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I'd like to point out the Messi stat is wrong. He has 5 from 53. (it's in the reply to the tweet mentioned in the same article too....), while also playing in 11 more games... so clearly opts for not just shooting himself relentlessly. [https://twitter.com/OptaAnalyst/status/1808065579514728836](https://twitter.com/OptaAnalyst/status/1808065579514728836)


It's a dutch article, they probably only took WC+EC in account in these stats.


With free kicks a lot of its creativity, Ronaldo thinks he can score from anywhere and more so than most he can. But with Fernandes and Silva on your team you can increase opportunities and creativity while having one of the best scorers ever be in front of the goal for any rebounds or passes. He needs to realize that the team is much better than the previous ones he played with and doesn’t need to carry the team anymore. This from a Portuguese who has watched him play from the day he was subbed in to play for Man U. Personally I would like him to play in midfield as his vision and passing ability is still incredible. But when he wants to finish all the plays we don’t see his creativity often enough from bringing the play forward. But I am not a manager so no idea if It’s a smart play or not.


With conversion rates so low, it's about as important how many lead to continued possession vs opponents' possession.


I think Ronaldo is destroyed the image he has built. Let me start of by saying that yes, he does have an extremely good record and, statistically, is one of the, if not the best striker in football. These statistics won’t change, HOWEVER what changes is the public‘s perception. Had he retired during his prime, he would forever be remembered as this legendary striker who could make a goal from any freekick and would make a guaranteed goal when any opportunity arose. However, with his recent performance, and maybe even in 2026, he is destroying this image. Because most people don’t remember the statistics, they remember the last few games. And if he plays like shit in his last global tournaments, then that’s how he‘ll be remembered. Again, it’s not to say that he isn’t impressive, the very opposite. But, in the public’s eyes he won’t be remembered as such if he continues this


When you think of Maradona do you think of his return to Argentina at 33 and his career fizzling out or do you remember the great 10 years before that? Same with Pele and Best. People remember the greatness. They don't remember Best turning out for a 3rd division Bournemouth. There are other examples I could give. In fact it's pretty rare for an all time great to do a Zidane. Give it a few years post retirement and people's memories of Ronaldo will be in at his pomp.


I think the large majority will know and understand that he is 39 and finished, but they will also know that he used to be an elite footballer who posted amazing yearly stats even up to age 35-36, an age when most other legends were retired and drinking beer and chewing magnums. Majority will still remember him as a legend, only the tiktok generation would doubt.


Look I don't think it's necassarily a case it just being a bad conversion rate... it's that he simply won't step aside ever. One of the best memories for me is Kieran Trippier banging one in... out of nowhere. Just imagine, Ronaldo stepping up and then Cancelo randomly takes it to the surprise of everyone so much that goalie doesn't react he's so stunned and it goes in. Or how about Pepe pulling an Eric Dier? Someone will reply with "but Messi" - but Messi actually floats them in if he doesn't feel it's a good chance of a goal, Ronaldo is just shot after shot.


Agreed. He is too dominant and egotistical, grabs all the freekicks from his teammates who are too scared to say something.


Fernandes still should be taking these