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We must be careful those we have allowed in our borders.


Lolz, as if border control could prevent enemy states being able to operate in foreign country lands.


Sure, just make it as easy as possible then, sounds reasonable


Just a couple of rhetorical questions. Will AfD demand to deport him? Will AfD supporters leave here a couple of their usual comments here about "doctors and engineers"?


They can’t perceive hypocrisy


Even in Germany, Ukrainians are dying for our freedoms - in this case by helping us identify and isolate harmful Russians and reduce their anti-freedom impact.




This is by far not the first time. Last one was Ukrainian athlete murdered by ruzzian (snuck up with a knife....) Germany has a big problem. Before was a young Ukrainian mother murdered by ruzzians and her child STOLEN by those ruzzians.... in Germany!


The question should be, why are there any Russians allowed in the EU?


To this day many governments, and people in general for that matter, like to think in terms of „Putin’s war“ or „Putin’s Russia“. Many aren’t able to comprehend (or don’t want to) that the population of Russia for the biggest part still stands behind Putin and supports what he is doing. All while many European states and people still think one can’t blame the Russian people for what happens in Ukraine, what happens in many other European states in regard to disinformation and manipulation and so on. But ignoring that the people of Russia support the war in Ukraine and completely support Putins view on western states of just blind. As a German in Berlin (where many Russians live) I had quite a few discussions with Russians here and arguments like „well, obviously your government doesn’t think Putin is that bad when you still allow us to travel and live here!“ came up on a regular basis. It feels like our culture completely forgets and ignores that bad faith actors use our liberal mindset to their advantage and that some people only understand strong policies, also or especially against the civilian population in terms of accepting them into our borders.


Absolutely, from day one of the invasion of Ukraine, my argument is that it wasn't Putin's war, it's Russia's war. The overwhelmening majority of Russians are strongly in favor of Putin and the complete anihilation of Ukraine and harbor dreams of restoring their former "Empire". In general, for any Russian a foreigner can't be a friend. You're either an enemy or a subordinate, there is nothing in between.


1) What is "overwhelming majority" in percentage? 2) Do you have any data to support this "overwhelming majority" dreams claim?


What about Russians who want to escape from the country and don't support the war?


Ukrainians are being sent back to be conscripted. Russians should be sent back to fight against Putin too




Discrimination WITHIN the EU. That doesn't mean the EU has open borders and anyone can enter. Entry in ANY country of the world is a privilege, not a granted right, if you aren't a citizen of that country. If you are legally in the EU, you can't be discriminated. However, the EU has the right to choose who to let inside its borders.




the point is those rights might get revoked if you start doing putins bidding in this neck of the woods.


Sure, because before Russians there was no crime in EU. The real question is that how you will deal with late repatriates, Russian Germans, who have a citizenship of Germany. You’re about to build those shiny concentration camps once again and do genetic tests to find out whether they have Russian DNA? Beware of putting Eastern Ukrainians in the neighbor cells. And fellow Germans too.


If they have German citizenship, obviously, nothing can be done. However, just like with any other country in the world, entry into the UE is a privilege, not a right. Nobody has the "right" to enter the EU if they aren't EU citizens. The US, Russia, china, India, all major countries have the exact same policy. My question concerns Russians that don't have EU passports. Why do we still allow them to enter the EU? Why don't they go to China, their best buddies, instead of the EU? After all, isn't the EU "evil"?


Because the notion that for Russians China is the best buddy is Putin’s nonsense. People in Russia feel attached to the West more than to the East. History and culture are also linked to the West (lots of ties with Germany and France through ages, lots of German and Finnish descendants live there, the aristocracy spoke French). Those who visit China often live in the Far East, because they don’t need to spend half a day to fly to Europe, but even them would rather fly to Moscow than to Harbin or Beijing. People that deem EU evil either visit Turkey, Egypt, UAE, Thailand, or don’t have passports for international travel at all (by official stats like 70% of Russians didn’t even have such passports, even less had been abroad). So you can be sure that most of people who get a EU visa (which is hard right now) are not anti-EU.


We're from Madrid and met a few Russians here that fled after the start of the war. It's always our first question to them. Why on earth are you in a country that you hate so much, that you despise and that you want to bombard with nukes? After all, if you tune in to any channel on Russian TV, from morning to night you have endless talk shows where everybodby wants to bombard Paris, London and Berlin to the ground...


Well, if someone right off the bat asked me why I come to Spain if I hate Spain and want to bomb it with nukes, my initial response would be “Why the hell you imply I have this mindset?” These TV talk shows are watched by folks aged 50+ or those who don’t have any ability or desire to travel. They won’t go to a country they want to destroy because, well, they don’t like it?


There isn't a lot of details to go on in the article, but would it be safe to assume this was a tragic but mostly spontaneous hate crime?  Rather than something slightly more serious if it was another Russian assassination op


This dude should be prosecuted harshly to set a precedent about hate crimes. However, I’ve had too much internet lately, saw Ukrainians (not bots) discussing how to beat Russians on vacation and in EU to not get caught by police, saw slurs and hatred against all Russians, even children, so I’d suppose that he could be pushed into the rampage state by the victims (it doesn’t justify his actions and shouldn’t be used to make his sentence shorter, I just can’t comprehend someone would randomly go at a killing spree at that age) who could use slurs and mock him for being Russian. Given the dude is 57 years old, it wouldn’t be hard to criticize his conservative beliefs. Could be a deranged/drunk dude who decided to kill 2 random dudes out of the blue with absolutely no reason though. Ah oh, a 57 year old is not a dude that fled from the regime or from mobilization, stop pushing that narrative. He probably already has German citizenship for decades. There are a lot of late repatriates in Germany, they also favor AfD and watch RT. Edit: People below say that’s victim blaming, when I literally say the contrary, but let’s not forget some people get crazy when bullied, that’s how Columbine shooting happened and many others. People were conditioned to do that by their peers. Some people get conditioned by propaganda, that could be the case here as well given the rhetoric of Russian TV and the fact it’s popular among repatriates in Germany.


Nice speculation there. If he is a sane adult he is responsible for his actions, full stop.


That’s what I said?


Now that is victim blaming


I literally said a couple of times it doesn’t justify his actions. If you crossed a street on a red light and got hit by a car doing 200 kph in a 50 kph zone, that’s driver’s fault. However you probably shouldn’t be crossing the road on a red light in the first place. Even school shootings have a story behind them, being people mistreated badly and couldn’t handle their emotions which resulted in a shooting.


Dam that russophobia! /s(HEAVY IRONY) Edit1: Russians complaint about Russophobia in Europe, but Russians are the one committing hate crimes. For anyone who missed…


You a funny guy.


Just why in germany ))) ?? On the east of Ukraine is thousands ruzzians that want to die )))


Those who were killed were soldiers going through rehabilitation process


Because both killed were injured soilders who were on rehabilitation Почитав би контекст перед тим як писати хуйню.


My mistake...




>2 Ukrainians killed in Germany, __Russian__ (!) suspect detained headline photo shows Germans with German flags. I see you are trying to stoke anti-German sentiment, Ukrainian media. And no, clarification in tiny grey font below the picture is not enough. _edit: this is how you are supposed to do it btw [from pravda.com.ua article](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/04/28/7453332/) that was also posted to r/europe_


They are clearly not, this is what came to your mind when seeing German flags in this article, with a giant caption almost the size of the picture, right beneath it ?


Germans waving German flags has no relevancy to the article. They could have Ukrainians in the picture, or pictures of the pro-Russian demonstration that happened in Berlin two years ago. Or show a picture of an ambulance or the place of the crime with flowers. Yet they chose to post a picture linking German patriotism and flags with the headline of the murder of Ukrainians. For no reason.


> or pictures of the pro-Russian demonstration that happened in Berlin two years ago I found that image, it's from AfD rally in 2024. [https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/far-right-supporters-and-neo-nazis-gather-for-a-rally-on-news-photo/1958470566](https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/far-right-supporters-and-neo-nazis-gather-for-a-rally-on-news-photo/1958470566)


which means Kyivindependent lied (big surprise), they say the picture shows people against the far-right. From their picture description: >Photo for illustrative purposes: __Those against the rise of the far-right gather for a rally__ on Jan. 27, 2024, in Gera, Germany. Hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets across Germany to protest against the AfD following the recent revelation that high-ranking AfD members met with far-right extremists at a villa in Potsdam last November. (Jens Schlueter/Getty Images) but hey, downovote again. Never question UA media even if they keep lying when reporting about Germany.


I didn't downvote you. You're right about the comment to the picture, it makes no sense. But the picture is more or less relevant, you yourself suggested about pro-Russian demonstration. If anything the comment under the picture, even if incorrect, makes it look better, not worse, as it says that there are people who are against AfD.


i was thinking more in line with [this picture](https://bilder.deutschlandfunk.de/5d/ed/f4/f1/5dedf4f1-e107-4437-b18b-5a571f749ab3/demo-russen-100-original.jpg). to illustrate the (suspected) killer.


I agree, that would be more appropriate.


I bet you didn't read the article & with your prehistoric brain you went straight to the comments


>I bet you didn't read the article i did, which is why i know the people in the picture are not the people that killed 2 Ukrainians. The suspect is Russian. Yet kyivindependent chose to show Germans and not Russians. curious


It's almost like it happened in Germany you dense fucking brick of a human


then show a flagpole with German flag or the Brandenburger gate or something to symbolize Germany if you must (which I think is already wild considering a Russian killed two Ukrainians which is infinitely more important than where it happened) but they didn't. They chose to show a mob of Germans waving German flags to link Germans with the headline.

