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I think you are on the wrong sub




I don't get it


20/20 vision = perfect sight. He can’t “see the future”. Tomorrow is the first day of 2020 lol




Just so everyone knows 20/20 isn't perfect. It's just considered standard. You can have better than 20/20 vision


That is definitely not it bro. There’s no link between having perfect vision and seeing the future whatsoever, it is meant more like a program or an agenda usually used in political/administrative context, for instance a president or an organization would discuss their 2020 vision. I hope you get my point despite my poor writing skills.


Mmmm...no. There’s obviously no link between perfect vision and seeing the future, yes. It’s a play on words and the goofy image of the “guns” sign suggests he’s making a joke. Your interpretation wouldn’t be a joke. He’s also talking about “his” actions tomorrow (Jan 1 2020)...not the actions of any politician.


I think you just fell for it buddy.


His planned actions for the first day of the year is considered an agenda or a 2020 vision, the joke is still there because normal people aren’t supposed to have a 2020 vision. Plus the joke wouldn’t be funny if there was no link between having 20/20 vision and foreseeing your actions/plans/agenda for the year 2020, cmon.


What?! I thought one thing when I first saw it, but after reading this comment thread, I don’t know anymore.


What did you think the first time?


I thought it was play on words of 20/20 vision, but then this comment thread made me think “maybe it is about people not having a year 2020 vision since we are all procrastinators”


I’m too lazy to google the meme meaning. The 20/20 vision thing never occurred to me btw.


r/lostredditors lmao


This is reddit. That’s how memes work, the same joke told over and over again in different ways. That’s literally what a meme is.




Oh wow someone made a joke what a retard amirite Fuck off and let people have their fun.


This same joke has been made ~10000 times


And it applies now because it's the end of the year.


Just because it applies doesnt mean you should make it 10 thousand times with no change to the joke


It literally changed from 5 years to 4 years, to 3 years, to 2 years, to 1 year, and now to one day. For god's sake, at this point we might as well ban New Year's Eve, because it's been done 10 thousand times


Get the stick out of your ass for the new year


how the fuck r u supposed to change it?


I think it's hilarious tbh


Yeah it was, the first few thousand times


The whole point of the joke is to milk the crap out of it, it's amazing


I remember some memes in 2010 where it was the stoned guy and his job interviewer asked him where he saw himself in 10 years and the guy said “I don’t have 20/20 vision” and now I see it again, in 2019. A classic of our time.


I actually kinda appreciate this one, because i distinctly remember seeing it in 2015 saying “5 year’s time,” and I’m pretty sure people have edited over the same photo every year for 5 years now. Fun little niche in internet culture for a few of us who saw it years ago


Go to r/dankmemes, sort by new, you'll see it 8 or 9 times


Well theres your problem, you're on r/dankmemes


This joke is great stop being a sourpuss


He did it with an obvious intent to mock the 2020 vision joke look at the dude in the meme


r/punpatrol tho


Fuck i wanted to do that


I hate when people ask me what I’m going to be doing tomorrow, guys it’s not like I have 2013 vision