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Man, and I thought that all the Dutch were orange.


You’re confusing the Dutch and the Oompa Loompas


And scouse women


Welcome to the club as French we have been targeted by racists for decades.


By Marine le Pen?


Marine Le Pen complains a lot about how the team is too black indeed.


Lol what!? Is this real? Just to clarify, you are saying that the leader of the most popular party in France thinks that the French national football team is too black, right?


Afd does the same here in Germany


the AfD is one of the few reasons why I am NOT moving back to germany.


So you found an alternative to Germany?


Yes. Huh ironic right


Of course, how else would they get all the dumbasses out to vote for them?


Come on she is full on racist anti immigrants... It runs in her blood her father was the same right wing scum..


The most famous politician being racist towards immigrants is one thing. The most famous politician being racist towards 10% of your own citizens is something else.


Nope. Racism is racism


Yes, the racist woman who runs the racist party is in fact a racist person.


Yes, she is a racist


Look at what her dad was saying in 1998.


France is one of the most racist countries in the world


Having travelled a lot... I think you're living in a parallel world. France has problems with racism, but countries with far fewer social problems and which are not multicultural are far more racist. Now imagine these same countries with the same problems as France, and you'd see manhunts for foreigners in the streets.


There are actual manhunts in the streets of Turkey. They population is all riled up about syrian refugees.


Have you travelled much to non-Western countries? In many countries racism is rampant but swept under the rug. In the West it’s atleast being openly discussed.


Yeah, if you spend some time in East Asia, you’ll find that their attitudes are a bit behind the times


Exactly. You want to see true racism I'd suggest the middle eastern countries and even some Asian countries.


I’ve seen several comments/posts regarding Dutch Team that have been made by Romanians (the dumb ones). It’s so sad to read those comments from people that have literally no history knowledge of why some countries have several people of color. I am ashamed of some of “my people”. I am sorry on their behalf. :)


Thanks for being vocal and letting everyone know that it's a small minority in your country too. When only the bad people make noise it can be easy to generalise about the whole population.


Romanian here, same. This prevalence of racism and homophobia was the top reason I left (I'm LGBT and from a super small town). Not to say that everyone's like that, but yeah. There's "true" racism and homophobia in the UK as well, but feels much safer and contained


That’s true, I met a lot of people who were obsessed in Romania with the gypsies and blamed everything on them like some convenient boogeyman. Reminded me of the way Greeks can be about Albanians.


There's plenty of true racism in the UK no need to go abroad lmao


I mean, it exists, but it’s far more sporadic in my experience. Going abroad to America/France/Italy I witness more racism in a week than I witness in a year in England


Brits get a lot of hate because of Brexit but after 7 years of living in the UK I must they're extremely sound most of the time


If you're Polish you probably get a bit of the opposite. We have a positive stereotype for Poles as all being hardworking regular folk. Someone should have told my ex girlfriend, she was lazy as fuck.




In france its bad but Germanys isnt so bad, Italian is by far the worst, people arr openly racist towards black.people Spain gets a bad rep but you dont get much as they also have anduluains who are sometimes darkish skin. UK is by far the least racist but this is my opinion of someone who has travelled to all these places for more then a month


I'm guessing you're western European. Pretty much everywhere else in the world have more problems with racists (other than maybe South America, but even they have problems with their indigenous folk). Try Russia, Japan, Serbia, Saudi Arabia


South Africa has massive problems with racism


Understatement of the year


I mean, yeah... That is pretty obvious, they had an apartheid government for like half a century.


I'm originally from south America... it's super racist down there. No where is safe


Yeah, I wasn't 100 percent on that one tbf - I've heard mixed things.


Uk also gets told its one of the most racist countries in the world. Its amazing why all those people from Africa, the Middle East and Asia come to northern western Europe in such high numbers looking to settle in the most racist countries in the world. Make it make sense!


UK has one of the highest rates of interracial relationships in the world.




Trying to breed colour out of the population!


Naa just want their kids to have a permanent tan. Much cheaper than taking them abroad lol.


Seeing all those boiled British lobsters in Ibiza a few years back I can't help but think that's a valid and straightforward healthcare and skin cancer prevention tactic


People don't immigrate because the country's population is "welcoming". They immigrate because they have to. A country can be considered conservative in terms of immigration and still have a high number or refugees/immigrants coming into it.


Immigrants in the UK are treating well from the government and its people. Yes there's racists but we're mostly a welcoming bunch


The whole world is more racist than Europe.


And most of Europe is more racist than England


We take in 300k to 1m per year because we are so aggressively anti racist. Almost no other country in the world would not just passively accept but actively seek out immigration on this level. Yet the internal media driven narrative is that we are a bunch of fascists who hate brown people. Literally, we are in the top five least racists nation on earth but our young people inexplicably think we have 1950s style attitudes.


It's all propaganda and it works looking at some of the replies


Wtf is that comment??


Racism in France doesn’t change the fact that other countries’ supporters can also be very racist, and it doesn’t give others a pass either.


Surely you can't say that, born and raised in France, lived in big cities and countryside. France is not a racist country, sure we have our problematic people but as a country I do not understand how you can say that


Try and apply this to literally any measurable metric and it fails spectacularly




Unfortunately, we also have a lot of nutjobs like that in Germany. They must've been in shambles when Gundogan and Musiala scored against Hungary while wearing the pink jersey lmao


Just concentrate on hating England, everyone does and that’s accepted and allowed for some reason


Because most English don't care, say what you want, no offence taken. Just expect to get it back.


> no offence taken I'm afraid the English football team took that quite literally.


Haha fantastic. You win for today sir


Very good, have my upvote, sir.


The problem with that is a lot of other nations seem to throw their dummies out when you say anything about them


Invade us again you Viking cowards! Double dare ya.


Hating us is easy mate, they all speak our language.


Remember at the last Euro's when the entirety of Reddit wanted Italy to win because England is super racist...


It's because your fans have a reputation for being the worst in the game I'm afraid Edit: guys I'm not saying that this is true or accurate, just a preconception many people have that they use to justify hating on the English. Sorry for any misunderstanding!


That doesn’t hold any water though.  Anyone who’s gone to European games would tell you we’re almost embarrassingly well behaved compared to clubs in the continent (excluding Spain who are also pretty calm).  We just have a media who are very used to talking up our ‘oik’ fan base.


Spain can be rattled, just mention tourists to them


I agree that it's blown way out of proportion, and shouldn't be happening sorry if that wasn't clear


Indeed, England is one of the lowest for fines. https://www.reddit.com/r/euro2024/s/edQKMPHRV9


A big part.od this is because you can't get England tickets without effectively being on an approved list and they more you go the more points you get


What's the weather like in the 1980s?


And yet have caused no problems so far this tournament, with the Slavic countries being by far the ‘worst’ behaved. Doesn’t add up does it🙃


Did you see that post that shows the fines dished out for fan behaviour, England is near the bottom of the list whilst Switzerland (that place where everything is so controlled and polite) is near the top keeping company with countries you might expect to have behavioural problems.


Well it’s just false media portrayal All nations have good and bad fans. It doesn’t excuse universal hatred for a nation


Oh I see, so it was English fans throwing stuff on the pitch last night, I thought they were Turkish. Shows what I know 




100% we can be terrible. I was just elaborating on why some people feel it's okay to hate on the English, not saying it's acceptable or accurate. Sorry for any misunderstanding


The “worst” fans from a dominate successful nation so people act like it’s different and socially acceptable to hate on them…


Get used to it. Haven't you seen the rasism against turks last night? Or how many romanian gypsies comments I've seen (or the "subtle" remarks about stealing and shit)? Many done by people from your country too. But yeah, racism is bad, what a surprise. People lack the brains to make a joke about another subject so they go to racism.


So true, racism most often is from the stupidest people in society


Said like a true Scot. Scotland is one of the few countries which were brilliant fan wise in the Euros and always have a brilliant laugh abroad whether they play in the champions league with Celtic and rangers or in the Copa America or World Cups in all sports. Especially the rugby


I'd feel pity but every Romanian I work with hates and constantly complains about gypsies, not knowing I am one.


Do you want to get into the whole conversation about the situation in Romania of the gypsies? I recently had this talk with someone so I think I have the statistics saved somewhere. The idea is that if someone complains out of random, without reason about gypsies than yeah, they are rasist (and yes, rasism is a problem here). But the thing is that there are reasons romanian have a problem with gypsies. The problem is not with race, is about culture. I grew up with them, romanians were a minority in my part of town, in my school. I'm still friendly with most of them, we probably meet up randomly once or twice per month and stay for a smoke break to talk about random shit. But it's not rasism to complain about their culture. Not when statistically, a third of them don't finish middle school, even more don't finish highschool. Most of the young people don't have an education, don't have a job either, but most of them have money to spend. They represent more than a third of the illiterate people in my country while being a minority (and the number difference is big so percentage is way too high). Those are stats, but opinion are worse. I can talk about having to grow big dogs that were killed because gypsies my age would constantly enter my yard/house to steal things in the night. Or growing up and having to have a chain or some sort of weapon since the guys my age would start fights randomly and if you got beaten you would be humiliated (robbed, beaten even worse on the ground, ripping your clothes etc) and if you won they would come with their older brothers or cousins as a group to beat you up. But things are changing now, internet helped a lot. Most of the younger generation have social media accounts, watch movies, have enough social interactions to realise what's right/wrong (or what's socially known as not ok). For the first time in my life, I started hearing the teens talking about finishing up highschool, college and jobs. As I said, things are changing and I think they are going to be more integrated into the society (because before now they actively avoided integration, mostly in semi-urban or rural areas). Complaining about gypsies without reason is an asshole move, but there are some good reason to complain if you have that experience. Consider me rasist if you want, but I can explain it better if you're interested, can bring up data, statistics etc. The bad part of the attitude towards gypsies is that most organisations avoid this topic so there aren't many actual statistics (like rate of criminality in Romania vs other countries, undeclared money etc), but there are some about the things I mentioned (rate of abandon in schools, illiteracy, job occupation etc). Saying romanian people complain about gypsies because they are rasist is basic, offending even gypsies by reducing them to a victim status.


Fair take.


"Romanians" and "the Romani People (gypsies)" are 2 entirely distinct races.


If it was the minority doing those things it would be no different than any other group. Every group has “a few bad apples.” But I’ll tell you. Gypsies are a special case of apples all together. I worked with recently arrived gypsies to the US. They come illegally through Mexico. They make you believe that all they need is an opportunity. I offered them a job making as much as $350/day they all showed up for one day then disappeared. I met them in their apartments and tried to teach them how to succeed in this country. They told me as clear as day. “We don’t have a culture of work….” To the point I was impressed at how well they communicated what they are getting wrong. They said “I went to work too before. One day, two days, a week…. But man to go every single day???” We just don’t have that in our culture. The tip of the iceberg was when I was talking to a group and a you g girl walked by and she recognized me because I had helped her relative with some paperwork dealing with birth certificate. She was no more than 12 yo and very politely said “hi Mr (my name)…” I realized I she must recognize me from before so I said “hi there…. Oh you are Johny’s daughter right? Her response “no I’m his daughter in law….” I was like : 😱🤯🤬🤬🤬🤬 My American aid worker friends asked me to translate. I was too shocked to do so. Found out American child protective services don’t want to come anywhere near this community so they just pretend they don’t exist. My parent’s experience back home has been the same. The most success they had was to building churches in Their community and having a handful of families transform their life through faith. But even that is hard work and very rare.


Things are a bit complicated when it comes to gypsies in Romania. On the one hand there's the majority who are honest decent people. They usually don't stand out. On the other hand you have the minority who refuse to integrate and constitute 90% of organised crime in Romania. That minority is incredibly vocal and has basically taken over the gypsy identity. When you hear Romanians complain about gypsies they're usually complaining about these guys.


As Hungarian, it is not complicated. Both Hungarians, Romanians and all the other European nations that have people with gypsy background living among them need to recognize that we have not done a single positive thing historically to help them, other than misappropriate their culture where it conveniently fit the national narrative. The gypsies are in most European countries the poorest, least educated people and that is not by choice but systematically enforced. Saying these people do want to assimilate/integrate, throw our hands up and blame them to make end's meet is not only intellectually lazy but also disingenuous. I understand that this is the narrative in most of Europe but that is only the view of the system that created the situation.


100% this. We keep saying "we tried to integrate them but they're unwilling", when all the measures we took just furthered the segregation. They never stood a chance


A lot of them are poor indeed, but the ones that cause the bad image usually aren't. If you are ever in Romania to places like Strehaia to see the palaces. People see those and they automatically associate the two. It's true that the government could do more to help them. Right now gypsies are guaranteed free education at every level and get the standard social security aid but that's about it. We used to have a very good integration plan back in the early 90s but baroness Emma Nicholson and EU delegates from France and Belgium put a stop to it accusing us of destroying one of Europe's unique cultures.


>When you hear Romanians complain about gypsies they're usually complaining about these guys. And when you hear people complaining about Romanians steeling every thing they don't actually mean all Romanians, just the bad ones. You see how that doesn't work? The racism begins with lumping a group of people together and treating them as a monolith and them making them responsible for the actions of individuals.


We need to separate racism and stereotypes imo, some of the jokes about one or other narionality are quite funny, for example frog eating france or spagetti italians. But judgeing on the people based on their skin color is a big no no


The only problem I have is some of them honking awake parts of the city's residents in fhe middle of the night on a weekday when most people have to wake up early to get to work the next day. Other than that, they can celebrate, respectfully.


The irony is that most of those comments were made by dutch fans.


Canadian here. We're playing in the COPA right now, and our players have been targeted as well. Ironically enough, some of the white dudes on the team haven't been, and their parents aren't from Canada. Absolute scum will revert to racism when they have nothing going for them.




The attacks on the Canadian team in copa america were brutal too.


That's the way it's been in France for 20 years. You'll get used to it. For some people, being black means having to play in Africa. And not being a 'real' Dutch or French person. In general, this criticism comes when the team wins, so it's positive. It's a way of belittling the country if it wins, to say that it's not a real victory for that country but for Africa. The same people never make this kind of remark about the American basketball team. It doesn't matter if players like Thuram or Maignan (for example) have been French longer than Lebron James has been American.


I think people is just shocked that netherlands went from a 80-90% white team 10 years ago at 2014 brazil to a 80% non white team today. Hopefully the racism calm down as people get used to the new reality.


I'm sorry but it's not the same black Americans. 99% of black Americans came to America the same time as the first whites did. If you asked the basketball team, most have zero idea which country their ancestors were brought from 400 years ago. Most black Americans are also mixed with European and native American. Maignan was born and French Guyana and Thuram was born in Guadalupe. Both French territories. Either way both players are 100% "real" French and deserve to be treated as such. Just pointing out the distinction between many black Europeans and black Americans.


It's sheer ignorance to be unaware of the Dutch's colonial past and countries like Suriname.


Or just Dutch football history. Ruud Gullit, Clarence Seedorf, Patrick Kluivert etc etc. We've always had high profile black players. It's weird that now it's suddenly an issue. 


It's an "issue" due to the whole great replacement bullshit.


What if they are aware of it, but in a hundred years things changed to the point where people who inherited somatic traits from the colonized countries recognise themselves as inhabitants of the former colonialist country? Just a guess


That’s their point, though. Because of our history, the country became more diverse, which makes using skin tone as a qualifier for who is and isn’t a “real native” even more stupid than it already used to be.


well, this is hypocritical. PVV, the biggest party in the Netherlands wants to quality all of those people as immigrants. for people that may not know, PVV stated they want 3rd generation Dutch to be classified as immigrants and have law apply differently to them. to make this very explicit, PVV want people who themselves and their parents were born in the Netherlands to still classify as immigrants. yes, exactly. this is closest thing PVV can do next to saying "Dutch people only have blue eyes and blonde hair" within our current legal framework. you may not like this, but we do deserve those jokes. we cannot embrace the diversity of this country when it's working, and actively undermine it at the same time.


We, the Netherlands, the state/political entity, can be mocked Nathan Aké from Voorburg, Tijani Reijnders from Zwolle, and Cody Gakpo from Eindhoven don't deserve being targeted with racial abuse and false accusations of the 'crime' of being foreign


I'm not sure if what's mentioned in this post is racial abuse against the players, but in any case the players absolutely don't deserve any abuse. but we Dutch don't get to call anyone out while our country is actively being racist against the very players through the majority government.


This makes 0 sense - how are you meant to change things if the Dutch people who aren't racist aren't allowed to call it out for fear of being hypocritical? This shit needs to be called out, especially when there's a far right government and Dutch POC are more vulnerable than ever.


Yeah, and a lot of these right-wing parties only get elected with like 35-40% of the vote share, it's not the majority of the country affiliating themselves with them, and even it it did, someone who isn't racist and didn't vote for them isn't a hypoctite for calling out their own country's shitty politicians and voters.


Geert Wilders got even less (around 25%) so this is very right


>but we Dutch don't get to call anyone out while our country is actively being racist against the very players through the majority government Nonsense mate. Calling it out, making it obvious to all and sundry how absurd it is, how immoral it is, is exactly how you change things for the future.


3rd generation Dutch? You having a fucking laugh. I'm English but I'm actually an immigrant. I moved when I was two years old. It's fucking preposterous to suggest I belong anywhere else. Let alone 3rd fucking generation. I've been avoiding politics since the Euros started and this is why.


it's absurd, really. in essence it has nothing to do with immigrants, and has everything to do with racism. because it's illegal to argue for difference laws for "non-white folks", this is what they say. and when they say that, they also separate the "non-western immigrants" from "western immigrants", just to make sure other white folks aren't negatively effected with the racist decisions they are taking. then when you say there is racism rooted deep in Dutch culture & language, people get offended.


This is a good perspective. I think that people become offended because if you tell them their country and language is just inherently racist, it feels like there is nothing you can do. So the response is more out of helplessness (I think, maybe I’m wrong).


This sounds very familiar. What's next? Invading France?


Ahaha well played


I mean sure the PVV can want these things but it wont and can’t happen because of the laws in place. Its not in the coalition plan and can’t be…


You'll get used to it Don't exhaust yourself explaining basic stuff


Its only racist when these comments are made towards western countries, isn’t in? Lets not forget all the racist and xenophobic comments your conationals have said about romanians


Didn’t you Dutch just voted in geert- renowned racist?


Sadly, yes. We joined the rest of (western) Europe in increasingly leaning right


UK just about to get a Labour government with a massive majority, so you’re not joining us


There’s a general election in Britain today which will almost certainly see a centre-left party wipe out the right-wing Conservative party that has ruled for 14 years.


Yes, 22% of Dutch people voted for the PVV, the party of known anti-Islam Geert Wilders. Geert Wilders will not represent our country as the prime minister. Dick Schoof (not connected to a party) will take up that task.


Dutch people when they see posts about their team not being of Dutch descent: oh no, stop being so racist! Also Dutch people in the same breath: haha we beat the gypsies!


Also noticed a solid amount of comments full of hatred on a couple of subreddits :/


You are so salty over a god damn troll page. The only, and literally only jokes I have seen with racist connotations have been on that cesspit "Daily Romania" which has been criticized both internally and internationally. They post deliberately inflammatory shit and are belived to be ruzzian sponsored. Now, just because I'm petty, I'll drop [this](https://apnews.com/article/netherlands-government-and-politics-racism-09890bcd2db5e7055c52a358ae76fd99).


These are such pointless threads all you get is: You are racist. No YOU are racist. NO nobody is racist. etc. I wish people would stop the fingerpointing and telling others how to behave just to feel good about themself.


I have lived in the Netherlands, and at least a part of your population is doing the following: NL is losing and is shit "They are not even Dutch" NL is winning, and is doing great "They are our boys". Please don't tell me this is not true, I lived among you, lol. I am not finding excuses for these lame jokes about the skin color, but the Netherlands is a super racist country which just voted a far right government, so give me a break.


Its the same in germany


It is racism if only Eastern Europeans are doing it. It is "barbaric behavior" only if Turks are throwing shit at players. You should know the double standard mate.


Who elected Wilders and who is electing Le Penn? Racism is at home, bro.


first time?


The better your team plays, the more racism you'll hear, carry on.


In germany we have exactly the same problem but its because some players are black or from turkey. Our right wing party and their comrades love to be racist about that and about our pink jerseys, which are the beste selling jerseys ever btw. Edit: spelling


Man, Germany is fielding it's most "diverse" team ever. In Pink shirts. The second we loose our own right wing idiots will go cry on about it online for weeks, months, possibly years. There will always be racism in football, like when the black players in the last Finale missed and England became second. There was a lot of open racism around for quite a while. Or when Rüdiger scored the own goal against Scotland. In a match where nationalities are the dividing factor racists will always exist, we just gotta show them that they fucking suck, like the ones in Germany that are rooting against the German team. It's fucking atrocious


I wish I could upvote this a million times! Fuck racism!


Yeah really, let’s go back to yellow license plates are for people who failed the drivers ed 3 times jokes.


Hey! Is that actually a joke Germans say about us dutchies? Do you have any other? Really curious...


only garbage men wear orange


And prisoners


Orange is the new black. Tasteless joke. Racism is on the rise all around the world. I saw a tweet congratulating the Turkey team for not having black players. Yet, there are Georgians, Bosnians, Albanians, Circassians and Kurds on the team. Western European understanding of race is very much about skin color.


Actually there aren't really Bosnians, Albanians, etc. in the Turkish team. All Turk people are mixed, some have more Balkan blood in them and some more Asian, etc. All the guys in the Turkish squad are people whose family line is in Turkey for hundreds and hundreds years. It's not like their family just immigrated 30 years ago from Bosnia or something. They have Turkish names, their mother tongue is Turkish, they grew up with Turkish values, they all proudly sing the Turkish anthem, etc.  It's not comparable to for example  Xherdan Shaqiri who plays for Switzerland and is indeed ethnically Kosovar Albanian. His family line is from Kosovo, he is also born in Yugoslavia, he obviously doesn't have a Swiss name, he's probably raised bilingual. It's not comparable at all with Turkish players who might have some Albanian blood in them. 


If you fail the driving test three times, you get a yellow license plate to warn everybody, a caravan trailer to ensure that you can not drive faster than 100 km/h and a sticker „NL“ for „never learned“. Funnily enough, the Dutch are considered pretty much the most disciplined drivers in Europe aside from the Scandinavians. Except for the parking.




That is really awesome


Lots of them that involve camper vans, like: "What do you call a traffic jam in the Netherlands? A camping site"


Yeah I know this story. Jokes about the west bad and racism. Jokes about the east - haha funny gypsy. Don’t forget that your beloved country is easily in the top 10 most racist and cruel countries for non europeans in history.


I'm tired seeing ppl do and say racist shit in general. If you can't be normal then don't watch football


The Dutch are also racist, but selectively. They won't complain about the players when they do well, but the fact that Wilders won the last elections speaks a lot about the average Dutch guy's opinions.


I lived in Amsterdam for 3 years and I was shocked at how racist and xenophobic Dutch people can be.


Coloured Dutch here and never experienced racism in my life here. It was a different story during my years in Germany tho..


As long as they sing the national anthem I don't mind. I saw both French and Dutch players sing with pride and beat their opponent 💪




Lol reading this thread as an american has given me a good laugh. 🤣


Don’t let them get to you, not worth the energy


This is just not about Euro cup racism. Racism in football is real and does exist. Just ask Ozil, Neymar, Balotelli, and there’s more. Europe is more xenophobic than racist compare to other places


Are people really making those jokes?


Never change Reddit


people make the same joke even for Canada it is what it is


Just compare the picture of the football team lineup with the picture of the last government... [Cabinet picture ](https://www.government.nl/binaries/large/content/gallery/government/content-afbeeldingen/government/start-of-schoof-government/start-of-schoof-government.jpg) Very egalitarian country


First time?


Fuck racism. Glasgow Celtic, smash racists.


When I was active on social media, I remember seeing a post about the French team, maybe around 2014/2016. Highlighting where they were supposedly "really from". The same idiots that would likely shout support for Anthony Lopes, Adrien Silva & Raphael Guerreiro who were born in other countries, then add to the fact that one of our biggest legends in this century only became a Portuguese citizen in his early 20s, Pepe. Moral of the story, fuck racists and their mental gymnastics.


Today, I am Dutch


Couldn’t of said it any better myself


We get the flag shaggers in England crying about the same thing. Boring isn’t it?!


Lol you should've seen what people were saying about Depay on the circle jerk soccer sub. Like I get the point of a circle jerk but a lot of the time people use the excuse of a "circlejerk" to just go full mask off racism.


People will always find ways to hate. Swiss and Austrian team have some white players of mostly Balkan decent and people still hate and joke about it. Funnily enough in case of Austria those countries have been part of the Austrian Empire prior to WW1 and people still hate


If your proud of your origins you will play for that country. Why France has a team full of Africans is beyond me. Those players should play for their roots, not the country they have landed in as an immigrant. Traitors to their own country. Just coz your born in a stable doesn't make you a horse.


Piss off racist


I mean, it's 36 years since the Dutch won the Euros with 3 blonde haired blue eyed players in their team. This sounds like ignorance on a literally unbelievable level.


It's just a symptom of a changing demographic indeed. Having said that, at the same time the national football team is barely white you're a right wing nazi conspiracy theorist (as if all conspiracy theories have always been wrong) if you talk about "repopulation".


I’ve been to the Netherland many times as a kid it not just one type of person


Wait its 2024 and theres STILL racism? No way.... sarcasm. Im brown.


I’m not against black people in European national teams. However I think you should at least be able to speak the language. Frimpong doesn’t speak Dutch yet plays for the Netherlands????


Wait!!! So your telling me ye all done have blonde hair blue eye? And yer mother's aren't all hookers eating orange carrots? Mad!!!


It's been the same with many teams. Colombia, France, Ecuador, Germany, Portugal and many others


The “fans” have been the biggest let down of this tournament - one which, as someone who only watches the Euros and World Cups, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed so far. You cannot call yourself a true fan of the game without extending respect to all teams.


Netherlands has been mixed colors in football for 40 years. Look at the 1988 winning side. People are stupid.


You'll get used to it. We've been called gypsies for decades as romanians, doesn't matter if you're blonde or brown. Apparently, romanian=gypsy in the west. I can see it's your first time, lol.


not related to your post at all but this reminded me that one time I took a flight from Malaga to Amsterdam and the entire flight was people with blue eyes and blond hair. I'm Mexican and have brown skin, with brown eyes and black hair. I stuck out like a sore thumb. I found it pretty funny.


Funny how dutch people are allowed to say shit on Romania’s Uefa post that we steal and all we give is prostitutes to Europe. That is fine. Disgusted by the remarks, especially when you know shit about a country. 🤮


Okay, Netherlands wouldn’t be half the team they are today without African descent players, that’s convenient to you when it comes to football, but when it comes to anything else the majority of you are just as racist unfortunately…


Try being Saka. There's genuine conspiracy theories about his place of birth even though he was born in London. I don't like minority players who flip/flop between nations like Patrick Viera (Complains about senegal talent and calls himself senagelese but chose france. Tough shit). But if they're born in the country and want to represent the country their skin colour is irrelevant.


I'm confused. I thought they are orange


Dutch, get a taste of your own medicine. Dutch are racist and xenophobe against people from Eastern Europe.


i dunno all the context but you're confusing racism with colonialism i dont think people are making fun of the ethnicity or nationality of the ancestors of the players but of the fact that it is not representative of the dutch population as a matter of fact i have visited netherlands and yes, there are immigrants settled there, but most of the people are still tall blue eyed blondes and the team is not representative of this


You can always rely on scum to come out of the woodwork when anything challenges their ignorance.


Race and nationality are not the same thing OP. Nobody is making fun of the Netherlands because their skin color. Though it's ironic that the country who is racist towards other EU members complains about race.




So all you are sayin', despite the players being born in the country, speaking the language, part of the society, every single thing does not matter in the end, because everything boils down to looks. Thats a sad perspective, rather then being represented by their spirit and passion for the game.


And how is that relevant? How are old, beer drinking fans representative of a team full of professional athletes anyway? There were female fans in the stadium as well, they are also not represented on the mens football team.. What brings them together is that they are Dutch!


Being born somewhere doesn't mean that's what you are. Look at the French team for another example.