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*it's always the ones you most expect*


Tamara is quite the honey pot I must say


Chamber pot


Who could've thought, that a woman with name Tamara Volokhova could be a russian spy?


With bi-nationality French AND Russian


AND a DGSE report AND attending briefings regarding Ukraine


And being a security advisor for a party with known connections to Russia #


Which is ironic given that the figurehead of the parti said a few days ago that bi-nationals shouldn't hold strategic jobs.


Volokhova, a very old French family line going all the way back to the Volga šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Since the time of Napoleon.


Napoleonovici, Bonapartov


Napoleon Karlovich Bonapartrov


Wien he invaded russia


Plenty of russians and franco-russians are not spies... I would be wary of all those close to Le Pen though lol


If you work with a pro Russia extreme maga party thereā€™s no much room for doubt.


There are actually old French families with ancestry from the Volga river. Not much, but it *counts*


today, they have been found to have been paid 250 000 euros by Russia to say their propaganda


Ahaha, nice catch šŸ˜


Catch what, that's like saying a fish jumping out of the water into your fishing bucket is a "nice catch".


I don't think the name's relevant. Orange Donny and his ex-hooker wife Melania are both Russian agents.


Everybody expected Natasha Volkhova. Tamara fooled them. :)


Hey! She could be from Byelorussiaā€¦


>Tamara VolokhovaĀ (Ā [Russian](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russe)Ā Ā : Š¢Š°Š¼Š°Ń€Š° Š’Š¾Š»Š¾Ń…Š¾Š²Š°), bornApril 30, 1990inĀ [Rostov-on-Don](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rostov-sur-le-Don)Ā , is aĀ [RussianĀ ](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russie)[model](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mannequinat)Ā and influencerĀ who becameĀ [a French](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/France)Ā citizen in 2016 and became an advisor and then a political activist. In theĀ [European Parliament](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parlement_europ%C3%A9en)Ā , she works with theĀ [National Rally (RN), the mainĀ ](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rassemblement_national)[far-right](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extr%C3%AAme_droite_en_France)Ā partyĀ in France


I never understood how this model business ramp you up in high position on business and more?


the far right loves having botox barbies spewing nonsense


Influencer by day, dirt collector by night.


Would it not be Tamara Valochava then? Atleast accoding to translate




There are red flags sticking out from that person: 1. Works for a party, which at some point was financed by russia 2. Has dual citizenship, 1st is russian, French citizenship got obtained 4 years ago 3. Convicted as "agent of influence" by intelligence office 4. Is interested in classified documents about russian invasion of Ukraine


5. Has repeatedly orchestrated "observer" visits to "elections" in Russian-occupied Crimea, basically participating in legitimizing the occupation authorities. This activity alone could lead to expulsion in Estonia. It's quite crazy how poor the security situation is in France.


To be fair, these all count as relevant work experience on her CV if spinned properly


Sure but simply having a Russian name and background is not a red flag. Ironically you'd be considered far right if you said the same about someone non European in appearance. And working for the rn isn't a red flag either. The left is plenty intertwined with hostile states and actors as well and in France especially has a friendly attitude with Russia. I obviously agree she should have never been given her position due to the last 2 reasons and only recently receiving citizenship.


True. I would not label all people with russian names and russian passports as security threats. Although this is a bit rich from a party that wants to ban ALL dual nationals on grounds of national security.


>Tamara Volokhova, 34, is causing the hard-Right party particular embarrassment because it has vowed toĀ [ban dual-national immigrants from key jobs](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/02/10/french-jews-will-have-give-dual-israeli-citizenship-marine-le/)Ā if it comes to power.


Good, start with yourself!


They hate the EU, but not its money [https://www.lemonde.fr/en/european-union/article/2023/09/23/france-seeks-trial-for-le-pen-s-far-right-party-over-use-of-eu-funds\_6138744\_156.html](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/european-union/article/2023/09/23/france-seeks-trial-for-le-pen-s-far-right-party-over-use-of-eu-funds_6138744_156.html)


Is causing hard


Marine Le Pen partyā€™s security adviser is an alleged Russian agent Franceā€™s National Rally has been employing former model Tamara Volokhova, a dual national and alleged ā€˜agent of influenceā€™ Marine Le Penā€™s National Rally is under fire over a former model and alleged Russian ā€œagent of influenceā€ who is now an adviser to the party as it looks to form Franceā€™s next government. Tamara Volokhova, 34, is causing the hard-Right party particular embarrassment because it has vowed to ban dual-national immigrants from key jobs if it comes to power. During a live TV debate on Tuesday, before parliamentary elections start this weekend, Jordan Bardella, the would-be National Rally (RN) prime minister, said: ā€œWould you put a Franco-Russian in charge of a nuclear power plant? Donā€™t you think thatā€™s a subject of national interest?ā€ Gabriel Attal, the incumbent prime minister of France, replied by naming Ms Volokhova, a Moscow model turned security adviser to the RN in the European Parliament, and a former personal assistant to Ms Le Pen. Ms Volokhova became a French citizen in 2020 despite a leaked report from the DGSI, Franceā€™s domestic intelligence service, that identified her as a suspected ā€œagent of influenceā€ working for Vladimir Putinā€™s Russia. Mr Attal told Mr Bardella: ā€œIt turns out that she is Franco-Russian, that she attends closed-door meetings with confidential information on the war in Ukraine.ā€ Mr Bardella replied: ā€œWeā€™re not talking about a nuclear power plant here.ā€ Earlier in 2024, Ms Le Pen published a proposed law that would prevent dual-nationals from holding a wide range of jobs across the civil service, companies and public service missions. Such bills could now be enshrined if the RN ā€“ which is leading opinion polls ā€“ ends up with an absolute majority in the Paris National Assembly following the parliamentary elections. GĆ©rald Darmanin, the French interior minister, said on Wednesday that the RNā€™s proposed policy was discriminatory and would ā€œdivide the nationā€. He said: ā€œI donā€™t like this way of filtering the French.ā€ He said it would discredit ā€œthree million French-Americans, French-Algerians, French-Portuguese, French-Moroccansā€. Ms Le Pen, who paid a personal visit to Putin in Moscow in 2017, has long been criticised for her support of Russia. Her party received a ā‚¬6 million (Ā£5 million) loan from a Russian company in 2014, which has since been paid back. Responding in 2022 to claims that the RN was closely tied to the Moscow regime, Ms Le Pen said: ā€œI have no friendship with Vladimir Putin, whom I met once in my life. I donā€™t even have financial ties with him.ā€


Why a model is being security adviser. How this makes any sense?


Came up through the ranks running honey pot operations?


Two words. Hawk tuaaaah. In all seriousness, corruption, thatā€™s how


I can tell you all this models security policies. First - France must leave EU. Secondly - France must stop supporting Ukraine. Third - France has to build a gas and oil pipeline to Russia.


> Franceā€™s National Rally has been employing former model Tamara Volokhova, a dual national and alleged ā€˜agent of influenceā€™ Reading this after reading the comments defending dual citizenship in this https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1dplshv/germanys_new_citizenship_reform_takes_effect_dual/ is hilarious. Dual citizenship is a national security threat. # Edit: I work in a large multinational company here in Norway that has a few dual citizens (Norwegian and various SEA and South American nationals). Ive asked them if they would fight for Norway if Norway got invaded and every single one responds "lol nope, Id fuck off back home". # How am I supposed to respect that? Im expected to stay here and die while very single dual citizen would flee and leave us to our fate. #Dual citizenship is fine in peace times, but we no longer live in peaceful times. War is on the horizon and no dual national would fight for their second nation if it were invaded.


> Dual citizenship is a national security threat. You are attacking the wrong thing, citizenship is a made up administrative and legal concept, nothing stops people from being untrustworthy or treasonous after they give up their citizenship in an adversarial state.


But having that citizenship comes with lots of privileges and rights. They can suddenly become highly ranking public officials and politicians. Thats how you have russians in the british house of lords. In most western style country its also impossible to expel a citizen of your country. You act as if our "made up legal concepts" dont have real consequences. They do in a state with strong rule of law. Otherwise we wouldnt need (dual) citizenship in the first place, would we?


What I'm saying is this : suppose a national from a malicious country "X" is granted citizenship to country "Y" and gives up his former citizenship. He then gets elected to a position of power as being solely a citizen of country X. Now ... what exactly is stopping him from committing treason and leaking country Y's classified information to country X though backchannels? The only way you could interpret dual citizenship as being a national security problem is if all acts of naturalization and granting citizenship are as well, it has nothing to do with your citizenship but with your willingness to commit malicious acts. A citizen from country Y who was born and raised there can very well betray it as well.


* Without dual citizen ship that person has to give up their former citizenship making it easier to either actually imprison them (as they cant as easily leave the country. Ofcourse "X" can say "lol trickes you" and grant them citizenship again, but then they can lose citizenship to country "Y" and can once more be expelled. * Your scenario only covers preplanned "schemes". But reality is murky. You can have people immegrating from a country "X" that currently is not at odds with country "Y" but might be in the future. Now you suddenly have all sorts of issues with a sizeable portion of your populace having citizenship but also sympathies for your new geoplotical adversary. Look at Erdogans voter base in european countries for example. * From a purely utilitarian perspective I also dont get why "we" should do it. What does a country "Y" have to gain by granting its immigrants the right to dual citizenship? What's the benefit? (Apart from voters for the respective party/politician). * I personally am not opposed to naturalization at all. But I do want, that immigrants make a conscious decision about where their loyalties lie.


But I do want, that immigrants make a conscious decision about where their loyalties lie. The problem European countries have is that they grant citizenship according to place of birth. Whereas in many countries around the world, citizenship is inherited from the parents and it is illegal to cancel this citizenship. The question for Europe? Is it healthy that people are restricted from becoming a citizen, and feel unwanted. They could be perfectly integrated, but are prevented from fully assimilating because they have to surrender part of their identity. If I have to chose an identity, then I am sticking with the one that is original to me; and is part of who I think that I am.


Then you have made your decision. Good for you. And yes for me - in that case - I do want that this decisions carries consequences. We have enough (dual) citizens with divided loyalties already. You yourself openly state that if push comes to shove, it's your country of origin above your country of residence. Thank you for reinforcing my point.


I would I be loyal to a country that treats me like a second class citizen by baring me from running office or working for the government simply because I have another passport, a passport from a country that isn't even a security threat to the country that I am residing in? Considering single nationals are perfectly capable of betraying their country, this is why we rely on vetting and security clearances. Stupid rules that just assumes that all dual nationals are a threat to national security isn't going to cut it. If you want to bar traitors. Do security vetting on all of the positions that you mentioned. That being said, requiring all candidates for the legislature to be security vetted can be undemocratic and is not practised by most countries


You can alway naturalize and give up your old citizenship. I have had this talk a few times with dual citizens. Often the well educated, cosmopolitan type. They often act like they would be oh so opressed if they would lose certain rights in one (or even more) countries, completely failing to see what a huge privilege they currently enjoy when compared to the common pleb who does not have the right to vote in multiple countries (among other things).


It is not an easy process, and in many cases, it is impossible, and neither is gaining citizenship in the first place. You have to spend a significant amount of money, time and effort to become a citizen. Much more time and effort than just becoming a citizen by birth. But it looks like your concern was never on security. You just support the idea because you dislike the kinds of people who become dual nationals.


I've made several points concerning security in another post. You didnt make any good arguments concerning security, so I'm not going to repeat myself for you. No "single nationals can also be traitors" is not a good argument. It is quite clear, that in a conflict between countries, citizens of the opposing countries on average have a higher "incentive" to be "traitorous". I'm honestly not even sure what's there to debate. But yes, security isnt my only concern (also I do think its the most important one). And btw. there are dual (or even multi-)citizens by birth. I know someone who has both french and swiss citizenship since birth. And that person seriously wanted to explain me, that it would be a huge injustice if they would only be allowed to vote in one of the countries. For me as a single national, that notion is laughable. Check your privilege.


No dual citizenship is the answer! You are a Norvegian or not.


Dude. One russian being a spy does not mean that all russians are spies. Worth mentioning a lot of French research depends on russian binationals, most of them disliking Putin or not caring about politics... Only russians close to russian spies are suspicious... Like the ones working with Le Pen. Considering all russians are the same is displaying the same xenophobia as her.


If they "don't care about politics", they most certainly should have no trouble abolishing their Russian citizenship.


What the fuck man. You can not care about politics and still be attached to the place where you grew up, your friends and family, you can still want to go back there from time to time. Please be human a little.


Then simply go there as a visitor? A citizenship is also a contract of loyalty between the state and the individual. If the attachments end up being so close to the country that you can't give that up, why even pretend having a connection to some other country. It's a security hazard from the beginning. Dual citizenship does not work when countries have hostile relations.


> A citizenship is also a contract of loyalty between the state and the individual. No. For the vast majority, it is a sign you were born there. Nothing more, nothing less. You sound like a nationalist.


>No. For the vast majority, it is a sign you were born there. Nothing more, nothing less. A citizenship literally brings specific obligations towards the state. In Russia's case, military service is one of those. Just because you think of citizenship as something else does not change this reality. >You sound like a nationalist. What a powerful argument, I stand corrected /s




My man, you're being a monster. You can't generalize a population, that's xenophobia and in wartime that's how genocides are made. You sound like you would be committing war crimes if you had the opportunity. Imagine if afghan or iraki civilians held you personally responsible for "the government you created" and thought you "deserved no empathy" because of that.




I personally think this whole diatribe about dual citizens is hilarious. The grand, grand, grand majority of inter-state conflicts has always been to secure or improve certain upper class interests. Iā€™m a dual citizen, I donā€™t want you to die for those causes, nor anyone else. If you really think the current war, or WW2, wasnā€™t for upper class interests, you are letting yourself get fooled. EVERYONE should get something similar to repatriation rights.


WW2 wasnā€™t started or fought for upper class interests. That is an ignorant and frankly stupid thing to believe.


No, it is ignorant to believe it actually isnā€™t about upper class rights. Who in Nazi Germany would be the grand benefactor of getting ā€œlebensraumā€ in Eastern-Europe? Obviously Fritz in Darmstadt, the factory worker. Who in France and who in England would benefit from containing the German industrial complex and German navy (aka the actual reason for war and the guarantor states in the East)? Sounds like something low class people care about. Etc. Apparently even von Bismarck didnā€™t give an actual hoot for nationalism, only using it to advance his political agenda. If the big guy for 18th century nationalism at his core didnā€™t care about that stuff, why should you?


> if they would fight for Norway if Norway got invaded and every single one responds "lol nope, Id fuck off back home". Ask the same question in the US and see what answers you get Then you might understand where the problem begins/ends


Quisling was a citizen, no?


Well if you want to paint such a broad brush, then I guess I am a national security threat?


Yes, let's paint all dual nationals with the same brush. How pathetic.


How do you write with such big letters tho?


Seems like the dual citizens are smarter than you


"I dont mind other people dying for my freedom. But I will be damned if I stand up for my own."


You think war is about freedom? Cute. I mind everyone stupid enough to fight others for imaginary lines.


Traveling half way across the world to invade a strange and foreign land is not a war for freedom (think Iraq and Afghanistan). But if my home nation is invaded (like Ukraine for example) then surely me defending my home would be a fight for my own freedom, right? This is the scenario I am discussing. Because dual citizens would to stay to fight for their own freedom. They would flee to their second citizenship home, wait out the war and return once it is over. Expecting me (who does not have dual citizenship) to stay and fight for their freedom.


Your argument is completely flawed, because you assume that all dual citizenship holders would want to flee and none would want to stay to defend their new home. Furthermore, you're assuming that all single citizenship holders would want to stay and fight "for their country". There is zero evidence for either of these claims. I personally know many single citizenship holders that would migrate to a different country in an instance to prevent having to fight in a war. Most people would, but not everyone can, which is the reason that only poor people actually fight in wars btw. So in summary, there are those who'd prefer to fight and those who'd prefer to migrate in both groups. There's no difference.


> Your argument is completely flawed, because you assume that all dual citizenship holders would want to flee and none would want to stay to defend their new home. Read my first comment. The dual citizens at my work would flee at the first sign of war (in their own words) but expect me (a non dual citizen) to satay and fight for their freedom. Dual citizens are security risk, end of story.


So? I know a dual citizenship holder that likes to eat bread with mayonaise, does that mean all dual citizenship holders like to do that?




Morocco and Algeria aren't exactly moving geopolitical chess pieces and influencing global elections whilst assassinating political rivals and invading their neighbours. There is reason why nobody likes or trusts Russians, but hey at least Russians are consistent.


Hello have you never seen Zoolander? I literally just explained itā€¦


Its easy to rise up the ranks of a group of pervy hypocritical fuckers when every pillow talk moment is a goldmine of blackmail for your boss back in Moscow to use.


> During a live TV debate on Tuesday, before parliamentary elections start this weekend, Jordan Bardella, the would-be National Rally (RN) prime minister, said: ā€œWould you put a Franco-Russian in charge of a nuclear power plant? Donā€™t you think thatā€™s a subject of national interest?ā€ > > > > Gabriel Attal, the incumbent prime minister of France, replied by naming Ms Volokhova, a Moscow model turned security adviser to the RN in the European Parliament, and a former personal assistant to Ms Le Pen. > > > > Ms Volokhova became a French citizen in 2020 despite a leaked report from the DGSI, Franceā€™s domestic intelligence service, that identified her as a suspected ā€œagent of influenceā€ working for Vladimir Putinā€™s Russia. Absolutely savage


That's how you fucking debate! Not the typical whishy washy democrat "we go high" responses we usually get in the US


Maybe this model here is a super genius and kills it. Or maybe she is just an opportunist spy Who knows I think she has for sure some qualities


really wish europe wasnt swarmed with fake right wing parties funded by russia


They are fake in the sense that they don't truly represent the nationalism that they suggest, but they are indeed right wing when it comes to aligning with international fascism.


ā€œInternational fascismā€ there is not a single fascist country that existst at this moment any place in the world. Dictatorships, yes, fascist, no.


Russia and Belarus exhibit pretty much all the traits of fascism, and OrbĆ”nā€™s Hungary exhibits fascist traits to a lesser extent. Just because no modern country openly identifies as fascist does not mean fascist regimes that claim not to be fascist (since openly identifying with fascism has been politically taboo since WWII) do not exist.


russia is about as text book fascist as it gets. so you're dead wrong.


No it really isnā€™t. Itā€™s a brutal dictatorship that opresses itā€™s people, buit it is not the Fascist. Fascism is itā€™s own political ideology, all fascist countries are dictatorships but not all dictatorships are fascist countries.


Russians has all fascist traits. Even some from Nazi. They look down on everyone else and try to cosplay Third Reich.


French people still vote for her.. crazy


It has become a Trump-like cult. This plus billionaires possessing a vast majority of the medias, one of them being famous for pushing his far right agenda.




It's not a "cult", you probably would like it to be to satisfy your easy narrative : "they're all bunch of idiots brainwashed by media", and that type of contempt is exactly why people are voting for her, they are tired of people like you diminishing others just because they don't vote the way you want them to. The immigration problem has been ignored for decades, people are getting fed up and will vote Le Pen to make it clear the french people wants actions regarding it. All other leaders and parties have failed, the only ones they can blame are themselves, calling people nazi because you couldn't handle this huge issue isn't going to get you more votes.


Wow you ate so much bulshit you are now vomiting it back >calling people nazi because you couldn't handle this huge issue isn't going to get you more votes. They are called Nazi because the party was founded by ex-nazis and they have been spewing racists, revisionniest and antisemitist shit throughout their existence.


Not everyone does




"Maybe if the left and centrists adopted the right's talking points and attacked Muslims, I wouldn't be forced to vote for agents of the regime that's been openly threatening our countries with war" is a pretty bad take even for r/europe standards. However, I do appreciate the mask off moment.


Well suit yourself, increased polling for the far right proves my point. More and more people who held their nose to the far right feel like they don't really have any other options. Denmark actually made the far right redundant by addressing the elephant in the room and no one thinks Denmark is some awful racist place. And guess what they don't face the issue of being divided on Russia either. Russia would hate it if more countries followed Denmarks lead resulting in more unity and stability. Can't moan when the far right eventually does win wherever you are.


I see you learnt negogiation from Putin himself, i've had this discussion in german for a few times. Why not ask for the right leaning parties to confrom to your appearently right leaning policies, why must it exclusively be those who already oppose your favourite policies to conform? Most likely because you don't want your mommy Le Pen to face any real opposition.Ā  Here in germany the greens and SPD (both part of the current coalition) have anounced that they want toĀ  do exactly what you want: they want to put more immigrants back (yesterday there was even a law by the SPD which would make the process easier) but you know what? The left leaning people said no fuck off and they got the worst rating in a long time. I've heard multiple accounts of "i don't know who to vote for, either i have to support reimmigration or putin" from left to conservative. Some saying they only vote to make sure that the afd (you know the people so far right that even le pen wouldn't work with them) get less places.Ā  Honestly, if you would care for anything but "my group wins" you wouldn't keep on supporting the very person trying to take everything away from you by sponsoring right wing parties that try to weaken our countries stability and safety Of course it could be that Le pen, other than the afd has anything to say other than "hate hate hate just so we get money" that i currently don't know of


Try to switch your news-input mate


How do you go from a model to being a security adviser for a political party with the potential of leading a country? By being in Russias pockets to begin with


> How do you go from a model to being a security adviser for a political party with the potential of leading a country? Same party that's going to appoint a 28 year old without any third level education and who's never held a job outside of the party as Prime Minister.


The worst part is there is a big controversy those days because their fucking nazi party wants to refuse Ā«Ā important and sensitive jobsĀ Ā» to people having two nationalities, and they used the example of not wanting a French-Russian person leading a nuclear central, when they have themselves put a French Russian person in an important spot in Europe and have been funded by Russia for years now. But people are still extremely stupid to vote for them.


One russian agent helps another russian agent


who could have thought Russia pushed the extreme right agenda during eu elections


What a surprise. Everyone know Le Pen is Putin's b1tch in France.


Then I guess a lot of French support him too. I don't know why people love to blame politicians but not the people who put them in power.


The general masses are uninformed by design, and they vote in populist candidates like lepen based on lies fed to them.


We've all got the internet and access to libraries. I'm sick of all the excuses.


Internet is the major driver of the problem. People of a certain age and up were never going to be prepared for this information age, and we are just now understanding the importance of teaching it already in primary education. Still nowhere close to enough considering the impact it has on the very foundation of democratic systems.


Young people are the source of the newest drive to Far Right politics. I don't even care about ideology as much as I care about the obvious lies and corruption by those in that area.


Yep, and they are the one's raised on the internet without ever being taught media literacy in school. It feels like it can only get worse before it gets better.


And there is echo-chambers


Almost no one does, funnily enough. The thing is, the Le Pen political dynasty has been operating the far right in France far longer than any of these pro-russian allegations, so most of her supporters are legacy voters, whose families voter for her, her dad, her niece, etc. It's only since Russia began their destabilising operations in Europe that her party was courted. I believe when it comes to Russia, the average far right french voter's attitude is "so what, I don't care about Russia or Ukraine, I hate brown people" Anyway, vote left you blithering idiots. I have dual franco-british citizenship and currently hold a public office position, I don't wanna be fired.


> I have dual franco-british citizenship Self-esteem issues, or just playing both sides?


Let's just say you can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends.


She doesn't even go by a fake French sounding name...


"Y u send Ukraine weapons, u must protect yourself instead" "If you ask for sanctions against Russia lifted, France can benefit for cheap sukhoi instead of expensive Rafael" "Borscht really should be a MRE choice for your military! Guess who you can buy them from for cheap!?"


Fk those ā€œconservativesā€


Far right isn't fighting for your rights, they are defending the interests of a foreign dictatorship using lies, fear, anger and demagogy. They don't care about you, they can't fix issues, they are loud and that's it. Rather than work for a better future they are just looking to selfishly survive what's coming by betraying their own countries, that's it, but it won't work, because every plan of theirs is short-sighted. Once people realize this it will be too late already.


Putin must be very pleased.


They all fucking are. The whole party!


For a party literally financed with Russian money? Who could have guessed !


If the PVV is anything to go by this is only the tip of the iceberg. Everyone they've put forward as a minister is either an active foreign asset, grossly incompetent, or a conman. Or a combination of the 3.


Who is an "active foreign asset"?


Gidi Markuszower.


Duh. Conservatives are and always have been the rights advocacy wing of landed aristocracy. Of oligarchs, robber barons, generational wealth and European monarchs. Of fascists. Of course they have deep ties to other oligarchical fascist despots. Kinda the whole point.


Tbf Russia has been funding both left-wing and right-wing parties in Europe. In France, Germany, Hungary and Poland it's the far-right parties that are drinking from the Kremlin tap. In Portugal, Spain and Greece it's the far-left parties that are drinking from the Kremlin tap, so it's them spewing the Kremlin narrative. It's never been about left-wing or right-wing ideals but always about who's funding you. Parties on each side of the spectrum have their own narratives Russia has fed them to justify supporting them: Usually far-right parties claim they are, just like Russia, against Western "woke" culture, immigration (Muslims and Ukrainians), and support of the "current thing", a concept in which they bundle climate change, Ukraine, Palestine, etc. Far-left parties on the other hand claim they're against "Western/NATO expansion and imperialism", "USA and its capitalism bordering libertarianism", the military-industrial complex (read: the West arming itself to deter Russia) and so on. They also tend to engage in historical revisionism and talk about how "Russians/Soviets/Communists have always been the ones to stand against nazis, and are doing so in Ukraine again", often mentioning Azov etc.


Thats because conservatism is the front for the upper classā€™ interests. If the wind changes they fund whoever will be friendly to maintaining their wealth and station and liberalism is the opposition on behalf of the rest. Companies and oligarchy always hedges their bets with wagers on each side just in case. Conservatism and liberalism arenā€™t what they say on the tin at all and you can easily fond and educate yourself on that history. Probably start at the protestant reformation.


Right-wing parties are being infiltrated by Russian spies. The same thing happened with Krah, the EU candidate and the reason why RN kicked them from ID-Group from the German AFD, seems like there a lot more similar then le Pen wants people to believe.


When did the right become capitulators? They are supposed to be the ones pretending to be hard bastsrds and standing up for their country whilst the "soft champagne liberals" are appeasing. When did the right become pussies? It's the same all over Europe


Take that citizenship away and deport


*quelle surprise*


We are in a Cold War with Russia, and any European leader with Russian sympathies is a traitor.


Using the word ā€œallegedā€ in this case, is a joke, and PC at its worst. Sheā€™s undoubtedly an agent or highly active Russian asset.


Suprise, surprise...I am still wondering how on Earth somebody with a Russian citizenship is still allowed in Europe to work for officials, government and to be elected?


* Meme with other right wing Russian spies * First time?


Of course, right wing propaganda in France as well. Weakens that country, and the dummies vote for it there as well.


All of Trumpā€™s people are agents of Russia. All far right movements are supported by Russia.


I wonder, if this is La pens end of the deal for the russian "loans".


I mean, it's been suspected over a decade, and proven since years that Jean-Marie Le Pen and Marine Le Pen's Party have been funded by Putin (i.e. KGB/FSB). I am not sure why they are still considered a legal Party. Fine if people lean towards the Far Right or the Far Left, but if they are funded by foreign regimes (especially dangerous ones) then it's obviously more than just corruption problem.


Does France have a secret service? If yes, verify and arrest. What is so complicated?


"Surprised Pikachu face"


Related: https://youtu.be/r3FEhHF_fzM?si=jSAh0A193L6b0MIC


Ewww, that's a she-gopnik. Why do they do that shit to their faces?




she looks like the standard russian honey trap :)


What a twist


but of course


So is pen how does rural voters in France šŸ‡«šŸ‡· vote for this clown they dumb?


I don't see this cult of right wingers ever dying down without some internal conflicts. I've never seen those people change their opinions.


Le Pen has proposed banning people with dual nationality from government positions. If they do this, then another country needs to step up and issue passports to Le Pen and the rest of her government.


ffs France, be a little bit smart and donā€™t vote a Russian agent into office. Everyone knows Le Pen has Russian ties


Copying Rump


Who would have thought? Russia is running both the AfD and the RN.


I can fix her


I'd really like to support the European right if they weren't such a fucking bunch of sellouts.




Either, although immigration isn't my main concern. It's like number 3.




Europe is soooo fucked


"allegedly" :)))))


His recalls Charles hernu minister of Mitterand it seems that he was from the bkg


no shit :D old hag been wearing communist symbols, dancing with dictator and now hires prostitutka russian agent, how obvious it's need to be?


That's a terrible headline. Passive voice FTW! Some particular person or group of people is alleging that this person is a Russian agent. That is the action taking place in the sentence - and yet the headline doesn't say who is doing the action, it only tells us the *object* of the action. "Mistakes were made." No idea who the person is or whether there is any truth to the *alleging* being done here, but that passive voice headline really got my suspicions up. ETA: after reading the article, it's even worse! They list no person who is alleging that the lady is a Russian agent nor present any evidence of it being so, beyond insinuations based on dual nationality. The irony of the situation is glorious though - obvious attack piece against a political figure who is engaging in hypocrisy - with the article using an argument that buttresses the very position of the political figure being attacked - that is just . To quote Kissinger: "it's a shame they both can't lose".


Noooo ā€¦ all those right wing parties suddenly fiend Russian operatives in their ranks ā€¦ who would have thought?


Is there any European right wing party at this point, that it not a Russian intelligence project? Asking for a friend.


Sheā€™s trained in kamasutra and other diplomatic arts šŸ™‚


Shocked Pikachu face


A far right collaborating with Russias faschistic regime? :insert surprised Pikachu meme hereā€


Itā€™s mind-blowing that both the far right and the far left love Russia. I mean, one of them has to be wrong, no?


So why she is not detained yet?


Probably because there is no hard evidence. The circumstances makes it suspicious yes, but you donā€™t just arrest people without concrete evidence.


And Minister of Defense


I remember this one, Willy Brandt's case, though Le Pen is not prime minister/president, but as both personal assistant was a east German/russian spy, same old trick from Russia.


I love the lefties scrambling and panicing šŸ˜†šŸ˜† Keep defending migrant rapists and murderers, we dont care if one person is russian.


Bold for you to assume that other countries right-wingers love Russians as much you do. Won't find many such people nowadays among Baltic or Nordic right-wingers.


She also allegedly ate my lunch today šŸ˜“


russians: ā€œlol silly paranoid Europeans think everyone is spyā€Ā  Also russians: ā€œrainbows are lgbtq conspiracyā€


>ā€œlol silly paranoid Europeans think everyone is spyā€ Not everyone, just everyone still holding a passport of a terrorist state after nearly 2.5 years. There's a reason I would also be suspicious of any North Korean citizens (that find endless excuses as to why they can't adopt a South Korea one or some other).


Exactly. I hope weā€™ll soon just ban all russian passport holders from entering the eu.