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I’m always prepared for the worst.


This is the way.


How do you prepare? I‘m still sad about Olivera (UMK 2022).


As a non-native Spanish speaking person, after watching both semi finals I expect Spain to be either great or a complete disaster. (Almost) nothing in between. Both St. Pedro and Jorge Gonzáles could be top 10 entries in May. María Peláe would finish right side but would get Spain a lot of respect. Nebulossa would likely tank in May. Because most of what is great about the song is in the lyrics and to a lesser degree in the presentation. The singing is not great and the song itself is not doing anything for people who don't understand the lyrics and have not been previously exposed to an explanation. So most of the final viewers. While as a heavy metal fan I should like Angy, the performance somehow does not click. Like many Benidorm Fest performers, she looks as if most of the stage show was forced upon her. That could change for Malmo, but who knows. Now Almácor is something else. The Jury really wants to push this. I don't think it can win but if it does, Spain will have outdone itself. This is the golden ticket to infamy. Probably the only chance to out-shine "Do it for your lover".


I agree with most of your points. Also, I think I know your (our in reality) problem with Angy’s song: it’s just bland and filtered pop rock.


> Also, I think I know your (our in reality) problem with Angy’s song: it’s just bland and filtered pop rock. Yes, that's it! Bland is the perfect word.


I'm always prepared for what I think is the worst but then it's revealed that there's another level to worst I didn't see coming.


I'm ready to lose Teresa & Maria. You never know what's going down at Vidbir 🤷🏻‍♀️




I am so ready to see how it all unfolds, genuienly have no idea what may end up winning despite some songs being internet-favorites lol




As long as they send Melovin or Yagodina instead, I'll be happy.


i think all Vidbir this year is structured in a way that there is NO other option than Teresa & Maria


i actually think nahaba can be a surprise win, the RO also helps ( this is just me coping cuz i love this song )


I am not prepared to lose them.


pls dont manifest this into existence no no 😭🙏


My heart goes out to anyone who has a favorite in MESC that isn't "Banana".


Every time I watch the video for “Loop” I get more and more angry it’s not going to get sent.


Erba' fam signing on here - I can imagine this song with a revamp, tighter choreo and vocals and qualifying to the final, even if it doesn't do well in the final. I really just love the idea of a Maltese girlband and there so much staging potential with the sirens idea. Shame producers are stacking the deck for Banana. However I'd take Denise - her video was my other favorite and she could give us an unexpected Chanel moment




“Loop” has been one of my favorites all season and literally the sonf that inspired this post 🥲


Jokes on you I don't have any favourites in MESC. I still would like to see any song that's not called Banana though, so I guess I'm screwed anyway.


Yeah, me neither. It would be nice if something non-Banana won, but at least I won't cry when it doesn't.


I am not prepared to lose Ulveham. Anything else, I can cope without.


If Ulveham doesn't make it to Malmö, I'm gonna wear my fake wolf-fur blanket and channel my inner Gunnhild until the neighbours calls the cops.


Came here to say the same. I am trying hard to prepare my emotions.


Gåte would be an insane disappointment at this point, particularly if the robot wins..


Keinno are the only competition realistically


February 3rd Could either be a day of joy or a day of sadness... even if they don't win, I know Keiino will be a good returning represent for Norway!


Despite not liking the song that much, not sending the joy of a KEiiNO performance breaks my heart a little. But it HAS to be Gåte, there is no other way


Same. I am deeply invested 😩


“Dreamer”, I think the “Teresa & Maria” fanbase is too strong…


I’ll admit that I’m rooting for “Theresa & Maria” but everyone needs to stop acting like it’s the best song by far


But- But it *is* though… 🥺


Yeah no it definitely is imo


Yuktak - Lalala My favourite in Ukraine's selection, but it probably won't win from opening the show. Janvil - Man My favourite in Malta's selection, but it probably won't win from opening the show. KEiiNO - Damdiggida My favourite in Norway''s selection, but it probably won't win from opening... Wait a fucking minute.


hello fellow man and damdiggida stan


Ahoj Damdiggida enjoyer! Som rád, že nie som sám haha




Vote Keiino! Make an account on nrk.no/delta and you can vote for them🥰


i did make one before! voted in all three semis this year and ofc will be voting for them in the finals 😄


Wohoo! That's good to hear🥰




To be fair it’s not as bad as most others actually


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Vote Keiino! Make an account on nrk.no/delta and you can vote for them 🥰


Nobody since songs don't disappear if they don't win their NF, I don't lose any. That said, I feel that Norway is gonna do something very stupid this week-end


Lol, wouldn't be surprised either.


So I am not the only one who is scared of Super Rob winning?


like sending the Robot?


Judge Tenderly Of Me (oh, well...)


I love 4 Songs in MGP - Ulveham, We come alive, Damdiggida & Green Lights - so obviously, I'll lose at least 3. I just hope it really won't be all 4. As for Vidbir... Tsunamia and Palala. They're both in my top 20 of all NF Songs so far, and they don't stand a chance. As for Spain & Malta... I don't really care enough 😅


I’m rooting for Tsunamia too. At least they got a good spot in the running order. Hope dies last, right?


True. Let's hope they really bring it live and we'll see 🙏🙏🙏


I like Tsunamia too, I don't like Teresa & Maria, the rap part throws me off.


Yeah me too. Alyona seems to be a technically really good rapper, but the rap goes on too long for me and somehow doesn't really fit in. The song also goes nowhere for me, somehow. I still like it well enough, the chorus is beautiful, but it's more of a mixed bag.


It's just not very fitting with the song, in Stefania it was blended in perfectly.


I've only really been following Norway of these four, I'm going into the other somewhat blind, only knowing maybe a couple of songs each. My preference for Norway is Ulveham. But I would still be satisfied with Judge Tenderly of Me, Save Me, We Come Alive, Damdiggida, and Green Lights to various degrees. so I've hedged my bets a little here. I wouldn't be upset with Eya or Oblivion, but I don't see them sitting in my top 10 for a while like those other six. And then there's the robot...


Norway: Keiino Malta: Erba' Spain: Maria Pelea


Oh don’t remind me about María 🥲


Well tbh we might as well rip the bandaid now, since it’ll probably go the same route as Blanca…


Vote Keiino! Make an account on nrk.no/delta and you can vote for them on Saturday🥰


I know like 4 people care about Latvia’s semifinal on Saturday but right now “kur?” is an NQ per the odds and I’m VERY UPSET about it. I know it’s not winning but I was hoping it would at least make the final. 😭 Editing to add I’m borderline livid that “Loop” (and absolute banger that legit could get Malta to qualify) is going to lose to “Banana.”


I’m still pretending that Loop has a shot at winning


right as loop grew on me a ton you are making me lose it to banana..... what the fuck malta


I'm sad about Kur? as well. I'm not a fan of Dons


I'm still dealing with the loss of Mileo, not over it


Same 😞


Honestly? Gåte. The Norwegian media has been working day and night to discredit them for nonsense reasons. Even when they re-released with new original lyrics, the top article in VG last night was how they should have to change the chorus too, because it’s based on that lokk sample even if it’s their own version. The article title is something provocative like “cannot believe NRK has let this slide.” And before you think for even a second that this is a legitimate concern, sampling is NOT new in MGP or Eurovision. Even our own Jone (mgp 2023), his whole Silje-chorus is based on a sample, and a more famous one at that! It’s only because this year, it’s trendy in Norwegian media to talk about “plagiarism” (even when it’s not plagiarism), that they’ve made this into such a big freakin issue. The article is hard negative, it’s like “Gåte gets to play by different rules than everyone else!” NO THEY DO NOT. The only way this is differential treatment is because other Mgp/Esc artists have used sampling too, and it’s NEVER been a problem! The EBU specifically said it was okay! But it gets to be front page news in our biggest newspaper (2mil readers) anyway! Because of one guys opinion! Even though the EBU already cleared it!! (screams silently) Basically, we need less “Nrk is rigging this” conspiracy theories and more “the Norwegian media thrives on baseless drama” discussion.


What??? What is wrong with Norwegian media and trying to ruin songs this year?? It already happened with Mileo and is2g if they fuck up Gate I'm giving up on Norway.


so they want to "kill" the song the exact same way they killed Mileo with his awesome staging? (reminder: before the show he was 3rd in odds in his semi)


For fucks sake Tattoo literally sampled The Winner Takes It All


I would like Gåte for Norway, St. Pedro for Spain and Jerry Heil & Alyona Alyona for Ukrraine. If these 3 get selected they will definitly be my new top 3. I don't follow MESC so I don't really care about them. Oh and Spain, you have one job, please don't send Jorge.


Thats my winners as well.




St. Pedro with that staging?


I think they can definitely improve it for Eurovision. His vocals were already very good.


I think I will be gutted if Spain sends Jorge or Sofia instead of St. Pedro or Angy. Don't do that Spain, come to the good side!


Sofia is not being sent don't worry. And Jorge will get obliterated in the jury so he is not going either. But I'm terrified by the fact that Nebulossa won the jury in the last semi and if St Pedro loses to that I don't think I'll be able to watch esc this year


Nebulossa is a meh good for me, but at least it wouldn't be as painful as seeing Sofia's broken English in ESC or Spanish Slavko. I can't.


yeah i don’t understand the hype behind nebulossa. just a very average forgettable song imo


For me it's a good/fine song which gets edged just over the rest of the ok stuff because of there relative glow up from the San Marino NF.


it's all about the lyrics. I love the song (esp. studio version), but I think it won't work outside of Spain / for non Spanish speakers


The song is really great if you know Spanish and Spanish culture, for example her music video makes a really great reference to a famous trans icon who started a huge fight and sang opera on a local TV station in Valencia 😂. Plus Spain loves bottle blondes in their 50s a la Salvame


currently creating a HUGE prayer circle for st pedro and angy😭 i cant lose them fr


Grandmother Zorra,cause I know damn well they're not gonna stand a chance against St. Pedro and the passionate gays rooting for Jorge🥲


Passionate*horny on main


If Gåte disappears I‘m unlearning all bokmål I‘ve learned in my youth right then and there and sob inconsolably until I‘ll transform into a gigantic grey wolf, shredding Super Rob into micro chips. If I have to let go of St Pedro, I‘ll ruin every flamenco performance within a 2000 km perimeter by sending my army of poledance minions with deadly lasers attached to their boobies. And if I‘ll have to loose Anka‘s Palala in Vidbir, I‘m gonna clone a Verka-army to march right into Kiew for a lovely public spanking session. Something along those lines anyway.


This subs favourite songs from all 4 national finals will probably not qualify, as is tradition.


Ukraine: I feel like a Jerry Heil/alyona alyona win is imminent and that's great cause it's my fave of the NF. So I'm prepared to lose Slavic English and Place I Call Home. MGP: It's going to be between Ulveham and My AI, so I'm preparing to lose Judge Tenderly of Me (such an underrated song). Supernova: I feel an NQ for Heaven's Raining Down on Me. I would have also said kur? but being late in the running order raised my hopes up. MESC: 100% Loop, Sirena, Topic (Bla Bla) and Mara. I've already accepted a Banana win (televote and overall) and a Karma jury win. Benidorm Fest: Similar to Vidbir, I think st. Pedro's got it. So I'm prepared to lose Remitente and Zorra


Already lost 2 songs from spain today and I am not ready to lose St. Pedro on saturday, I don't want to lose 5 songs in the benidorm roster. The one I care about the most is Gate though.


I know Malta is almost certainly going with Banana but I would mind a pleasant surprise. I am braced for it. If Jerry and Alyona Alyona don’t make it, I absolutely am not prepared. I know that I am losing Gothminister but if Norway doesn’t send Ulveham or KEiiNO, I will probably be very annoyed. I was going to skip the preseason this year, you know.. “Don’t set yourself up for added heartbreak” I thought. Did I listen to myself? I did not. And look at me now.


i’m pretty sure keiino is gonna win so it’s gonna suck saying goodbye to ulveham, margaret and miia


I really hope Gåte win and go to Eurovision 🇳🇴


Please no.


I guess I'm preparing to lose Jorge González because St. Pedro is probably going to win Benidorm Fest. I just know that it's going to hurt.


Zorra, Sirena, Loop, Mara to an extent, Ulveham...


Already lost Yoly Saa tonight, so nothing will hurt as bad anymore. Really hoping for a Gåte win though


I feel a deep and dark energy emanating from Valletta and Trondheim. Something horrible is about to happen in both those places I feel.


Fortunately my favourites are all the overall favourites (Gate, Jerry & alyona, St Pedro), but it feels too good to be true. Surely not all of them will win... D:


Same here. I'm trying to be optimistic because their chances look quite good, but I'll be really upset if one of them loses :( especially because I'm not a big fan of some of the other entries in contention (Dreamer by Melovin, Caliente by Jorge, Se Quien Soy by Angy and Damdiggida by Keiino)


Jerry & alyona seem pretty locked, Benidorm as a whole is a fucking toss up at this point, and for Gate it feels oh so nearly impossible for them to win it makes me so sad


Why does Gåte feel nearly impossible for you? They're Fan faves and will likely beat the other 2 Fan faves in the Jury vote. It's not Set in stone, but I think they gave a good chance.


I'm keeping my expectations very low so I can be pleasantly surprised if it happens lmao


Never underestimate the unpredictability of the Ukrainian national final!


Same 😭


Gothminister is my favorite, but I doubt he'll make it 😭


Same 😭


I'm ready to lose Angy, Miriana and Melovin, all my favourites lol I'm really vibing with Venom, I think that would hurt me the most cause I think she could do very well at ESC


I'm real scared Gåte won't win. I won't be mad about Keiino winning (or... My AI...), but I really think Gåte have some good chances in Malmö! I can't stop listening to it and I get goosebumps all the time from it\~ At the very least, if Keiino wins, we know they'll be a good returning represent for Norway. My AI... we don't really know what to expect after Subwoolfer. Imma do my best to stay positive! As for Benidorm, after seeing the live performances, I really really hope either Angy or Jorge ends up winning. Those performances are really Eurovision worthy IMO! I don't hate St Pedro, but I'm just afraid it won't be as successful as some people predict...


Personally my friends and I have already been mourning KEiiNO since the running order was released. We thought it was guaranteed after the semis had all performed. Then we looked online and realised we're in the minority 😅


Vote Keiino! Make an account on nrk.no/delta and you can vote for them on Saturday🥰


I actually have to prepare myself to lose all of my favorites... From them I guess Gate stand the most chance to actually win but I am just so worried with all the drama recently and the fact we know Norwegians would prefer the gimmicky song usually. Praying circle activated. With the hype around st.Pedro I am losing hope Angy could win even though she has the full package. Still hoping for a miracle. My favorites in Ukraine arent even favorites lol. The closest is Melovin but with Jerry and Alyona...can't see that working. Malta lost me when they eliminated all the good songs in the semis. Nothing stands out here and I am unironically fine with Matt Blxck winning. At least its something fun.




Vote Keiino! Make an account on nrk.no/delta and you can vote for them on Saturday🥰


My AI :(


Well I've already lost my three favorites in Benidorm Fest, as well as my top 3 of the entirety of Vidbir in the wildcard round.. ^((how did Parfeniuk not get picked in the top 10 to begin with?)) I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that Margaret Berger nor Super Rob & Erika Norwich will represent Norway. It feels pretty set to be Gåte. I think they'll smash the jury vote, and even though the public has 60%, they should end up in the top 3 together with Keiino and Super Rob, whom I think the jury won't appreciate as much (Keiino struggled with juries in the past, and Super Rob doesn't exactly scream top 5 in the jury). In the end it's probably Gåte who goes to Malmö. Miia would've been a nice participant too. In Malta I'm definitely losing Greta Tude, Sarah Bonnici, Erba', Ryan Hili and Denise over Matt Blxck. He'll probably give a good performance in Malmö and arguably has one of the best chances of qualifying to the finals from these songs, but I'm just really tired of the song. Spain is Spain. The only song I actually like/think is decent in the final is Angy Fernandez at this point. I'm not expecting her to win even though she scored well in the semi-finals. I've already lost Mantra, Lérica and Dellacruz, I've given up hope of placing Spain in my top 3 as of now. Haven't heard the songs in Lithuania or Latvia, but in Sweden, if Smash Into Pieces doesn't go directly to the final then I will have to smash something into pieces after I get back from the arena. If Elisa could get pushed through too, that'd be great, but if she doesn't then I'll be okay with it. Disappointed, but I can accept it.


Brillos Platino. My god I have never seen staging like that. Yeah the vocal was terrible, but I truly thought that the staging was some of the best we’ve ever seen - and without a doubt the best staging this season so far. I can only hope other countries would do something similar in the future. I never vote based on staging but for Brillos Platino I would make an exception.


It’s a brilliant concept but I didn’t think they even executed it very well. Most of the song the light up costume was off. And the vocal would fit perfectly in Moldovan auditions between Tudor Bumbac and Sasha B.


Very clunky and messy to my eyes. Less is more sometimes


Can we get Angy this kind of staging in actual ESC or what bc omg


> My god I have never seen staging like that I wonder if they use projections like Felix Sandman in 2020 or augmented reality like Bulgaria in 2017.


I think it's neither, it looks like real time animations, seeing how everything is mapped to him and his jacket


I was not prepared to love the favorite to win in MGP with GÅTE but here I am. I'm already coming to terms with losing Oblivion in Eesti Laul and Astronauta in Beidorn Fest, so I feel like I can't be hurt anymore unless Smash Into Pieces doesn't get into the final in Melfest.


Im not ready to lose "Ulveham" and "Kur?" yet


I'm not losing Zorra and Sé quien soy, they'll stay in my playlist <3


I'm scared that "Simple Joy" will not qualify. Also, I'm pretty ready for Keiino NOT being in this years contest. For Malta... I was never a true believer, when it comes to my favourite winning, so I'm working more on accepting "Banana" as their choice.


While I don't want to lose Ulveham. I'm preparing myself for the worst in the Nebulossa won't win, I need them at Eurovision!


glasss 🇺🇦


I'm getting ready for Keiino to loose... Just kidding I'm not, I'll be very upset and sad if they don't make it :( Same goes for Zorra.


Vote Keiino! Make an account on nrk.no/delta and you can vote for them on Saturday🥰


I never seem to strictly follow the eurovision reddit bubble, and it seems super Saturday 1 will be the same. I'll be pleasantly suprised if any of my favourites make it, but stranger things have happened. My Ai - Personal favourite of all songs this year, and I think this year's ESC needs a cheesy banger to balance the raft of dark songs getting places (looks over to the coven of ESC witches) Angy - Imo the best of the Spanish options Tsunami - with the right staging could be a very powerful song Wildcard - Gail has 1 hell of a voice I would like to add though that MGP is by far the strongest out of all of Saturday's NFs, and I would take either Gothminster or Gaii quite happily if Super Rob crashes


I'm desperately hoping Palala wins VidBir. Maria & Teresa is good but it's also MASSIVELY overrated. Spain is going to choose something I like at the expense of something I like, or something I dislike at the expense of something I like. I'll be sad to lose Venom from Malta, but that song seriously needed a revamp. As for Norway, it's Gåte or nothing.


I'm scared for St. Pedro though. He didn't win demoscopic and televote and those two combined can seriously harming his chance :(


He was second in both so he did pretty well actually. I'm terrified of how Nebulossa will do against him though (if he loses to that I'm probably gonna cry)


Honestly? "Slavic English"


Not prepared to lose Lisa Gauci and Miss Caffeina. Don't come to me on Saturday, I'll be crying my eyeballs out.


Norway: I will disappear off of the face of the Earth if Gate lose, they're too good to not choose. The chance of them not winning is small but just big enough to make me anxious. At least the overall quality is pretty high so I should like Norway whatever they send... As long as it's not KeiiNO again, I'm so tired of them trying to get back to ESC. Spain: I was rooting for Maria and St. Pedro, but after the live performances pretty much everyone besides Nebulossa underwhelmed. I'll be satisfied with anything that's not Sofia, Jorge, or Almacor. Ukraine: Jerry & Alyona are pretty good so I'll be happy with them, but Tsunamia is also pretty good... At least it isn't like last year when I got curbstomped by Kolyskova losing lol And I've more or less ignored MESC, so idk


Teresa & Maria won’t lose, but if it does, I won’t be that disappointed since I don’t really care about Vidbir this year. I have many favorites in Spain so I think no matter who wins I can be happy with it. Malta’s selection is not relevant enough for me to care about the results. But one song I just can’t lose is Ulveham. I won’t be able to cope with them not winning 😭


My ai, place I call home.


I have 3 favorites in MGP (My AI, Damdiggida and Ulveham) so definitely losing at least two of them, probably losing Jorge and Sofia in Spain as well.


Regarding mgp , I believe Gåte or Keiino will be the ones to beat, me personally are 50/50 . Will europe understand our ethnic folk rock music ,or will we have a better chance with Keiino . Maybe our Queen Margaret will win as she is flawless in her performance . Super excited for tomorrow 😍


I don’t care if the esc audiences do not get folkmetal. For once we can send something that is very Norwegian that is not generic pop. We should try it. Sending Keiino, which has zero chance to win the esc, would be a wasted opportunity.


I agree with you , I’m a fan of Gåte but also not sure if public votes would get it , keiino has a more catchy song. If we send gåte , we might end up as a favourite and jurys will give us some votes and then the public will most not . And we will have the same result as spain did last year. For the record I don’t think anyone has a chance to win esc this year from Norway


Caring too much about winning leads to a Sweden situation of sending completely average pop written by committee. I hope Norway follows our more individualistic neighbour Finland and sends real, representative music.


I am prepared for Ulveham and Banana to lose, I don't want Teresa & Maria and Damdiggida to lose.


Gåte in Norway and Angy in Spain.. I'm not worried about Ukraine, as it looks like Jerry Heil& alyona alyona are gonna win and I'm completely fine with this. About Malta - Erba' is probably my favourite, but with this running order they're probably gonna be burried by televotes (possibly juries too), but whatvmay be shocking for you - I won't be mad if Matt Blxck wins either :D


Zejna and Zorja


PZE doesn't start until the end of the month.


norway: i think ulveham is the best option to send to eurovision but as songs i prefer oblivion, we come alive, save me, maybe even damdiggida idk, this was a good nf but i wouldn't mourn anyone once they're out of the picture Ukraine: AMAZING NF, i would be sad for palala and dreamer not winning but I'll be devastated if Maria & Teresa doesn't win. it's one of those nfs i wish they could send more than one song 😭 spain: hopefully st pedro wins but if he doesn't i wouldn't care that much, zorra would be fun too ig malta: hopefully banana doesn't win and kinda don't care who does, maybe I'm leaning towards loop or mara latvia: poor latvia wtf very little talk about them but songs are weak so 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm rooting for the cat song and kur? sweden and lithuania: don't care very much 🤷🏻‍♀️


Miia and erika norwich. I’m taking any MGP winner as long as it isn’t Gate.


Idk I think this the least invested I've been in a super Saturday in a long time. There's a lot of good songs but none that I'm rooting hard core to win. Kinda makes me sad tbh


Angy, Erba’, and Miia I’ve accepted. Not prepared to lose Keiino and/or Gåte too


I’m prepared to be really disapointed. ​ My biggest nightmare is that norway sends ”my ai” and that spain sends ”zorra”. I really dislike them both but I wouldn’t be surprised if both of them wins.


I have a horrible feeling Norway is going to end up going with My AI over Gate and KEiiNO.


I fell in love with Gåte instantly when they were announced, but I just didn't believe they stood a chance of winning. When it later became fan favourite it felt too unreal. Polish NF last year crushed me so much that now I try to prepare to feel disappointed. So even though I would LOVE Gåte to win, I'd be pretty okay with KEiiNO or Margaret Berger too But honestly I can't even think of Jerry & alyona losing Vidbir


I’m not “loosing” anything - if a song I like doesn’t get chosen I’ll keep it in my special playlist 😎


hopefully NOT Jorge González.. pls


I’m not prepared to lose Gåte. I really can’t have any faith in Norway after 2021, but I still try.


I want W95M to qualify, I’ll cry if he doesnt


the finnish NF doesn't have any semi finals ?


I am prepared to lose St Pedro, my absolute favourite. In Norway i am between Keiino and Gate (slightly prefer Keiino) and i am confident one of them will win so no real loses there.


Really need gate to win and I'll survive the others


Caliente (Spain) and My AI (Norway).


I wish both Ulveham and Damdiggida could go :( They're great songs with great performances. Both are, imo, better than at least 10 of the songs in ESC last year. But I'll have to see at least one of them go :(


Preparing for Gåte to lose to My AI 💕🤖💕


I think Tsunamia is doomed and Kur is in trouble in the Supernova semi final 😞 I've registered with NRK specifically to vote for Gåte


I am fully at peace with Angy not winning Benidorm. I think I always was.


Prepared to lose Sarah Bonnici to Matt Blxck. Or actually not prepared, I'll still cry cause I'm still hoping for a happy ending.


Mainly Gothminister - We Come Alive. I love it but I know sending Ulveham is for the greater good. (also that Gothminister doesn't have a hope of winning) Also Miia - Green Lights a little bit because it's grown on me. Prepared to lose Nebulossa - Zorra as well. Other than that I'm not worried about losing any other songs. (I mean, unless Keiino beat Gåte but I'm feeling ok about their chances to win right now, more or less.)


In a different universe, "Green Lights" would've been a Eurovision contender. There were too many hyped entries in Norway for it to break through.