period.


WASTED TIME LIKE HOW??? ITS A NORMAL CELEBRATION! We did not even use all our subs, it does not take long to give a yellow are u high? In El Classico brawls the ref gave 5 min max!! NOT 8!!


There have been a lot of +5 games this euro and several +7 (including cro vs alb) without penalty check and without all those yellow cards (we had 9 actually not 7 i was wrong). Not to mention the very high fouls number (18 by croatia). 8 is fair if you consider all that.




You are so aggressive man, just like the players. Accept it, it’s a draw. I really rooted for Italy and they didn’t really play well…


Change your nick to Fiat Improvement and stop being so soft.


I am not soft, this was a randomly generated name lol


>You will never beat us Doesn't seem to be necessary >Italia sucks big time Absolutely, imagine how much you need to suck in order to go out against us. You basically held the ball and did nothing, the penalty was basically a gift from Frattesi you had 1 dangerous shot, saved, and scored on the rebound, if this is domination I don't know what's the term for what Spain did with us >Especially against France in 2006. That's clearly Zidane's fault for having a sister


Hahahahaha, gift, lol, that was too much for me to continue to read 😂


After the gift your team decided to stop playing, seems only fair that you stop there as well


Dont tell me what to do, otherwise I will report you!!!


This shit is just free hate lmao. We were unwatchable too but Modric scored thanks to the defense's error.


Only scored thanks to defense error lol And you scored after million chances such that no Messi or Mbappe or Pele can compete with, right.


Free hate is only thing what we have now. You would like to take us that too? You think that is easy come to work this morning after that match?


You are out and never win anything. Bye bye


Same as you.


Bro idk what to tell you a team wins and the other one as a consequence loses. If going to work is such a big deal after a lost match you need some better methods of coping. And you can still lose but with respect unlike some Croatian fans


We were better team bro, and you know it. Italy and Argentina home of corrupted referees.


To be fair Brasil got a lot of help from the referee against Croatia in 2014


Yuichi Nishimura... we all remember his name... dude should have an arrest varrant so he gets jailed when he steps foot into Croatia. Croatia was defeated by Japan that day, not Brazil.


Croatia can still qualify if Slovenia lose to Eangland 3-0 or like 4-1, + Denmark have to win with Serbia of course, Czechia and Georgia have to both lose their matches so chances are still there for Croats ig


Possible but very unlikely


As an Italian, respect for Croatia and Modric, it was a beautiful match🫶🏻🫶🏻


Ma che partita hai visto? Altroché bella, per come abbiamo giocato c’era da cavarsi gli occhi


mamma mia sempre a lamentarsi noi italiani. Ci mancherebbe anche io stavo continuamente ad urlare per il fatto che stavamo giocando da schifo, però sinceramente sono felice di poter sentire di nuovo l'inno e di poter vederli giocare agli ottavi, poi come andrà andrà, per ora non penso al futuro e in più non capisco chi dice che gli 8 minuti di recupero siano ingiusti quando tiravano bicchieri di continuo, ci sono stati un sacco di falli, ci hanno messo 3 minuti solo a festeggiare e non solo.


Neanche a dire che la Croazia abbiamo fatto sta parititona. Senza il rigore sarebbe finita 0-0


E certo, anch’io sono felice che siamo passati, resta il fatto che abbiamo giocato una partita orrenda 😂 non ho detto niente di più e niente di meno e siamo d’accordo su tutto


ma si, siamo così concentrati a lamentarci che perdiamo di vista le cose importanti


Italy unwatchable 🤦‍♂️


Always has been but they get results


lmao what? this italy team does really suck, but come on dude, always been unwatchable is a little bit too much! you guys learnt football yesterday, you have to eat some polenta


ok. never spectacular instead of unwatchable, even when winning cups


Why 8 minutes of extra time though?


Second half 7 yellow cards, 10 subs, penalty check, much time wasting after modrics goal in general, many fouls especially by Croatia


I know but in all honesty there was never any discussion on the yellow cards from the players, those alone hardly wasted more than 2 or 3 minutes total, and the penalty check was relatively quick. I don't know, I am all for long and accurate extra time correctly reflecting the actually wasted time during the games, as was initiated during the last world cup, but there the 8 minutes felt really off after watching the game.


also fans throwing stuff on the pitch


Lol, so what?!


so next time use thrash can maybe karma wont punish you like an angry granny


You are so angry. 80m ppl, so much money, and still trash national team. At least you can buy refeers, as you did in 2006, hahaha.


mmmm your croatian tears taste so good mm


Nah, we know we can't play on this euro, and we didn't lose this match. But now wait when you are mauled against Switzerland or anyone further on really


Seeing you cheering against us this much is truly comical. It’s not our fault if you couldn’t beat even Albania my friend, and yesterday you play average at best so don’t talk about Italy being lucky or anything. We built that offensive action and we scored, peep that and stop crying.


So rude bro


our people are 60 m, our moneys are held by corrupted politicians. our team is thrash now, yours is not better, say what you want abouot ref, always like this from who has lost. but i remember you the diry fucking game in 2002 against south korea and that fucking piece of shit of bairon moreno who was bought from koreans to keep them alive in their world cup. SO DONT YOU DARE SAY NOTHING ABOUT 2006 WORLD CUP IT WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FOOTBALL CUP OF THE HISTORY AND WE WON IT AND WE DESERVED IT ALL. shhhhhh!


Dont yell at me, hahahhaa. You didnt deserve it. Period. After Argentina in 2022, Italy in 2006 was the biggest corrupted final ever.


Which episode made you think It was corrupted? Im genuinelly curious now, First Time i hear this


He's just a salty croatian fan with a fresh wound. I don't blame him.


You can't be serious now.


Italia inguardabile ma.. è qui che si sborra?


Prego si accomodi


Mi esce roba bianca dal buco della pipì, quindi credo di si!




„For no reason“, 7 yellow cards , 10 subs, penalty check all in the second half. Croatia played just much more dirty(I mean they always used their hands against Italians), Croatia tried quite hard to waste time after modric goal. Spain and Croatia are leading the foul scoreboard


> 10 subs You keep repeating this, but there were not 10 separate interruptions due to subs.


Duh? There can only possibly be 6 breaks for subs. Still, Croatia wasted time, there were many yellow cards and a VAR check for the pen…


Unecessary VAR check as it was as clear as day plus unecessary yellow cards, dude was handing them out like candy, became funny at one point.




bro this shit is unheard


No, he's complaining about the useless VAR check, it was like the ref was on the verge of tears when he realized he must give the penalty to 🇭🇷.


this is unreal stuff lmao what are u talking about




People in charge have plenty camera angles to see that's a penalty, he doesn't have to look for himself. He was a big wind in the back for Italians the whole game , anyone but Italians will admit it, insane.


For a penalty the ref always has to come and look, same as with red card fouls


Yeah I felt sorry for Croatian fans but delusional people and those who throwed stuff on the pitch are changing my feelings towards the Croatian fans




Serbian spotted


im not serbian nor balkan im from the country of the goat 💪


nobody give a fuck who you are, you are senseless


What’s an Argentinian doing in a Euros sub then?


im not argentinian dude i said the goat


I’m confused then? Argentina covers Messi and Maradona, perhaps you are a Brazilian Pelé fan?


Portugal? Oh well


to be fair italy finally woke up and played 35+ minutes of great football 8 minutes are a lot but trust me we were all expecting a lot. the game was stopped many times and it does make sense considering they have been giving grazy extra time these last couple of years across any uefa competition the "italy paid the ref" talk is insane there is literally no major episode in doubt, we see way crazier stuff all year long


Where can I find Italian commentary of the Zaccagni goal on YT?




It won’t let me watch in USA😢


Time to download Tor


Search Zaccagni on X. plenty of videos.


Lol Caressa just died screaming "ZACCAGNIIII" 😂


yea bro lmaooo


Sto godendo




GODOOOOOO 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹


ho letteralmente iniziato a pregare la madonna durante il recupero


As a croat I am absolutely crushed. Congrats to Italy! What a dramatic game!


Croat played well we got luck


No they didn’t. But yeah, we still definitely got lucky.


We played good until we scored goal, haha, after Italia took ball and dominated.


In the following matches I will just root for whoever plays against Itallian dwarfs. GO SWITZERLAND!!!!


mi dispiace che sei orfano frate condoglianze 😔


Fai pippa scemoo


Bro is crying so fucking hard rn


Don’t overdose on copium hahahahaha Godo rosicaaa


Womp womp


Imagine how much you suck to get kicked out by a country of dwarves, delusional




just take the L i have mad respect for Modric and the way you guys played so at least be able to admit that we did something great




lol his most recent post is asking which penis pump he should buy himself 🤣


😂😂😂 la gente non conosce la vergogna


Maybe his peepee size isn’t visible..


Lmaoooooo ayooooooo 😂😂😂


Lmao this is why people who post on Reddit need to make sure they haven’t got anything embarrassing on their profiles




and the sore winner award goes to… italy! 🥰 congrats guys, don’t take it too hard


its fine we are coming for you next dw


It’ll probably be a mid-off snorefest decided on penalties


No worries #neverforget2021
























It would providing Czech Republic don’t get a draw






It’s not that simple though. Serbia could also find its way into 3rd. Group F could pose problems too. A lot more has to go right than just England pounding Slovenia.


This is true, if Serbia draw with Denmark they have a better goal difference than Croatia If Turkey beat Czechia then Georgia beat Portugal then this would also keep Croatia out


This was such a shocker for us Italians 😭 I had already lost all hope lol


Really sad for the result. For Italy good luck next round. They're underperforming but usually surprise a lot in knockout stage.


Croatia played with the heart. Sorry for modric. Didnt understand why the ref stopped at 7.30 but whatever. I think that 1-1 is a fair result


yeah, Modric was heartbreaking to watch, despite our win. I really hope they get through anyway, but it's not that likely.




Sudac profesionalni pušač kurčine. Frajer gleda var za nesto kaj je vidio i realno nije trebo pogledat, meč se trebo zvat “We play until Italy scores” nek se jebu, nismo najjaci na kupu, malo smo izbezumljeni i igramo kao da nam se neda igrat ali ovaj meč smo trebali dobit 1000%


gleda var i onda zbog toga da 8 jebenih minuta za nista, kretencina