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My guy loves knife: >Then in 2013, Lämsä was convicted on a number of charges after being found guilty of a person at a library in Jyväskylä, during an event about the spread of far right groups. In that case, Lämsä was handed a one-and-a-half year suspended prison sentence, for crimes including aggravated assault, assault and unlawful political activity.


Could we maybe lock him the fuck up now?


The headline does state that he is Finnish.


The kid's wounds are bad, but he's not in immediate danger of death. Hopefully he fully recovers The security guard at the shopping center caught the suspect before he could hurt the boy's friend too, and his colleague gave first aid to the victim


I hope recovers and forgets the whole thing :(


That... might be difficult


Religion of pea- Oh nevermind. Don't show this.


"I just want to discuss migration laws" *stabs kid* "I just want to discuss migration laws" *stabs kid* "I just want to discuss migration laws" *stabs kid*


where's the five thousand upvotes for this one


Trolls ❤️ Far right


I’m wondering where the Finns are trying to say it’s a foreigner. That’s the usual case here but I think Purra already did that.


Come on, where are all the "citizens concerned with crime" now? Not interested when you can't blame "the left™" and "muh evil immigrants"? No calls to deport this man?


No, you see, this was just a lone wolf. Blaming an ideology or entire group of people would be wrong. Collective punishment should be applied only on crimes committed by non-whites and muslims. /s (just in case)


“You say you want immigrants who commit violent crimes to be deported? Well why don’t you want citizens who commit violent crimes deported? I am very smart”


Actually unironically. If the European Union had penal colonies or we could deport people to Siberia we'd solve this problem and be able to fairly treat people the same way for the same crimes regardless of their ethnic background, without even dumping criminals in other countries.


Old nazis in grave: remember we talked about Madagascar? :D


A bunch of immigrants that peple want to be deported are citizens as well babe




There is no fundamental difference. If the immigrant is a citizen they have the same status as every other citizen. There are no different levels of citizenship.


>There is no fundamental difference. Yes there is. There’s nowhere to deport people born in a country. >If the immigrant is a citizen they have the same status as every other citizen. That doesn’t change the fact that you can advocate for immigrants, including naturalised citizens, who commit violent crimes, be deported to their country of origin at the end of their sentence. >There are no different levels of citizenship. Citizenship is revocable.


> citizenship is revocable Not if they gave up their old one. You don’t just revoke someone’s citizenship. If you give an immigrant citizenship, you accept them as one of your subjects, with all their good sides and bad sides. You cannot deport citizens, and you can’t just revoke their citizenship because… citizens have right they cannot forfeit. Once they are your citizens, you have to treat them the way you treat all citizens. The second they become citizens they stop being guests. > Yes there is. There’s nowhere to deport people born in a country. There’s nowhere to deport your own citizens. God I pity the Irish for having to put up with people like you…


>Not if they gave up their old one. We’ve gone from yes immigrants can be deported but what about naturalised citizens, to what about those who gave up their citizenship. The goal posts have left the stadium. >You don’t just revoke someone’s citizenship. If you give an immigrant citizenship, you accept them as one of your subjects, with all their good sides and bad sides. You cannot deport citizens, and you can’t just revoke their citizenship because… citizens have right they cannot forfeit. Once they are your citizens, you have to treat them the way you treat all citizens. The second they become citizens they stop being guests. That’s your personal opinion. >There’s nowhere to deport your own citizens. Yes there is outside of the very specific scenario you want to zone in on. >God I pity the Irish for having to put up with people like you… People who want immigrants who commit violent crimes to be deported… yeah we’re all struggling here to cope with such extreme rhetoric.


> We’ve gone from yes immigrants can be deported but what about naturalised citizens, to what about those who gave up their citizenship. The goal posts have left the stadium. I’ll spell it out for dummies. 1. Deporting your own citizens is something precisely no democratic country practices. It’s unethical and wrong. 2. You could technically revoke citizenships and deport the citizens then. However, rendering a person stateless is prohibited under international law and goes against the Geneva convention. If your new citizen dropped the old citizenship for the new one and just has one, that citizenship cannot be revoked. Clear now? We’re not even playing the same sport, so don’t know where you’re at, but my goal posts are right where they’ve always been. > That’s your personal opinion. No that’s actually how politics work around the democratically run globe. The rest of your bullshit isn’t worth my time.


>I’ll spell it out for dummies. >1. ⁠Deporting your own citizens is something precisely no democratic country practices. It’s unethical and wrong. United Kingdom: Shamima Begum left the UK as a teenager in 2015 to join ISIS in Syria. In 2019, the UK government revoked her British citizenship on the grounds that she posed a security threat Australia: Neil Prakash, an Australian citizen, became a prominent ISIS recruiter and propagandist. In December 2018, Australia revoked his citizenship under laws targeting dual nationals involved in terrorism. People’s citizenship is revoked all the time. >2. ⁠You could technically revoke citizenships and deport the citizens then. However, rendering a person stateless is prohibited under international law and goes against the Geneva convention. Here we go we an extremely small minority of what we’re talking about. Most immigrants aren’t citizens and those who are are mostly dual citizens. >If your new citizen dropped the old citizenship for the new one and just has one, that citizenship cannot be revoked. Clear now? Condescendingly saying “clear now?” Doesn’t magically create a scenario where I ever said the contrary. >We’re not even playing the same sport, so don’t know where you’re at, but my goal posts are right where they’ve always been. Read the OC of this thread. >No that’s actually how politics work around the democratically run globe. No. You said countries cannot revoke citizenship. They objectively can and often do. >The rest of your bullshit isn’t worth my time. Running must be your sport.


All citizens should be equal before the law so either deportation is a punishment for all or for none. It's sad that I have to explain enlightenment values to y'all.


>All citizens should be equal before the law so either deportation is a punishment for all or for none. That’s your personal opinion. Finland already can revoke citizenship of those who commit treason or terrorism. They can add child murderers and the like to the list. >It's sad that I have to explain enlightenment values to y'all. The enlightened values of not deporting violent criminals because “it wouldn’t be fair that the other violent murders get to stay” 😢


Even Finland can’t revoke citizenship of those who don’t have a second citizenship.


Enlightenment values of equality before the law. I know far right loonies don't give a fuck about that though.




Wanting to deport immigrants who are citizens is treating them differently yes, it's not that hard to understand sweetheart.  All violent criminals should be subject to the same laws and judgements.


"Hey, guys, I've found a crime that I can use to label all other crime irrelevant. Clearly, this one crime is more important than every other crime committed. Why are you still talking about that other crime? Are you a bigot?"


Let's see what kind of Olympic-level mental gymnastics r/europe uses to claim this is still somehow immigrants' fault.


*"The kid was an invader and part of a barbaric culture"* - /r/europe


Our minister immediately went there and then got the info and had to try to backtrack... And said minister is known for having written shit adbout shooting immigrant children in a train and somehow our other governing parties are just forgiving that shit. And now we are here. Oh, though her party lost a minister earlier for nazi shit, and they have another minister who called himself a nazi to his gf on. And, and has done an actual nazi pilgrimage to nazi points of interests and was sad they are not tourist places, so he has had to study them to do the trip. He is "a history buff" apparently. Aaaaaanf the same guy tried to get underage girls to his place to have sex with with him and his gf, and other such interesting things. The police are done with the investigations on the last things and don't have a reason to think the girls lied, but there is no charges. There will be a vote on his trust soon, and bet he will stay as a minister.


Its a Hungarian immigrant with foreign  retrograde nationalist ideas  /s


bu-but my ethno-state /s


Why does everything have to be the fault of a migrant? Do you believe that people who seek a reduction in migration think that ONLY migrants commit crime? You're surely not that disingenuous, right?


(The point) ——————> _________ your head ____


You seem to have missed my point. I haven't missed theirs. Awkward.


They are here already. Fucking impressive these mental contortionists.




To be honest, he is an immigrant. The kind that stole the land of Sami people in the north some centuries ago :D 


Leave the kids alone...


- social media companies making kids depressed  - tobacco industry getting kids addicted to nicotine using vapes - far right in europe spreading hate about immigrant kids  Starting to think we are all planning to put an end on human race :| 


That’s so much blood. These are dark days and even Purra’s “clarification” is awful.


What did she say? “I had a dream. Thanks for the realization”?! 


"Unfortunately with street crime, street gangs, etc, the same is happening here as in other countries," Purra wrote. Following widespread criticism, Purra clarified in a follow up post that the fight against all crimes "must be taken seriously". "Extremist movements, drugs, robberies, gangs - the problems are growing," she wrote. (from article) At this moment, a decent person focuses on a child stabbed and the one who does the stabbing, in my opinion.


keyword: decent person.  Not someone who had fantasies of killing immigrant children few years ago.