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>for me it could be either Switzerland, Croatia or France and i would be very pleased with the result This is the kind of healthy mindset that more folks need to bring to the contest. If you like a song, and it doesn't do well, that song doesn't go away. You *still* get to listen to it as much as you want. You can (and should) still support and appreciate the artist whether they came in first or last.


Absolutely this! Support the artists you love and don't spread more hate in an already disastrous year. As I've heard, Baby Lasagna is going on tour, so there will be plenty of opportunity. Croatia did incredible, but it was a strong year all around. And the last people who deserve to get thrown in the firing line are the artists who worked so hard.


Where did you hear about him going on tour? I really wanna make sure I don't miss that!!


There was a transcript of an interview where he was asked what was next for him and that was his response. It's on this sub here somewhere.


Same. We would have been happy with any of about 6 songs winning. All our faves ended up Top 10 which is a solid finish for any Eurovision song! And like you said, the doesn’t go away, the fans keep that song and band going and share with others. Edit: I misspoke - Estonia deserved better but their energy has won ours hearts. We’ll be playing their music in our home :-)


Estonia deserved so much better!! It was catchy as hell, and we had so much fun watching it


This is the approach I have. I usually have a favorite, but have a handful of songs that I’m happy with winning. Croatia was my favorite, but I really can’t complain about a Switzerland win. It’s a solid song and they did a really great job. I would’ve also been happy with a France, Italy, Armenia, Greece, or Estonia win lol


Personally I use the contest to discover new artists to listen to daily 😁 so in the end it doesn't matter who wins, i still listen to artists that placed last on the board 🤷


I second this. I've listened to Slimane for at least a month now. Next up on my listening lidt is Gåte. So much new music to enjoy!


After no longer being able to vote for Netherlands, I went for Ireland. But I am beyond happy with Switzerland’s win. I would have been happy with France or Croatia as well.


Ireland was everyone’s fave in my friends group too but when it became clear it would be either Switzerland or Croatia everyone agreed that no matter who of the two wins we’ll be happy with the result because they both deserved it.


This year was so strong! Honestly anyone from my top 12 could have won and I would have been happy with it! And at the end of the day, the winners aren't even always the ones who stick around or the "real winners". Eleni, Chanel, Eric, Kaarija all came back to perform this year. Eleni also performed in 2019. Verka is a Eurovision legend. Snap went viral after coming 20th in the contest! Who knows how this year's "class" might turn out :)


Exactly. I think also that people don’t realise how removing the jury would affect the songs competing. Remove the jury completely and you have to submit songs that tend to please voting mass, which kind of will tend to make it like a Netflix or Tiktok algorithm. - Lots of naked - Silly costumes - A silly “Bop” to drink to Over - Great musicalility in song writing - Great singing voice and sound - Great choreography and scene performance Croatia was a great Rammstein-like song but it might not have been in the competition in that shape if the voting system was different.


Croatia came third with the juries, more than Kaarija last year who came fourth with them


Yep. And Croatia wasn’t bad, but my point is that perhaps the music creators will try to submit other types of songs if there is just voting and no jury. Now you need to please both, which I think should generate the best results, like Croatias contribution.


While I was happy to have the jury change the results in some years, this take is pretty insulting to the public.  If you actually take every year's results you can see that in many years the public voted the same way as the jury. When Portugal won with a ballad and no special effects, they were also the televote winner. When Verka competed with the most memorable but funny song from Eurovision in a year with televote only, the winner was a more dramatic and serious song. The public can appreciate a good song. Yes, the public also chose pretty basic bops in some years that weren't even the best songs. But the public is what keeps the competition diverse, because it tends to get bored of seeing the same thing. Sure, in a year full of ballads they will vote for the funny song that woke them up, but in a year full of funny songs they will go for the vocalist with a powerful ballad.  The televote keeps this fun.


True but that is why the televote is 50% of the result, not 100%. In my opinion both Croatia this year and Finland last year are quite musically uninteresting, and seem to be more funny than good. I initially liked Croatia better than Switzerland, but after listening to it again today I feel it is actually nothing special as a song. Sounds like a little softer version of Rammsteins “ich versteh euch nicht” but without much to add. The winner song has stuck in my head though, so I more and more think it was the right song. The Jury knew better than me :)


>appreciate the artist whether they came in first or last. Been listening to the Norway song a bunch since the show and it's crazy catchy Obviously wasn't for everyone but I love it


One does not exclude the other. I am angry about what was done to Joost, i am sad about BL not winning and i am happy for Nemo. I feel weird really.


This is exactly how I feel. The Code didn't click with me until I saw it live for some reason but when it did it clicked hard, and I was rooting for it all of yesterday and I was so happy it won, then gutted for BL, thrilled for Nemo, then sad again. This week has been a lot and last night was an emotional rollercoaster like nothing I've experienced in years. I feel strange and angry and confused and happy and sad all at the same time, it's really weird, yeah.


Well I fully believe that The Code won because it was a good song that had amazing staging (some of the shots were soo beautiful) and Nemo slaying their two performances!


Oh absolutely, they were easily one of the best performers of the night and the song is great, by far my favourite winner in years! :D


From the moment I first saw the full TV shots I was confused why people weren't talking more about Nemo's staging. The whole thing was just so thought through and done well, it produced great moments, and fit the song. I feel like it perhaps suffered from being very clearly designed around some camera angles we didn't see at first, while RTTD might work better in an arena, so by the time semis rolled around we all assumed it was better staged?


Their singing was amazing - it was so hard to tell it was live!


BL is definitely going to win all summer. Nemo’s song is great but not in a silly summer bop to get drunk in the sun way.


Very similar for me. I would have wanted BL to have the win simply because it would be such a great ending to their story, but Nemo's performance was amazing and they fully deserve it imo. They all did. Mostly though my experience this year has been pretty much ruined because of the disqualification. I'm extremely angry with the EBU. Disqualifying Joost punishes not only him, but me and all the other Dutch fans who have been looking forward to this for months. I know that he was popular in the international community as well so all those people have been dissapointed too. It just feels very disproportional when there were other possible solutions.


Same 💯


I feel this. I couldn’t be happier for Nemo, and they do seem to be enjoying their win, but there’s been a lot of incredibly hateful comments towards them. I think it might’ve been something they expected, but not something they should have to accept.


I legit thought that Nemo were fan favourite along with Baby Lasagna, Joost and Angelina. So to see so much hate they are getting now took me by surprise. Personally, to me Nemo and Baby Lasagna were both my favourite performance, and I just hoped for either of them to win.


I thought they were here at least! I was super busy this year so I wasn't as involved in following the artists but I'd check the reddit vote results and they were always very high up, if not first. And I agree, I would've been happy if either of them won and both felt super deserving. Edit: well I'll be! I just got a reddit cares for this comment haha


There are some weirdos out there who are sending Reddit cares to people who are posting in support of Switzerland, I also got one tonight. You know some people are deep in the shit when they are reacting in such a way to their faves not winning, I think they need to take a lil break from Eurovision if they can’t handle it.


Just mentioning Bambie yesterday was enough to get one *immediatly*. I tested it. Seems like bots are in the work. I don't understand it though? It's not like getting a reddit care is super annoying.


It’s supposed to be an anonymous way for someone to tell you to kill yourself. It’s not supposed to annoy, it’s supposed to be mean


I saw comments about that last night but I guess I didn't expect people to be that motivated to still be doing it!! It's truly such weird behaviour, a music competition should never occupy one's time/mind to this extent.


It’s probably a bot that someone wrote


I got one too but couldn't figure out what message it was for. Maybe it was because of posting something positive about Switzerland.


I think there's a concerted right wing push on Eurovision this year. Israel got 12 points from both UK and Aus, and most people who are Eurovision fans in Aus are on the progressive side and would not likely have supported Israel. Someone said they're buying votes but I think there's a strong possibility someone is mobilising politically right groups.


A few days ago I got seven - one for every single comment I made lol


Nemo is the fan favourite, at least according to the Eurovision scoreboard app. And this happens every year. Like måneskin were the fan favourites but they still got a ton of shit


Måneskin got into trouble because after that performance, 13 % of the audience got pregnant.


i don't remember Maneskin getting a ton of shit but i wasn't here yet, so maybe that's why. honestly i'd been sleeping on Maneskin, you know it's big 5, we pay less attention. after they won i started loving them, listen to all their other music (funny enough the slower, sadder songs are my favorites, the Loneliest, Timezone, Valentine). so happy they started including the big 5 and host into the semi-finals!


The French were pretty salty for a bit.


Exactly, it was mainly the French that I saw hating


There's definitely people who were fine with Nemo but then got very aggravated after the jury voting were they got a barrage of twelve points. And then, people often get upset when someone who did not do the best in the televote wins. Nemo did not do bad in the televote, but, wasn't top for the televote. People get mad at how the judging system works, and it's easier for people to direct that anger at the winner, ig.


Add to that that the in crowd consistently broadcasts about something being 'jury friendly' and you can lean back and wait for accommodations of having rigged the vote. And that's before you remove a fan favorite.


i think they were a fan favorite until the staging, which didn't look that good at the rehearsals. also having the juries all give 12 points to the same country is a bit boring to watch, as ppl have pointed out here. gives a feeling that no one else has a chance, which did turn out to be true.


There will always be backlash against the winner, I think this sub shows there is considerably less backlash against Nemo winning than there was against Loreen winning


I agree. I thought there was much more backlash last year. There shouldn’t be any backlash though. It is what it is; comp is over for another year and Nemo won and that’s that. Were they my favorite? No, but if it wasn’t Croatia winning I wanted Switzerland or Ukraine. Congrats to the Swiss!


Same on the opposite side, in the last minute before revealing the Swiss vote I wasn't that tense because if Croatia won was for the good. Their song was equally great!


This sub yes, but the comments on Instagram are absolutely disgusting - all thrashing Nemo being a winner because of "politics". It's very toxic and disappointing, and I hope Nemo still feels justified in their winning!


yeah i also saw ppl being all rude because Nemo is non-binary, i even called someone out for it.


r/croatia wasn't any better. Made me feel really ashamed, like we really are sore losers. I think the welcome party for Baby Lasagna cooled a lot of people down, though.


Well, comment sections everywhere are toxic pits of misery. I prefer Reddit because it somehow is more civil, even with all the stuff we get here from time to time


Loreen had far more backlash because 1) Finland’s entry last year was far more popular than Croatia’s this year 2) a large number of people were against her participation from the get go due to the fact that she had previously won. There were countless debates on this subreddit about whether or not ESC should amend the rules regarding that, debates about if it was fair on other contestants to compete against a former winner - add to that the fact Loreen is basically Eurovision’s royalty and you can make sense of the argument that acting debut artists would be fighting an uphill battle because previous winners have a huge following and that puts other participants at a disadvantage. 3) while winning the public vote doesn’t necessarily mean winning the contest, Kaarija scored the highest number of public votes for an entry that didn’t win. Add it all up and you get a reasonable explanation for last year’s backlash


Yeah, i remember all this. While i wasn't the Loreen's or Tattoo biggest hater as the winner, i remember how Twitter erupted in backlash that Kaarija should've won and that it's so unfair.


I'd also add that Tattoo was just not a good enough song to justify all the 12s it received from the juries, it was literally a re-written Euphoria. Loreen's vocals were really off in the finals, and Käärijä's staging definitely stood out more than the panini grill. The Code is a fantastic, creative song that had stunning vocals, amazing production and a really cool stage performance, whereas Tattoo (in the finals!) had none of these apart from maybe production. Nemo definitely doesn't deserve the backlash, I'd say the jury votes were definitely well-earned!


This. Also last year there were clearly just 2 fan favourites. This year we had at least 5. Croatia was leading the pack but not by a mile…


Yeah i think that's basically what was the problem last year. A previous winner winning again, against the most popular entry in a while. Also Tattoo wasn't bad by any means, but to me it just felt too similar to Euphoria which didn't really help i think.


It's pretty much the same as last year to be honest. People get too emotionally attached to a song, song loses, direct anger to jury, rinse, repeat.


Yeah, but at least the winner's post isn't stuck at 0 upvotes


I feel that luckily RAI's Thursday's 'slip up' (thank you, you clumsy Italians) kind of directed a lot of Eurovision fans' anger towards a different target than last year when it was always predicted that Sweden will win thanks to a strong jury vote and it felt like an uphill battle that the fans of the contest were always going to lose.


It doesn’t really mean anything. It’s a fairly new idea that the winner of this competition has to be the one that most people like. This is a music competition not a popularity contest. There are lots of contests in the olympics decided by judges, if they were to be decided by popular voting the outcome would be quite different. And people can like or not the winner, but they still won.


I think you’re right about that - Eurovision gets conflated with all the other singing and talent shows on tv for the viewers. They really should market it better and explain how the concept differs to the public.


I’d say it isn’t quite as bad as last year but it’s still pretty bad. People need to chill. Hopefully next years winner wins the public vote because those who get a jury majority get so much unfair hate.


In this sub, yes. In other european subs, Instagram and Twitter I've been reading too many butthurt people who easily become rude and offensive.


Pepperidge farm remember Spanish fans hating on Ukraine despite Spain being third and clearly not being the winner in case Ukrainians would be forced to pull out due to russian invasion... Like we were in 2015. UK was the runner-up. But many in Spanish community of Eurofans ignored that and claimed their singer needed to win because she had bigger ass and only blamed the winner for actually having a song and not just a softporn number.


books shrill crush snow sloppy slap upbeat murky compare society *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My favorite song this year was Europapa, my winner was Rim Tim Tagi Tim, and yet I was blown away by Nemo and said "that was freaking incredible, they might actually win" And by the end, looking at Marko's points... And less than 200 points needed by Nemo, I was at peace, that was the full performance of song, vocals, dance and visuals that I came here for. A huge smile for Nemo, and a tear running down my cheek for Marko, that's how it went


Are you me?


Same. Hadn't checked out Nemo's performance before the final, and enjoyed it. Well sung, well staged and overall very good. As a vocalist myself, I was impressed. With their staging those vocals would not have been easy. Yes Croatia was my favourite and would have loved them to win. Still very pleased with the Switzerland win.


People need to realise that life isn’t all about winning. If you enjoy something then you enjoy something. There’s probably at least one person out there that wanted Hera to win (although it sure wasn’t me) just like how there is for every artist. We need to learn how to be happy for others. Even though your favourite didn’t win that doesn’t mean it can’t still be your favourite. We should be proud of every artist for their performance and achievements through this season.


It’s like Let 3 said last year: “In Eurovision, there are no losers. We’re all winners here.” It’s a good principle to go by, in my opinion. And it reflects reality much better than an all-or-nothing mindset.


Scared of Heights was a fun and well-sung house bop, much better than a lot of the flashy mediocre stuff that went to the finals.


Scared of Heights was never destined to be a Eurovision winner, but I do love it as a catchy pop song! It’s even in my gym playlist and I bop along to it every time. 


I'm a 40-year-old straight woman, I hear my own story in Nemo's song. I feel it in my bones, I feel it in my soul. That is what a great song is. My young child loves it so much as well. Their voice......omg, from the falsetto to the rap, where do you even begin to explain? Their voice, the song. It's such a beautiful, brilliant piece. I will never understand the kind of hate people can have in their hearts that they just lash out onto others like this. You know what I did when I found out Nemo was non binary? Went about my day like normal. Cause I'm not a fucking weirdo that loses my shit over someone else's identity.


This. Absolutely this. I'm disappointed Croatia didn't win but at the same time delighted for Nemo, they were one of my other favourites. Once it got down to that final two, I was going to be happy either way. Hasn't stopped me Rim Tim Tagi Dimming my way around the house all day today, though. My son's even been doing the dance 🕺


Right?! I'm losing track of which thread I am commenting on, but I just said elshewhere that I got my wish, Croatia and Switzerland went one and two. My heart wanted Baby Lasagna. I don't know. By the end I wanted both plus Ireland to win as I've been obsessed with Bambie's song from the beginning and cannot utterly believe the masterpiece that I obsessively watched like 5 times a day.


Bambie was INCREDIBLE. A glorious return to form for Ireland. I didn't notice Nemo wearing Bambie's crown until a fair way into their victory performance, either. Eurovision didn't crown the witch, but the witch did crown the winner 🥹


I know, I wanted higher for Bambie but overall I just remind myself that finals was a win, 6th place is beyond. Ireland took a high risk act and the payoff was huge. The buzz that revolutionary act has generated. Shit, my 75-year-old mom said, "wow I thought I was watching a movie. That was so good!" For me personally, Bambie Thug was the hero of Eurovision in more ways than one.


Also a note about Bambie's placement: I'm sure they'll be tickled pink when they learn/it's pointed out to them that they placed 6th in the jury vote, 6th in the televote and 6th overall. Perfect numbers for a satanic themed performance, even if it didn't win.


*Not* Satanic, but otherwise I agree with you :)


oh that's cool actually


>cannot utterly believe the masterpiece that I obsessively watched like 5 times a day. Right? Omg, they're so perfect, I can't stop watching them, ugh. 🥹


I have declared it the new "best". Serbia 2022 is now my #2, ☺️☺️☺️☺️


It's objectively the bestes performance ever on EV. Nemo was pretty good, Lasagna slayed with the public, but Bambie, they're something out of the mind. Just wow. I love Eurovision so much. 🥹


I feel this in my soul. I love this sub where I feel ok to converse with people ☺️


This post (particularly the last paragraph) is perfection! 👌 I’ll never understand why people get so worked up about something that does no harm and affects them in no way whatsoever. While these sad individuals spend their precious time on earth posting pathetic, sh*tty comments on social media, Nemo is enjoying their success and living their best life. It’s clear who the winners and losers are.


Honestly, and I'd like to apologize in advance if this might be insensitive, I don't get the fuss about genders. I just feel like everyone should just be (allowed to be) themselves and accepted the way they are, no matter their gender. Maybe I just fail to understand the importance of gender or how it ties into identity, because I consider everyone an individual and leave it at that. For the lack of better words I'd describe it as a "you're yourself, that's all you need to be, other terms don't matter" mentality. "You're human, I'm human, that's it". I understand that it seems to mean a lot to others, so I'd like to understand how gender matters for identity (other than potential perceived gender stereotypes, which just shouldn't be a thing either imho). I apologize again if I offended anyone coming across as "idgaf about you(r gender)". Even if I don't understand the importance behind it I'm trying to use people's preferred pronoun (though rarely I fall into defaulting to they/them to anyone). Is it mostly about how society perceives someone based on gender stereotypes or am I missing something entirely?


The problem, in my opinion, is that this the right way of thinking but we‘re not there yet as society to think like that so now we have to make a fuss about it until we don‘t anymore. Let me explain: Nemo has mentioned how there is no third gender entry in Switzerland for non-binary people. Ultimately this makes non-binary people invisible in Switzerland. They are neither man nor woman but have to fit into these outdated binary categories. You can only change this fact if you bring it to people‘s attention. It‘s not the life purpose of a NB person to constantly talk about them being NB, they simply want to exist, but if the current system doesn‘t allow it, your voice has to be heard. Also our languages don‘t even allow for non-binary people to exist. Yes, it works in English but even the Swiss commentator slipped quite a few times up and misgendered Nemo because German is a language where your only option is to say someone‘s name, because a genderneutral pronoun doesn‘t exist (except neo pronouns, which are not popular). So now when people shed a light on these problems it seems like non-binary people crave attention and want to make it all about themselves which rubs some people the wrong way. Not knowing how to act some insensitive people just call them "gay" or insult them like Nemo because they wear skirts and nails. I find it great that you think everyone should be themselves and not give a shit about what others think but sadly we still have some bumps to iron out until we‘re really ready to do that :)


Chiming in, I'm trans/NB. Born female, on hormone therapy, kinda rocking Joe Dirt Chic, but I still like feminine things. A lot of people DO NOT like that I exist, and it took me almost a decade to learn to actually love myself. You're right. It shouldn't be a big deal. I'd say most people in my corner don't want it to be. Maybe one day it won't be.


Exactly this. You do you. Live your best life while I try to live mine.


There's *slightly* less backlash this year due to the fact that it's undeniable how difficult Nemo's song was to sing and the staging to execute. So there's this air of "well, they *do* have majestic vocals..." at least. What does seem to get to casual watchers is their placement in the televote, but they were practically even with France in fourth so a first and fourth place between the televote and jury is not that unusual.


This [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGX0a4v5xr4) by a professional music vocal coach provides a good explanation as to why Nemo's performance appealed so much to the juries. Also, if Nemo sang "The Code" mainly just standing still then they would of likely of gotten a lot of 10s and 8s from the juries but not that many 12s.


Pepole only seem to look at the list and not check out the actual numbers. Yes, baby Lasagna is first in the televote and nemo is fifth, but baby Lasagna only had 111 televote points over nemo and nemo had 155 jury points more then baby Lasagna. Comparing this to loreen and kaarija, he had 133 televote points over her and she had 190 jury points over him. But loreen came second in the televote and nemo fifth.


I thought the performance and song were pretty good but then they blew me away with their winners performance once they were free of not having to think about staging and I wasn't being distracted by it.


Yes! I thought the main performance was fine, but they were very tense and out of breath by the end. The winner's performance? Amazing, and completely won me over.


> that it's undeniable how difficult Nemo's song was to sing Yeah, if there's one thing Loreen is famous for, it is how basic her singing range is and how easy it is to cover her songs >.>


Loreen's brand of atmospheric world building with excellent vocals and dreamlike staging did fly over most of the casual viewers' heads if they were the "where's the fun songs" type of viewer and post-show complainer, whereas Nemo's vocals and satellite dish were very immediate and unsubtle, so most of them at least begrudgingly acknowledged that Nemo could sing.


> There's slightly less backlash this year due to the fact that it's undeniable how difficult Nemo's song was to sing and the staging to execute. So there's this air of "well, they do have majestic vocals..." at least. Eh, Tattoo is also undeniably difficult to sing, at least at the level Loreen did. I'd argue the main reason for the difference is that Sweden is disliked in a general sense in Eurovision due to having been so successful past 10+ years, especially in the jury.


Fair points, I do think part of it is that no one has beef with Switzerland. But also the difficulty within The Code is more immediate than with Tattoo. Anyone can tell that Loreen can sing, but it's more of a slow build so the casual watchers who dismissed it as boring never gave her talent a chance. Whereas opera on a spinning plaform is not subtle in the slightest lol. But I also think that in terms of media frenzy, Rim Tim Tagi Dim is no Cha Cha Cha. So this year is a milder version in all aspects, especially given the outside threat of Israel winning which made the "either Croatia or Switzerland is fine thanks" sentiment strong within the fandom. And that sort of dissipated most of the rivalry before the show.


Exactly, a lot of the backlash toward Loreen was because "ugh, Sweden won AGAIN", even during the contest it was said Sweden could have tied with Ireland for wins, with a singer who had already won as well, and 2024 would have been the big anniversary for Sweden's first win - it all felt very "on the nose" (I know it, I was part of this side of the backlash). Last time Switzerland won, the Berlin Wall was still intact and Nemo had never competed for ESC, so that side of the backlash just can't exist


Another difference is Loreen being a former winner. There's no rule against a past winner coming back to snatch a second trophy, but it never felt like the spirit of the competition.


No, people barely complained about returning winners before Loreen. When I’m talking about people hating on Sweden and the fact that they get high points from the juries, it’s something that has happened for most years since 2015 when Måns won the contest without winning the public vote. It’s also why conspiracy theories surrounding Sweden rigging the contest are thrown around as much as they are (which is exacerbated by Martin Österdahl being Swedish), why so many believed in the ABBA conspiracy last year and are quick to blame ”Sweden” instead of the juries. I guess another reason for the difference would be a stronger cult of personality surrounding Käärijä compared to Baby lasagna, seeing how the mods added some rules to combat it after last year.


people never had a problem with returning winners before. no one begrudges johnny logan for it. strange that..


Johnny Logan did it before 90% of people in this subreddit were born. The past winners who've returned in the last 20-30 years generally weren't in it for another win.


I loved Croatia from the first time but Nemo grew on me on finals and it became second. Coming from Italy the split screen was among 2 neighbours but Zagreb would’ve been cheaper ahhaha I’ll find my way. Maybe I’ll stay next to the border and pick the train ahaha


at first I wasn’t that keen on Nemo’s performance as well, just didn’t feel memorable but during the final I was just so impressed with the vocals (especially the opera and rapping parts) that I just couldn’t resist the thought of giving them 12 points in my personal ranking haha


I was weirded out at first by the different genres But then I was like you know what, it’s good Liked this win more than Loreen


I feel like this year the reaction is significantly more positive than last year tho! The hate is just inevitable nowadays, even when everyone knew Kalush was winning there was still people hating on them as if they could never in a million years haven seen it coming lmao


And it was baaaaad when Kalush won. Like *toxic* hatred on Twitter. And that was back in the days before Musk bought it so it wasn't as much of a cesspool as it is now. It was horrible.


Let’s be for real Twitter has always been a cesspool of hatred lololol


Musk just took what was there and amplified it. Maybe his goal is to finally reach into space standing atop the mountain of cr\*p Twitter generates


This is true lol


ppl still saying Kalush's song is awful, we like it a lot actually.


Im always upset when my favourite loses, but I'm always miffed by those who get upset about the way the voting goes, when it's normal voting? Like, I get being confused if people are not voting how you would expect, but, in general while I want my favourite to win, I do not often anticipate it actually happening (though this year I had more hope than normal. But also why I tend to have a main favourite and then like a top five so I can still celebrate a win either way lol) because certain songs and performances just tend to get better reactions from either the jury or the public. Most wins are not surprising to me because while I might disagree with them winning, it is often in line with how the votes turn out every year.


"Everyone knew Kalush was winning"? Were you active on this sub during 2022? Everyone here was gaslighting themselves into thinking the Ukraine televote won't be so big and that it would be a close contest. This is some revisionism going on here


Indeed I wasn’t here and I’m shocked to learn people went that far in here lol. But I mean, Eurovision Reddit does what it does best, which is overthink everything lolololol


I mean we also convinced ourselves Blanca Paloma and Gate would be top 5, so I guess you should take everything here with a grain of salt lol


Ngl every time someone theorized that Norway could win the semi I chuckled to myself lmao. People need to learn that folky (as in cultural) alt songs almost only exclusively work with the Slavic nations


Kalush just had a good song, the only from that year I remember, honestly. Go-A were as good but they were robbed, BUT at the same time Maneskin were deserving too, so even if Ukraine didn't get deliberately lowered by judges as usual, Go-A would still have competition... Kalush didn't.


Kalush not having competition is the most delusional statement I’ve read on this subreddit, I’m so sorry


Spaceman and SloMo were pretty decent competition


Yeah like Stefania was a great song and I get so frustrated when people act like it wouldn’t have been at least top 3 in a normal circumstance. From that year, Stefania, Spaceman and Give that wolf a banana are the only songs I still listen to and wolf a banana was never going to win lol


I definitely feel like Spain could’ve won it! UK and Sweden to a lesser extent as well. And Idk, I like Stefania but in the grand scheme of things I think Shadows Of Forgotten Ancestors felt more like a winning song. Also I’m a big defender that Maruv was the only one able to defeat Duncan Lawrence in 2019 but that’s besides the point lol


I think the hardcore fandom gets way too emotionally invested in the acts and background drama to the point they actually struggle to enjoy the show. I watched at a party full of casuals and they just had a good time and thought it was a great show - some preferred other songs but didn't think Switzerland were a bad winner at all


Tbh, Netherlands getting DQed made me struggle at first.


Yeah I am seeing a lot of transphobic comments as well as a lot of "the song was bland and (they are) not good at singing"... you mean same song where the singer goes from pop ballad voice to opera to motor mouth rap in the span of fifteen seconds? And sings on a giant spinning disk while never breaking their breath? THIS is bland and not good? And I am saying this as someone who strongly wanted Croatia to win.


I also supported Croatia. I went into the finals without hearing the other songs, and DAMN was Nemo good. People saying their song was mid are just being salty


Nemo had the best song on my opinion (flair checks out) but I was absolutely ROOTING for Croatia the whole time due to the incredible backstory. I was fine with both winning, and I'm glad that others also have that mindset.


Ooh what's the backstory, can you share a little? I just loved it being a fun song


Was a reserve entry for the national competition, only got in due to someone else pulling out.


He was a reserve in the national selection, got a chance to compete just because somebody else withdraw, and he was much better than any other competitor on that national final, on which he got more votes than all others combined


it's incredibly hard to put so many significantly different genres in one song and not make it sound messy and maintain a good flow. it's very well composed, Nemo has amazingly good vocal control and range and performs with so much emotion. the staging was quite minimalistic compared to some other acts but still very impressive, over the top visuals wouldn't fit the song. the juries gave Switzerland so many points because you can literally hear all the people involved in the making of this song had extensive musical training


as someone that supported Croatia, yeah those comments are full of shit.


I don't get how people can hate on Nemo after seeing their reactions on winning and everything that happened at ESC. Their positive energy and kindness is contagious lol For some people being from LGBT community and wearing different clothes is unecceptable behaviour and already is making you a freak and probably a bad person either. That's pretty sad and probably is saying more about person with these opinions.


Tbh after last year with the whole debate over televote and the jury I’ve kind of grown accustomed to the whole ordeal of the ‘deserved’ winner. I look elsewhere instead and focus on the achievements of the other entries. Last year it was Gustaph, this year it’s Jako. Or Ukraine given they performed 2nd. Good example of staging elevating a song.


Ukraines staging was amazing and showed that 2nd place doesn't have to be the death spot with this new voting system.


You're right. Everyone out here fighting over who should have won, when there are so many other artists who did phenomenally well and have their own deserved congratulations to take. Really I'm more sad for the likes of Norway (and Austria) than I am for the top scorers. It's not that I'm happy they didn't win, but I'm sadder that the low scorers still had some amazing stuff and may not be as readily recognised for it.


I'm furious about the Netherlands, very sad for Croatia and so overjoyed for Switzerland I have cried. There is less backlash than last year but it is much, much crueler. We're in a global backlash against trans people being more visible and Nemo is going to be subject to this. I have my own feelings, frustrations and worries about pinkwashing and about both the jury and audience voting this year, but none of that takes away from The Code being objectively an extremely well put together and catchy bop, that requires massive vocal talent to perform. Nemo is amazing and I'll be following their career.


Wait, what on earth... you are the literal definition of me!


Hell, yeah. People should take the example that the artists have made, instead of getting upset. Bambie, Slimane, and Iolanda hugging and congratulating Nemo during the final - making it about love and support. That's what it should be about. And when Switzerland overtook Croatia in the betting odds for a while in April, this is what Baby Lasagna had to say about Nemo and "The Code": "I think the song is fantastic and Nemo have a wonderful artistic nature. So I’m glad about them. They really have a mature song full of quality." The artists support each other!


Croatia was my favorite, but Nemo is very talented and their song and performance clearly resonated with a lot of people, so I’m fine with them winning. Honestly, of all the years I’ve been watching, this one had the most songs that may not have been my favorite but I’d still be very happy with them winning. Lot of great entries this year, and Nemo earned that win.


Same here. France was my favourite but I would have been ecstatic for a French/Swiss/Croatian win. After Nemo's performance, the Australian commentator said "Someone will see this 20 years from now and go "yeah I see why this won"". Nemo had what I felt like was a perfect performance on the night and we have a lot of great songs this year!


Nemo has been practically flawless all season, people saying they didn't deserve it have to be insane.


It felt really frustrating to hear them often being misgendered in the commentary I watched. Especially because their song is about being non-binary! Edit: Got a reddit cares because of this. Amazing.


The hellis are still at it sending reddit cares lol report them and turn the care messages off


>Edit: Got a reddit cares because of this. Amazing. That's STILL happening?!


Honestly, I am pleasantly surprised I got my first one because of this and not one of my posts about being trans lol.


I've only had one from my comments in here, I wondered if maybe the bot that certain people might be using to send them is trained to only send one per user, or maybe I've just been lucky to stay out of its sights on future runs. They're clearly spinning up bots faster than Reddit can deal with them, though - IF Reddit is dealing with them at all.


This year we had a new commentator, and he did really well talking about Nemo, as it is kinda hard in german to gender nb people the right way. He slipped one or two times but corrected himself instantly and apologized genuinly. If the other commentator was still in duty, i'm not so certain he would have pulled that of.


Just out of curiosity, how would you do that in German? Do you call them by the plural "sie"?


Afaik we don't have official equivalents of "they" in german. I've heard of the neo-pronouns "xier", "dey" (kinda pronounced the same way as "they") and "ens". Wouldn't be surprised if people used more than those. You'd still use singular. Personally I'd even agree that multiple neo-pronouns meaning the same thing (if there's a difference in it and someone knows more about this please correct me!) can get confusing and probably make people more reluctant to use them. Gendering language is a pretty controversal topic here anyway, so I totally get the commentator trying to avoid pronouns and sticking to just referring to Nemo by name instead. I'd probably do the same or avoid the german language altogether and use english instead :/ edit: About our commentator I remember him using "er" ("he") once, then apologizing and correcting himself to "Nemo" immediately saying that he wouldn't want to get started with pronouns.


Nemo has said that they would like they/them pronouns in English, and "Nemo" in German.


>He slipped one or two times but corrected himself instantly and apologized genuinly. That was nice, I just didn't get why he kept saying that "code" means "puzzle"/"riddle",bc Nemo had to solve them.


Yeah it's pretty clearly about gender code, boys in blue and manly, girls in pink and skirts and frills, and saying all gender conformity expectation to get screwed.


"somewhere between the 0s and 1s" really should've made it so obvious that "the code" = "binary" :/


I thought it was about computer code, like he broke the binary.




Just block it. I get what Reddit is trying to do with it but it’s just code for fuck you and your post now, so there’s no point to it.


Yeah, I was watching the Italian news and the commentator was like 'he is great, btw he is not binary' and I was like 🙃


Real "Her pronouns are he/him" energy.


I wonder if the man even knew what nb means... I understand that in Italian there is not a way (yet) to be gender neutral, but with careful words is indeed possible. They could have made a bit of effort at least...


>Edit: Got a reddit cares because of this. Amazing. Why are you getting reddit cares? Jus now even I also got! I don't know what is happening


Everyone's saying that it's rigged. Yes, exactly, now why would a singer with an incredible vocal range, stage presence, interesting staging concept, song that is fresh, original and dynamic combining different genres, win the jury vote??? Got it! It MUST be a set-up! Anyway, RIP Eurovision 🙏


It's almost as if there was no other song combining these elements that strongly.


It's really weird feeling.. As I said it many times, I feel very sad because of Baby Lasagna not winning it for Croatia first time ever. BUT I'm glad we don't have to organise this circus next year. Swiss's neutrality might play a big role in settling thigs a bit. ESC needs RESTART!


Agreed, I get that a lot of people would have loved to see Croatia win this year, but Nemo 100% also deserved to win. I would have been happy with anyone of the top 4 to win, they all had incredibly good songs and so much talent. Really disappointed that Nemo gets so much hate.


While the televote still hinges on “which countries have a war on” we need the juries more than ever, and Nemo was the best technically and a deserving winner. I think deep down most of the sub knows that.


not to say the backlash and negativity isn’t there, but I have seen so much love and support! the winners press conference had multiple people thanking them for representing the queer and nb community. and Nemo mentioned that they plan to meet a Swiss president to discuss increasing the rights for nb people. I get the feeling that a lot of the negativity exists online and less so to their face. but if nothing else then I hope that the support from their community outweighs it. as Bambie said love will always triumph hate 🖤💜🤍💛


Haven't seen them getting anywhere near the amount of hate Loreen was getting last year!


The truth is that it’s very hard to find any faults with what Nemo did. The song is personal, very well written, very well produced, and very well performed. If Nemo lost, the question I would have would be what possibly could they have done differently to win. If you can’t come up with a good answer for it, it’s a good sign that a very deserving act just won.


Nemo absolutely deserved that win, and I hope they hear all the deserved praise.  With last year, Loreen gave a brilliant performance but Tattoo is so much weaker a song than Euphoria (and Cha Cha Cha was the whole package), so it did seem like the juries were just voting for their favorite instead of the song they thought was best. This year was such a strong field that it could have easily gone many ways and you could have see it as a fair, deserved win. 


What you say is very objective, last year voting felt judges just playing it safe.


Was I sad when Croatia lost? Yes ofc I was. Croatia has never won the contest before and Baby Lasagna was probably their best chance at winning in the more recent years. Plus his song was amazing. That still doesn’t justifiy the hate Nemo has been subjected to. Their song is literal ART, it has an amazing range and performance. Nemo deserves his win. Also, so many 2nd places have become memorable Eurovision singers, just look at Kaarija.


Yeah I feel this. I really wanted Croatia but when it came down to either them or Switzerland, I felt like I was happy either way because both of them put up showstoppers and left everything they had on the stage. This year there were so many songs I loved that a lot of people could have won and I wouldn’t have been mad about it. I can’t say the same for last year because I did not think Loreen had a winning song if I’m being honest. This year though, I’m pleased with the results and I’m happy Croatia came in second.


has eurovision always been this toxic? I've been involved in the fandom side only these past few years and every year I see artists getting so much hate and mistreatment from fans but also from general media too in some cases it's crazy, has it always been like this? I'm aware hate will follow just by the nature of these things and the internet but it seems really disproportionate


The immediate post final period is usually a clusterfuck, but it calms down here quickly.


1969 had four winners. Not sure how dramatic that got. It was also hosted in Francoist Spain which likely got it ire from a lot of people (Finland, Norway and Sweden considered a boycott, apperently). I know that it was seen as shallow, stupid and outright amoral by many during the 70's in Sweden. ABBA was not loved by everyone, so to say. In more recent years... it can get pretty bad, yes. And as you say, the media isn't always great. I often feel for the artists. It's one of many things I'd like to see them try to change.


If social media existed back then...


Not that I think they would’ve seen all the comments from the randos on tik tok but like all the transphobia on videos of Nemo is really annoying to see. Like everyone wants to act holier than thou when Eurovision is the gayest thing to ever exist, like be so fucking got real.


It is annoying to live with a tube monkey brain and I'm talking about myself. I'm a Finn so "of course" I instantly saw the similarities between BL and Käärijä: an underdog, heavier song that's really fun to sing to and somewhat the same genre and the artist has an adorable personality. Loved it. With the odds and BL seemingly getting the most love I was very positive this year would fix what went "wrong" last year. You can imagine the excitement draining out of me the futher we got with the jury votes. It was the exact same thing that happened last year. So you can just guess how low my mood dropped and how miserable witnessing it felt. To me Nemo's song is alright. I can see they're very talented for being able to perform it live like that, sounding just the same as on the studio version, so I suppose they deserved those jury points. But all my brain is giving me is "Nemo robbed BL of a very deserved win and ruined this amazing tale of an underdog winning" which, I mean, isn't the truth when you logically think about it. But they are the only "face" of the situation, since there's no one known juror etc, so they're what my brain latches on to when looking for a target to blame. I guess this is the situation with many of the vocal haters who just lash out to try and feel better without thinking much about it. I haven't personally written any hateful stuff but I'd lie if I said I was happy for Nemo. I just can't be happy for them because it's so heavily attached to BL losing in my brain.


Nemo was the perfect storm. Chaotic song structure, interesting stage elements, classically trained voice. I dont think anyone else would be able to sing their song Baby lasagna was goos, but not as gifted technically. Not as much range. Slimane was gifted technically, but the staging and song were boring per eurovision standards. Conclusion: baby lasagnas song performed by slimane with baby lasagna staging would have won


I think most people were genuinely happy for Nemo. But he came 5th in the televote and once again the public feels like their votes don't matter that much in the end, which is very frustrating. Unless everyone only vote for 1 country and leaves all the others out, they'll never be able to surpass whatever the jury puts 1st.


Nemo's performance was honestly amazing. The song is ok? Nothing against them at all. The problem is that the way they won just kinda sucked. The nearly unanimous jury votes for Switzerland, an act that was just another one in the running, were just weird and off-putting. It wasn't so superior to everything else that it is obvious it should landslide like that and it feels like something is very off. There should have been more diversity in the jury votes, at least.


I really regret watching the contest this year and I'm left feeling quite stressed and pessimistic instead of happy. I initially got disappointed cus I was 100% convinced Baby Lasagna was going to win, but then it dreaded on me..the sheer amount of transphobia and homophobia that are gona be prevalent in Croatian social media outlets. It didn't take long after Nemo's victory for me to start unfollowing accounts on Instagram :/ The winning song is great and I'm happy Nemo won. I wish other prople could be happy for Marko's success without resorting to bashing another song and artist, pretending it was all rigged and undeserved like the winning song has no quality or value.


Nemo was my favourite from day one, but when looking at the staging of rim Tim tagi dim i was like "yeah, this deserves the win more". I think a lot of people's problem is not that nemo won, is that the jury got to chose the winner and how much the audience loved BL didn't actually matter. Im extremely happy that nemo won and IMO they absolutely deserve the win, but the staging could have been better compared to rim tim tagi dim and i really understand the criticism of the audience votes not mattering compared to the televote. But some people are always going to be upset their favourite didn't win, its just what it is. Nemos treatment on social media is so fucking unacceptable, people are acting like they didn't deserve the win just beacuse they weren't their favourite (even though everyone with ears could hear how insanely talented they are and recognise the code as an incredibly well made song, and everyone with eyes could see how incredible their performance was)


Nemo deserved it but I will forever by sad by how Estonia was treated


Yes, the comments I saw on r/europe are just ridiculous, I understand people would like BL to win but Switzerland song was ridiculously hard to perform, you could see many musicians reviewing the songs of 2024 and almost all of them agree that Switzerland technically is the best song, so who is surprised they would win the jury vote comfortably? I said since BL won Dora that the song was great but, just like Cha Cha Cha, it's not a jury song. And you need both to triumph. The only jury crime this year was Norway, which is my only annoyance with jury.


I am not mad at Nemo, they were great. I am mad at the juries' North Korea voting style, that was honestly creepy to watch, and for second year in a row.


I think it's easier for the countries that are used to good placements, points etc. Croatia doesn't have that. We often struggle to pass the semifinals. Even when we get to the finals, we usually get some points from our neighbors and end up on the right side of screen. This was first time in a while that everybody was happy, pumped, polls were in our favour  And then out of a sudden 22 countries give 12 points to Nemo, and very low points to Croatia. In contrast before we saw political voting, but not in that extent. I have no problem with Nemo winning, but it's bittersweet because the jury did such an odd thing. Croatia will not have such success for a very very long time, and that's what makes me sad.


The esc community is so toxic. I also wanted Angelina to win but Nemo deserved it and people have to learn that their favorite can‘t always win.


Every year learning the hard way that so many people watching the Eurovision are simply awful. For me the best part of the Eurovision is the build up for the few months prior, cause toxic "fans" always ruin the final/results


Nemo's fantastic. I watched their performance again after the results, and it really was a winning package. They're such a sweet person and they deserve it. I think people are annoyed that the televote winner lost out again this year. It looks a bit worse, too, considering that Switzerland was only 5th in the televote, the lowest a winner has ever been. They weren't even *that* far behind Croatia, but still. Sucks that Nemo is getting hate.


Nemo is a legend, and what they said at the press conference was spot-on, just as their vocals!


I'm so happy Nemo won! They deserved it so much 🧡🧡


During jury voting I kept thinking to myself “who else could the jury vote for? “ His voice is amazing and the technical aspects of the song were so strong. Overall a strong year through and through


Every village has it's idiots, unfortunately - and bigger villages just have more. The vast majority of people are quietly (or outwardly) delighted for Nemo, but the trolls / windup merchants / idiots don't get any engagement or fun out of doing nothing or staying quiet, so off to the comments they go. All you see is people mocking them because those are the only people - mainly - motivated to comment on an outcome, or artist, or identity, they didn't like.


I am delighted with the acts that did well. I LOVE Bambie and their performance felt like such a huge statement for Ireland that made me genuinely proud after a hard year for our country. I loved France and I thought Slimane was extremely impressive and had the most powerful voice, but the song was very typically French and not that exciting to me. Croatia was off the wall fun and a phenomenal song. Armenia and Finland were super fun too but the songs were not on the level of Croatia. I love the fun weirdness in the Eurovision. Nemo did a phenomenal job overall and I could see immediately why they were a favourite across the board. Totally happy with the win and I think Switzerland’s a good choice as a host country.


>I don’t particularly get the impression that it’s the same situation as with Loreen last year Loreen last year was at least the 2nd choice of the televoters. Nemo was only on 5th place there. I don't really like it that the jury has so much power. Also it felt just unnatural that they all so similarly voted. 22 of 37 juries giving them 12 points. 6 more juries giving them 10 points. It was similar with Loreen last year. And it just feels too much like they get together and pick themselves their winner, like they are too much influenced by everything. I bet if none of the jury members would have heard anything about the ESC in the last year, really absolutely nothing related to it and then heard all the songs for the first time and would on their own in a room order them from first to last, there would have been far less conformity.


The song was meh in my opinion