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Didn't Flo Rida participate and get 22nd place?


I feel sorry for Senhit (loved the song), but their bad result with Flo Rida sent a good message to future artists: bringing American celebrities on stage won't help you to get more votes




My partner and I didn't listen to the songs ahead of time that year, and couldn't believe it when Flo Rida just appeared out of nowhere. Random is truly an understatement!


My husband and I were SHOCKED. We still joke to this day that he must have had some unpaid debts or tax in San Marino they let him get away with if he showed up for Eurovision lol


Also the fact that he represented San Marino of all countries. Like obvious San Marino is going to have a lot of people from other countries representing them, but pulling Flo Rida out of nowhere is just like “okay??? What??? Does Flo Rida even know where San Marino is on a map???”


Absolutely agreed. The fact that Flo Rida just appeared and disappeared is the whole novelty of the thing. To this day me and my brother jam to Adrenalina and we love that Flo Rida is there cause it's so random.




What I love about Eurovision though is that you can bring Flo Rida - but the star will be Senhit. Sure, you can bring Justin Timberlake and Madonna - but people won't cheer as much as when Helena Paparizou or Conchita Wurst perform.


That was so undiserved tho 🥲. I would have loved if San Marino was top 10


While the song was pretty good, its poor result (that, to be fair, may have been influenced by San Marino's size) proves that American artists won't automatically do well.


San Marino never does well. I think their top result is 19th or so? So I don't really blame them for trying something different with Flo Rida. All the really small countries with no blocs tend to do badly. Malta, Cyprus, Iceland too. Sometimes it has nothing to do with the song, they just don't get very many votes. At this point I think their only chance for someone line San Marino to win is for something to go ultra viral like Dadi Freyr did (and he would have won that year, I think, if not for the pandemic).


I agree, that song is an absolute banger! One of my favourites from that year. But it definitely shows that Americans wouldn't just dominate as soon as they stepped on the stage lmao. 😂


You're correct. That was 2021.


Flo Rida was the worst part of that song. I was loving it until I heard his part.


He's not a superstar anymore, TBH. He's probably the peak "superstar" that would participate from the USA, as Ariana Grande/Lady Gaga level artists wouldn't bother taking the financial hit, or the risk of looking bad if they don't get votes.


To be fair, the big artists from European countries also don't typically participate after they're already big and doing well


Taylor Swift for Lichtenstein in 2040


Given that the UK has some massive music superstars, and they still can't win, this tells you something. You don't just send superstars to Eurovision because that's not what we're looking for!


I'll just put it here without a comment, UK 2011


United Kingdom 2011 | [Blue - I Can](https://youtu.be/y1dXMWWq6y8)


welcome back bot


Also Bonnie Tyler.


Put some respect on Engelbert Humperdinck's name. Leicester legend.


Also Finland sending Sara Alto for being in some ice skate program and other shows, so she was popular, but didn't succeed, also Darude, didn't succeed. I think the "worst" mistake is to send someone who is thought to be a star, and believe getting success because of that.


I'd actually argue sending well known artists is a daft idea *because of* their popularity. Everyone will have their favourite track by them, and if they don't think the entry is a good as their fave they won't vote for it. Well known artists don't just have to compete against other ESC entries, they have to compete against their own back catalogue as well.


i mean i think we even saw this with olly this year. everyone has their favorite years&years track so dizzy probably did not meet everyone’s expectations, even if it is a decent song.


I do like years and years but saying that everyone has their favourite years and years track might be overselling their popularity a tad 😅 Unless you just meant their fans if so I retract my comment


yeah i was mostly talking about people already aware of his discography and may have overhyped his participation based on that (though admittedly king was pretty unavoidable when it came out haha, ive also heard desire, karma and if you’re over me on radio a lot)


Moldova send actual stars in Zdob Si Zdub multiple times, but they always acted like a novelty act and never had any arrogance (and they're a tiny country so don't have a pool of artists as big as most others).


Imo in that case 'stars' is pretty stretched - their song was one of my favourites 2022 but outside of ESC I have never heard of Zdob Si Zdub :'D


They're huge in the region, everyone in ex-USSR heard their songs. An actual well established classic band like Lyapis Trubestskoy for Belarus, Okean Elzy for Ukraine, Laibach from Slovenia, or Lacuna Coil was for Italy before Maneskin won, like the only band everyone knows from your country if they know just one. Ofc Moldova had at least two super popular meme musical acts as well, Epic Sax Guy and Numa Numa too.


They're definitely well loved and well known in their region / diaspora! My partner didn't even know they went to ESC, but he and his friends had been partying to their songs since the 2000's.


Also, Finland sending The Rasmus (who I'm convinced won UMK basically on name recognition alone) and not succeeding either (at least not very well).


I forget that Darude was in Eurovision


Actually most becomes superstar After the contest not Before It (Maneskin, Duncan Lawrence, Loreen but even Kaarija, Rosa Linn, Mahmoud and others)


Yes, russia tried that sever times, once they sent THE biggest singer they call pre-Madonna, and she placed like dead last, and TATU a well established band at the peak of their stardom, who managed to scored hilariously low next to absolute no-names at the time. One time they did manage to cheat through is that extremely embarrassing performance with figure skaters and ballerinas from the grand piano, but that was during the year russia started the hybrid war against West, so EBU had to reward them with the win.


Hahaha, Alla Pugacheva is 'primadonna' (old-fashioned Italian term for a star opera singer), not pre-Madonna. Pugacheva was great in her prime, but by the time she was in Eurovision she was older, on her way out AND the song was really average. She deserved to come last.


Omg thank you, I was so confused about the "pre-Madonna" comment but OF COURSE they meant primadonna lmao 😭




Yes, desperate, that's the word! I remember parody on it where the singer kept forcibly stuffing the ballerina back into the box... And their hysterics at Jamala winning, and before that ordinary russians (tm) putting up posters that entry is barred for Conhita Wurst. Even earlier, their hysterical canceling of Verka because someone heard "russia goddbye" in Lasha Tumbai, that was out of nowhere.


We need to send Pete & Baz next year.


The superstar label is redundant really. It's only the song and performance that matter. If Freddie Mercury got transported to today and sang Spaceman it'd do as well as Sam Ryder probably. But if he did Bigger Than Us (2019) with his own spin we may have finished higher, but it probably still would have struggled to go left hand side as the song isn't that great.


completely ignoring any and all political or cultural reasons UK or America might not do well, but just focusing on the music part: I think a big part of the problem is we send acts that are mostly only big in the UK, and/or with songs that could become pop hits \*in the UK\*. But UK pop songs are generally very generic, very safe, and very homogenised for radio play. I don't think Sam was \*too\* far out of that formula, but it was definitely more of a "eurovision" song than most of what we send, and he proved he could appeal to a modern, international audience by already having tiktok success (as well as having real charisma and a wholesome, humble personality.) I suspect America would hit the exact same roadblock. Combine that with most of the world already hearing American pop music everywhere anyway, it's not really going to have that "uniqueness" that goes into making a genuine eurovision legend. And most of us are not watching Eurovision for "song I could discover on the radio any day" lmao.


Americans. Dears. It’s not about you, for once.


This is exactly WHY I love it (from California🌉)


Georgia (the state) checking in, and feel the exact same way. For me, it's the same sort of idiotic attitude that many Americans have when they look at our men's national team being mid-tier and say "Oh well, imagine if we sent our best athletes to the World Cup! Just get LeBron out there and we'd win it every year!" (yes, "every year," because that's about the level of knowledge we're dealing with here) Eurovision is this big, messy, glorious mix of camp and joyous artistic expression that combines so many different types of music genres, peoples and nationalities into something that's unlike anything I've seen before. Nothing like it exists in America, and it's absolutely wonderful. If I'm being honest, it would be nice to have the opportunity for us to compete one year, just to have a home entry to support. Not that I have any illusions about our chances of winning -- much more likely that we end up in a similar spot to the UK (not you, Sam Ryder). But just imagine the stories that would have come out of American media if we had sent some multi-billion dollar, world famous artist this year, just for them to place behind Windows95man. Even if you're 100% against the idea of the U.S. ever competing in Eurovision, that's got to be tempting.


Imagine sending Beyonce or Swift, only for them to get, like, 22nd place. The resulting meltdown will trigger a new extinction event


This is 100% what would happen. Cause no one wants Americans to participate!


I'm from America as well, and that's exactly why I love Eurovision, because no American participates. America dominates the music industry worldwide, just look at the global 50 on Spotify.


As an American ESC fan, I think that's genuinely a big part of why I love it so much!


For real. I don't want to participate, the U.S. would take it too seriously and try too hard.


Katrina from Katrina and The Waves is American, and won Eurovision in 97.


And Satellite was written by an American. Not sure if that's a good thing though.


But Swedes wrote the winning song of Americavision (or American Song Contest) so it balances out. 😎😎😎


Swedes are not-so-secretly the producers/writers of an absurd amount of world wide pop hits in general, for that matter.


Which is probably why I tend to find the swedish entries in eurovision to be just "too normal" for lack of a better expression. I love hearing the hidden gems that I'd never get to hear otherwise.


I hate that Voices is the only Swedish entry not to top 10 in the 2020s so far because it was imo the most different entry they’ve brought. It’s still pop, but it’s definitely a bit more out there than what they usually bring.


Also Flo Rida for San Marino


it is the great song ever created, bohemian rhapsody and moonlight sonata can’t compare


yes but she's lesbian, so basically european


Isn’t Lesbanon in the Middle East?


Yes but Lesbos is Greek.


I was referencing an old vine, but I recall the old Sappho of Lesbos story.


Lesbian? Her birthday's in March, I thought she was a Pisces?


Lesbian? I thought she was American…


I'm American. I watched American Song Contest. I don't want us in Eurovision lololol.


I like not being the center of attention. Keep us out of it!


I don't think they would handle the realisation that Eurovision gets more views than the Superbowl. I think they'd break.


It’s so refreshing to have a competition without them.


I do find it hilarious that when we actually did have our own spinoff with the American Song Contest, South Korea decided to make it about themselves. It was still a good song and deserved to win. We just also got out America'd.


She didnt compete but we already know how their "superstars" would fare with how Madonna showed up as a guest that one time, performed awfully, was clowned on by literally everyone except the most diehard stans, and was promptly forgotten about as a footnote rarely discussed.


"We have to thank Madonna's autotune!" The only superstar act that was well recieved in the contest was Justin Timberlake, but *Love Love Peace Peace* ultimately upstaged the poor guy


I mean, if I were to list famous American pop stars who are "compatible" with Eurovision then Justin Timberlake would be pretty high up there, so that makes sense


I remember Justin Timberlake being a guest but not Madonna. What year was she there?


In 2019. I understand why you don't remember it.


When it was held in Israel. I really liked the Greek entry "Better Love".


Madonna was so forgotten, this sub is literally the first place where I learned she was even there. And I watched every Eurovision at least in part!


The absolute undeserved confidence is just… yeah, good luck America. You’d get slaughtered in the televote.


Seeing as America's biggest hits are still written by Swedish songwriters, they might stand a chance...if they weren't so fucking boring, predictable and derivative. Those of us who watched the American Song Contest know the US wouldn't make it out of the semifinals without a major perspective change on what is "good pop music".


I admittedly didn’t watch a single moment of the ASC. Not even the boredom of the off season could entice me.


I remember hearing all the songs in a youtube compilation and pretty much only liking Wonderland so thank God for that final result.


The format of ASC was so bad, I was honestly shocked that there was lots of people familiar with ESC involved and they ended up with that garbage format. If they did it similar to the ESC format it might have been okay, but obviously the US needs to draw it out over weeks jam as many ad breaks in as possible


Yeah it was a shame. "Let's take Eurovision and just turn it into another boring American Idol clone".


I planned to watch ASC, but it was boring... However, I hope all the americans being sure of their supremacy would watch ASC










Yeah, being America they wouldn't even get the initial couple of years good results before oscillating between 9th and DNQ, they'll just go straight to the bottom.


Especially if they send an obscure genre that's only big in USA, like country or their folk, or even pop punk that is catchy but will be buried by judges due to simple vocals. Americans would be welcomed if they send someone like Rednex, but only Sweden produces actual yeehaw Yankee bands like that)


I feel like mixing American country music and that European disco vibe could sound pretty good? (By disco vibe I mean something along the lines of what we saw in Croatia's song this year, or Europapa's beat drop just before the end of the song, you know?)


Bold for them to assume that their superstars would even want to enter. I mean I’m sure the Brits would win every year if they sent their stars, but they know that that isn’t what the show is about.


They sent a major star this year and got 0. I don't really think national or even international stardom is relevant. People rate the song itself.


Years and Years have only charted in the UK top 10 four times, and outside of the UK and Ireland they've only done so once. And Olly Alexander was only a third of a band, he's never had a top 10 song since he went solo. Definitely not a major star, the main reason he went on Eurovision was to get his career going.


>the main reason he went on Eurovision was to get his career going. This is definitely the 'problem' (in inverted commas because I don't think it's a problem). Eurovision is still seen as a competition to advance someone's career. The UK has so many pathways for pop artists to succeed that any Brit who can hold a note already has a successful career.


Major star?? Lol. I'd never even heard of the guy 


Major star? I’d call them B list at best. You’re right though - it still needs to be a good song.


Major star is someone like Adele, Dua Lipa or Ed Sheeran, not Olly


I see how their superstars would do... (looking at UK)


Ain't no way america can make their superstars agree to join the contest tbh


taylor swift would come in sixth place behind a moldovan entry with a 4000€ budget let's be real


So true. Or something like Armenia this year. They’d be complaining “What do you mean we were beaten by the chicken lady??”


And then eveybody from places 1 to 5 would have to abandon internet and hide in witness protection to avoid the hate of Taylor Swift fandom, so maybe that's not worth it ;)


If the the entry was ZdZ, there would even be some other countries between them.


To play the devil's advocate, I think they possibly could do well. However, someone would need to just clarify that ESC is not like American Idol, but rather a competition in Super Bowl half-time shows (to put it in their terms). I'm not saying that I'd be surprised if they misunderstood the asignment and sent something that really does not fit; just that they have the potential to send a number with dancers in shark costumes on rollerskates.


There are many non-mainstream American artists that could do very well, but the US is completely incapable of choosing them.


Really, we're incapable of choosing anything, honestly. Plus, I assume it would need to be a PBS program, which would just feel inherently out of date to most people here.


Oh my god the mental image of a Eurovision delegation managed by PBS is...well, it's something.


We have some very campy subcultures that would absolutely be able to knock it out of the park. NBC would be in charge of choosing it since they have the rights for Eurovision rn, and I do not believe they’d pick the right people. Our puritanical inclinations would mean we’d pick more of an “Americas sweetheart” type vs something that would do well. Edit: my friends said on Saturday that we’d “dominate” if we sent a rapper like Kendrick Lamar. lolllll that would be TANKED by the juries


Exactly, we'd do better sending in something like 100gecs where they do some ridiculous performance dressed as wizards than Taylor Swift


The thing is, I 100% believe if the US would take part and do their best and send their biggest stars they would still lose. And of course blame politics and they would be wrong (well to a certain degree at least). To win Eurovision, you need something more you need to be a little extra. You need something new and special. The people at home are sitting through a 2 hour TV-Show you need to stand out and you don't do that by sending the stuff the people hear on the radio anyway. BTW if they ever do a real ASC with all North and South American countries participating, the result would be the same. The USA is too basic, we all know their stuff and they would lose their shit if they lose for the 30th time in a row to some non-binary kid singing their heart out on a hamsterwheel from Panama.


> The USA is too basic, we all know their stuff and they would lose their shit if they lose for the 30th time in a row to some non-binary kid singing their heart out on a hamsterwheel from Panama. I legit snorted at this


My opinion, is that lately what you need is someone who is genuine about their music, and feels authentic. Songs developed in a Swedish lab that fill a formula and are sang with no real emotion... I feel like the industry doesn't understand why that doesn't work. But you get a Marko, a Jere, a Cuntry, or even a Joost that really wants to perform and share their music with the world... they may not win the trophy, but they always win the hearts of the fans. And usually go on to a long career. America wants to commodify and sell everything. If we can't package it and sell it on a shelf, we don't think it has value. And art should not be commodified. Art should be messy, and passionate, and at times, misunderstood.


>  Songs developed in a Swedish lab that fill a formula and are sang with no real emotion... I feel like the industry doesn't understand why that doesn't work You mean except when it was the previous winner?


One can of worms, coming right up! Does someone still think Tattoo would have won without Loreen bringing her Eurovision pedigree and pull with juries (no one wants to be that juror that under-scores Loreen) to the mix? I'm not saying she didn't deserve it (as a Finn I feel we dodged a shitshow-bullet here), but I am saying that it was mostly her, not Swedish pop necromancy.


>Does someone still think Tattoo would have won without Loreen bringing her Eurovision pedigree and pull with juries (no one wants to be that juror that under-scores Loreen) to the mix? Loreen isnt famous outside ESC (apparently not even in Sweden) and failed to qualify to the final of Melodifestivalen back in 2017, so the juries wouldnt have any problem in tank her if she deserved. Also Alexander Rybac didnt do that well with juries in 2018, even though he won in 2009. Let´s be honest, she won because she sells the song, it sounded authentic, the stage was inovative, the performance looked really professional and well crafted.


Euphoria was played in a lot of gay clubs in England for years afterwards. Admittedly that's probably because of ESC's fanbase though...


still regularly played on the radio here. tattoo too now ofc


Just to add this aswell: Loreen is incredibly talented and sold the song far better than literally anyone else that year could. Loreen carried a solid 5th place over the finish line with her name and talent.


Would Tattoo win without Loreen? Probably not. Her vocals are impeccable, and she's an artist through and through. She puts on a PERFORMANCE on stage, every single second is calculated, which in the end makes it memorable. She made the song what it is. I don't think that's necessarily because the juries didn't wanna underscore her, but moreso that she just impressed them and left a mark. Similarly, would The Code have won if Nemo didn't sing it? Probably not. It's their voice, their persona, their story. It all adds to the performance. The same can be said about just about any winner for at least the last few decades. It's about a full package rather than just the song. You gotta nail everything (which I personally think both Nemo and Loreen did). Most importantly, you gotta make people feel something. And you don't just automatically get that by being a superstar or whatever.


Could you please send this message to the UK delegation as well....


Haha....we're all blind to our own biases though. There is a reason Germany is at the end of the table so often too. And we're one of the bigger music markets in the world as well. I figure you need to risk something to have that certain "je nais se qua" (must have written that part wrong). Germany and the UK often don't risk anything though. Also enjoy the UK-salt to be true, the real fight to me is being better than the brits. 2022 was really harsh. (It's all banter though)


I probably listen to more German bands than non-German, it's just the Eurovision format doesn't fit for Power Metal lmao. Nordic countries have the same problem with more extreme genres... Softer rock acts do meh here, Lordi was an exception, Rasmus before, and guys Norway sent this year, is how it usually ends. Was genuinely surprised bookmakers favorites Croatia to win, don't they know judges bury Metal, Rock and Industrial groups like hell? Remember how Switzerland was supposed to win in 2021 until televote pushed Maneskin to the top? Well, this time it didn't work. P.S. German singer this year did very well, sang really clean but so did Nemo but with a better song, staging and costume.




My daughter showed me that song actually. I loved the UK show this year. Was blown away by it, how did they do it? I really thought they had a rotating box. The illusion worked very well and it had to be a bitch to work that one out. The song was not catchy enough though. The German selection is.....it's harsh, really harsh. That one year we wanted to send this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnzkhQsmSag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnzkhQsmSag) But it wasn't allowed in the selection and we got last place. There was a lot of beef and the next time we sent something more extravagant, Blood and Glitter and also got last place. This time the people could decide and we sent the save pop song. My reaction was that we deserve everything that happens to us at the ESC....and then we make left side of the table so I do not know anymore. Maybe it was the correct decision to not go with the meme song. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zxhe5H\_l8m4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zxhe5H_l8m4)


Blood and Glitter would have done far better any other year I think. The issue was the campaign for Cha Cha Cha to win and that sucked up the twenty votes that people may have spread across Germany and Australia in other years.




Oh, that's where hamsterwheels are made?


The big ones! Most shipped to current participating Eurovision cities.


>The USA is too basic, we all know their stuff and they would lose their shit if they lose for the 30th time in a row to some non-binary kid singing their heart out on a hamsterwheel from Panama. We really would 😂😂😂😂😂


they would probably win if they sent like Taylor Swift, just cause diehard swifties have proven time and again the amount of money they're willing to shill out is unlimited


They would have a target on their back and people would surround themselves arround someone else to fight commerce. But besides that there is so much Taylor Swift already, there would be a new more interesting newcomer. Linke Tabellenseite!!!11!!


Classic! , Exceptionality thinking. "We are not invited because of hatred." "We would be obliterate if we sent our superstars." "We are booed because they are jealous." "We are BULLIED! cuz they don't love us." I'd really love that I could solve a lot of questions in life with such simple answers.


"Haters gonna hate" always was and will be a mindkiller.


Lots of famous people go to eurovision and don't do good. I'm still salty at Cascada being last or almost last when she did eurovision.




I mean its the same after every years ESC. Some people in the US see it and start crying because they are “excluded” Come on so much mimimi it always amuses me how some people over there think they are the sun or something superior


They're probably not even excluded. If they made a genuine effort to join like Australia they would probably be allowed to compete. There's just no broadcasting company that has a desire to.


Exactly, Before participating they broadcasted It for more than 20 yesrs and even made an Interval Act One Time, then when they enterd It Wa sthought tò be a One time thing but now they are One year away tò their tenth participation


Omg it's been 10 years? 


You'd think with the year the USA is having, some of these people would tone it down on the patriotism fueled arrogance. This one doesn't even get that the main theme of the songs is to unite, not "obliterate." Try hosting a festival on your own continent with all the countries that mutually want peace with you and see how that goes.


I'd watch the shit out of an American (in a continental sense) Song Contest tbf. A Brazilian samba act would be fire.


Yeah me too actually, in a perfect world we'd have EuroVision, AmericaPanorama and AsiaVista festivals every year. Then after four years....world championship?


Hello, this is your daily dose of American exceptionalism.


As an American, it’s hard for me to imagine we would get any support whatsoever unless we had a kickass, Eurovision-y song by an artist who didn’t have their head up their ass. I’m content being a part of the Rest of the World 😅


Get Jack Black to compete and you may just stand a chance.


Early-years Lady Gaga would have been perfect, I think. Before she was famous. Not saying she got worse, quite the opposite, but that Gaga had a special mix of charm, fresh sound and outrageous camp that sounds just like something Eurovision fans would have loved


Send 100 Gecs


Do Americans think there are no superstars outside the US? Have they heard of Adele? Harry Styles? The reason there are no superstars in Eurovision is because it takes at least one entire month of full-time commitment to the thing. Beyoncé and Taylor make literal millions in *one single night*. How are you gonna convince them to do Eurovision without paying them more than the entire contest costs?


Adele, Harry Styles, and Ed Sheeran sing in English, so they must be American, right? /s


So Maneskin are american too? (Thats os something I seriously Heard and as an Italiano It mad me Scream inside)


They probably think they are American Italians (read 'Americans who role-play as Italians because of their 0.23747284 percent Italian heritage that came out of their DNA test').


right, because ASC did so well…


To be fair, ASC was like if you had American Idol and Eurovision, took out all the good parts, then put them together. Combine that with the fact that Americans are not as comfortable with avant-garde art as Europeans are and you get a contest where only a third of the songs would actually be good. It's also really, really difficult to launch new shows like this in America right now because the market is so saturated.


I'm an American (now living in Canada) and that last thing I would want to see at Eurovision is the US competing.  The attitude would be completely different.   And yes, I know not everyone is the same, but it just would be a mess.


I remember following the Olympics on the reddit daily live threads 3 years ago and it was really good, kept you up to date with what was going on and lots of jokes and good fun, but in the last day or so, the USA overtook China in the medal table and the whole thread just became unusable, full of people commenting "USA USA" and "freedom" and stuff like that over and over again. It really ruined it. I'd worry about something similar happening if they were in Eurovision.


I feel the same. I love Eurovision as an American but I don’t think we would bring the right energy to it. I appreciate that we get to do the ROTW vote and that it’s finally accessible via Peacock (even though I have beef with it) It’s just not mainstream enough in the US for it to make sense for us. We wouldn’t have a lot of voting and we would need to do like a national song competition for us to find a song to sing and last time we did it (ASC) it was a freaking mess that no one watched or knew about


I just had a conversation with a friend in which we imagined if the US participated in Eurovision. I think most people either would not care, or would be very confused by all the campiness and weirdness of the show and probably would not understand some European references. Then you'd probably have the conservatives complaining about all the "LGBTQ+ propaganda". They'd probably send an unknown artists with a vocally competent song, but that wouldn't stand out. And when eventually the song would get a bad score, they'd be outraged and would say that they lost because the rest of the world didn't want them to win. I'd love to see the US participate once just for the drama. 😂


It seriously gets on my nerves when people say this. I promise this person doesn’t represent our whole country, I’m more than happy to enjoy Eurovision from a distance without competing.


Yea In fact I’ve never met an American wanting us to take part. I can safely say this person is very much a minority opinion here!


I think even just knowing what Eurovision is puts them in the minority already.


Yeah as an American all the other Americans I know who watch are like “oh no. They should never let us participate”


As an American and a fan of Eurovision for 20 years, there is nothing I’d want LESS. Please no.


I saw a UK eurofan retweeting this saying “please let Americans enter so we can stop coming last” which made me laugh.


It doesn't matter how many superstars your country has, if they're not going. Britain can't send Ed Sheeran, for example, and the US wouldn't be able to convince Taylor Swift or Beyoncé to participate. The ones who would do it are probably washed-up disco, R&B or country singers, looking for a career revival outside the US, and a quick buck.


I mean, they *could*, but ESC would take up way too much time from said superstar's schedule and wouldn't really be as commercial as, say, touring. It's just not worth it for an already successful artist to dedicate half a year to plan and at least a month to rehearse a 3 minute performance.


American here… watched for the first time this year and loved it because it was SO EUROPEAN. We don’t need to stick our star-spangled dick in everything.


I live in America and Oy that makes me roll my eyes.


Hopefully we can put this year's controversy behind us by uniting behind all Europeans' rallying cry: "the yanks sure are dumb"


Literally no American I have ever spoken to wants us to take part. My friends and I love eurovision and have zero desire to see the U.S. in it. I’m sure you can find some random person (like this post) who randomly thinks we should take part but I promise you 99% of Americans watching have no desire to crash the party and certainly don’t think we would do well if we did. 😂


If they sent Taylor, her entire fanbase would drain their credit dry voting for her and I think they'd win. I'd be morbidly curious to see how they'd do sending anyone else...


but Taylor would probably refuse to spend 2 months of her time for one project where she can only sing one song. There is a reason that the biggest european stars almost never compete at Eurovision




Typical American “main caracter syndrome” 🤣


Right. That's why the American Song Contest was such a big hit it didn't get renewed for a second season, and literally no one has heard of it nor the winner. Gotcha


Someone didn't see Madonna's half time show... Also, they had their own edition now and even their "superstars" didn't win.


I'm American and I don't think we should participate. We have enough song contest shows on home soil, and we don't have to be the center of the world in every single event, much as some people would like us to. ~~plus it would probably be like the UK where nobody high-profile wants to do it and we'd either only send up-and-coming artists or has-beens~~


Wasn't one of the singers from Bulgaria's EQUINOX american?


The UK has a massive, legendary music industry but there were a lot of UK representatives who were last (saw [this video ](https://youtu.be/Wx5b9lVQ5b0) yesterday). Viewers watch Eurovision to experience something different from what they might listen to on the radio or see on MTV-like channels. I may compare it to the wish to see a French movie or a Scandinavian TV Series, or a Polish comedy but not a product of Hollywood and Disney. Yes, we all know Madonna and Taylor Swift but it never stops Europeans from listening to something different. Because other cultures are close, for some countries it may only take a few hours by bus from their capitals to hear another language and feel a different reality.


yea, like Madonna obliterated literally everyone


Its called eurovison,not twatovision.


I remember when Madonna obliterated the middle act, maybe not in the way the yankee meant.


And that, right there, is why the US should never be allowed to be in Eurovision...


The galaxy brain doesn't understand that superstars have no incentive to take part in Eurovision because they already have a huge international following. Someone like Adele, who is already eligible, could sign up tomorrow, but she's not getting out of bed for Eurovision (and, frankly, I wouldn't either). At the same time, I was taken aback by how petty and ignorant the comments are. If Joe Blow on these boards, with zero industry experience, can figure out what Eurovision is about, how can you imagine that the people running a multi-billion dollar industry will be tragically stumped? No, they wouldn't send a Taylor Swift. They have a massive population advantage, so they have thousands of indie singer/songwriters in every imaginable genre. Wanna bet that there's someone out there putting a contemporary twist on Native American traditional music? Or someone singing in Louisiana French? You don't think they can find a baby Selena? A bearded dude with a heartbreaking voice straddling rock and country? A young Amish girl with a pure voice? I don't think some people understand exactly how diverse a country that big is from one end to the other and how many micro-cultures there are, most with their own music, crafts, and food.


To be fair AleXa and Grant Knoche would have done well at Eurovision. I actually think, a ASC winner would have been sent if the show hadn’t flopped


Sure we only just got mobile phones guys, what would we know here in EU xD


There are some artists from lots of countries that would win Eurovision just because of how huge they are. If UK sent someone like Harry Styles, I'm sure it would win just from his fans voting in drones. Same with if USA somehow entered Taylor Swift. If Germany entered Rammstein, they'd do well. The point of Eurovision isn't to send the biggest artist for your country. It's an opportunity to showcase new artists and embrace the traditions and wackiness that comes with Eurovision. A lot of people seem to miss that point in these comments.


I can't imagine an hypothetical Lady Gaga ESC act not delivering something awesome, but even if she or whatever other star were at their finest, they might still not win. ESC is kinda unpredictable enough


I think it's more like the US has arguably just as much migration from Europe as Australia.... yet they never bothered to make it a thing or get into it. All these Americans proclaiming they're something else nationality/heritage/ethnicity wise yet they never bothered to take some of the biggest culutral elements of being European like football and Eurovision. At least the Aussies have been on board with Eurovision since the 80s, and are now getting on the football train.


In my personal opinion anyone who only engages insofar as WHO WINS!!! is missing the whole point of Eurovision. A lot of the fandom is guilty of it.


How could the Americans obliterate Eurovision, when they obliterated their *own* song contest after just one year?


Main result from United States joining Eurovision would be England would have company in getting zero points every time.


Don't they know that already very famous artists would be hated by the fans and would not get voted just out of protest? If Abba participated again, they wouldn't win eithet


I mean look at Madonna, despite her experience, her guest performance was one of the worst performances ever. Like goddamn was it bad.