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Pleasantly surprised


I am not surprised at all. It made sense for Macron to play this game and move the electorate and to push far right more to the ground. Also I see this as very good and happy for them.


This was not the plan, at all.


What was it then?


If his plan was to drop from 1st to 2nd place in parliament and increase the number of far-right MPs, then mission accomplished. * 2nd place, not third.


The point is that otherwise, the far right could have kept the momentum until 2027. They could have built upon their success in the European election. Now they lost momentum and are not even second.


AFAIK he would have lost the government anyway, and just a month ago Le Pen got 32% win against Macron 15%. He called her bluff, and got more votes than Le Pen. Took the victory right out of her hands.


Third place? Is his party not second place? Am I reading this incorrectly?


Ensemble is a coalition, not a party


Ahhh I see what you mean. Thanks.


Can you elaborate please. I am looking at the results and maybe I made a mistake in interpreting them.


All that really happened here is that Macrons party lost MPs, and the far right gained MPs. All in an an election the he didn't need to call. Sure, it's not as bad as it *could* have been, thanks to the French voters. But this is still a catastrophic own-goal by Macron, and I'm amazed by the number of people saying this is somehow a 4d chess move.


It's a 4d chess move because we still don't understand why he did it


No politician in his right mind plans to loose. Macron’s plan was to win ground and maybe an absolute majority by calling a snap election and holding the electorate hostage against the RN, counting on the fact that most French don’t want the RN anywhere near power and that the left and traditional right did a poor showing in the European elections by feuding internally. He hoped that said left and right would stay disunited and wouldn’t be ready for an election that soon. He miscalculated


I see. I have seen very interesting responses. So thanks


This video gives a good analysis. https://youtu.be/0_Fy0gAFK74?feature=shared


Thanks. i’ll check it out


What do you mean? He lost almost half his MPs, the RN didn't reach power but still have significant gains. It was a stupid gamble and he lost a less than most predicted but probably more than his ego promised him. And for sure he will have lost a lot of respect in his own camp.


Yet he proved that far right can’t win in France. Comparet to the first round RN has significant losses. Everyone was expeting them to be 1st maybe second. So yea, I’ll still consider this as a win for him and France


He was counting on them winning, he didn't (voluntarily) prove anything.


Wasn’t he the one that called for the elections? And isn’t MlP on the losing side ?


She is, and so is he. He called the elections on the idea that the far right would win, and they would fuck up while in power enough to lose in 2027. Or at least that's one of the main assumptions because he hasn't publicly said anything informative. What is sure is that he never expected the left to unite in just a week, and spent most of the campaign attacking the left.


Okay. Thank you.


He was going to lose them anyway and far-right was going to make a massive push for years, probably destroying Ensemble completely and aiming for easy majority. Now RN are in "All bark no bite" position and Bardella sort of blamed the voters themselves uniting against RN which is never a good look. It's still a gamble worked out though and not a masterplan though because if the left didn't unite and manage everything rather smoothly his prediction would become true in weeks instead of years.


I'm not convinced LR was going to vote the no-confidence. They had very little to win in this situation, and if he kept making concessions to them he could have probably kept things going for 3 more years.


Even if they come third, it's a victory for the far right; they've almost doubled the number of elected representatives and fractured the political landscape, they're the leading party in France. And Macron can no longer govern. And France can't be governed. The can just wait for the next election.


The people of France and a pro democracy and pro EU course has won, Macron lost the election, but the way I see it, it is also a win for Europe, for Ukraine and a defeat for the fascists supported by Russia.


I'm very surprised how anyone can see this as a positive result for Macron. He played this game to put the far right in power, and he lost.


So far right is 3rd with less seats than expected, his party second and NFP first. Which is completely different thing than the first voting. So, even from the second place he still has pushed the extremists lower than they were expeting. This is a win albeit him and his party not being number one.


I'm talking about the whole political sequence. Before last month, the next general election would have been in 2027. The reason he triggered this election is to get the far right in power. Being where they are is the worst outcome for Macron, he'll either have to ally left or far right and either way lose any credibility. And he can't count on the far right governing alone to appear like the reasonable way.


Aha. Yeah ok. I was talking about something different. So you say he wanted the far right in power ? Did I understand that well?


I'm not in his head, but yes, that's what I think. He triggered the election right when the far right was at its highest ever in post-war era, and when the left was completely divided. He also triggered it as quickly as the constitution allowed him to. He then spent the entire election cycle attacking the left and only the left. I think his expectation was to have a far right government with him as president. The french far right is lacking any kind of real structure, and therefore they would have been utterly incompetent. I believe he wished to look good in comparison.


I see. I don’t think he wanted far right in power, but thanks for the reply.


The theory is he wanted to let them have some of the power now (while he's still president) so that they have to make the tough decisions that governments have to make, lose their shine and then come the next presidential elections they aren't this unstoppable force anymore.


But we can also say that, in theory, he wanted to prove that French people would not give a massive vote for far fight, correct? Is it too far fetched?


We'll likely never know for sure. I guess it's possible that he and his advisors did a sort of war game to look at all the possible outcomes and their likelihood and what each would lead to. So, probably not just hoping for one outcome, but a range of acceptable ones (versus RN winning the next Presidential election if he did nothing).


If now the far-right lost, I can assume far-right will lose again 2 years later. It seems far-right doesn't have to govern for people to vote against them.




Really nice turn of event. I imagine Putin being disappointed and it makes everything better.


For Putin, seeing a Labour govt in the UK and a left-centrist alliance in France cannot be a good feeling. If the Democrats can win in the US at the end of the year, it’s going to spell some pretty dire news for Putin’s war in Ukraine.


He must be having a shit weekend. good.


Would be lovely if joe would be replaced by a more suitable candidate. His health isn't good at all. Feels like to vote for fellon or for a vegetable.


More likely to lose if they replace him https://youtu.be/eYKi0_nlIfQ


If they replace Biden, they get slaughtered on election day, sub 100 for them might be possible. But again, the Dems probably lose no matter what here. They seem to be in an awful position


Half of NFP (the left coalition) are composed of pro-Putin and pro-CCP future MP, especially LFI and the french communist Party.


They’re not pro putin per se. More like useful idiots.


Here is what LFI's leader, Mélenchon, thinks about the war in Ukraine. For him, NATO IS the problem, not Russia. Also, this party is known for being undemocratic, whoever dares not agree with Mélenchon meets the risk to be kicked out of the party, that's what happened 1 week before the elections when 3 members have been banned because they said there is not enough democracy and debate among them. https://www.francetvinfo.fr/economie/emploi/carriere/vie-professionnelle/crise-en-ukraine-l-otan-est-responsable-des-tensions-avec-la-russie-accuse-jean-luc-melenchon-dans-elysee-2022_4954374.html


Don't know how relevant this is but in official program of NFP is "unconditionally supports the sovereignty and liberty of the Ukrainian people as well as the integrity of their borders", and it addition to further military aid, it calls for the cancellation of Ukrainian foreign debt and the seizure of assets in France owned by Russian oligarchs"


This aid for Ukraine is also mentionned in RN's program tho


Melanchon is his own stew of moronitude. He is a great talker, but his ego is the size of the moon. His era is going to end soon and when he's out for real, it’s going to change.


Bad, I don't like it, but better than the alternative


Quite a few parties of the left coalition are pro Russia. Melenchons party being especially bad. He‘s probably more anti Ukraine than Le Pen.


I regained faith in humanity. So proud to be French


I can't wait to hear CNews and the other far-right propagandists scream and wail


I heard Bardella calling it a disinformation campaign and alliance against nature.


What party is CNews and who is theirs leader please ?


Zemmourists, judging by how their leader (Vincent Bolloré, peace be upon his Françafrique) very openly created Éric Zemmour as a candidate. Come on. Don't act as if it wasn't obvious. [Edit: my bad, sorry. It can't obvious if you aren't French, naturally !]


You have so much parties in France it is hard to keep up. Do you see Ballore running in 2027 ?


No he's a media mogul like a french Rupert Murdoch


Ah okay thank you for the information, like having a Murdock wasn't enough you have something like it in France Damn...very difficult to deal with them.


My bad ! I confused you with another OP. I thought you were French. Sorry. CNews is a news channel promoting ultra-catholic, evangelical, and far-right ideas. Kind of our Fox News. Its boss, Vincent Bolloré, is a French oligarch very involved in Africa (and currently facing charges of corruption in France and half a dozen African countries). Back in 2021, he catapulted the far-right Zemmour (further far-right than Le Pen) and gave him up to two hours of live tv per days, for months.


Vive la France! Vive la République!


Oui putain !


Bordel j'y crois pas que c'est passé.


Oh putain tu regarde le sel sur CNEWS hahaha ?


ah oui tiens, les guignols de CNEWS doivent être en train de pleurer.


Petite pensée à Hanouna !


Tu devrais regarder France 2 le représentant RN et au bout de sa vie.


Next Sunday, we win the Euros and we have great Olympics. My French jersey is ready (also Comoran flag for the Olympics). At least, far right isn't in charge.


Cheering for Spain over the football France has been playing, I'm afraid


I understand the hate about France during the Euro. It's not my problem as at least, we're advancing and it's the first aim.


Im sorry but the Euros is gonna go orange this year. (I hope) But congrats though


Thanks. As for the Euro, if this happens, my dad, who likes Netherlands, will be happy. His nickname, when he was a kid, was Spinosa. He's a big fan of Bob Marley, Ajax and van Basten.


Fantastique!! We both have reasons to be proud today :) 🇬🇧🤝🇫🇷 Your brothers from across the Channel ❤️


As your ~~long time rival~~ friend from across the channel I'm chuffed with these results too. Only hoping they can come to a sensible agreement on how to govern and keep Putin's cronies from muddying the waters too much in parliament.


So proud that you are french, so proud to be neighbor of France, so proud of France 🙌


Congratz! The rest of Europe was very pleasantly surprised, so good France can show the way to go against these Putin loving idiots!


It's a hard-earned victory in a country where [two-thirds of the population](https://www.arabnews.com/node/1956551/world) think they are being replaced. I shudder to think what the results would have looked like if only these racists had voted: probably something [like in the US](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/kji3wx/oc_2020_electoral_map_if_only_voted_breakdown_by/). Hopefully we can reach the point where these fascists can't even pass the first round.


Fiere de vous


The madman Macron actually did it


People said he was mad, after the first exit-poles people said he was "disconnected from reality", but he probably did the best thing he could for France. At least it seems to me that way, though im not french.


Well, as seen from Ukraine... I don't like Macron. But I understand your concern, and your conclusion. Also I can now assure you France's support to Ukraine will remain strong


I'm not a fan of Macron, but one thing I like about him is his pro-Europe and pro-Ukraine side. We're not doing enough, but we would be doing even less with either the far right or the far left at the helm.


And he has elections behind him, and not dangling in front of him all the time.


Keep in mind this was an exceptionally high turnout for legislative elections, and largely a vote against the far right. Now I’m hoping the parliament will be able to compromise to work together, because otherwise the far right will win the presidential elections in 2027.


Not quite.


Nah, it was a bad move. If he dissolved in September after he got "motion de censure" from others parties he would probably done better. Instead he lost some seats and give the RN a big push


Vive la France 🥳


i'm so used to reading "viva la france" on the internet it's surprising to see someone get it right instead lmfao


I actually did type "viva" at first and then I remembered it's "vive" and edited it lmao


well can't blame you if you ask me to tell apart most slavic languages i'll struggle lol so i understand going for spanish by mistake in a small sentence like this


RIP putins plan, now the US+Germany (in 2025) have to put the nail in the coffin, because he cant continue this war for another 3-5 years.


That's what I was hoping for but honestly didn't expect. Thank you France! Greetings from Germany.


Way to pull it together France!


After all the predictions of a far right resurgence who would predict the far left taking power. UK, Germany and France having center left - far left taking power


far left has absolutely not taken power, first because the left coalition is not a far left block, and second because no one has a majority


It seems Melenchon could have enough to put forward a PM? In any case Macron seems to have won big. He called RNs bluff and the French people gave their answer.


I do not think Mélenchon could be PM, because he is actually hated by lots of people in the left coalition. It will be more a technical government, because considering the shape of the assembly, it is dominated by the centrist and right blocks (including RN), and those generally vote in the same direction (even though RN has now way more annoyance capability and will certainly play with it), still having a strong left component that can represent a strong opposition.


LFI and PS seem to be near equal in power now. And with him being so controversial in the other parties means someone fromthe PS wil probably lead the bloc.


Melenchon won't be able to unite the left lol.


The left of france is more of the groups coming together in terms of "right we disagree on what way we lean, some of our policies and to.the extant we take them, but no matter what, we agree that we're all better than RN"


far left in Germany or UK ?


What are you talking about? The far left really didn't get all that many seats. It's pretty much all centre-left


Papers in other countries frame NFP as far left extremists. They're being misled. Literally from a convo I had: "Seems to me any national paper frames it as extreme vs extreme with Macron in the middle. I thought Francois was in the communist party before." There is no leader named François in any of the left coalition ....


Let's go


Well done France, well done. I'm actually proud of you.


Media is pushing far-right and trying to whitewash it but those attempts are failing.


Maybe Europe can actually put some effort into winning the meme war for the youth vote on TikTok and Instagram for the next round of elections. I realize it's more difficult feeling you have the moral high ground and not just being able to make up whatever bullshit you feel like without experiencing any fallout or accountability from their base.


For some reason it's more acceptable to mock kindness than to mock hatred.


We only need like 2 whistleblowers to prove most of the European media is funded by the Kremlin lmao


The fact so many people went to vote hinted that the left would score well but this is big.


Macron actually made a Southgate play here


That is still a lot of support for far right. I would not call that an amazing result


That's a major upset given the predictions and how much the media have been doing anything they can to push for the far right and discredit the left.


Yes they doubled their seats in 2 years...


Vive la France


Great job, France!


An honest question: what can they now do to pull ppl from far right to centre/left? Or this is going to be a common recurrence?




And yet, the areas that vote RN have the lowest levels of immigration in France. You go to the rural area my wife's grandparents are from and you don't see _any_ immigrants. It's impoverished french people who feel like they have no path forward. The areas where French people actually live alongside immigrants (ie. the cities) vote strongly against RN. Immigration has been used as a political weapon by the far right here, but really the grievance is around the cost of living, lack of investment and opportunity in the french periphery. They are being told that the reason they are poor is because of immigration, but really it is failed industrial and social policy of the last 50 years from the french central government combined with global macro economic trends which helped fuel deindustrialisation.


Mass immigration happened many times in french history. It caused problems, but it always brought more good than bad. I grew up in an industrial area. 1/3 of the adults when I grew up had polish, italian or Portuguese family names, the rest had purely french "traditional" names. It’s just that immigration is the scapegoat of any society that’s ill. "It’s not our fault, it’s them! (But let’s keep them in they’re cheaper than locals haha!)" Immigrants are manpower. Without fresh blood, we aren’t renewing our numbers. That’s all leaders see. And if any of their mistakes can be blamed on an easily identifiable group, perfect.


I thought this was far-right summer where the fascists at lmfaoooo Labour won a landslide by the most boring and centrist campaign imaginable. NFP and ENS ganged up to put RN on 3rd place yet again. Even outside Europe Iran has elected a reformist president while every other candidate and ex-president was a conservative.


What's the lefts stand on Ukraine?@


It doesn’t mean the left (NFP)will have its own prime minister, macron (RE) will before probably try an alliance with the right (LR) that refused to join the far right (RN). He may still "win". If the left block still ends up with the majority, they will most likely continue to support Ukraine.


half of the left coalition is LFI which are pro Putin, a third of them are PS which are close to Macron position, the rest are ecologist I don't really know their position. Macron dream is to ally with everyone except LFI and RN to govern but till then PS and LR refused to be associated with him.


Ecologists are strongly pro-ukraine


Support and sending more weapons, as well as sending UN troops.


Suck it Le Pen.


I’m expecting a lot of salt from the Putain-bots.


There are 2024 seats in the parliament? Just kidding! I'm loving the result


French with the " Ce n'est qu'une farce, mon frère"


The question is: what now? There are 3 big blocks in the parliament. Will Macron’s block form a coalition with the left? I’ve always thought he’s more of a center-right than center-left politician. Will the left try to form a minority government? Then not only they don’t have majority, but also they don’t have “their” president. I’m happy the far right fell to 3rd place, don’t get me wrong, but in Poland we also have an anti-populist coalition that rules, and they struggle a lot because they cover very liberal and quite conservative parties, and there’s a lot they can’t agree on. Anyway, I hope it works out, after the UK election this is another good news for Europe


Now the US next


France baise ouais!


Didn't think I'd ever say this, but I have gained some respect for the French


What's your problem with French people?


Never hear the joke of 'everyone hates the french'? Pretty common ngl


Something about cheese and surrendering… (I’m an American and I’m absolutely joking. I love the French, and love this result.)


I met a guy in Sweden, thick American accent, asked him.what part of the states he was from. Turns out he was French and never went to the States and has no idea how he got the accent


That’s amazing. Maybe my grandfather had something to do with it when he was part of the D-Day invasion? Lol jk. Who knows, but that’s a great story.


I don't really see this as a win - just another round of let's merge every party left of the right wing party so we will win. Until they don't. I personally think it's better for centrist parties to look for a coalition with left and right wing parties and stay in power that way instead of decimating the center to end up in a two party extremes kind of state. Because at some point people want a conservative right wing party. It will happen, and when everyone merged and there is only the far right left, they are going to get it.


Yes . Well done everyone


Macron played the game smartly))


Wow the France is saved for the next 4 years, I'm kinda concerned what happens afterwards. Do you think far right reached maximum saturation, or there's still plenty of space to rise within following years?


People who voted against far right today will still be there in 4 years, and that's fundamentaly a lot of people, way more than far right can gather. The question is more will people continue to vote in mass as they did today (still 40% who did not vote).


A party that continues to fail, has no real solutions and drives on russian money and fear mongering can only survive so long. Let's hope this is the final nail in the far right's coffin.


2 years*


Sky News is showing public celebrations in Paris




Well: vive la France!


Can Marine Le Pen take a long walk off a short pier now?


Macron can now flood France with more illegals and higher crime rates


Explian, me no freanch.


Couple important things coming out of this election, according to me (a french open moderate, I hope) : - Macron's lone-leadership backfired and is effectively over. Come down from the ivory tower, sir. His party is lucky to have so many seats, and has the left to thank for upholding the republi an front - The far right is not (yet?) respectable enough to be leaders in a democratic system. Apart from aggressive politics and being against anything different, in-depth policy and collaboration is not their strong suit - The left is too scary for many people because its main stars are terrible communicators that are used as scarecrows... some components are excellent and nuanced individuals who would actually garner more votes from the general public if the debate actually leaves egos behind - A good chunk of "the people" wants collaboration and an end of constant brouhaha (people speaking over each other and no one listening) - good luck with that - People still don't understand democratic politics isn't going to be constructive as long as individuals are the focal point of the debate See how I didn't mention any specific candidate or party? Except for our used-to-be-all-powerful president, who got humbled big time tonight


Can somebody explain what is Macron’s Gambit?


Could someone ELI5 this for me? Thx


So majority of the vote is Far-Right or Far-Left? Is that supposed to be a good thing.


There is no majority. Macron's party will have to play ball with the left coalition. The extreme left did not win, a left coalition composed as well of centre left and even greens won, yes the extreme left is in that coalition.


NFP isn't far-left. The radical left part (LFI) inside NFP did a good score. And the far-left did 1% or so, I don't even know if they will have a single seat. So, yes, a leftist coalition of moderates, ecologists, and socialists... Is a normal thing.


NFP isnt but LFI is far left tho. They will represent a bit less than half of NFP.


LFI isn't far-left, their program is roughly the same as the left back in 1998. Hell, they're not even proposing to nationalize things


Yes, and the RN isn't far-right, their program is roughly the same as the right back in 1990. That said, we shouldn't look to past programs to classify political parties. If we look in detail at past programs, there are points that could make the right look like the left and the left look like the right. For me : FO/NPA/Jeunes Gardes = Far Left LFI = Radical Left PS = Left/Center-Left Macron = Center-Right LR = Right RN = Radical Right GUD/AF/Zouaves = Far Right The reality is that the far right is non-existent in the public arena. There are small groups with numbers ranging from a few dozen to a few hundred, but they have no influence whatsoever. In the whole of France, the number of extreme right-wing members must not exceed ten thousand, of the real historical extreme right, and their sympathizers must not be more than a few percent of the population. The situation is similar for the revolutionary far left. I'm rather happy with the result in France, the RN is too radical, as is LFI. I hope that an EELV/PS/ENS/LR coalition is possible, by continuing the current economic policy which is rather encouraging while having a social turn to the left. And if we could at the same time limit immigration and restore public finances, that would be perfect. But I'm dreaming, aren't I?


LFI is barely social-democrat, it's not far left by any margin.


Don't they want Russia to take over Ukraine, all Jews in Israel killed etc?


As stated by the Conseil D'Etat, the NFP IS NOT FAR LEFT only FO and PC are, RN is far right though. This was only political propaganda all along by Macron and his friends the far right (which almost always voted along him, whereas stating the opposite).


NFP is an alliance, saying that it is far left is propaganda, the extrems don't make conscession, NFP is all about conscessiosn




No majority, the chamber is split three ways. Expect a hung parliament or a massive game of Prime Minister musical chairs for the next 2 years.


Usual far left policies: Economic Redistribution: - High progressive taxation on wealth and income. - Redistribution of wealth to reduce economic inequality. - Nationalization or socialization of key industries and resources. Universal Basic Services: - Universal healthcare. -Free or heavily subsidized education at all levels. - Affordable or free housing initiatives. - Publicly funded childcare and eldercare. -Workers’ Rights and Empowerment: Strong labor unions and collective bargaining rights. Living wage laws. Environmental justice Social Justice and Equality Anti-Imperialism Women's rights Ohh no, they sound TERRIBLE who would what that?! Anyhow, unfortunately the ones that won, aren't far left, they are just left.


Lol don't they want to stop aid to Ukraine and for all Jews in Israel to be murdered?


>Lol don't they want to stop aid to Ukraine and for all Jews in Israel to be murdered? You have issues and you need to fix them.


No they don't. Are you on drugs?


A far right group ends up with more seats than ever. Macron's party has lost quite a few seats. The largest block is an alliance which will likely be fragile.....and all of this was only possible after 200 candidates withdrew to stop vote splits. Was that the plan?




Do you genuinly think that this could lead to anything even remotely like the implementation of sharia law?




You do know what the French motto is " liberté, égalité, fraternité " . So sharia is impossible. Cry


So far muslins in France don't have any big political party yet and I don't see many muslin elected in assembly national so Sharia law implementation in France is still quite far. But I do feel like left wing protects too much islam ideology and it is indeed alarming.


As a Serb? Perhaps you should worry about your little Balkan feuds.


Shut up and stay away from kosovo


In the birthland of laicite? Bruh fuck off you are just fear mongering.




serbian spotted. UN bombs on their way 😁