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I think it's all a bunch of baloney. The orchestra is an institution, as important as the language rule and the juries having the final say.


Unfortunately I have to confirm that this is indeed true. My aunt works at Yle, and knowing that her gay nephew (yours truly) is a big Eurovision fan, she spilled to me some insider information as a birthday gift. Christian Clausen is trying out sending emails to all the participating broadcasters, and a meeting is being scheduled to discuss the future of the orchestra! I hope this bastard gets fired soon, we deserve a competent executive supervisor!


Oh, you're so brave to be out of the closet. Lots of love and support (but not in a gay way).


That’s really inspiring you feel so open to say you’re gay. I tried to open up to a teacher in my school recently and they completely cut me off. They told me to stop, saying that a law forbids them from even talking to me about it. I think they called it Section 28 or something. I’ve never told anyone and I thought I could trust them but they seemed so awkward and then they walked out of the classroom and left me alone. It’ll probably be another year or two before I even talk about it to anyone else again 😓


What is UMK? Never heard of that. Our national selection is called "Suomen euroviisukarsinta" and the orchestra is not going anywhere.


She’s a troll. Ignore her. They’re _obviously_ not getting rid of the orchestras and replacing them with computers. What would bands do, just pretend to play their instruments on stage like fools? As if!


Computers? You mean those bricks that you can apparently run some games on and reportedly just wants to get some funny connections? No chance…….


I’m scared about the dial up not working in time for the show


I doubt it. There's no eurovision without the conductors in outfits that match the song! I simply will not watch if I can't have my annual dose of Anders Berglund.


That moment when the conductor comes out and takes a little bow. That's the moment of truth, and the moment I feel connected.


That seems ridiculous. Next you’ll be telling me the public will have an input into voting! Never in our lifetime.


What's her source, "trust me, bro"?


Terrible decision! Boo! Hiss!


Damn! I knew this would happen ever since they released that Windows95 OS....


Surely you mean beta build 347 of Project Chicago that's rumoured to be released this August. I hear that will be called Windows 95


Windows 95 is the silliest name I’ve ever heard. I just recently bought a floppy disk with an upgrade to windows 3.1. Why would they make it windows 95? It’s been windows 1, windows 2, windows 3. Surely the next windows is going to be called either windows 4 or windows 3.2. What are they gonna do next? Start naming them windows followed by two random letters, or a word like sky or cloud or vista or something, just to go back to numbers again? Yeah no, I don’t think so.


Yeah, whatever happened to windows 4-94


It's just a baseless rumor, don't lose sleep over it


We can't do this, we can't let Noel Kelehan being unemployed


Even if it's true, I seriously doubt Eurovision will go on for much longer. The audience won't stand for it!


Cmon they’d never do that!


Reminds me of a dream I just saw. In that dream there were computer programs using A.I that can generate whole songs and there were a national Eurovision selection that used those songs. But technology can never develope that much. Not in thousands years.


I'm just saying, if you lose the orchestra, YOU 👏 ARE 👏 KILLING 👏 EUROVISION 👏 If this is true, this contest is gonna flop so hard. Who's even gonna watch this anymore??