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They play very well. In fact I have got further on Lee (formerly Bruce Lee) than I did on my real 64 in the 80's.


Thank you. They look like solid collections. Would love a Thalamus collection (hawkeye, armalyte etc), Stunt Car Racer (or the Amiga version!) And of course Jet Set Willy 2... One can dream


They play well! I have the first 2 carts and 3rd on the way.


as someone with no nostalgia for C64 none of the carts seem any interesting to me tbh


It’s a buy for me just for impossible mission.


I’d love to see an Amstrad Evercade Cartridge. Harrier Attack, Oh Mummy, Roland on the Ropes and loads of others gave me a great time as a 7 year old and I would like to recapture the feeling


Some great stuff on the cpc, Renegade was a very good looking game, Gryzor was a lot of fun too. Loved Roland on the Ropes.


Thanks, that was the micro computer my dad owned in the 80’s . I’ve never had a C64 so I’m not that well acquainted with its games library. I recall a platformer called The Apprentice on cpc. There was a line of budget games on Amstrad I recall my father had bought (Oh Mummy, a slot simulator, Harrier, Roland games, and a really good Galaga clone ). My generation refuses to grow up and is the greatest contributor to a profitable nostalgia industry. I’m sure a Blaze exec reads this and gives the greenlight to an official cpc Evercade cartridge. Bound to be an enormous financial succes!