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That also happened in Portugal during a video call, but it was the communist party that left


Same in France with extreme left party (LFI) Note: as others have pointed out, the right and extreme right were also missing apparently, sorry for the misinformation. I wrote this comment a bit fast without checking more and I didn’t think my comment would get this much attention


> LFI How are their chances for the upcoming parliamentary elections?


all left parties are forming one coalition for the elections. LFI, social democrats, greens, communists, etc.


And how are they deciding who's running in which constituency?


Haha yes


They are still negotiating, but avenues are being considered: Firstly, it is certain that the outgoing deputies will be reinvested. Secondly, and these are suppositions, those who narrowly lost their duel could be reinvested, and finally the remaining constituencies would be redistributed between each party according to the results of the European elections, the results of the presidential elections, or an average of both.


That is... surprisingly smart actually. If it really happens as you said, it might work out in the end. May I know where you found that information please ? I'm curious.


Trust me bro


Now you know why it will fail and why france's left has no chances to win.


I don’t know how they hope to reconcile Putin loving lefties with normal lefties anyway. The voter base will be confused too. I wouldn’t want to potentially empower another Putin supporter by voting for that group.


Hell, if the "leftist option" was this kind of a "Popular Front" between soc dems and Putin-loving tankies, I'd cover my nose and vote for a neolib buffoon like Macron instead. Fortunately, in my country the left is more or less sane, it's the fash who love Putin here.


As a lone party? They're fucked and would lose a tremendous amount of seats in the Assemblée Nationale. As a coalition of left-wing parties? They may have a shot to be the majorly represented leaning side of politics, emphasis on may.


To be fair also absent were most of les Republicains (the main absentees actually) and RN https://www.lexpress.fr/politique/discours-de-zelensky-a-lassemblee-pourquoi-lhemicycle-etait-si-clairseme-QSTV4XVUVVEKZOEY4VSOBF5OME/


Seems all the parties that Putin likes are absent. Must have all gotten food poisoning at the Kremlin Luau.


It's hilarious how western European communists have somehow not noticed that Russia is oligarchic capitalistic wild west lol.


They support Russia because they hate the West, not because they think it's communist.


This is it. The same people cheer on groups like Houthi, Iran, DPRK and various African Dictators simply because they are anti-west. ….they of course say this from the comfort of a western country that they hate so much.


I hate them all for that. Cant stand westerners that hate the west just to be contrarian


Which is weird from a currently Swedish standpoint. The left are solidly pro-Ukraine, pro-Ukraine fasttrack to EU membership and pro-debt cancellation that Ukraine has collected during the war. I dunno if France has been too far removed from Russia, but in the Baltic and Nordic countries, it seems that the left is very much anti-Russia and pro-Ukraine (which is both understandable due to historical factors of the region). Maybe France just doesn't grasp the realties of having modern Russia as a neighbour?


France has several left. The PS is pro Ukraine and pro EU, they were ahead of LFI this election


I hate that we didn't immediately respond with the full might of NATO in 2014 in Crimea. Appeasement doesn't work with the Hitler of our time any more than it did with the first one. Manipulating us is easy money.


But in the beginning of the war I've seen plenty communists here on reddit saying one of the goals of the war was to end nazism in Ukraine


Well, a lot of them are also stupid.


On average, fascists and communists are equally stupid and evil IMO


Mostly morally-lucky people who have never actually had to consider how they apply their beliefs (because they were lucky to grow up surrounded by people that supported them)... ...and media-illiterate people who see red flag and think "good guy", and think it's all a binary.


Propaganda legacy from the soviet union about russia stronk it's like finding a PC in the wild still running Windows 95. it's fascinating and annoying to me how much still Nazi and Soviet propadanda is still creeping around like a zombie mindflayer trying to come back to life.


That's actually a perfect analogy. Like their OS have not been upgraded for 5 decades.


Most of the people I deal with : Well why upgrade it?! It worked fine all this time! You are just going to mess everything up!


IT guy and r/all wandering slut chiming in: That's actually exactly why so much antiquated tech runs critical shit like Air Traffic Control etc. Because sometimes all you need is a very simple computer running tried and true software that isn't going to get fucked up by the latest Windows Update nonsense. As long as its airgapped- and it is- old computers just run and run and run and run.


Because it never left europe. It was only contained by one part the US/UK influence and military occupation and the fact that nazis and russo fascist collaborationists and sympathizers were hiding in fear after the demise of their respective regimes. These europeans have been laying low, remaining silent for decades and now they feel comfortable to speak again and push their authoritarian ideologies using immigration issues as a lure to deceive voters and take power again In France, my country a significant part of the population was pro nazi and even founded their own collaborationist government within the country. These people didn't disappear by magic after ww2. On the flip side we also have many russo /red fascists who are even more unapologetic than the far right but fortunately, marginal in the votes for now


In Germany and Italy the US put all the Nazis back in positions after the war, scared of the Sowjets. Military, judges, police, Secret service, barely anyone was sentenced and only the truly evil ones were not "rehired". However, the humans themselves are pretty much all dead now. It's their legacy that lives on. Which is worse. Because even a Nazi like Schönhuber who lived through WW2 had a lot of bad things to say about Hitler and how awful life would be if Hitler Germany had won.


Oh I'm aware, it reimained dormant through all these years. I'm mostly fascinated on how that propaganda managed to seep into the everyday lives of these people which a good portion weren't even alive while the USSR existed, it says a lot how normalized those little pieces of the propaganda still linger in streotypes, ways of thinking and off hand comments that managed to still find it's way into the new generations. It shouldn't surprise me since I'm from the third world where the propaganda battleground was harsher, hell in latin america there still Imperial Spanish propaganda very well settled into the culture, add Nazi propaganda who still very much active in latam and also USSR one and it's a chaotic mess of noise, which as you can see explains the state of our region. But yeah, we really need to get rid of fascism and communism legacy propaganda so we can finally move forward, it's a festering wound that we have been very naive about. Reminds of on how Confederate legacy propaganda that followed into fascism and still is America's cancer, all because the Union thought that making amends with them would make things be left behind.


In Germany the Greens get criticized for being a strong supporter of military aid to Ukraine. Before the 2021 federal election they wanted to stop all exports of arms to countries in a state of war. Then Russia attacked Ukraine, they appropriately changed their stance because of that and now they get blasted by the leftists for "abandoning their ideals". It's so stupid it hurts.


Yes, supporting Ukraine with all means possible is the proper pacifist stance. If we want less wars, aggressors needs to be stopped, by military means and by sanctions.


Windows 95? More like Windows 3.11. Communism fell a long time ago. And was arguably not very left-wing anyway.


Russia is outside of western liberalism. In fact I would say Russia is fascist at this point. Economic monopolies awarded to industrialists that pass an ultranationalist purity test. Violent irredentism based on saving ethnic Russians in other countries and the return of land they feel is their own. Heavy usage of the "stabbed in the back" propaganda narrative. Dictatorship. Heavy censorship. Political murders.


It's "nato bad" propaganda, not even "russia good".


The sunk cost fallacy explains why some continue to support Russia despite evidence of its wrongdoing. They can't admit they were deceived, so they persist in their support to avoid acknowledging their mistake.


Authoritarians unite against democracy.


They are tankie's. They love authoritarians.


Communist just do whatever Russia tells them to do! All of this has already happened before. In the 1930s communists and nazis were enemies (at least on words). Then in 39 the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact is signed and overnight all communist parties across Europe start singing the praises of nazism. The communist party in England even tried to organize a general strike in order to sabotage Britain officially declaring war. The nazis and communist are natural allies as both are dictatorial and dehumanizing! Same thing is happening in Europe now. Neo-communist and neo-nazis are “enemies” but if you look at their policies it is all the same. For example both have a huge 🍆 for Putin!


Well communists and far right in europe have one thing in common: They do love Russia


The thing I don't understand is why... Do they think Russia is going to somehow make everything great again? or is it just simple corruption?


Both. If you don't like nazis - they will tell you that all Ukrainians are nazis and russia exterminates nazis If you do like nazis - they will tell you that all Ukrainians are Jews and russia brings back their historical territories.


Both. They are against the "system", which is NATO. In their minds, NATO is the spawn of the devil, therefore the anti-NATO (Russia) is good. Additionally, I bet big money that they are paid handsomely by a certain balding fuck from the Kremlin.


they are busy doing coke on russian oligarchs yachts


Right-wing politicians supporting Russia are often driven by money and corruption. Far left on the other hand are just useful idiots who sympathize with anyone outside the western sphere of interest.


Well in case of the communists: Because America bad. Thats it thats the whole reason, they simp for a oligarch society with ultra capitalistic tendencies because they are against America the big bad of the world. Dont let commies convince you of other reasons, it always comes back to this. Also some old love for the good old days where communists were in charge in eastern europe and you didnt have the hassle to actually try to win elections. In case of the far right its because of russian propaganda: Russia depicts itself as the bastion of traditional values: Religion, family and cultural tradition. Russia is the land where men are men and women are women. Homosexuality is seen as a crime and the values that made the western "soft" in their opinion are not teached. Also they pay you quite a lot to be a useful idiot that tries to undermine western democracies. Edit: For the latter part and the eventual downfall of this propaganda i recommend [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBAnt_w8vvY). Lazerpig had his problems in the past but this one is quite good.


Let's not forget that Putin was a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1975 until its dissolution. He was a member of the FSB and KGB. He flexes those tough-guy muscles Russians (and their useless idiots in the West) get hard on in a drunken pile while singing l'internationale through tears onto grubby Che t-shirts. The Russkis have no problem using communist symbols and flags on their combat vehicles, and many Russians have a Stockholm Syndrome sentimentality to see their old regime rise from the ashes of its failure. Above all, far-right and far-left types here swoon at the chance of unrivalled power. It's an inferiority complex that is wide open to the corruption Putin uses worldwide.


You're pretty much right, although the main term here is 'imperialism'. In the eyes of much of the extreme left America is synonymous with imperialism. Russia's imperialist actions are excused by being anti-USA. Since America=imperialism to them any action that goes against the will of the US can not, by definition, be imperialist.


It's anti West rhetoric they love and Russia has it in spades. You see it a lot among the tankies and their ilk, Roger Waters is a classic example of loving people like Putin and Maduro and blaming West for everything while worshipping lunatic dictators


But why? Nothing about Russia is desirable. 


Russia has always branded itself as the underdog and the victim. That resonates with both the extreme right and extreme left.


But who can be so stupid as to believe that a nuclear power like Russia is a victim?


Tankies and far right contrarians apparently.


A LOT of people believe that. Some 5+ years ago I was traveling in Russia. A girl I met there asked me in conversation "Why do Europeans hate Russians?" What shocked me was that she wasn't trying to start an argument of being provocative or trying to be controversial. She was clearly just asking about something that she was just intrigued about - it's so strange that Europeans hate Russians! I told her "My experience is that Europeans don't think about Russia at all". Trust me, in the minds of a lot of Russians, they're the victims. You must've heard that Russia didn't started the war in Ukraine, it was just *forced* to respond to provocations from the West. It really had no choice! /s


Russia has branded himself as the guy for anyone who hates the west to gather around and rally behind It's about the branding, it always is Which is pretty genius, not gonna lie and a bit of corruption, nobody can pay as good as putin aka the guy who can literally print as much money as he likes The printer in which the Ruble gets made is probably located in 1 of putins mansions


And even above that, they hate liberalism.


Reminder that most "communist"-parties in Europe were heavily funded by the USSR, and in post-USSR countries they're basically satellites for russia. Add to that the dumb-as-fuck ones who are ALWAYS going "america bad imperialist" and they will automatically be against anything the US is for. Even if over 51 nations support Ukraine with supplies and aid, the largest amount of any single country in history. It's wild to me that anyone except a putin stooge can't see beyond their own nose and realize that this war is a huge opportunity for \*every\* political stance except isolationist/fascists. Only care about money? Great! Fuckloads of domestic investments, with Ukraine's huge amount of resources and land ripe for reconstruction and investment. Only care about human beings? Great! Look up russian genocides (I know the west does them as well, my family is from a post-colony) and just read halfway through the wiki and you'll see the exact same pattern as the russians have been applying for 400 years. Only care about your own defense? Great! Send your mediocre stuff to Ukraine and have the US/EU fund your re-armament. Helps your domestic market as well. It pains me so hard that people would rather feel as if they're in the right, than accept the truth of things. We can't ignore this war, simple as.


German far left BSW has also been absent and the leader, SW (yes, she named the party after self), has denounced zelensky for escalation of conflict. EDIT: link: https://www.politico.eu/article/germany-russia-friendly-parties-afd-bsw-skip-zelenskyy-ukraine-speech/


If someone breaks into your house, then you are apparently the bad guy for fighting back.


Yes, exactly, it's like being beaten by a much stronger bully and because you're defending yourself you're also treated with hostility by the witnesses.


They call for peace and negotiations, but only target Ukraine and Western allies. They have never called for peace negotiations and withdrawn of troops on Russia. BSW is a fucking disgrace.


They and AfD have known ties to Russia. It’s literally fifth column shit


BSW isnt far left. They're economically a vague strain of left-wing populism and socially extremely right. It's just an alternative to the Afd with more DDR Nostalgie since the Linke have been trying to get rid of that connotation.


It is Zelensky's fault for wearing a short skirt.


In Germany the Hard left party called BSW was also absent during the speech


BSW is not hard left. Economically, they tend to be social democratic to liberal and culturally conservative to right-wing. They have also already announced their intention to form coalitions with the AfD at municipal level.


They and by they I mean her (seriously who names a party after themselve? Narcissist much?) stance on most topics is more aligned with right wing parties than with left. She's also borderline climate denying and during the pandemic she went on freaking television to announce that she believes the vaccine is harmful. 


Isn't it beautiful when the Nazis and Commies come together like that? Just like the good old days. ^^




So the alternative to Germany is Russia?


Doesn't surprise me, that's why they call themselves AfD. Abwesende für Deutschland


My favourite is still "Alternative fürs Denken"


Our favorite, comrade.


This one is amazing, permission to steal it from you and use it everywhere


It's already stolen


Let’s combine these. "Abwesenheit fon Denken"


Apokalypse für Deutschland


Maybe their alternative for Germany is simply replacing it with another country. Like Russia.


Incidentally, they're also the parliamentary faction that is absent more than any other.


Absent from bunDestag?


Yes. Basically they collect their paychecks as members of parliament but they don't come to parliament or the committees they're part of.


Yeah, got it, just meant it as another phrase that "AfD" could be short for :D


I guess but i think Abwesenheit für russlanD is more fitting for what they actually do.


Arschlöcher fi**** Deutschland


Zelensky denazified the Bundestag.


Russian troops quickly retreated when he advanced.


Can he come more often please? Maybe 2 to 3 times per day?


That’s a good one… because it’s true.


How many Ukrainians does it take to denazify the Bundestag? One. (I stole that joke from r/de)


Of course they were. Their employer doesn't like when they fraternize with his rivals.


C'mon now, you can't generalize. Some of them are Chinese assets.


And some just wish their granddaddy did a better job when the moustache man was around


And I thought that was the Russian way of denazification


No man you don't understand... they're just patriots looking out for the common man... and clearly it is in the interest of the common man for Russia to steamroll Eastern Europe, for some reason. Wait... I think I've seen this movie before in 1939.


Germany's right wing is also Russia's bitches? I thought it was only in France.


It's *everywhere* Putin has been playing a long game for decades.


What people don't seem to understand - Putin is already fighting an information war against the West for Decades. He's already a stage ahead to the real war he's orchestrating.


There's an ass load of it on reddit for a long while. Redditors frequently don't realize they are consuming propaganda




The more "nationalist" you identify as, the more likely it is you and your representatives are russian assets, useful idiots, and Quislings who would gladly sell out your country to the highest bidder (as long as they too hate fags and feminism).


In France it's the extreme right... And the extreme left. The LFI (extreme left) also snubbed Zelenskiy.


Yep, gold bars will no longer keep flowing.




Can anyone explain why they are so positive towards Russia? I see that the former east Germany voted in favour. Is it antipathy towards the west or nostalgia?


For AFD, a mix of being paid by russia and for the sake of just having the opposite opinion. For BSW for the sake of having the opposite opinion and being close the Russia, likely money but also history.


History of payments as well


History, payments and a history of payments


Clientelism. It's not just being paid. Russia actively works behind the scenes using online propaganda , psy ops and strategic corruption to push their candidates into power. Afd secures this helps against their loyalty to the kremlin by pushing any measure that can undermine Ukraine


Sahra Wagenknecht spent the last 15 years wishing that leftist discourse was as simple again as it was in the previous century. labour rights, poverty assitance, and unions. In her view (presumably), modern progressive talking points like Trans Rights and other social justice issues like intersectionality are a bourgeiouse corruption of leftist ideas. Putin opposes all of these social justice ideas. i think BSW hopes that by siding with putin, you can eliminate these "corruptions" attached to leftist ideas and have leftist ideology be like 40 years ago again when being left leaning was only about class


Nah. Sahra Wagenknecht is in it for attention and personal gain, nothing else. She's long been annoyed with Die Linke because they didn't vote herbin as hwad of the party and in the public eye, they'd always be more known for Gregor Gysi. The reason she was in Die Linke to begin with was that when she joined a party in her youth, she was in East Germany and the SED was the only party with power.


In her youth she was in the FDJ (Freie Deutsche Jugend). She joined the SED when she was 20 to change things. Whatever that means. She branded Die Wende (the Peaceful Revolution) as counter revolution. Says everything you need to know.


Some of them probably believe the “Russia is the last bastion of tradition against the degenerate west” propaganda and are thus useful idiots, but I’d wager the smarter ones know who pays their bills.


- Financed by Russia. - Strong base in the “Russlanddeutsche” community (Germans that lived on Soviet territory and migrated back during the 90s). - Authoritarian alignment. - Anti-EU. - Edgy voters (and party functionaries). Generally anti-everything that is common sense.


Lots of Nazi and other extremist parties in Europe have been funded by Russia for well over a decade. It's part of their fifth column to sow division in the EU.


Russia represents what many of the AfD base love. * A "strong" leader * Traditional gender roles with men at the top and woman taking care of the household * Strong oppression of everything lgbt+ * "Christianity" The same reason why the Republican base in America now worships Putin. They're fascists who hate the personal freedom in the West.


They are literally paid by Russia


"USA, NATO bad imperialist, Russia good fights for freedumbs" Basically newspeak / oppositeworld. Why? Because people are dumb / contrarian and consume russian propaganda


I am not a big fan of American foreign politics (because you mentioned them), but the Russian view of the world is way worse and it’s astonishing that so many people have supported AfD the last election, seeing how traitorous this party is. They’d be okay with a world where those who feel entitled can march into a neighboring country and just take what they want with no repercussions. If people really think we should go back to those times, I really don’t feel like this world is gonna last long considering how destructive weapons have become…


There are genuine reasons to dislike the US. That said, siding with Russia and China is just as bad because they're even worse in most respects.


it's not "just as bad" but objectively stupid. Living in a western country, with all the benefits, while participating in acts that try to tear it down, is despicable.


I heard they love Muslim immigrants which is why they're so grateful to Russia for flying them in to the Polish border in vast quantities.


Cash money. At least for the top members.


These guys *want* Russia to win. Ifnit was simply a matter of funding they would stay and show support at least. You can be damn sure they'd be there if Putin was speaking.


Just call it what it is. "Collaboration". Traitorous cooperation with the enemy. They dont care for the ethics of left or right. Nor serving their voterbase.


I wonder why the police is so incompetent at proving this collaboration. In Denmark we recently had journalist showing a connection between a candidate and Russia. The candidate had an insane amount of adds...




This could end if Russia simply went home. It only takes one to make war.


More like "Don't bite the hand that funds you"


That tells you all you need to know about them


Well well would you see AfD and BSW the biggest Putin suckers left when the President of Ukraine visits the Bundestag how surprising. Both parties are a shame for Germany.


> BSW Bündnis Wahrer Zarenknecht


Wasn't it today that Putin said he doesn't see nazi issues in the AfD and wants to deepen it's ties? That should be enough to understand this. [Ohhh... Right he just did that today.](https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/keine-anzeichen-von-neonazismus-putin-kundigt-weitere-zusammenarbeit-russlands-mit-der-afd-an-11775290.html)


Exactly what Elon said a few days ago that he doesn't see anything wrong with them. Funny coincidences everywhere nowadays.


BSW as well, which was expected sincd Sarahhh Wagenknecht doesn't usually participate in the lowly business which is her mandate. I wonder if they had been absent if the speaker had been Vladimir Putin. Shame on them, ************


She wasn't just absent. She made a point of not being there. The usual "both sides bad" schtick.


She had to make a point, she shows up so fucking little if she didnt tell people beforehand nobody would have noticed her not being there.


And unlike the AfD, BSW really only has 10 seats or so and due to their lower status they sit in the rear of the hall. So without the statement, it's probable that no one would have noticed her absence on the footage indeed.


If Putin had given a speech, she would have been under his podium.


Also expected because other communist and far-left parties have also done it, qt least in Portugal and France.


Far-right 🤝 Far-left Shilling for Russia


Far right: hate the modern west for being too woke and liberal Far left: hate the modern west for being too capitalistic and rich Putin hates the west as well So this is a classic ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ type of thing


Completely unpatriotic act in my opionion, and yet they call themselves nationalists.


Well they never specified the nation.


I got banned in r/greenandpleasant for asking why this sub simps for Russia


I spent 3 minutes in this sub. Why the fuck would you want to comment in this cesspool?


It's basically anarchists + tankies (communists) + bitter Corbyn supporters. Corbyn used to be head of the Labour party but threw the election and got replaced by Starmer, our soon to be PM. They are the left wing equivalent of UKIP but don't have a party yet. Some vote for Labour still.


This is the party, that this sub is glazing and defending all day everyday?




This is my main problen with some of these right wing euopean parties. They want to suck off Putin and bend over to russia. Here in Finland, even the most rightwing politicians would never do this, because we know our neighbour and what russia is.


Scandinavian nationalists understand that in order to truely hate, you must hate everybody. Not just the privileged few.


Traitorous snakes they are.


fuck russia and fuck everyone who doesnt want a free ukraine


AFD is Russian funded.


But remember, they don't support Russia, they just want peace, and the only way to do that is by Ukraine ceasing to exist as a country. It is for their own good! They could have at least tried to find different talking points. All of Putins dogs across Europe use the same excuse as a reason to stop supporting Ukraine. It is lazy, stupid and easily refutable but our leaders are too busy to fight russian propaganda. Thats why all of us need to step up and fight the information war, before it is too late. We owe it to those boys that stromed the beaches of Normandy, and millions of other heroes who died so we could live in democracy. Don't forget that in todays warfare, sea, air and land aren't the only fighting arenas. Cyber warfare and information warfare are now included too. In that regard, we are already in WWIII. More about that here: https://youtu.be/gsCreKh-Y8A?feature=shared


Incredible. AfD are supporters of imperialist war then I guess?


They are funded by russia, it’s no secret. Only thing surprising is that the party still isn’t forbidden for fear of “making anti-immigration voters angry”. I mean, they are even too nazi for the other European ultra-right parties


Oh no, they're pacifists, in the sense that they want Ukraine to roll over and die ASAP. While I also have pacifistic leanings, my personal preference would be an unconditional surrender from Russia. Fat chance of that happening, though.


They wouldn't mind russia rolling all the way to Gibraltar, if they can be Putin's capos


I get that you blame Germany or the US for providing weapons, even though I don't share this opinion, but blaming Zelensky or Ukraine for self-defense is absurd.


I'm not surprised. AFD in Germany, SVP in Switzerland, Le Pen in France, la Lega in Italy all have the same love for Putin money. They pretend to be nationalists, but their ideals know no borders it seems, like Russian money apparently.


No shit. They are paid Russian traitors.




Russian assets - traitors to Europe and our safety


Hey, let's elect a bunch of Russian plants while they plan their invasion and call ourselves loyal German nationalists. Good idea.


Thank your local stupid youth.


Aaaah! The good old Nazi classic. Kind of nice of them to do a direct historical move to bring attention to both the horrors of the Nazis and their links to them.


Why the hell do people do this? We get it, you are a Russian puppet party, can you just sit there in silence?


Modern nazis - it is all like dejavu 1920s again. The key is not to allow 1930s again, or we will have difficult years ahead.




Proof that Ukranian gouvernment is not neo-nazi as Putin claims.


The moment Putin claimed it, we knew the opposite was infact true.


russia really won with poisoning people via social media.


They might dislike the guy and his government, but they could at least respect his position as president of a country which isn’t an enemy of Germany as far as I know. But expecting AfD to be responsible statesmen is a too much, it seems.


Weidel and Chrupalla said " they have no interest in listening to someone who's wearing camouflage clothes." Furthermore they said " His presidency is over. He's nothing more than a begger- and warmonger president. The Ukraine doesn't need a warmonger president, but a peace seeking president. " They repeat Putin's narrative. It's such a disgrace to the country.


Funnily enough, that's exactly what one of the four AfD MPs said on why they didn't leave the Bundestag during Zelensky's speech


disgusting traitors.


AfD is ultra deep in Putins pockets, that's why. Fucking traitors.


Fuck AfD and BSW.


and that is the declaration of allegiance from AfD.


And now with the victory from Lepen even more deputies will be pro Putin. It’s like Palpatine’s influence on the senate in SW.


They were all busy getting a hard anal pounding by papa Putin. As you may know thats the way AFD members reproduce. Arschgeburten, all of them!


Konservative Komrades doing Konservative Komrade stuff


Aren't they making it just a bit too obvious who their boss is? lmao


idiots will defend this kind of behaviour, but i guess thats still better than having them there and disrupting his speech


I thought most of r/europe loved simping for Afd or is it only when it's some anti immigration thing?


Of course, the AfD are traitors paid by putin or china.




I just looked it up aaaaand. AfD and Linke are the parties who are the most absent in the Bundestag.


Nobody has ever accused the AfD of having class or even the slightest idea of parliamentary decorum.


Fascists stick together.


Nazis gonna nazi


Bought and paid for Russian shills. Of course they didn't show up. They were ordered not to.


Im so ashamed of my country, we should have known better than voting a nazi party in our parliament again :(


First successful denazification of Germany!


The AfD superiors are bribes puppets of Putin.


have to work for those rubels.