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Ah yes, because ordinary people totally say the UK shouldn't have entered WW2 and fought the Nazis and believe women shouldn't have access to health care as those are the other two statements his candidates said.


"But but but, what about the Green Party and their views on the conflict in Gaza???" Farage


I mean if that’s what he chooses to give the Green Party grief over then he’s a bigger prat then originally thought


"There are parties than Farage's and the main two?" -BBC


I think, if we are really honest, in our private moments we all think "that Hitler fella was a good egg with some great ideas and if there was a 1000 year Reich stretching from the Atlantic to the Urals just across the channel from us, things would be much better actually". Just normal things, ordinary people talk about.


The man's a stain, as is everything around him. Stainage.


Why is this shit stain Russian Agent getting so much publicity. If the main stream didn’t give him so huge a platform he would have disappeared ages ago. He has never been elected to Parliament and yet he is on the TV constantly.


The Irish as still proud of not entering WW2 to be fair. Same with the Swiss.


As a German: glad they did.


Weren't the Brits supposed to be like annoyingly proud of beating the nazis? First the dday stuff and now nazis. Bruh


AH YES, The ww2 veterans themselves have said we should not of fought against the Germans!


What veterans exactly?


British veterans and a book titled The Unknown Warriors by Nicholas Pringle documents it.


I looked the author up and found nothing on him, so it is hard for me to judge how credible he is. I also couldn't find anything online on how he composed his book, how did he select the letters he is publishing and what is his methodology. I'm sorry if I'm asking stupid questions, but I really couldn't find anything on the author, do you happen to have any information on him? I just want to make sure he is not a Viktor Suvorov type author.


Is the far right in the UK really saying shit like this lol, I always vote for the right where I live but this goes way too far




There’s a lot of nazi dogwhistles on the American alt right.


Tommy Tuberville endorses white nationalists, Trump said they were very fine people, and is now talking about foreigners being vermin contaminating the blood of America. And Republicans support and elect these people. Charlie Kirk is fully comfortable blaming random industrial accidents on black people(who are implicitly unqualified because they are black), and saying the civil rights act went too far. It's now acceptable to to talk about white gen0cide, which Mike Johnson has endorsed. The sheer audacity to try and claim that Republicans are above Nazi ideology just because they reject the label itself.


He misspoke, he clearly meant 'redditors'.


This is why ordinary people can’t lead


No, this is just Farage trying to cover his arse by pulling things from it as I can personally attest that I don't usually hear people saying those things about Nazis and women in the pub. They're usually talking about much more mundae things usually.


You’re right.


Actual ordinary people aren't that nuts, not even close. On top of that, Farage is a scumlord grifter who believes in exactly zero things except getting his narcissist supply hit from all the attention. Sometimes I think he and Boris Johnson are just skinsuits for same being from outer space who likes to screw up human politics...


Where did they say that, those qoutes aren’t in the article?


It is, it says: >Earlier this week the Times reported on a Reform UK candidate who said Britain should have been ‘neutral on Hitler’. >Ian Gribbin also praised President Putin and said women should be denied healthcare. For another article on the subject we also have [this](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/nigel-farage-reform-candidate-hitler-neutrality-nazi-b2559954.html): >A candidate for [Nigel Farage](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/nigel-farage)’s [Reform UK](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/reform-uk) party has [claimed the country](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/general-election-lib-dem-manifesto-sunak-farage-davey-b2559729.html) would have been “far better” off if it had “taken [Hitler](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/hitler) up on his offer of neutrality” instead of fighting the [Nazis](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/nazis). >Ian Gribbin, who is standing in Bexhill and Battle, also wrote online that women were the “sponging gender” and should be “deprived of health care”. >He also described [Winston Churchill](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/winston-churchill) as “abysmal” and praised [Russian president](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ukraine-russia-war-live-putin-su-57-warplanes-b2559606.html)[ Vladimir Putin](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/vladimir-putin), according to the BBC. ... Mr Gribbin is reported to have posted on the Unherd website in 2022: “Britain would be in a far better state today had we taken Hitler up on his offer of neutrality … but oh no Britain’s warped mindset values weird notions of international morality rather than looking after its own people.” >The previous month he criticised women, writing: “Do you think you could actually work and pay for it all too like good citizens? >“Men pay 80% of tax – women spend 80% of tax revenue. On aggregate as a group you only take from society. >“Less complaining please from the ‘sponging gender’.” >In a separate post, he suggested squaring the inequality “by depriving women of healthcare until their life expectancies are the same as men, Fair’s fair.” >In 2021, he wrote female soldiers “almost made me wretch \[sic\]” and were a “total liability”. And then for a [BBC Article writing about the same points and quotes, including the ones praising Putin.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cjmmrwexv4ko)


What Farage said was in response to Steve Chilcott's comments. What you've posted is Ian Gribbin's comments.


What would a rich conman know of 'ordinary people' ? Other than to fleece them, I suppose.


He doesn't *like* ordinary people. He is just enormously egotistical, figures he understands others perfectly, and believes that his success in spreading hate proves he's right.


It would be great if he could define "ordinary" people. Does it include immigrants? Sexual minorities? Disabled people? People with degrees? Labour voters? We're all "ordinary people" in some way. Some of us, sadly, speak like Reform candidates, and many more don't.


It’s the key of populism and is always fascinating to see it work - billionaires (Trump), Eton-educated (Boris Johnson), extremely rich and privileged (pretty much everyone else in politics), telling the ‘hard working average Joe’ that they’re just like them and they’re going to take over from the privileged elites.
































It’s true. If you ever went to a pub or a working class birthday, the average comments said there would get you canceled


I have been to a pub. None of the comments got me cancelled.


Working class includes the same immigrants too…


They mean white working class and are obviously assuming that they're all as racist as they are


Shh, you’re disturbing the narrative.


No, I think you’re just associating yourselves with racists. It’s almost classist in a strange, reverse-way, to assume all/most working-class British people are racist/Islamophobic.


I’m not saying all working class people are racist/islamophobic, i’m saying it’s normal to hear comments that some would describe as “anti-islam and far-right” when surrounded by working class people.


Again, I think you’re just surrounded by racists.


If that is what your little fantasy land looks like, ok.


In my experience it's the people who are extremely out of touch with the working class, like Farage and his supporters, who think the working class are racists and bigots.


Then that is your experience; i don’t share it.


Where about in the UK do you live?


I don’t, i’m dutch and i never said i was from the uk


Oh it must be different over there then.


"Racist" means such a wide variety of things, I'd expect the majority of the global population is "racist" in some sense.
















Not the people I know.












Surely Farage saying something like this isn't news to anyone..?


No but this is the new Brexit post for the next month. Daily Reform UK man bad posts where we can stand and clap as political candidates are physically and verbally assaulted.


What are your thoughts on Jo Cox and how Farage's treatment compares to hers?


I don't celebrate any political figures being assaulted or abused, no matter how strongly I dislike them. I find it to be very scummy and encourages events like the murder of Jo Cox or Sir David Amess.


Yes, but the optimum situation has always been to not give the power to steer a nation to people who talk like the “ordinary people”. So that’s a bullshit argument.


But talking without thinkin is great, like when that time the US president told people about bleach to cure covid, or lied and sent thousands of his most diehard to fans straight to prison du to supposedly believing the election was rigged


Sure, go solely off my flair and imagine I am a staunch supporter of the ultimate moron. Don’t view me as some that’s been sickened by the orange buffoon for…..well really longer than a decade. Because of a flair……


Didn't mean to offend you, but rather build on your point of politicians who talk out of their ass, or aka "how ordinary people speak", as if positions of authority isn't a factor. And I know most people in the US are sane, intelligent and normal people.


Most of us are trying over here lol. Offense maybe taken at first but over it with context 👍. Be well!


While I agree it's a bit funny that's this comes from someone with a US flair.


I can’t judge you on that. And I won’t. I get it. Not all in the US are raving right wing mouth breathers. We just aren’t as vocal or “interestingly insane” to the outside as that minority.


> Yes, but the optimum situation has always been to not give the power to steer a nation to people who talk like the “ordinary people”. So you're anti-democracy, got it.


If you’re going to wrap me in clothing of you’re choosing can you please make sure it fits? You’re conflating democracy as populism. If you want to call me anti-populist….yeah….pretty much.


You're confusing populism with democracy.


The average leftist redditor would break down if they heard the average white working-class views on immigrants and Immigration. Threads like this show just how few people here actually interact with ordinary working-class people.


The average leftist on this sub reads those views on immigrants and immigration every day. Don't seem to have broken down yet.






He's the UK's Milei/Trump/Bolsonaro. They need to step up, or people like him will be take over their politics like a plague.


France and Canada will soon be the same way since their leaders haven’t stepped up


Dont diss my boy Milei


He's a lunatic climate change denier with a messiah complex who believes that feminism is a marxist conspiracy, that him and his dog met when fighting in a gladiator pit on a previous life, and that poor people going hungry is due to their personal responsability.


He cooked


Clearly you got that username from the amount of glue sticks you huff a day




What clown world agenda? Everyone having equal rights? Also, when were these liberals in power in the UK? I can only remember Tory and Labour governments.


I guess by ordinary people he means Facebook, Youtube and Instagram commenters.


I'm all for being against Islam, just as I am every other fucking idiotic cult. But these cunts don't speak for me. This Farrage cunt would sell whats left of the country off if he had the chance. Another Oswald Mosley. Prays on the weak minded and then gets off free when it goes to shit and leaves "his people" in the dirt.










































Ah, the bandwagon logical fallacy.


Not even that, many bigots just assume everyone secretly thinks like them but just isn't "brave enough" to openly say it like they do. The more fringe they are the stronger this gets.


Tje silent majority


Classic farage


Farage should have said this is how average redditers speak lol


Farage is a nut case


No Nigel. Ordinary people don't speak like that you racist cunt.


''This is how ordinary ~~people~~ racists speak'




Tell me how often it is for kids to be raised a different religion from their parents.


My parents are christians and I'm an atheist I was able to do that because society was tough with christianity, now we need to to the same with islam


> society was tough with christianity When did this happen?


My parents are Moslim and i'm a atheïst. They know this and are here enjoying a week vacation with me. Now you will come back and tell me how most can't do that without any source and a trust me bro statement.


Oooh! A non-answer!


= I am right and you don't like it


Prove it then.


You want me to.... prove.... it is possible to change religion ?


No, I want you to prove that there's a significant number of children raised a different religion from their parents. Or is your anecdote all you have?


You're a bit thick aren't you ? What about the many countries which were 100% christians a century ago and are now 50% atheists ? Like most of western Europe... What do you think happened there, genius ?


You have 1/4(or higher) chance to be born in a muslim comunity and once born there you have low chances of "escaping" islam. You are basicaly saying that it is ok to hate 1/4 of the world population, just because they were born that way.


It would help quite a lot if, after living in Europe for years, they realized Islam is not compatible with human rights. Being born in Saudi Arabia is probably bad luck, managing to move to Europe and hating women is idiocy.


Plenty European men hate women too.


And how does that justify more to do so?




Ultimately you're allowed to hate yourself, it doesn't mean that's a good thing, right?


Lol r/Europe try not to downvote


> Lol r/Europe try not to downvote Should have added a Trigger Warning for some of residents here lol


Had Farage said "this is how average /r/europe users speak" I would have begrudgingly agreed with him. This subreddit is a toxic, racist cesspool.


Funny how you have 45 downvotes but there’s isn’t even one single comment in this entire thread where one of these intellectual geniuses have made a point which would suggest you’re incorrect.


Mad how this comment had around 20 positive upvotes but us now in the negatives. Totally not fishy.


Has -50 now lmao


Is Nigel and his friends in Reform just like everyone here? Have"ordinary people" like the people on this subreddit sang Nazi youth songs and songs about "gassing jews" while being fans of Hitler like good old Nigel? Have ordinary people or ordinary redditers here called for a “fascist revolution” wanting mass deportations of people and who see parliamentary democracy as an “obstruction” to be replaced with a dictatorship like Nigel and his Reform candidates? Are some people here sharing Islamophobic and xenophobic material or sharing images of men performing Nazi salutes, and slogans such as “the future is fascism” like Nigels reform party mates? is it normal?


Does he know that Hitler never intended to invade the UK as new evidence has been produced ie recording Hitler stating that was deciding when to invade Russia on a recording with the PM of Finland !


Classic farage


Just because he and his asshole friends talk that way, doesn’t mean everyone else does.


He’s a total cunt.


He is indeed


Anyone got another milkshake?


Lactose the intolerant!


I have never once met someone who says shit like that. Go fuck yourself


Since when it's being ordinary people a get put of jail card for racist talk?


Not like us


Perhaps ordinary people shouldn't be in the parliament.