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The ice is just flavorless volume occupying space that could be filled with tasty beverage.


100% I feel NTs exist without questioning their environment.


My brain is always like: Why would you have more ice when you can have MOAR drink in your cup and MOAR bang for your buck? 😈 BTW don't do this for booze unless you want to become an alchy like I did (sober 3.5 years!) or know you aren't prone to over indulging in addictive substances/tendencies. Gimme all the Cherry Coke Zero, no ice!


Proud of you for getting sober!


The restaurant makes more money if it gives you less beverage


Counterpoint: it *cronch*


Yeah I only want ice if it's crushed ice that I can munch and crunch on and now since a doctor Oh a dentist I guess he fucked up my teeth I can't munch and crunch on ice so now I prefer no ice.


counterpoint: i broke a tooth doing this and had to pay for a filling :( also if you find yourself chewing ice daily get your iron levels checked. i did this for years and completely stopped when i started taking iron tablets. save your teeth


And it makes the beverage bland and watered down by the time it's done!


I've grown to appreciate it for when my drinks just aren't cold enough. Otherwise yeah, I definitely don't need a bunch.


That one's easy. It's the establishment screwing the customer. Less product = more profit.


i’m pretty sure that’s literally the point too saves the business money and people are too used to it to get mad


Drinks without ice honestly taste weird imo, they go warm faster and honestly the ice just makes the drink taste better, I always find drinking the pure beverage just lacks something and is far less enjoyable.


Same! I just got an ice maker for Christmas so I can have as much as I want whenever I want. For those who have the arguement of "it waters down the drink" I would offer, "slam the [beverage] you ordered and allow the ice to melt giving you [beverage] flavored water." I personally love the hint of [beverage] in water more than plain old water, but your tastes may not be mine.


Beverage companies don’t construct their recipe to be watered down. The rate it would needed to be drank would only be achievable at room temperature. Which I honestly prefer, but drinks generally come cold to the consumer. So why tf ice?!


Ice is to keep it cold, I have gotten many drinks that by the time they are done they aren't cold and nice anymore


So some prefer cold but watery over cool and accurate. I only say cool because typically by the time it’s warm it’s lost the carbonation. So watery and flat I assume is a wash.


The ice is just an extra snack on top of the drink (I dont get people who say teeth will break from eating ice, one tooth can survive like 300 tons of pressure, some very cold water is NOT gonna destroy them)


I find it acceptable only if there are no cold beverages. Then the thing Is drink it quickly before the ice melts AND waters it doesn't.


Usually I ask for no ice in the drink then separately ask for ice afterwards if it’s free


I always ask for it *with no ice*


Also it melts and waters down the bev


i don’t know how to explain it but ice adds texture to a few drinks, one of them being iced coffee. and maybe alcoholic drinks served on the rocks. but that’s it lol everything else i want no ice


Totally agree with both of those. I find it so weird that people will come up with these occasions for themed parties. Gender reveal parties are the weirdest to me.


Gender reveal parties are useless. Especially if the kid grows up and reveals a different gender to that 😂.


No then it needs to throw a new gender reveal party to fix the party its parents threw


Now that's a party trend I could get behind. Gender reveal coming out parties sound like a great time as long as it actually goes well.


I've heard of people doing this! I would go to that party


That is super weird to me too. Baby showers were already a thing.


Most NT people I know also think they’re weird, even going back to the earliest versions of the trend.


>Gender reveal parties are the weirdest to me. Even weirder when you consider they aren't actual gender reveals, but *sex reveal parties.*


Everyone needs to know what genitals the baby will have! It's very important! /j


And if it's a boy you better cut on his baby dick so other boys don't think he has a weird penis when he showers with them.


"Don't let his little head wear a hat!" They can come up with the weirdest euphemisms too for things just so they don't have to say the actual terms for it. When I was a kid I treated all sexually related terms as the equivalent of saying Voldemort in the Harry Potter universe because my parents didn't give me any kind of sex talk at all so it felt like they were that taboo to talk about in my house lol so relieved I managed to make it to college and learn better.




Gender reveal parties are literally just like in my personal opinion by the way to inflate the market for balloons and pink and blue colored shit and an excuse for other people to spend their money on children that aren't even their own


The idea that people have parties centered around a fetus's genitals is honestly the creepiest thing


And they just dress that fact up in pretty blue or pink bows and balloons. Like wtf.


The original gender reveal party was because the mother had previously had multiple miscarriages and wanted to celebrate the fact that her then-current pregnancy had progressed to the point that the sex of the baby could be determined. Which, to be fair, absolutely was a cause for celebration for her. It’s all the other pricks who misunderstood the purpose of a gender reveal party and twisted the concept into the hideous thing that it is today.


idk i just like an excuse for a party. gender reveal one’s are a bit odd but i love hen dos- i went to my mums one and we all dressed as pirates and got very drunk. honestly a great time


I call gender reveal parties genital reveal parties because that more accurately describes what's happening and it points out how creepy they are.


>I don't see why anyone would find a traditional bachelor/bachelorette party fun. If I was in love with someone I'd want to be with them the night before the wedding. For real though! I think that has something to do with heteronormative culture that sees mariage as being "tied down" to someone. Instead of you know, being deeply in love with someone and wanting to spend your life with them. So they celebrate their "last day of freedom" which is super weird tbh


It’s absolutely bizarre, unless they had an open relationship or polyamorous arrangement that for some reason has to end when they get married, weren’t they already exclusively monogamous and ‘tied down’ before then? Though from a feminist perspective I can understand anxieties about marriage and ‘feeling trapped’. My parents aren’t exactly happily married, and historically, marriage was actually invented to trap women, strip them of independence, and own them like property. So suddenly having anxieties about ‘being trapped’ might be fairly normal, especially for women, but I doubt this is the thought process for the majority of people who have stag/hen dos. Also, if it bothers you so much, why are you getting married??


>Also, if it bothers you so much, why are you getting married?? Because of heteronormativity. It's the default goal for people to enter a straight marriage for our society. Which sucks but what can we do (beside being gay af)(or just generally genuinely loving your partner)


And that’s a stupid reason. It’s 2024, just don’t get married if you don’t want to, don’t care for the institution of marriage, or don’t feel comfortable committing in that way. In Europe it’s not *too* uncommon for people who’ve been dating for years or even decades and may even live together to just not get married.


My own uncle actually is never getting married to his partner, and they're happy just like that. I plan to getting married one day, but it,s just because I'm really in love with my partner AND I care about the symbolism Anyway the cishet/NT christian normative culture is dumb af


Your uncle is based. And totally valid if you want to get married in the future out of love! Personally I feel ambivalent about marriage, I don’t feel comfortable with its historical and cultural associations with gender roles and the subjugation of women, but I think it’s neat to have an event celebrating your love for someone and in lots of countries you get tax benefits. I’m nowhere near thinking about marriage (don’t intend to even start thinking about it until I’m about thirty) so I’ll cross that bridge when I get there, but I’ve decided that if I get married I will refuse to let my dad walk me down the aisle and take pains to remove all gendered references from the documents, ceremony, etc. as I’m nonbinary. I’ve also toyed with the idea of getting engaged with a partner but not following through with an actual wedding so we can be all dramatic and call each other ‘my betrothed’.


I hope you can remove all that damn gender role! Me and my partner are both trans woman so we get away from the traditional gender norms of a wedding kinda by default. Plus if we ever do it, it's for sure gonna be a very small one (estranged family moment amirit)


Thanks! Wishing you and your partner the best of luck :) I hear you on the estranged family thing, sorry about that. Hopefully you’ll have an amazing found family though!


The word you're looking for is amatonormativity


Why is unsubscribing from things so damn hard? Why???? This should be illegal???


You see the reason is quite simple: money. They do it for money, but in general why are online forms so infuriatingly stupid in design, including the unsubscribing?


$$$ again. They want you to get flustered and give up trying to find out how to unsubscribe so they can get more of your sweet, sweet, moolah. They will also try to make you flustered over the phone so you give up too and it makes me pick the navigating the barely functional website every time lol.


Heck even when you are supposed to find something they make it like the unsubscribe button eventhough its in their interest for you to do it, its like Amazon hiding the add to cart button


I love ice. Crunch crunch. Agree w u on the second one tho. Absolutely everything about alcohol culture is weird, and I hate that people treat me like im weird for how I like to do things. The health impacts of alcohol depend solely on how much you drink and how often -- I do not get why the social perception doesn't reflect that. I hate hate being even slightly tipsy around other ppl, but being drunk on my own is so so fun. Which is the opposite of most ppl, so i have to moderate way I say to avoid looking like I have a problem. (and I can't acknowledge that I censor myself without looking worse! I know how much I drink and I follow the health department guidelines and rly I think I'm the normal one for tracking exactly how many grams of alcohol I am consuming, and how many I need to consume for the intended effect.)


Agree on both counts, cronch monch and alcohol culture is weird. My family and my partner's family both drink so much, it's so odd to me. I just don't see any appeal to alcohol, either the taste or the effect. Basically all alcohol that I've tried had tasted horrible because of the alcohol content, it's so repulsive. But then there are people who drink casually just about every day. I just don't get it, what's the appeal?


Alcohol completely removes my anxiety. I don't drink much because I never want to become reliant on it, but I love the feeling when I do, and many other autistic people and other generally anxious people do too. The taste is now associated with that feeling.


I do like the taste of many types of alcohol, but I drank vinegar as a kid so my taste buds are weird xD besides that, it's just fun to be drunk. It makes me a lot less anxious, and makes it easier to just not think. Dreadful when I'm trying to keep up the mask in public, but very fun for when I want to stim and have a good time privately. I like fucking w my brain ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That's totally fair! I just can't ever get over the alcoho/burningl taste of alcohol even if the flavor is otherwise nice and don't ever get drunk enough to have fun with it. I'm always sober when everyone else is drunk which is never fun, so maybe that's why I've got such a negative perception


Understandable! Have you tried lower percentage drinks like beer and cider, or mixed drinks like rum and coke or gin and lemonade? There's several options around 5% abv, and I don't usually notice burning with them. Ofc there's no need to start drinking if you don't want to, but if you do want to try it.


I do language and math problems in my head to determine how drunk I am.


I had a bachelor party about a week before my wedding. It consisted of grilling some burgers and hanging out in my backyard with some drinks. That was cool. Basically just another Saturday night with my two friends. On the flip side, I was asked to be the designated driver for a friend of a friend bachelor party. That party consisted of copious bottles of liquor and going to a strip club. That was drunken insanity that I never want to be a part of again. Dude's wife would probably divorce him if she knew. I also happen to live near a major southeastern US city that has quickly become know for hosting Bachelorette parties. (aka "Woo girls") I've seen otherwise pretty girls puking in the streets, then get up and loudly proclaim "Wooooo!" before hitting the next bar. I don't get the appeal at all. ..and, yeah, keep the ice out of my water. My teeth can't handle the extreme cold. I've even been told I'd be charged extra for no ice. Stupid.


Drinks full of ice are so that the drink gets colder, the ice melts just a bit, and then you start drinking, im guessing that the intention with ice-filled drinks is that youre having a conversation while drinking and that you wouldnt drink the entire thing in one second.


I think they’re talking non-alcoholic drinks. Like if you pay for a drink, you get more drink and less ice/water. The same thing applies to alcoholic drinks too really.


It's even worse with alcoholic drinks...


Even if I'm in a conversion I still drink the whole thing in one go because I hate having the glass in my hand or keeping track of where I left it


But what about when it's freezing outside and your hands are already numb from the cold? They serve drinks the same when it's a heat wave and when there's a blizzard.


People don't make it a habit of eating, drinking, or especially having bach/bach-ette parties outside when it's cold, especially if there are strippers to temp. the guest of honor. In a car, it warm fast and can get hot. A restaurant hvac is also usually in heat mode when cold too, unless full with people, or poorly insulated from from kitchen air and walls heating the seating thermostat areas, etc. Alcohol is about the only drink I can think of served at room temperature. Coffee was always hot until Starbucks and Tim Hortons came along, I had only seen one person drink ice coffee, ever. A friend of my mom in the 70s during the summer added ice cubes to the top of the glass for strong hot coffee and cream. Had to be careful not to heat shock the glass and crack or shatter it. Ice is more costly than the syrup, because of the energy used to produce the ice and keep in cold.


Why, in the year of our lord 2024, do so many things still require phone calls?


I agree. I'm fine making phone calls but I see also why fewer things should have to be in person too.


non-necisary uniforms


i eat the ice i love the crunch so much


I like ice in water but hate it in anything else. If I get a glass of Coke why would I want to give myself a strict time limit to finish before it becomes watered down? It comes out of the fountain cold already, ice just fucks up the flavor in a matter of minutes. I saw the light when I visited Germany in high school and learned that Europeans don't usually put ice in their drinks. It just... makes so much sense, I thought it was an obligation before


Kisses on both cheeks. How did this even become a thing? There is absolutely nothing enjoyable about it for anyone!


I met someone from Colombia the other day that made it feel nice. Like whenever she arrives somewhere she takes the time to do it with each person. It seems super useful, it slows things and establishes a loving setting. Reminded me of my grandma giving everyone a big kiss


I hate drinks filled with ice especially if the drink is already cold. You get less drink when there is more ice and if you wait long enough the ice melts and makes the drink watery. Ice makes sense sometimes but when it has half the amount of ice as the cup it’s just annoying


I've always thought bachelor/ette parties are dumb and really just marriage in general. A lot of cis-het relationship traditions or rules don't make any sense to me. I'm a nonbinary autistic polyamorous lesbian.


Absolutely. The fact that people enjoy the idea that they or their partner would need to hire a lawyer to leave is baffling to me. Sounds like a hostage situation! I’ve known several people trapped in a marriage for years because they know the battle the other person would put them through. That’s not love.


ice is only acceptable in water, any other drink is never ok. also, I like munching on ice it is far superior to drinking water.


I like that most here are against tons of ice being in every drink and have standards on what should and shouldn't have ice.


I agree with all of this, especially the parties. If you dislike the other person so much that you have to have one more hurrah by doing sketchy shit that borders on cheating and liver damage, before the 'ball and chain' then why are you getting married???? I will say that a buddy of mine had a combined party for both bride and groom, and it included axe throwing and an escape the room, and that was awesome as heck.


I'm interested in that.


In a number of cultures finishing all the food on your plate from something someone else made for you is considered rude if you’re not going to eat anymore because it supposedly implies that you haven’t been given enough, as if you couldn’t simply state that you’re satisfied. In other cultures, it’s just normal to regularly waste a bunch of food that you were foolish enough to buy or pile onto your plate yourself like it’s nothing, irrespective of manners. Do they just like to look at the food or something? Does it somehow make them feel better about themselves? It only makes sense to choose the food you plan to eat then eat that food. This applies to both the quantity and type of food, except in occasions where you’re intentionally trying something new. Not all of either instances are in surplus societies mind you, which makes even less sense.


I agree with this so hard. I hate eating with people who are like "What are you doing?". I never want to be in a culture where I'm not allowed to finish my food. It just feels so good to finish. There are some cultures where you aren't supposed to save leftovers too. If I have food I wan to finish it.


I like the ice .


I can't do drinks unless they are ice cold or hot AF. So all the ice please.


warm water set out in hotels WHY THERE IS A MINI FRIDGE




Downvote me all you want, but walking your dog on a leash. It's just pure evil to put a collar on another living being, a short leash, and control their every step. Watching the lights turn off in dog's eyes when a dog wants to smell something or go into another direction, or just stay and they try to pull and they struggle, but the human just always wins, breaks my heart into a million pieces. It's sadistic slavery and you will never convince me otherwise.


I mildly feel this. I went to Vancouver Canada once and let a dog give me a tour of the city. The dog was on a leash but I just ran when the dog wanted to run and walked when the dog wanted to walk. We walked for like 4 hours or more. I miss that dog and I don't think he'd ever had a walk like that before. I wish every dog got to experience a "free" walk where they decide how long the walk lasts and where we go. I am not a pet owner.


You're a good person. I offer to dog sit to all my friends just to give dogs a break like this too. We should start a movement.


That would be awesome. I know a lot of autistic people but I wish I knew more in the Seattle area. I feel the dog I walked in Vancouver would have died off leash haha. Eventually when we got tired I think both of us were confused on where home was. He immediately laid down in the kitchen and took a nap when we got back.


Oh God, so once Airbnb hosts of the cabin I rented for a summer a few years ago asked if their cat could stay with me for a week. I don't get cats, I don't understand them, but I felt awkward so I said yes. They made it very clear that it's an indoor cat. However 😂 I would spend my weekdays working on a porch with my laptop, and the cat would just stare at me and mew and cry and beg to join. After 2-3 days of feeling like the most heartless person in the world, I let it sit with me on the porch for a few hours. Cat was super scared of the world, so it would just sit on my lap. All good. Day 5 it starts exploring around the porch. I send it back to the house. Day 6 it goes to smell some bushes right outside, I'm watching him carefully, when suddenly a freaking rabbit jumps out of the bushes and runs into the forest, and so does the cat 😭😭😭 I run after them, nothing. I go searching for him - nothing. It didnt come back that day. Next morning I wake up to a text from Airbnb hosts saying they're coming to pick him up at 11. I go around the whole forest with cat treats, calling his name, terrified of what I'm going to tell them. Nothing. Defeated, I come back to the cabin. Only to see the little f#cker sitting on the porch like nothing happed, COVERED IN WEBS AND LEAVES and sticks, and God knows what 😂 and it looks at me like "what, I've been here the whole time!". It's 10.30. He made it. We decided to keep this between us.


Speaking as someone who thought like that before having a doggo: It being illegal to have a dog off leash in my country outside of designated areas aside, I don't want her hit by a car, or bitten by a snake (Australian snakes can be seriously bad news, and she has a history of just picking them up like a stick), or to end up lost, or worse. Having a leash on keeps her safe and doesn't stop her from enjoying the walk. You definitely don't want them off leash before learning consistent recall, to add. My pup can easily stop and sniff (or... pee on usually) all the bushes and flowers and posts along the way. You don't have to expect them to heel the whole time, other than being considerate of cars and other people passing, or hazards on the path if you run into any. You can also let them pick the route on a leash, I do with mine, and there are extendable leashes for places like beaches or parks that offer more running/exploration space (though it's important to make sure you don't get in anyone's way when using them).


Nope. Still a no for me.


Iced coffee, iced lattes, and iced mochas. I only like my coffee drinks hot or in frap form. Ice just dilutes the flavors as it melts if it's not full-on blended!!☕ Note: I get some iced drinks like iced tea, but never for coffee or coffee-based beverages specifically.🧋




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Ok I get that ice is added because it's cheaper than the drink, but I like crunching on it