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There's a disturbing amount of people who are all for eugenics and darwinism.


No they are totally right, only the strongest should survive. Meaning, humans should go extinct and bugs rule the world


Huh? You realise the position we're in right now(me sending a message towards you an undisclosed amount of distance away at the speed of light) is evidence of human dominance on earth.


Yes but consider this What if you were covered in bugs this very second?


Bug spray.


Yeah but we have a hilariously redundant, incomplete, and fragile genome & rely extensively on the genetic diversity and presence of microbial communities that have colonized various parts of our body (:  No bugs no internet


I find most NTs support both, they just do not explicitly label it that way.


Mildly pedantic, but Darwin wasn’t a social darwinist and shouldn’t be associated with eugenics


Darwin was a sensible person, so much so that when On the Origin of the Species was first published critics at the time said the book had been written by a woman. Also, the last chapter of the book is basically a plea asking people not to use his theory on human society or humans in general, as he was very afraid his findings would lead to the downfall of civilization. (I used to have a special interest in him.)


Darwin’s rhetoric was highly conducive to it, and he had a jealous family member who was rabidly racist and promoted a lot of the theories behind eugenics - in any case I don’t see him as good so much as I see him as embodying the less virulent ideas of his time but was still biased & incomplete in his consideration of evolution. Natural selection must act on a genetically diverse population to yield increased fitness. You don’t get tolerance of high genetic diversity without mutual cooperation within and across species to find ideal niches. Natural selection forever without anything else only leads to extinction. Speciation is a different story & requires less competition not more (ie populations become partially or wholly separated & evolve divergently within new niches). Sincerely, a humble biologist with an opinion.


I thought Darwinism was natural selection and evolution? Not unnatural eugenics. Correct me if I’m wrong


If you by darwinism mean let people die who in nature would only live due to "divine intervention" as religious people see it, "luck" as a gambler would call it or my personal favorite "staistics doing its thing, until death catches up with them" I am all for it


Cringe bait-tier post


Bait used to be believable


"If you by darwinism mean let" ..............


Breaking news: Guy says 'words'


I have an allistic friend who told me to try neuroplasticity to cure my autism


tf does that even mean ?? sorry they told you that


I think neuroplasticity is just the brain’s ability to change with growth


neuroplasticity is the brains ability to grow and prune. It’s related to things like the ability to learn, remember, and adapt to change. Autism is typically characterized with excess neuroplasticity though so it would not help


Wh --- Hold on, guys, lemme just alter my nervous system real quick. Like????


I had to take a college class that talked about neuroplasticity like half the time and honestly I would have forgotten that I’m a pacifist if that happened to me.


My mum was watching a Tedtalk about bacteria causing autism, and how giving yogurt to children helps reduce the symptoms. They talked about rats brain scans and stuff being scienced on too. The logic sounded sound, but I'm questioning the science it was based off of. Like c'mon, isn't Tedtalk meant to be mainly motivational click bait but otherwise okay? At least giving yogurt to kids isn't as bad as ABA.


I read a critical breakdown of that research and it boiled down to- lots of autistic children also have digestive issues, when these issues were treated some of the children seemed “less autistic” according to their criteria. In other words, the autistic children in the study became more cheerful and sociable when they weren’t suffering and in pain. Like no shit!


Yeah, that's pretty obvious. Especially when digestive issues are tied to anxiety. I'm glad you took the time to read it, I mostly scoffed at it, thought "should society be scared about a potential NT causing bacteria too?" and then wandered away.




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try to stop being autistic, that might help /s


Revolutionary! Why don't autistic people just stop beinf autistic??? /s


yeah, knock it off, you!!


How do you induce neuroplasticity? Give yourself brain damage until your brain requires itself enough to somehow become neurotypical?


NTs seem to always forget that if you've met one disabled person, you've met *one* disabled person.


"Wow, you're so different from my autistic 6-year-old nephew!" Yes, generally 27-year-old women tend to behave differently to 6-year-old boys. I'm glad I could help you make this monumental discovery.


also, non-physically disabled people thinking they have all the say over physically disabled people because "we both have disabilities!!". i have been told that i, a person who struggles to stand for more than 2 minutes, have the exact same level of difficulty as someone with sensory issues. I ALSO HAVE SENSORY ISSUES YOU DIPSHIT?? AND THATS NOT EVEN A VALID POINT.


Gotta love the "if I were physically disabled, people would take my problems seriously!" rhetoric shit too. Like, no. Physically disabled people get dismissed all of the time too. Stop throwing physically disabled people under the bus for some point that isn't even valid!


In my experience, the actual divide there is chronic vs. acute, not mental vs. physical


100%. When i broke my knee, people fawned over me and hoped i would get better soon (and i am physically well again). I receive much less understanding when it comes to my mental health from the same demographics of people.


It depends on if you have a visible physical disability or not (and if it’s chronic or acute as another person commented) . I had to get my femur rotated and stayed in a wheelchair for about 6 months and crutches for an extra 3-ish months because my insurance took ages for me to get physical therapy again, but I never got a “you’re just making it up”, a “just try harder”, or a “stop crying for no reason” comment until I could walk again and my physical disabilities went back to being invisible


Though I have to confess that I have been taken more seriously since I became *visibly* physically disabled! 15 years I have had major knee damage that has continually been getting worse, 2 years ago I finally got a knee brace that I have been needing all along. Same damage, same need suddenly people take me seriously because I’m wearing a huge ass carbon fibre exoskeleton aka knee brace to replace my torn ACL. Yet tearing off the ACL is the primary injury primary that I first got, the one that started all the others that followed. All the other injuries are secondary, wear and tear due to the instability caused by the torn ACL. it was the same with my husband, he suffered from chronic pain for years. But once he started showing visible physical symptoms suddenly people took him seriously, he started shaking, and he lost muscle control and strength and voila suddenly it was believed that he was in pain and struggling with everyday tasks by people around us. My own parents knew I had to shower and dry him because he was in so much pain he was unable to by himself and yet they expected him to function normally all the time until the shaking started. Once I showed them that suddenly they took him seriously and started accepting that he couldn’t carry stuff or walk long distances. With my knee brace suddenly they accepted that walking was hard for me. I got it once I no longer could fucking walk even 20 meters!!! I had had a major limp for years! My got damn knee was constantly cracking and crunching, LOUDLY! Every step made those sounds. Your fucking knee isn’t supposed to sound like lots cracking in fire or dry sticks snapping or branches breaking, should be obvious since none of theirs was and none was! Yet I was still mocked relentlessly for claiming there to be something wrong with my knee. You know what wrong? Everything! Everything except for my knee cap and the cartilage holding it in place is absolutely and permanently fucked! It is the only part that isn’t injured and every fucking thing else has extreme and permanent damage. It’s also more than twice the size of my other knee and I can push my bones out so they are visibly sticking out 1-2 inches through the skin by simply tensing the calf muscle while sitting down. As in tensing the calf muscle physically pushes the bones in my lower leg forward way way out of place. And if you sit cross legged your knee is supposed to have a rounded shape, mine doesn’t, not the bad knee, it’s fucking square. And yet none of that was enough. But a contraption that causes bleeding blisters and friction burns and cuts permanently attached to me. That finally did it. Motherfucking unbelievable! Still dismissed a lot though. And blamed.


Holy shit. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I have long Covid, and I'm disabled, but I would never compare myself to someone who needed a wheelchair.


Ugh, god. I've seen that too before... That's not even comparing oranges to apples. The way that both things are experienced aren't even comparable. And I don't mean this in a "one is worse" way. I mean it in a "completely unrelated, so far apart that I don't even know how someone can establish a bridge between both things" way. Like, the struggles, the intensity, the way and place that it is felt are so different that it makes no sense to compare it. Unless ofc, it's just malicious intentions and to silence individuals with physical disabilities. I think I slightly understand the way you feel. Not comparing and not in the same level at all but, for the past 2 years and a half, I've slowly been losing mobility in my joints and have had a shitton of tendon issues, the worst being my hands. It's painful as hell too. Sometimes it won't even let me sleep or I'll wake up repeatedly from the pain. It's also a little terrifying as I heavily depend on my hands for my studies and future work. All this and I'm only 22 years old. I have no clue what is happening as all my medical exams show up clear. The way I feel about both that and sensory issues is in completely different lanes. I don't think I could consider any of them worse, as both of them can make me just lay in bed all day without being able do to anything. It's just a day of pain and mind fog. This is where I think your situation might differ. From what you mentioned, your physical disability is a constant thing. It doesn't come and go. That's a whole different situation. I think that dealing with something that's constantly there is much more exhausting and painful. There's no way to avoid it or protect yourself against it. So again, it's an unfair comparison to you and all people with physical disabilities that affect them 24/7. Let me know if I'm wrong in anything I've said. I have no intention of being like the people you talked about. Like I said, I've also noticed the same thing. One of the reasons why I left some asd/adhd focused spaces. I saw way too many comparisons between people who had to use wheelchairs and asd/adhd symptoms and or treatments. It's not the same and it will never be. It feels as if they were using people with physical disabilities to further their points and nah, that's stinky to me. Oof, sorry for the rant. My adhd meds wore off a while back so I'm just all over the place rn.


Sorry but the "I ALSO HAVE SENSORY ISSUES YOU DIP SHIT??" made me cackle. I imagine some person screaming that in the middle of a room. Enjoy ur day


haha, thank you! wishing you the same❤


"Allistic people would *never* bully you for being autistic, but they'll sure bully you for being "weird" or "awkward."" Read that somewhere a long time ago and it's always stuck with me. Most allistics would, of course, say that they're all for mental health awareness...until they actually see what it is they have to be "aware" of.


They gave a pep rally about autism awareness once in high school. It was rather loud and they called on "all autistic students to please stand up and he recognized". I was definitely aware of my autism tho


This is the perfect metaphor for “well-meaning” activism lol… Literally no sensory accommodations and a scopohobia trigger to boot, but hey, at least we’re all clapping for you! I can’t even.


My only solace was the fact that it happened to be on a 4/20 so I was too blazed out of my mind to get overwhelmed


You can't win with these people. If you have a physical disability, you get dismissed for...whatever BS reason is in vogue now. If you have a mental disability, you get dismissed because "it's not visible" and "it's all in your head" and all that crap. If you agree with them, you get patronized. If you disagree with them, you get fucked over. If you conform to their standards, you get held up as an example to fuck over *other* disabled people with. If you don't conform, they exclude you and try to forget you exist. There's just no way to win...except for nuking them. I vote for nuking them.


Exactly this. This is why I wish disabled people ran the world.


Every single mental health advocacy person would writhe and squirm if you spoke to them about intrusive thoughts or suicidal ideation. On the topic of disability, I've noticed that ableism is the only socially acceptable "ism" even in progressive circles. In my experience people will object to someone being openly or discretely sexist, racist, homophobic - but keep quiet or even actively participate in blatant ableism.


Turns out giving professionals a reason to see mentally ill and suicidal people as a liability leads to them dehumanizing us and turns it into an us vs. them situation :) Who would have known Also, sad but true. No one gives a single fuck about ableism because mentally ill and disabled people are inherently seen as dangerous and inconvenient, no matter how much evidence to the contrary there is


promote mental health til someone with major depressive disorder is a bit irritable


Or it’s fine if you get a bit anxious in public but the minute you say you experience hallucinations and delusions you’re a crazy psycho freak


The way they talk about lower-empathy autistics and other low-empathy disorders sickens me. Autistic people are some of the only people, other than people w/ NPD or ASPD who tend to understand that the whole "HOW to spot an EVIL NARCISSIST" "How to TELL when you're DEALING with a SOCIOPATH SICKO SERIAL KILLER IN THE MAKING" shit is actually really weird and not okay. Whenever I bring it up with neurotypicals they say something like "well the DSM-5 says that NARCISSISTS are INHERENTLY TERRIBLE PEOPLE" (it doesn't) or they say I'm "invalidating the experiences of victims of abuse" (Just because your boyfriend was a dick doesn't mean he had npd, kathy, I'm not denying that your bf was abusive). The only people with higher empathy that I've been able to explain the difference between *empathy* and *compassion/sympathy* to have been autistic or neurodivergent. I'm not sure how to explain to them that they're not "mental health advocates" when they talk about how evil narcissists are and tell schizophrenic people weird stuff to purposefully make them paranoid.


It's just so fucking weird. Considering most people who have personality disorders are abuse victims, this is just another way that the mental health system and the DSM is just unapologetically shitty to abuse victims and actively creates more stigma, rather than erases it. And, it's true that the DSM-5 does not have any criteria saying that NPD is essentially "bad person disorder".... But how many professionals end up diagnosing people they don't like with a PD, knowing full well what the stigma is? Unfortunately, while it is true that autistic people are more likely to understand the empathy/sympathy delineation, there's a lot of weirdo ableist "aspie supremacy" type idiots who hate people with PDs. Which, a lot ableism against people with PDs is very similar to ableism against autistic people, so you'd think people would know better. But nope. So many ableist losers in these autism subs.


"The only people with higher empathy that I've been able to explain the difference between empathy and compassion/sympathy to have been autistic or neurodivergent." [Edit forgot how to quote on mobile so I'm just using regular quote marks] It makes a weird kind of sense. Regardless of how strongly any of us feel emotional empathy specifically we tend to show it in different ways compared to expected nt norms, so face similar stigma regardless. Personally, even though I've always felt emotional empathy strongly, when I was younger people used to interpret me as outright malicious instead.   Imho it seems like most nt people rely heavily on adherence to social norms in order to understand others, ironically, rather than cognitive empathy/compassion.


They give the most cookie cutter advice and if you say it doesn’t work then they say you don’t want to get better and you don’t want anyone to get better


Lots of people are all for 'promoting mental health' until the mental health is 'bad' enough to be classified as a disorder. Then its too much for them and they would rather pretend it doesnt exist or that you brought this upon yourself somehow.


They use the word 'schizo' and act like manic episodes are a personal failure. They push someone to the edge and then get mad when they survive the attempt.


A place I used to go to for mental health services was overall pretty good and I found a good therapist there I'm still meeting with even after she moved to another company, but there were a few select employees there that I could not stand. One of them put up a "Sitting is the new smoking" sign in one of the group conference rooms, the implication being that sitting is bad for you and will cause disease and early death and we should stand instead. I went to group therapy with more than one person who needed a mobility aid to get around and obviously couldn't stand for long periods of time. What a disgusting, ableist slap in the face to those people. Just from working retail and having to stand for hours on end I wanted to slap the person who put up that sign. They were clearly NT people who went into working in healthcare having lived relatively safe, easy lives, and believed that any mental health condition could be cured by "eating right and getting enough exercise." And the insidious thing here is that there is a grain of truth in there -- taking care of my physical needs can help my mental state. But it's not a cure. It doesn't fix or change anything. It tends to just keep my depression from getting worse. Not to mention these people were completely oblivious to the barriers that such a "simple" treatment actually entails. People coming here for help don't have the time, money, energy, or desire to make a fresh, healthy meal every day. People coming here for help don't have the time, money, energy, or desire to go to a gym to work out a few days a week (not even to get into all the reasons gyms are sensory nightmare zones). And when I would try to explain the barriers that prevent me from doing these things? It's like talking to a brick wall. The idea that someone doesn't just inherently enjoy grocery shopping for fresh produce and cooking at home baffles them. The idea that someone thinks of driving out to a gym to perform monotonous lifting and cardio exercise akin to actual torture is anathema to them. They love these things and they're soooo happy and healthy (which I doubt, or they wouldn't feel the need to justify it to themselves and everyone around them so much), so if you do what they do than surely you'll be happy too! And when I told them, "I've tried that before and all it did was make me exhausted and miserable and hate my body," suddenly it's all your fault and your problem because you must not be doing it right or you're just lazy so no wonder you're so miserable. I fucking hate these kinds of people so much. And they're IN the mental health care system! They should KNOW BETTER, but ableism is still the stronger force in their mind.


The amount of customers at my last job that were impatient, snappy, and insulting to me, an autistic person, while wearing those puzzle piece pins during autism awareness month was nauseating. One woman yelled that my job was easy when she had to wait for her drink for a normal amount of time. I was one autistic person, working at a coffee/juice/smoothie/desert bar alone (skeleton crew) ,with broken equipment, no help, no cashier, running out of stock as I went along, with customers yelling at me from the bakery. Autism awareness was just a fashion accessory they wear for praise.


This kind reminds of the teacher I saw wearing a "protect trans kids" T-shirt when all of the teachers in her program (special education for "troubled kids") would misgender me all of the time despite the fact that I thought it was safe enough to come out to them. :) Yeah, that was "interesting" to say the least.




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Most mental health rhetoric is fake platitudes rather than anything genuine, a lot of NTs think mental health is either "give them drugs or lock them up in a hospital and they will get better", or "they are faking it for attention and it's just an excuse", ultimately mental health diagnosis is still hugely stigmatized, even in otherwise progressive circles, the amount of "I support science so support eugenics against autistic people" or "Criminals all have mental health issues so we should force more people with the conditions to go to psych wards" is disturbing.


In my experience in the dating world, so many people won't consider you anymore unless you are actively in therapy. It's really just yet another wealth barrier


You are talking about my family. I hate them.


I sent a letter to the minister of school in my country and asked if how I and one of my friends were treated was okey, and they said that they hade a plan to substantially increase students mental health and treatment of people with disabilities, but I looked at that agreement that they cited and it doesn't say in any way how to do it, it did say that they wanted to increase test scores, and they never said anything about the specific thing I pointed out in the letter I sent.


This goes both ways. I’ve seen higher level autistic people called ableist for wishing their was a cure for their symptoms, or being happy with their personal experience of ABA - autistics aren’t a hive mind


THIS! This so much




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as a mentally ill person, i have concluded im a bad person. if you have mental health issues, it's YOUR responsibility to get help to change them. your mental health isn't an excuse to be an asshole. ok, so i haven't gotten help, and i seemingly cant make myself. i also know my neurotic tendencies can be harmful to other people. so i know that i am the bad person and the problem, and my best course of advice is to isolate myself from everyone i know and limit my interactions, that way i wont hurt them. yet my family and friends get upset by this and say i "need" to get help. but i dont want to, then they get mad at me. and suddenly im still the bad person. even after i've tried to accept im a bad person and people would be better off without me, people still try to claw into my life and "save me" but all they are doing, is forcing interaction from me, that makes me behave neurotically, which in turn >>>> makes me a bad person. people dont have to deal with crazy people's bullshit. im crazy, and i know crazy when i see it, and i don't want to include those people in my life, because they will act crazy, and i dont want to pick up their slack. i wish people would let me passively waste away