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What assassination? He's clearly alive.


That's a google translation mistake. It translated "atentát" as "assassination", even though the Slovak word is a loanword from the Latin "attento" where it means "an attempt" (on someone's life, in this case)


Atentat na život


> život Guessing that's "life" in Slovakian?


I'm Polish, and I can say "żywot" does mean "life" in Polish. It's kind of the poetic term here, though, but that's appropriate in context if Slovakian has the same connotation.


In Croatian it just means life, completely neutral. "Biologija je znanost o životu." Funnily enough, in Slovenian "život" is an old-timey word for torso.






In Russian it have two meanings poetic/archaic “żywot” means Life and modern one is belly/tummy


In Swedish, the word for life ("liv") can also be used for belly/stomach.


So to compliment someones boobs i can say "dobar zivot" :)


No, not really. But why would you reinvent the wheel when Slovenian already has the funniest word for boobs in the world: joške?


Quite literally in serbocroatian + macedonian it means assassination on life. Which sounds like an oxymoron


it's actually a loanword from German "attentat" (which probably got it from latin in the first place), and both the german and slovak words directly mean "assassination attempt", but (at least) in Slovak the same word is also used for "successful assassination attempts" (where in those cases it could be translated to "assassination" so the translation service probably picked the "simpler" case without context)


>but (at least) in Slovak the same word is also used for "successful assassination attempts" this is (as you implied) also the case in German.


Attentato in Italian


Atentado in Portuguese.


In Polish we use "zamach" in the same context, literally means "to swing" or "to prepare for a strike" as in with a sword. It's used for assassination attempts, coup d'etat or terrorist attacks and the attacker is know as zamachowiec.


interesting, while we would use the word atentát on terrorist attacks sometimes (mostly for politically motivated domestic terrorism), for coup d’état we have another word = “puč” (also from german (“putsch”))…


Coup is "zamach stanu", pucz is also a word but rarely used.


There s "attentato" too in italian


Interesting (obv not surprising) how similar to Italian “attentato”!


Spanish= atentado. I am an interpreter. Came here for news but found a ton of language info to geek about. :)


He was dead. But he got better.


Bring out your dead!


[Were you killed? Sadly yes, but I lived.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0H-rjz4xSA)


Shadows die Twice


He respawned


We all know it was Soros who shot him. Evil bastard, he did everytihg, he even kiled Bambi's mom. 


And he left the toilet seat up, that bastard


WITH the TP roll on the wrong side, bastard !


And he left the turd still floating, damn bastard!!!


Interesting statement. It mostly contained what I expected, that being that the opposition and media would be blamed, but I did not expect him to forgive the perpetrator. Maybe politically smart, but still: it was certainly not necessary, yet he did.


He forgave him just to push the blame towards opposition, media, other countries. The entire premise of the statement is to make the shooter look "brainwashed by opposition", so he basically didn't knew what he was doing... according to the Fico.


Exactly this , there's nothing to be gained from blaming the shooter, 71 year old man from a small town, if he was a young "progressive" type from liberal city it would be much more useful. In this case blaming him personally has no political value and Fico is all about extracting political points from every single event.


wow he was that old.


that's worse.


The "forgiveness" was just empty words, just like the majority of words that come out of this dude's mouth.


When he "forgave" the attacker, does that mean he won't be charged with attempted murder ? Because if he still goes to jail for life, he isn't really forgiven, is he ?


The attacker is currently locked away in a psychiatric ward. It's unclear if he'll ever be prosecuted, as the courts have to first determine whether he's not insane. [To quote](https://www.topky.sk/cl/10/2771957/Prisne-opatrenia-a-liecba-na-psychiatrickom-oddeleni--Atentatnik-Juraj-Cintula-je-pod-neustalym-dozorom) one of the prosecutors: >an expert opinion must be drawn up by experts from the field of psychology and psychiatry, and this opinion must give an answer as to whether [the attacker] was able to recognize the seriousness of his actions and subsequently give an answer as to whether he was able to control his actions. If both answers end up negative, the criminal prosecution would have to be stopped due to insanity.


> The attacker is currently locked away in a psychiatric ward. I hope the attacker remains there for a long time.


Well its obviously to put more weight on blaming the opposition and media.


He took the Regan approach.


How do you know that he forgave the perpetrator. Because he said it? Fico, a known liar?


It's not like it matters. The shooter will be processed by the judiciary system, at the end of the day it's completely irrelevant what the prime minister thinks. In Slovakia, the only politician's opinion relevant for a prisoner is the president's - the only person in the country who can grant pardons and amnesties.


perpetrator is meaningless. His enemies are media, west and normal people.


Clearly the radical centrists are at fault. What makes a man turn centrist? Lust for gold? Power? Or were they just born with a heart full of centrality?


Wasn't it necessary to max out the votes won with Christians?


What a snake


Sums up politics of 2024: even half conscious, never forget to blame the opposition.


Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) addressed the public for the first time after the assassination attempt that took place on May 15. *"I forgive and warn,"* is written in the description of the published video, in which Prime Minister Robert Fico addressed the public for the first time since the assassination attempt on him by Juraj C. on May 15 after the travelling meeting of the government in Handlova. At the beginning, he thanked the doctors for their care and stated that he could return to work at the turn of June and July. After the opening words of thanks to the health workers, he moved on to criticism. In the video, he called the assassin an *"activist of the Slovak opposition"*. *"It's time for me to take the first step, and that is forgiveness,"* continued Robert Fico, adding that he does not feel any hatred towards the shooter and will not demand compensation for damages or press legal action against him. He called the attacker *"a messenger of evil and political hatred"*. He followed up on the words of his coalition partners, who blamed the opposition and the media, but also the third sector, for the shooting in Handlova. In these claims, the coalition also referred to a video that was leaked shortly after the arrest of the assassin. In it, the assassin referred to his disapproval of the government's actions and specifically mentioned the abolition of the Office of the Special Prosecutor or the dismissal of the head of the Judicial Council, Judge Ján Mazák. Fico further noted that the media, as well as non-profit organizations *"that are paid from abroad"*, will trivialize his assassination attempt. The assassination attempt on the prime minister was condemned by all editors-in-chief, as well as non-profit organizations. *"I want to ask the anti-government media, which are paid by the financial structure of Soros, not to go down this path,"* the prime minister said, continuing that *"there is no reason to believe that this was an attack by a lone madman."* He is said to have mentioned the topic of the imminent assassination of a coalition politician in front of foreign diplomats, but also at bilateral negotiations before it actually happened. At the same time, however, he denied that he had specific intelligence information and referred to his 32 years of political experience in his belief. Robert Fico mentioned in the video that he asked the ministers not to go to crowded places. *"In principle, I do not agree with the policy of a single correct opinion,"* said the prime minister, emphasizing that he refuses to interfere in the national affairs of other states. However, he continued by insisting on observing international law. *"If a small country like Slovakia has political leaders with these capabilities, it is not always easy in international relations,"* he added, emphasizing a sovereign foreign policy. According to him, relations with NATO worsened after he refused to help Ukraine in any other way than humanitarian. He again accused the *"West"* that the war in Ukraine has only one goal: to weaken the Russian Federation. He did not avoid criticizing European leftists, who excluded his political party, Smer, from their ranks after he formed a coalition with the nationalist SNS party. He also emphasized that all these events were to the benefit of the political opposition. According to the Prime Minister, the opposition also used the murder of investigative journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancee Martina Kušnírová against him. He did not avoid mentioning the calls for the liquidation of the opposition during the previous government. He also accused the *"Bratislava Coffeehouses"* of attacks on government and coalition politicians, and according to him, the opposition *"shows no respect"* for the result of the parliamentary elections. At the end of the video, he thanked the citizens for their massive support.


Here are translations of responses by representatives of the political opposition. They were posted on their official Facebook channels, but reddit automoderator removes links to them so I'm instead copypasting them: Michal Šimečka from *Progressive Slovakia*: >I'm glad Robert Fico is feeling better. Unfortunately, nothing has changed in his policy. His first appearance after the assassination attempt was a political disappointment. The prime minister blamed the media, the opposition, artists, the EU and our foreign partners for 14 minutes. Instead of actively contributing to social reconciliation, he called the assassin an "activist of the Slovak opposition" and repeated conspiracies about the global conspiracy of Soros against Slovakia. >I am really sorry. We all crossed our fingers for him to recover as soon as possible, we all strongly condemned the act of the assassin, we all hoped that we would really take steps towards social reconciliation. But from the first appearance, it seems that Prime Minister Fico rejected this. >I am sincerely glad that the prime minister's health is improving. I wish him to return to work as soon as possible. However, his speech confirmed all the reasons for which we are convinced that Smer needs to be politically defeated in democratic elections *Freedom and Solidarity*: >Prime Minister Robert Fico's reaction to the assassination attempt is in direct contradiction to the calls for calming the society in Slovakia. >We strongly object to any association of the assassin and his act against the prime minister with our policy based on factual and professional criticism. We were honestly curious about Robert Fico's first reaction. >Robert Fico had the opportunity to transcend his shadow and his past. He could show the greatness of a statesman. >Instead of an attempt at societal reconciliation and taking a step back on his part, however, we have seen the exact opposite. >Throwing dirt on the opposition, the media, the non-governmental sector or conspiracies about Soros, the murder of Kuciak or foreign efforts to determine Slovak politics are really over the line. >In this way, not only will our society not move anywhere, on the contrary, its division and hatred will be even greater. *Christian Democratic Movement*: >We are glad that Roberto Fico's health is improving. A big thanks goes to the paramedics and rescuers for that. >It is important that the prime minister was able to forgive the attacker. For Slovakia, even after his speech, it is still necessary to bring peace. >In KDH, we have never attacked anyone personally and we will not do so in the future either. The task of responsible politicians is to spread peace and bring solutions for the people and for Slovakia. Igor Matovič from *Slovakia Movement*: >FICO ROSE FROM THE DEAD ... handsomely tanned, he spoke to the people ... and the people, or rather half of the people, who expected that after looking death eye-to-eye he would regain his conscience, were disappointed. 15 minutes of bile, hatred, false accusations, lies and god-awful fabrications. Well, we hoped in vain.


Right, basically blaming the 'foreign agents', not dissimilar to what's happening in Russia and Georgia.


When you need a "burning of the Reichstag" moment but you're Slovakia...


>When you need a "burning of the Reichstag" moment but you're Slovakia... Yep, exactly. I feel like we will never get rid of him 😒


TL;DR version: "The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed, but I assure you my resolve has never been stronger." No need to thank me, comrads.


This guy just blamed the West for his assassination attempt because they fund and send agents to Slovakia, keep Slovakia from being independent, is the reason the war in Ukraine is going on, and that more politicians will die. Let me ELI5. THE LEADER OF A NATO AND EU COUNTRY JUST TOLD HIS PEOPLE THAT ITS THE WEST'S FAULT FOR HIS ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT.


Blamed the opposition is where I lose all respect. Dude, good for you, you survived but if you use this as an excuse to purge your political opponents and make yourself another Orban fuck off


"Another Orban" Literally what else would be his goal?


Happy is a strong word tbh. Political assassinations are not the way, but I doubt anyone is jumping up and down with glee that Orban 2.0 made it


Edited because agreed


Is all the Soros stuff just rebranded anti-semitism? 


Not necessirly, even in Israel the right wing doesn't like Soros.


Not really. At least not in this case. Fico hates non-goverment organisations and Soros funds many of them. Our leaving president worked for one law firm that received funds from Open Society organisation and Fico hates her (Caputova) since the day 1. And it is more convenient to personify all NGO's into Soros to concentrate all blame on single old billionaire.


Not sure about that. For example Orban has criticized Soros many times but he's a big supporter of Israel and has used Israeli spyware to spy on media and opposition.


In my opinion this is a similar paradox to Evangelical Christians in the US. This creates a paradox where evangelical one can strongly support Israel as a political entity while harboring anti-Semitic beliefs about Jewish people as a whole. Maybe the Soros stuff isn't always an anti-semetic dog whistle, but it sure seems like it a lot of the time.


Yes, perhaps. Seems like strongmen use him as a boogeyman that they say wants to destroy their country with open borders, immigrants and the decadent west etc. But I think it would work also if he wasn't Jewish but maybe they get a few more votes. Netanyahu has also apparently said that Soros was sponsoring protests against him and has sided with Hungary against Soros.


I bet he's more a fan of a militaristic ethnostate than jews.


Always has been.


It's not. Not in this case. u/SlavicUndead puts it well.


Soros is a real billionaire and he is actively involved in international politics, not just in terms of ideas and public debate but especially also financially, by funding people, NGOs and political parties that he supports. It’s not anti-semitism whatsoever to point this out.


Soros is a boogeyman used for cheap political points by these politicians, and him being a Jew is not exactly dissuading certain "free-thinkers" from using their talking points. But when there is smoke there is often some fire. I do recall an incident in my class in university where a professor had invited a political advocacy group advocating for global open borders to our class to do some presentation. They were saying some really wacky absurd things about removing international borders and free movement of people to developed states, so I decided to look up their website and scrolled past their talking points to the bottom of the page. There it stated in bold, "Thank you to our sponsor, the George Soros Foundation". 🤔


There is no "George Soros Foundation". You must mean the Open Society Foundation. And yes they fund work centered on democracy and human rights particularly in eastern Europe and other countries that have more nascent democratic systems or are at risk of sliding into illberalism but theyre hardly the only foundation or group funding work like that. And then there's of course many other foundations on the "other side" as well, and many groups that may be funded by the likes of China or Russia.


Thank you for the correction, this was over ten years ago now (where has the time gone?). I'm aware they contribute to many good causes as well, but some neoliberal and anarcho-capitalist ideas also have illiberal consequences for democratic nation states, especially nascent ones. It is difficult to believe everything is done out of altruism when billionaires are concerned.


Cool, that's not what he said though.


What did he say exactly then? This is what I was getting from it


Yes, and lets have a guess, he will ban NGOs funded by Soros but not ones funded by any of the many international right-wing billionnaires like the Koch brothers, or others within Slovakia with say ties to fico's friends or even the Kremlin.


More or less.




well there are EP elections on Saturday and campaigning is banned 48 hours before elections, this was his last shot at trying to influence the elections legally...


>influence the elections legally as if legality ever meant anything to them Whos gonna prosecute them ? Authorities that they dissolve


So nothing changed with this fucker. Blaming west, media everybody but his shitty party. Lol, only he has so much luck that after 4 shots he is back to his shitstorms after 2 weeks.


The demagogic spirit is alive and kicking I see


Yep, and he has it all right now. He has a parlament majority, president, and he's already making changes in judicial branch . Also, let's not forget about moral upper hand after this assassination attempt. It will be a fun next 3 years here in Slovakia 🙃


LMAO! Just like puta Putin blamed Ukrain for the attack at the concert in Moscow.... #PutinsBitchesBeLike


MF lets the SHOOTER WHO SHOT HIM go, but is waging war against the opposition? I was really really REALLY trying not to believe any conspiracies that he ploted this against himself, but this is beyond suspicious. If nothing else, he let a psychotic shooter, who already proved that he is willing to use violence, go and be a potential danger to the public.


he did not let him go he forgave him to shift the blame to the opposition. the attacker will probably spend the rest of his life in prison anyway


In any case, his "forgiving him" but shifting blame to the opposition is horrendous and an insane, not even a double, standard. He blamed it on anyone but the person committing it itself. That really just shows how he wants to just utterly destroy the opposition.


Yep. He's still a piece of shit.


He could've had a "come to Jesus" moment but decided to remain a piece of shit.


"I forgive the guy that tried to kill me but I blame and hate the opposition" politics at it's finest.


Look at the video really closely, zoom at his ears and the chair behind him as he’s moving… no shadows moving on the ears, the chair ripples on its own … that shit is a deepfake. Fucker si tanned like he was on vacation last few weeks… this whole thing is a russian psyops, mark my conspiratory words because this is the reality we now live in. And it will only get worse.


EVERYTHING he's blaming on the opposition is his nature and doing. He's pointing the finger at someone, but he started the fire. Just like Trump.


Dude is Putin's bootlicker.


He was lucky he was shot in the head otherwise there might have been some serious damage


Forgive the shooter, forgive russia, eh, lets invite them again what could go wrong


Thinking maybe the headlind should read "Assaination attempt" , lol.


[Already addressed above](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1d8udki/slovak_prime_minister_ficos_first_words_after_the/l78x92x/)


I hope I can thank the medics after my assassination, that's next level stuff, but the medics deserve it.


straight outta Black Lodge


He blamed the opposition instead of the perpetrator who he instead forgave? The F


Bro got shot from his own quarter and still has a hand up his own ass.


If I'm ever to be assassinated, I hope it'll be in slovakia


Long live the premier Fico and all the anti-Nato politicians in Europe!


Incredible how strongly everyone in the comment section are acting, most likely without even hearing his talk. Reddit is 100% full of bots from every major geopolitical power.


tell me you are not from Slovakia without telling me you are not from slovakia.


> most likely without even hearing his talk Do you speak Slovak?


"I disagree with this person, so they're a bot/shill"


Is this your first day on the internet? It's exactly like this about every single topic on social media, most people just read the headlines... doesn't mean everyone's a bot.