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Seems like there is always an accident at 3rd and 41st. But why does every light in Everett have a yield left turn to oncoming traffic but none of the intersections have a sign to yield on left. I don’t want to call them dumb but there are a lot of people on the road that are only capable of thinking about themselves and don’t realize others exist.


I am a witness in the case this man describes where he got hit. The woman came full barrell off the freeway, almost hit me due to swerving into oncoming then took him out. I saw in my rearview and turned around. We both have major concerns for our safety in this intersection as this is a daily occurrence. Please sign if able, it's appreciated!


The 41st Street \* I-5 exchange is awful. People accidentally driving into the wrong lane coming off I-5NB is a frequent occurrence. The petitioner is right, this street needs a lot of safety overhauls.


Thanks for posting! I signed it. I hope more people will also. Everett seems to have a lot of accidents and a lot of badly designed areas. Another area just waiting for an accident to happen is by the high school. The street lights do a very poor job of lighting the area and the kids dress in all dark colored clothing, including hoodies over their heads. During the winter mornings, you can’t seem them until they are right in front of your headlights and they will just walk into the intersection assuming you can see them. Fortunately, I drive extremely carefully, but combine all that with the typical inexperienced teen driver and it’s a miracle no one has been killed there yet.


Signed it very unsafe area