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I mean tbf they where dying without them.


Russian MOD: "Die faster!"


.....with style


It’s like in an RTS where you’ve hit your unit limit so you need to send in your lower level units to die off so you can get your Tier 3 units out… Apart from in this case your Tier 3 is a 60 year old tank with childrens binoculars for optics and reactive armour made from empty egg cartons and a lucky rub from an imbred pig farmer from Gorski. 


Yeah but now they're dying at high speeds.   


The Russian just keep losing their way to more territory. At what point do you sheep realize Ukraine will never take back land. Thats not even a discussion. They need to negotiate and save whats left.


> The Russian just keep losing their way to more territory. At what point do you sheep realize Ukraine will never take back land. Thats not even a discussion. They need to negotiate and save whats left. This is only true if you are of the opinion that gaining 1 square kilometer a day in trade for 1000 Russian empire citizens is winning. Zeds claim that Putin has no choice then fight because the empire will fail if the war is lost, so even from a Zed POV this is not winning, they are just forced to sacrifice lives so Putin does not lose his throne. It is tragic when you see those maps with Ruzzian territory gains and when the gained area is calculated and it under 1 km squared. There is no winning, Zeds are hoping and praying that Trump will win and he is so special to help Putin.


China is hoping for that outcome. They probably will suddenly pull support and backstabbing them when the time is right, and after that.. goodbye Wladiwostok and eastern Siberia!


Ruzzia has nukes so China will probably not invade, but they might copy Putin and do some special non military operations , or Ruzzia'n oligharcs will sell the lands


The Russians have taken 20% of Ukraine and keeps going. They have absorbed millions of new citizens into their country. All this while fighting a tough enemy backed by 30 of the most advanced nations in the world. NATO provides all sorts of ISR and nato soldiers are definitely operating western missile systems. All this and Ukraine cant take back anything despite trying. What the Russians have done militarily is remarkable. Tell yourselves whatever you want about Russian casualties. If your numbers were even slightly accurate they would be a combat ineffective force. The Ukrainian army is incapable of making gains. I hope the negotiate and build new lives.


> The Russian has taken 20% of Ukraine Can you find how much they grabbed this year? And how many died ? Then find out the ratio and come back here/ They managed to grab a lot of land at the start, then they lost a lot, then I remember the Zeds claiming shit like "after Bachamut fails Ruz will reach Odessa in a week" , but then it took months to get that city , and then no Odessa but Ruz were stuck on the next city/village . Maybe if you played some RTS you would know that grabbing a bit of land is nothing if you wasted all your good troops and tech and now you need to create weak troops with weak weapons and try to attack with those fortified positions. >What the Russians have done militarily is remarkable. Nah, what Putin did in Crimea was genius, he tried to repeat it with the 3 day Kyiv invasion but it failed, now Ruz complain that they can't accept this failure because the empire will crumble, though a competent leader might be able to keep the empire for a little longer. The fact that Ruzzia has no real military support then N Korea should tell you something, something about Ruzzia never made any real friends and that nobody wants to see illegal invasion returning in this new century (yes I know some countries profit from Ruzzia poor decission to trade shit but I said real military support , not even Belarus got involved and all the other slavs are sending weapons to Ukraine)


You are just repeating clichés and stupid shit. 3 days? Is the funniest one. No one ever said that. Focus on whatever metric you'd like. Russia has millions of new citizens, and continue to gain land. They can launch an offensive whenever they choose. Ukraine and NATO cannot do anything about it, just lie about Russian loses in the Kiev independent, lol. If those numbers were even slightly true, why cant Ukraine take back even a little territory? Please answer. Russia has a growing economy, largest in Europe, and has befriended the global south, including the most populace countries on earth. This is a gross miscalculation by the west at Europes and Ukraines expense.


3 days is true, Lukashenko said it when he also revealed the map with Putin's plans. Maybe Putin said 3 days as a boast to Luka and he believed that Putin said the truth. Putin said before that he can invade any country in 2 days see here https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/putin-russian-troops-could-be-in-vilnius-or-warsaw-in-two-days/ yeah, we do not have video evidence with Putin but the fascist did not denied it either. >If those numbers were even slightly true, why cant Ukraine take back even a little territory? Please answer. Because Ruzzia finds more special people willing to fight for a big pile of money not realizing that they will die and never be paid. Also Ukraine does not do zombie rush attacks , makes more sense to defend and let the Zeds exhaust their forces, Putin gets mad and pushes some generals from windows, then eventually you get a new match to Moscow. maybe you have seen the video proof or Ruzzian attacking in columns and getting wiped out and not a single video of Ukrainians attacking in columns this year, I would make the same strategy, let the Ruzzians attack, wipe them out, prepare a new defensive line with tons of mines , retreat , wipe the next attacks . The other explanation is that the West is afaid of Ruzzian empire exploding in small pieces, though it would be fair for those nations to get independence from Moscow the issue is the nukes , so nobody can invade Ruzzia because they have nukes and nobody wants Ruzzia to become unstable because the nukes could end up sold for scraps by the next gen oligharchs. This will not last forever though, Putin will die and I did not seen any signs who KGB elected as next dictator.


Lol, ok bud. I'll take your word for it. Get some rest.


Thanks. Also you should watch more reality videos, see the price of that less then 1km sq Ruzzia grabbed yesterday. P.S I also forgot to remind you that Putin had to move most of the army from the border with Finland in Ukraine, and you Zeds are dreaming that Ruzzia is fighting Ukraien+NATO, I dare The Coward of the Bunker to attack NATO, to prove the Zeds how Ruzzia can beat Ukraien and NATO at the same time.


>What the Russians have done militarily is remarkable. Unfortunately I'm unable to upload photos in this comment section but if I took a picture of Russian controlled territory today and on july 2nd 2023 then you would geniuenly not be able to tell them apart. They are litterally in the same place they were a year ago having made incredebly small and insignificant gains. Nothing remarkable about that, it's ww1 type advancing. >this while fighting a tough enemy backed by 30 of the most advanced nations in the world. So Russia is already stuck with frozen lines fighting against all of the west but the west hasn't even arrived yet. Imagine if the west actually starts to contribute a full 1% of it's gdp (it's not even close to 1% rigth now). What will Russia do then? >I hope the negotiate and build new lives. Putin recently outlined his conditions for the so called peace. Ukraine has to withdraw troops from Kherson, Donetsk, Luhansk, and Kharkiv oblasts and give them alongside Crimea to Russia. And Ukraine will also not be allowed to join NATO. So instead of Russia going back home and ending the war immideatly so they could build new lives they set the conditions for peace to effectively be a full on Ukranian surrender.


I come into your house armed to the teeth. I kill your wife, kidnap your 2 kids, I destroy your water source and electricity. At what point do you decide to abandon your home, forget about your dead wife and renounce trying to get your kids back? Frigging moron.


Make peace so these stories don't continue. There is no choice. It's how it's always been done. I don't blame the soldier defending his family. The Ukrainians are tough fucking people backed by 30+ of the most advanced nations on earth, and they continue to lose territories everyday. Despite all the Russian criticism, they are on a nearly constant offensive. Their loses are exaggerated as evident by their continued combat ability. Can you describe a scenario where Ukrainians are able to regain territory? Just negotiate already.


"The more Russian soldiers ride into battle on dirt bikes, the more Russian soldiers die or get wounded while riding into battle on dirt bikes." Vroom vroom.


Cute, sexy and my ride's sporty


Beep beep


How about them golf carts? The 2 seats vehicles with no windows or protection used for completely different purposes, made by China, end up being used by Russian soldiers on the front line? >the Russian army late last year acquired 2,100 Desertcross 1000-3 all-terrain vehicles—heavy-duty golf carts, basically—from a Chinese firm. Forbes.


When you order your military equipment from Wish :-)




One of Ukrainian military experts said that these vehicles are actually great for ammo delivery, medevac, taxiing troops to the frontline (not directly into combat) but as usual, Russians use them in the worst way possible


Yes, i forgot to mention the point ... they are completely useful when used for the purposes they are meant for. For some reason, russians decided to use them in the front line, where drone attacks are very common.


Me: why would russian police kill people for riding dirt bikes ? Me 10 seconds later: THEY'RE USING DIRT BIKES FOR WHAT???


Looking forward for the attack bicycles.


I served in a special anti-tank unit in Switzerland. Our primary mode of transportation was bicycles: silent and undetectable with night/heat vision (early 2000s). We “refueled” by eating just… food. 200km range, at most. Our teams were always composed of two members: one handling the Panzerfaust (rocket launcher) and the other managing the precision optics.


The bike maybe not detectable but you are. We had a field exercise in 2003 and we had thermal vision and ..... it was the Austrian army,  if we have that stuff almost everyone else has it too. You could see the heat of soldiers far in the far in the distance, spooky stuff. 


Ah yes, the brrr thermal vision machine. In 2001 it was niche, but yeah, we acted as undetectable. The ICE vehicles were much more brighter in the brrr machine, though. And noisier. And smellier.


To be fair, what i did not mentioned, it was not a really portable thing, it was attached to an anti tank rocket thing. (2003 is long time ago, forgot how it was called) But you are correct if you don't have one the bike is almost invisible and you cant hear it. Except if you have asthma and one can hear your snuffing and huffing up the mountain. :D


TOW missile thingy? We had that brrr thingy attached to ours.


But you have much better bike lanes infrastructure than Ukraine.


200km of range and if you live in Graubünden 20'000mtrs of altitude :D


Graubünden is not the canton with the highest mountains. That would be Valais


Sorry, no expert, it was just a canton with a high mountain that came to my mind ;)


To be honest, it does make sense to me. Maintaining cost should also be considerably lower as well


You dont know the cost of the Northrop Gruman Anti-Tank bike. Its like $25M


But to be fair, it's mostly the supply chain and documentation that drives the prices of military equipment like the Northrop Gruman Anti-Tank bike up. You have to make sure that every part and the machines making those parts is either produced domestically or by an allied nation so you can still produce them in an ongoing war. edit: I thought you were joking, but you're almost right. [Former Northrop Grumman engineer creates anti-tank e-bike with $2,000 fork](https://electrek.co/2024/06/06/new-80-mph-military-electric-bicycle-unveiled-as-e-bike-maker-opens-defense-division/)


Are you kidding me


Yes, they are.


The drones and the night vision glasses have changed everything. I am not sure you can still use your bike at night nowadays.


Switzerland early 2000s: "We have an anti-tank unit yes." Also Switzerland early 2000s: "Did we show you our [main tank](https://i.imgur.com/BaMXVQs.jpeg) ?"


How are they undetectable by night vision?


Night vision : less surface area for reflecting ambient light. Thermal vision: less heat than ICE vehicles ( only the human body visible ). Also much less noise for sound detection.


I assume he means no heat given off by the bike. The rider on the other hand...


Followed by attack unicycles.


Looking forward to the attack pogo sticks.


All-Terrain Heelys about to change the game.


Camouflage Space hopper , the ultimate all terrain vehicle now bouncing into action.


r/cargobike is like „look what I can haul to the front lines with just a bike!“


Attack rollerblades. It's 1994.


In case of ruZZians, can be also used to steal washing machines and flush toilets.


or attack horses"!


There is a reason that they are using bikes. There was a DPRA militia unit which saw some success using them back in April. One drone will knock out a BMP and wipe out a squad. 5 drones may get 5 bikers. I wouldn't be shocked if that wasn't why Ukraine has their own motorcycle troops. They made a big deal of them being electric bikes early in the war.


Didnt Ukraine do sometyhing similar in its wildly succesfull Kharkiv ofensive?


Yes I think I remember this as well.


"But now we shall both surely die", said the ork. "LOL, LMAO even", said Putin.


This just sad, I wish the killing stop soon and Putin get what he deserve for turning brother against brother. So many in my people dying to Putin lies they follow blindly.. Young indoctrinated slaves riding into war on dirt bikes to die. I hope the death is instant and painless for these lost people, only leadership should die in pain.


I imagine Russia saw the very limited use of dirt bikes by Western SF and, as they are wont to do, cargo cult copied it without understanding that dirt bikes are of limited use anyway and, more critically, don't make recruits for the meat grinder into SF.


They started the war with tanks and IFV, and now they are using dirt bikes and golf cars. "The second strongest army in the world" my ass.


Those poor dirt bikes 🙏


Almost unironically. Dirt bikes are cool. Like a modern mechanic horse. All-terrain, agile and fairly quick but without needing to feed or rest them. Edit: Alright, you need to "feed" them gas maybe.


>without needing to feed or rest them. I wish my mechanical horse only needed hay


I would compare mine to a donkey, sometimes i need to drug him out of the ditch and push uphill


The ending of this article confuses me... >The only other option is to walk into a battle. But that’s even more dangerous than riding on a motorcycle. So are the Russian military being a bunch of stupid goobers or is this the best option out of only bad options? Because that changes the perspective of what's going on; are they putting their troops on dirt bikes because they're dumbasses or because every other option is worse/dirt bikes bring the best results?


Both. Yes, it's better than footing it, but pressing an assault without necessary equipment is stupid to begin with. Russians are in no condition to keep up the assaults. Doing so anyway simply wastes the manpower and remaining equipment without really getting anything out of it. "It could be even worse" is a poor justification for a strategy that is completely stupid to begin with. They should be doing the same thing they did before after biting off more than they could chew. Retreat, shorten the frontline, and consentrate their remaining forces. But in terms of internal politics, they can't stomach the idea, so they are being stupid instead. And that down the line will result in them losing the war even more miserably.


Are they anywhere close to running out of manpower?


Yes, in fact, they are. They dont have to send every last Russian to their death to run out of manpower. They can't even. They can throw only a small fraction into the grinder before the consequences of all that waste make it impossible to continue the war. This is not WW2. It's pointless to compare how many they lost there. Rather, recall their losses in Afghanistan and how soviet union fell apart after that. Soviet Union was bigger than just Russia, and they lost fewer men there than Russia has lost in Ukraine. But it was enough to break the empire. Recall how Russo-Japanese war broke Russian empire. They lost fewer men there too. And the current war has lost more than enough men to break Russia. People are talking about how many years they can keep it up, Russian high command is living one day at a time right now. Every day, they are on the edge of losing control of the country because the losses are too damn much with nothing to show for it.


Fuck around, find out


So, war will be over soon, right?


Spreading out the targets, no more multikills for the drone operators.


Lil bro doubles down on spamming Mortar Cycle units, too bad for him since in Red Alert 3 Uprising, the Allies got a huge boost in all things technological except navy 🗿


By the dozen when their comrades are dying by the thousand seems like an improvement


Despite seeming silly at first glance, bicycle troops in general have an accomplished military history and are quite useful in many situations. Just... not the way the Russians are using them.


Are you Dutch?


American, actually. Not all of us are obsessed with bling. And some of us remember Vietnam.


I love good news.


One can only hope that Putin will have a slow and painful death. The sooner, the better.


[O kurwa! Motokomando!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urPrgnCabMg)


Any cons?


Yeah, drones! 2 wheeled vehicles were a good idea. They were able to get observers and soldiers to the front line fast. But drones changed everything.


Most likely shitty Chinese 2 stroke dirt bikes that make a lot of noise and break down constantly.


Could this be a very cynical strategy? More targets, each with smaller value than if they put 20 on a truck?


Yep this guy can filter through propaganda. If they keep using it like this it means it s working better


Maybe they should send them via trebuchet?


Well by the dozen is an extremely good quota for the Ruzzian war machine. Usually I hear they die by the thousands a day! /s (just in case)


Someone should make a movie about this starring The Rock and Mark Walberg and Vin Diesel and the soundtrack can be like Saliva and Kid Rock. Saving Radical Ryan. Get the Mad Max director.


I was just going to say...that movie exists and it's called Mad Max...but you mentioned it in the last line.


This will cover this Russian squad in this war.


I watched them get bombed and I felt sorry for the dirt bikes.


The dirt bike rental guy is gonna be pissed about all the due paperwork for offshoring his assets.


tf? they think it's a Bond movie or sth?


Mad Max


I was just thinking about this today.. Chinese golf karts (which to be fair I've seen being used to transport wounded), dirt bikes, what's next? Horses??


Maybe they should try one-wheels. 100% more efficient.


Command and Conquer: Generals vibes ...


What value does a fucking dirt bike have


Mad Max!


Why do I have the image of the „mad max“ bike scene in my head and why I belive it must look like this?


Ride or die


Глупцы..., забыли что лобовые атаки всадников (кавалерии) изжили себя ещё в Первую Мировую войну.


You cannot look at this from a Western value system, but have to look at this from a Russian value system. For Russia, the value of an infantry soldier is the cost of recruiting him. For all practical purposes, there is an endless supply from far-away provinces and desperate foreign mercenaries. The Russians neither have the capacity to train every combatant nor the medical infrastructure to evacuate and treat the wounded. From the Russian perspective, infantry soldiers are a disposable asset that is spent and abandoned (for dead) on the battlefield. (This is somewhat different for enlisted troops that may have received decent training and are more valuable.) But let’s stick to the disposables: bikes are cheap, fast, and mobile. Two troops for one bike. Bikes can evade direct fire by crisscrossing, may not trigger mines bc they are too light, or stay in the previous tracks of tracked vehicles that are mine free. It takes time to adjust artillery. The BMPs have become sitting ducks. They are too slow and can be easily deactivated by a single drone or hit by precise shell strike. Of course, bikers are unprotected against cluster shells and plain old machine gun fire. The idea is to overwhelm the defenders in the trenches, and have enough bikers dismount and enter trenches and take them over. The strategy may be as simple as doing wave after wave until the defenders are too exhausted. Sure you lose a lot of combatants in the process, but again, for the Russians, it is a simple economical calculation: recruitment cost + shipping to the front + cost of the bike. Certainly a lot cheaper than losing a BMP. Bike and meat is abandoned in the grinder. And the front moves a hundred meters West. Rinse and repeat.


Russian tactic is to get their soldiers into Ukrainian trenches. Might be that 10 individual targets on dirt bikes are harder to stop early with drones and artillery, than 10 soldiers in one armoured BMP.


Just a friendly reminder these are actual people dying not just a statistic. Not passing judgment just trying to keep it real.


Yeah, won't someone think of the poor occupiers just trying to kill Ukrainians :(


Yes exactly. They are human.


They can try being human within the internationally recognized borders of russia next time


You're missing the point. I'm not saying the invaders shouldn't be repelled. Just pointing out that dehumanizing war is what leads to attitudes like yours, being super tough on your phone while people are being ripped to pieces literally, not considering the real human cost, and they just rage on and on and nobody cares because it's all just numbers.


Attitudes like yours are basically patting yourself on the back for how humane you are ("I was the only one who brought up that the rapist had a family") at best, at worst they delay weaponry deliveries to Ukraine ("both sides are just humans dying, why should we take part in this"). I say every invader repelled is a good thing. Congratulations to Ukraine for every last one of them.


Such a waste of bikes, they'd die anyway


Bikes are cheaper, human lives cost nothing. I see what your are doing there Putin 😆.


Honestly not much different than riding on Horseback... Unarmoured, any damage to your mount can be catastrophic. You can move faster I suppose, but you are also a lot louder... Overall, seems like a really poor idea. Fine by me though. We're fortunate they are so stupid.


And yet it looks like they are wining this war. Unfortunately.


For a very dubious definition of "winning". Their goal was to conquer all of Ukraine in less than a week, with an overwhelming show of force and minimal casualties. Instead, they're a year and a half in, have lost half a million troops, and so much of their equipment has been destroyed that they're down to foreign sports equipment, 60 year old stuff that hasn't quite fully rusted away yet, and begging *North Korea* for munitions. On top of that, the country has become more isolated from foreign investment and has lost the biggest customers of its primary exports. Finally, their incredible military might has been conclusively shown to be mostly rotting or bluff, which means that even if they manage to pull something that can be shown as a win out of this cf, China's going to be grabbing parts in the east before long and they've shown they can't do jack to stop that.


It is two years and a half, not 1.5


Brain fart from me, you're right


All good, no problem!


3 day operation going smoothly


Hahaha. Where? Russia has lost 80%of what they conquered. They are not winning anything.


They should try putting cope cages on those dirt bikes, I'm sure that'll do the trick.


They are trying to bring back the cossacks

