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I hate that people vote politically


The ebu has been contradicting itself this whole contest. Martin osterdahl and other leading people should quit after this fiasco


Congrats Nemo! I was rooting for Croatia, but another also excellent song won instead.


I feel like I just got robbed in plain sight and everyone cheered 🥲




I'm not an orphan like Joost Klein, I didn't lose my parents at such a young age, but a little over a year ago I lost my father, and his speech at the end of his song touched me on a personal level. I'm so disappointed he was disqualified. He was my favorite entry 


This year has been so ridiculous, I have lost all interest in Eurovision


Alright: How did Norway come last?! The song has grown on me alot and I just think it didn't deserve last place. Also Spain, Estonia, Georgia, Slovenia and Finland got surprisingly low. Sweden and Luxembourg got surprisingly high (not a bad thing). Also I want to make semi hot take, that I think that tactical voting is dumb, I would rather have people vote for their favorites instead of others favorites. But besides all that, I think Switzerland deserved the win and this was a good year... When it comes to the songs atleast. And now I will try to live with Post-Eurovision depression. Also this was my first time watching Eurovision fully, I only watched voting and Käärijä's performance last year.




2-8? I get it, they were rlly good. But swiss on the first? Who can even afford traveling there next year😭😭😭 and it doesn‘t have a vibe.


At this point i may be travelling in-day to cut costs 😭


This comment is too real. Switzerland is expensive af. The cheapest hotel in Genève costs 200-300 euros a night. 


Yoo I'm pro-jury cause I have low faith in the public vote. But man these juries are so weird.


I’m seeing people post about individual results but can’t find the full data on the website - does anyone have a link?




can we just send kedzo with the blandest ballad next year?


It's really cringe how basically all the countries collectively decided to give Switzerland 12 points. How is this fair? And they say it's not a collusion. Yeah right. I'm never gonna watch this shit show again.


At least they didn’t win


I’m so ecstatic for Nemo, I’m pleasantly surprised with Ireland’s reception, I’m disappointed on behalf of Norway, and I’m so proud of Croatia having such a huge success this year — I hope they are proud and receive all the love when they go home <3 I’m truly heartbroken for Joost, that will remain the saddest disappointment for this year, but I’m relieved that there were no further disappointments of that magnitude After such a stressful past 24 hours, I’m happy that we ended up with a pleasing final result and avoided the worst case scenario It was so sweet to see the positive green room interactions during the awarding of points, it was a much needed break from all the stress and I’m so happy for the achievements our non-binary representatives accomplished. At least tonight I can finally sleep well. Congratulations to Nemo!!!


ABBA CGI was overstepping


I don't agree, but I understand the appeal of Nemo's song. They were good. But I'll be still very salty about not getting Zagreb 2025/Milan 2025/ Tel Aviv 2025


Once again are the jury and the televotes miles apart


Gutted for Norway as they were my "outside of Eurovision" favourites, but also hilarious for me that my personal favourites came 2nd and 2nd to last 🤣 I'm not sure I can handle another year of Eurovision though, I just want it to be "vote for your favourite song" instead of voting for neighbours and political statements. Too old for the drama 😅


Aiko should have qualified:(


Yay ukraine 🇺🇦🥳


I really liked Austria's song.


Fuck ESC jury system


I liked Switzerlands song but Croatia was my winner. Ireland deserved to be higher up too!


What the hell happened to Olly Alexander? Where did his public appeal go? I didn't expect much from the public but 0 points is madd


Being a Brit is so depressing when Eurovision is on. Literally everyone hates us 😩 Sometimes it's justified lol, but damn...


Lol. In our group yesterday only two people were actually voting. Both voted for the UK. You had the sexiest act yesterday by far!


If the UK didn't automatically qualify, their entry would never have made it past the semis.


Hot take 1. Countries that is at war should not be allowed to compete. 2. I in general agree white juries vote


This is getting a little less fun every year, idk. Even though I liked Nemo's entry, it’s still kind of annoying to have the jury zero into one song so much. Makes the whole televote sequence pretty boring.




Gotta remember that the juries voted when there was one more contestant, I suspect that removing them shifted the votes of juries into a polarised state, where consensus may have met on a bunch of different artists originally, taking one from the mix after jury voting concluded caused a recalculation of the votes which pushed more votes up or down the list.


UK should withdraw. What else can the BBC do? They had a good artist, good song, amazing staging.


His vocals were weak and I wanted him to get more points too


really bad vocals from the UK for the second time in a row. Also the staging was good for a small music video, not a huge stage.


Its been this way ever since Brexit except that one year UK came second


Norway robbed Estonia robbed Serbia robbed and most importantly NETHERLANDS ROBBED


I'm just mad that for a contest that tries to be mostly "free of politics" (which is insane to state anyways since everything is political), politics basically took the foreground even BFORE THE MUSIC AND THIER ARTISTS.


Joost klein, droom groot.


The last word has not been said on the Dutch DQ. There's been official appeals as well from the Dutch broadcasters against the decision, if their story is true (and I have very little reason to doubt them), then this certainly can have consequences of some sort. Genuinly curious how that will end once the dust settles. Also heartbreaking for Joost. Imagine being able to live up to your dreams, dedicating this to your parents who you lost at a young age. Only to be slandered as a woman-beater for 24 hours, and then getting pulled out. Just because of a "threatening movement" towards the camera, after repeated requests to stop filming AND after having written agreements on not filming him at that stage...


I'm happy to report that Joost has accepted a role for “head of crew discipline” for next year




My final thoughts about Joost: with the AVROTROS and NPO (the broadcaster and broadcasting service, respectively) both having made official protest to the EBU, I think there is a good chance that the Netherlands might not be participating next year.


I don't really think this is a song contest anymore....


Didn't expect Austria so low whatsoever!!!! I thought it was one of the fan faves, just me? Olly didn't deserve 0 points, hope he is ok <3333 Amidst all the chaos though, I'M SO HAPPY FOR NEMO AJHDGFJMGYWEH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Literally one of the most flawless performances to grace the ESC stage, and them & Bambie did such an incredible job representing the non-binaries!! <3333333333333333333333


Absolutely gutted, we were super close! Congrats Nemo.


I’m surprised the UK wasn’t last lmao


I mean, i don't hate rhe winner, he seems like a nice person, but i don't understand how this virtual "jury" votes.. based on what like wtf


Definitely agree with much of the sentiment shared. The year just felt… unpleasant and heavy. Several very poor choices by the EBU this year. Likely to have lasting effect on the competition I hope the Netherlands refuse to return and sue the feck out of the EBU. Their disqualification reeks of corruption Martin Österdahl’s daddy card has been officially revoked 😤


so disappointed


how THE FUCK did we get 19th?


I'd have preferred Croatia to host the next one, but the Swiss song was better.


I’m happy the anti booing device didn’t work on Martin. #fucktheebu


This year was a drama but one thing had to be consistent and that was UK getting 0 points


Lithuania deserved way more. That song is actually quality and interesting. It’s a vibe!


This Jury landslide was landsliding even harder than last year! It really is overdue for a reform.


This ESC was fucked up for obvious reasons. Joostice hopefully will come around.


Congratulations to Switzerland! 🇨🇭 I wonder which city will Netta predict as a host now? 🤔


Really disappointed with Lithuania’s result :( the song, and the performance was really good! Switzerland was my second favourite ❤️


Congrats Nemo! I'm so happy for them!


I know we have another jury win, but I'm happier with this result than last year's because   -The Code has some originality, unlike Tattoo's generic pop. I'm hopeful that every year, juries will start branching out a bit more to accept new genres into their consideration. Not expecting them to appreciate technical death metal anytime soon, but not shitting on rap immediately would be nice.   -Nemo's song actually told their story, while Tattoo felt like it could've been sung by anyone. I still have a lot more respect for songs written entrely by the artists themselves though (Norway, Spain, Estonia, Croatia, etc.). I still would've preferred something that showcased aspects of National culture (Ukraine, Croatia, The Netherlands, Norway, etc.)        -The winner is a new artist who fans can discover, not someone who's already had their time in the spotlight. Seriously, I only find this acceptable in very small countries.        Neither song was in my personal top 5, but at least this feels like a win for Nemo and not a win for Jimmy Joker...




Not even on the radar? Did you not hear about it being the highest chance to win for weeks on ends at the bookmakers? Only in the last week or 2 did Croatia overtake Switzerland.


Two years in a row the jury has voted against clear popular vote winner, and EBU companies dare to ask payment from voters with the promise of being able to influence the result. What a travesty of voting this is. The money should be refunded, from both years.


Croatia got Käärijä'd, ridiculous. Juries need a change.


We all know Joost really got disqualified because that one country didn't like the message.


Isn’t it kind of funny that in a year with multiple country dramas and fights, that the neutral Switzerland won??




I unfortunately forced myself to get in the mood this year,. After the SFs, I chose Joost as my winner, and I just felt lost going in. Once track 8 came in, I got more into it. I'm still lost as Europapa, to me, was and is the winner and perfect Eurovision song and performance for a long time (since Finland last year hahahaha). But, I hope EBU take a lot of lessons learnt from this year's sh*it show, well not the show but the decisions. Wanted Ireland to win, they were fricken great!!! Still waiting for Mans to appear..


They already broke the trophy


Fuck EBU, Joost should have won. Europapa was the best song in the competition 


I am salty because my taste doesn’t translate to the ESC at all. As I am not a part of the community and didn’t watch any content before today, I was convinced of a few things. Winner Croatia, Finland, Estonia top 10 finish. Second place Greece, Armenia top 5 and I literally had Germany and Switzerland on 23 and 24, not because I think the songs are bad or anything, but the most boring, radio-popsongs that sound the same as everything else. I could listen to the songs 1000 times and in 2 months I wouldn’t even remember the name of the songs.


I think the UK should take a break from Eurovision, we really do get nothing from it. I thought Sam might be the start of something, but he was clearly a fluke.


And the douze middle fingers from the Netherlands go to... The EBU!


Ya'll can't be salty about voting when you voted the chicken dance #1 in 2018


I'm happy for Switzerland, even though it wasn't my fav. But seeing so many countries getting so few points was kinda disappointing. Also I'm a bit sad for Angelina, the song deserved better imo.


Honestly Switzerland and Croatia top 2 was the best case scenario. I am sad for Croatia because I believe in the televote but you guys should be insanely proud of Baby Lasagna!


The booing wasn't loud enough.


Still pissed af about them excluding Joost Klein and why the fuck did this forgettable milquetoast song the Germans sent to ESC get mire points than LotL last year?!?! I am getting angry about last year again, right now, right on top!


Well, until next year eurobros


Really sad for Croatia but they did amazingly. Such an underdog story! Well done to Nemo and Swizerland


Finally got to process everything that has happened the past couple of days. They have undoubtedly been hard as an esc fan… and I hope we’ll see some changes. What I need to vent about is: - The Netherlands, of course. I feel so horrible for Joost and how poorly his case was handled. I'm hoping that The Netherlands will return next year, but I honestly doubt it and I understand if they wanna give the EBU a big fat middle finger for a while. - The fact that we almost got another political winner. Something NEEDS to happen, the entire contest was very close to losing all credibility. - The swedenfication of this year’s contest. I’m glad we saw a few former contestants from other countries, and yes, I'm aware it was in Sweden, but what the hell was the superstar treatment that Benjamin Ingrosso got, and why did we have to see Charlotte Perelli twice? Do people outside of Sweden care about Alcazar uniting for a night? - My favorite song won, but I feel sad too… once again, the televote winner is not the winner of the contest. - The shitty turquoise carpet… 🤧 - Mustii, an early favourite, failing at bringing the song's magic with him to stage… that was a tough watch. - My country—Denmark—believing they can keep sending songs without an edge to the contest. 5 years without a final. It's time for DR to wake up!


I loved Croatia and if they had won it would be absolutely deserving, but I really don't think it was better than Switzerland like people are saying?




Norway last and Austria second to last is crazy. They both went in with excellently written songs, designed captivating stagings, and performed with out-of-this-world live vocals. What could have possibly happened to explain this? I mean, sure, We Will Rave relied on pre-recorded vocals more than the other entries, but when has that held a song back this much? Bitterness aside, The Code was such a deserving winner. There a bunch of other songs I would have preferred to win (specifically Mon Amour) but I am endlessly glad with this outcome anyway.


...and now Petra goes back to hibernation until the next Swedish win... (she was so done)


Nemo wearing Bambie’s crown makes me feel like Ireland also won. Still happy


Lithuania 14th? Excuse me???ROBBED


**Martin, you're good to go. Take him away.** If there's any truth to what AVROTROS said about what happened, then the DQ is completely disproportionate. It killed it for me. Felt like a life-long relationship broke in front of my eyes. I've always been a strong advocate of Eurovision. I accepted a lot of shenanigans from the EBU, but this year, they crossed a line I'm not sure how to recover from. Martin stepping down would be the first of many reforms I'd like to see. Congrats to Nemo. A deserved win! Running around singing like it's no effort is amazing and a great song with a great message. Congrats to Baby Lasagna, a deserved Televote win and 2nd place. I'm still singing your song in my head. See you all next year. Probably. Maybe. We'll see. :)


So fast that the comments haven't loaded in yet


Norway doing a Blanca Paloma confirmed my worst fears... Absolutelt heartbreaking. Both songs were amazing but the general public just does not understand them ig


Why does it say 30 comments while it shows 0? Are they getting deleted en masse? In the fucking salt thread?


The Switzerland jury sweep was enraging. Armenia was right there. Georgia, Croatia... Not a single nod to these people out of 37?


I waited for months to see how my favorite artist would perform at the esf. Yet he got disqualified for well for the lack of beter terms "bull poop". I felt sick to the stomach watching the finale. Esf was my safe space, yet I feel disgusted. My heart is broken.


Got the same feeling as last year......The juries have one song dominate and you can see it from the get go. You hate to see it


Right artist won. That's what counts. Everything else is just politics. I disagree with almost every other position in the end results. Gz also to Armenia. Usually songs like that don't carry too far in Eurovision but damn what an energy the singer had. More stuff like that in the years to come please!


Is it a common complaint that the jury vote gets such reverence and a slow one-by-one buildup, whereas the televote is a rushed afterthought? I understand why the jury vote has to happen (voting had become far too political) but I don't follow why it gets so much more precedence.


jury ruined it again. Croatia deserved the win so much and now it's over. Nemo is terrible and it could be worse but Baby Lasagna stole my heart and I'm crying over the result again. I'm crushed. again.


My predictions did well, I put Croatia 1st and Switzerland 2nd with Finland 3rd.. I'm surprised Finland didn't get more from audience vote


I know this might be controversial but here is me venting. In my opinion Rim tim tagi dim was a lackluster song taking a bit too heavy inspiration from last years Käärijä. Additionally the lyrics were very barebones and the chorus, which most people seem to be focused on, is unbelievably generic for its genre. I felt like the performance was the best part. I've seen so many comments complaining about Switzerland's entry being a bit too "Eurovision", thus it winning. Personally I feel like Croatia's entry was constructed way more to grab televotes if we're going that route. Tamer melodic metal has been very popular with the audience for the past few years (Which in my opinion has been very generic). Combining that with a fun party song which I feel like resembled cha cha cha a bit too much (even the pink and green colours). The code was a creative combination of genres with a great performance and an ever better vocals. I feel like they really deserved to win. Personally I preferred The Netherlands' entry the best and would've voted for them but Nemo was a strong second.


I'm most disappointed in Norway's results this year. Low jury points was somewhat expected, but only 4 televote points IIRC? I gasped. The other big surprise was 0 televote points to the UK. I thought for sure it would pull at least a few.


I would be embarrassed if my country took part in this travesty.




I don't understand it. Norway last. Why are there so many others that are equally shocked? There are a few who didn't like it but the absolute majority seems to be as shocked and flabbergasted as I am. I can't have it make sense. I won't have a breakdown lol but I seriously find myself dissonant and I just can't believe it. By the way, since nobody mentions Armenia, I want to say that I really liked that contribution, and they'd gotten my 12 points. The only song outside Ulveham that will remain in my playlists. Great morale booster or even for parties, lots of life, vibrant, cultural, wholesome, nice tunes. Most everything else was just bland porridge to me, to less or more degrees. At least the winning song was written by a Norwegian... but that doesn't mean studios like Stargate Studios who's pumped out more hits than any other studio ever, makes GOOD songs... not for people who sit down and listen anyways


Jury is ridiculous at this point. There was a clear winner here and it was Croatia. Nemo was great but it was obvious who the fan favorite was




Norway?? NO WAY! Gåte did amazing! And... #HAKKEN FOR JOOST


Nemo is mid.


I’m so happy!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Phases I went through during the televote reveal: - mostly laugh - sudden heart attack - starting to cheer - usual disappointment


Honestly I don’t mind a Switzerland win, but nemo should be held accountable, at least for the joost situation! If they say nothing, that would be an absolute travesty, and they need to speak out considering all the problems with the contest!


Shoutout to Austria's jury having the balls to say what they did.


genuinely cannot believe anyone would vote croatia over switzerland. coratia didnt have a bad song but switzerland was just head and shoulders above the rest imo






We were robbed of Europapa! Could have been a great, actually uniting, celebration.


I’m a little bummed about my mango ending in seventh place but given everything surrounding the last couple days, I’m not surprised that it happened. I think staging really hurt a lot but overall happy with how the night went and with everybody who performed I think genuinely everybody seemed happy now I’m looking forward to the next batch, hopefully with a lot less drama. also how expensive is Switzerland? Do we think that with Joost being taken out, a lot of the points kind of got diverted and Baby Lasagna was possibly hurt by not being a bit more active not that I’m blaming him or being an introvert. Just curious if maybe that had a factor with the juries


I’m sorry but Petra just straight up saying she didn’t know the Finnish spokesperson’s name might’ve been the funniest moment of the show. That or the Brighton sketch.


What does it take for a Balkan country to win again??? Congrats to Nemo but I was really hoping Croatia would get their first win...


Norway-Blanca Paloma/Fulenn fears proven true ugh. Gåte deserved way better. Lots of good results. Gonna sleep now.


I’m sad but not surprised Slovenia scored so low I am surprised at Norway and Georgia’s places A bit disappointed that Lithuania wasn’t in the top ten, But super happy that Armenia got 8th Overall most of the top ten were deserved and I’m glad Ukraine made top three


as someone else said, *if the jury votes decides the winner why even have public votes?*


1.) While I wanted Croatia to win, (and I do not know if this was the same for everyone) but watching on Peacock was terrible and gave Baby Lasagna a robotic voice throughout his entire performance which did bring the whole experience down for me. 2.) I wanted more from Switzerland. But all we got was a pop-socket. Performance was not where it needed to be and it was very clear that Nemo’s vocals did the heavy lifting of their performance and gave them their win. 3.) I do not understand “Justice for Joost” Regardless of him asking to not be filmed, he attacked a staff member of the contest. Even if he never followed through with what he did, his actions had consequences and was rightfully disqualified. He is lucky that charges are not being pressed especially since the victim is female. (Or at least not at this time.)


If I have a nickel every time an established rock band with nearly perfect performance end up in the last place after a girl bop with bad vocal, I would have two nickels. I would like to invest these two nickels on some Norwegian booze. One other hand, I'm so happy for Nemo, they deserve it.


Two nickels won’t get you much Norwegian booze i’m afraid


Proud to be one of the 4 Norway votes lmfao


Joost should compete next year for the Netherlands!!🇳🇱


Also RIP UK, I thought your live performance wasn't great, but it wasn't THAT bad


I told yall so, you guys just overreacting that Italy voting point, and Norway is the Spain 2023 but yall downvoted me 😂


Well done to Nemo. The performance is legitimately solid. It's frustrating that the public's clear choice is frustrated again by jury collusion and political propaganda. I think going into next year, Netherlands is clearly not participating, and others may consider dropping, depending on who is included. The shitshow of the last 24 hours was postponed to allow a good show, but it is definitely not over.


I was really hoping some of the artists made a gesture in solidarity with Joost. I feel so deflated by this all, Europapa is such an amazing and well thought out song... Atleast the top 2 songs were good songs and in my top 3 and beat out the obvious political vote for Ukraine and the agressor


Olly, we’re all so fucking proud of you. That’s all ♥️


I will admit, I’m disappointed by the jury. Like my god, not a single country gave us 12 points, and I’m certain there’s a political reason. But I am pleasantly surprised by the public vote. I expected the exact opposite, lmao. But it’s whatever. Good for Switzerland, their entry was fantastic.


Glad AVROTROS made Martin read the Dutch jury vote, class act by them and put him on the spot. He definitely needs to go though, this year was a total mess.


how the hell did Italy get no 12 points?!😭 And 7th place?!what happened?!😭😭


Carbon copy of Loreen and Käärijä last year except the big odds favourite lost this time.


The stage this year is cross-shaped, swiss flag has a cross on it. Coincidence? I think not


Really wanted Bambi to win 😔😔😔 but congrats nemo


Norway should have been no1 but was last


Just hope the “cha cha cha was robbed by the jury” crowd are also able to admit that code was objectively carried by the jury (in both total votes and as a % of their total) much more than tattoo, who was at least the second most popular with the public


Britain really didn't deserve that 0