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I eat burgers slowly turning them clockwise, like in a spiral.


That’s actually a decent idea, the middle tends to be the best part. Shit, I might try that myself next time.


i simply eat it in 4 bites so the middle is evenly dispersed


NO - This is a pattern. There is another. I've seen these marks before. Some people on the spectrum do deglove their iced dairy treats, removing the skin to expose the soft, vulnerable ice cream within.




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Wtf are u doin.


Also, with the bigger burgers every bite seems to push the fillings out the opposite side a little so going around the burger keeps the fillings relatively centered


Exactly. Perfection.


The only way


This is the best way! And you don’t have all the sauce dripping out


I believe in the superiority of rotating my food.


I do that with sandwiches, that way I get the crust out of the way first and can enjoy a crustless sandwich afterwards


Came here to say this! Burgers, sandwiches, etc. Even tacos I eat the outside edges and work my way in, lol.


Used to do this still do sometimes.


You have to! Else the meat is going to slip away from the other side


This is the morally and logically correct way to do it. Chocolate = bite, ice cream ≠ bite (bad tooth feel). Embrace that you are a superior being who understands how to eat food correctly.


And the other way doesn’t work anyway?? The shell cracks in multiple places, and I have to frantically catch the falling pieces??


That is me with anything that has a breading/outer layer. I eat the breadding off chicken and fish before the meat. With grilled cheeses I will eat the upper slice first and then the bottom one and the cheese.


That's just the normal way of eating it. I eat pancakes by dipping them in soup first, preferably Kartoffelsuppe or borscht. ~~Sry for the Russian/German words, idk how to accurately translate them. You can Google these, you'll know what I mean~~


блинчики = pancakes борщ = borscht / borsjt = a soup with beetroot


i love you


Blinchiki is closer to crepes


And this is why I didn't translate it at first. Just too unprecise


You are right, but in the Netherlands [these](https://images.app.goo.gl/GmqnosNj9HczW8me9) are called pancakes (pannekoeken) which are closer to crepes too.


Thanks dude


Kartoffelsuppe = potato soup


It's not just any potato soup tho, just saying


Then, German potato soup perhaps?


I like croissants in milk :)


What are pancakes if not a weird form of bread


i’m learning russian and i’m not a fan of pancakes but blini is far superior, made it twice both times in russian class (so lucky to have especially living in new mexico lol)


Borscht is Ukrainian food and word accordingly. There is Russian equivalent, which is called **«shi»** and tastes the same way as it sounds. It’s equally hurtful like saying that “burrito” is an “ ~~English~~ American language word”


See, I'm talking about food, not politics. Borscht is a word used in the Russian language, thus it's Russian. Same way location is English when it's really Latin. Who cares who made the dish first? Let's fucking eat it in peace >It’s equally hurtful like saying that “burrito” is an “ English American language word” Nobody's gonna be hurt if you say that, they're gonna think you're dumb as hell Also, fuck you for making me write this


I do this with 3 Musketeers bars and kitkats!


With kitkats I do that then eat the inside layer by layer


Oh my god childhood memory unlocked


I eat all of the chocolate from around the sides of each piece of Kit Kat, then bite into the rest of it. I like to taste more of the wafer (this is especially satisfying with a Big Kat!). Glad I’m not the only one with unique Kit Kat habits!




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My parents used to tell me I ate like a mouse because I use two hands for everything


thats cute actually :3


I’m glad someone likes it


i do trex arms :3


I pull the skins off grapes and eat them separately. It's just fun to me


i do that with tangerines, and lemons, and oranges, i have to eat the skin first and eat every single one of the juice sacs by themselves. this is also why i can only eat hard fruits, can't eat mushy its disgusting


I used to do that a lot, I still do it but secretly.


OMG I DO THIS TOO!!! plus, eating the topping of a pizza before the pizza, and chewing straws :3


I do the opposite. At first I bite both the chocolate and ice cream before I suck the ice cream out and eat the empty chocolate husk. I will also eat KitKats without breaking them apart, and peel the entire top of a pizza (cheese and toppings) and eat that before eating the bread. I eat pizza like this to max out the sauce I get. Oh, and I eat frozen burritos with a spoon.


These comments make me physically cringe and I couldn't be more proud. I would always eat the chocolate off the outside of the Klondike bars and be left with a square of melting ice cream


I punch out the middle of my reeses. Eat the outside "crust," first. Then have the delicious (the good part) middle left.


For sandwiches, I eat the border first and then the inside


i eat the entire kiwi, i eat the outer layer of ferrero roche first, i eat hotdogs with exactly 6 lines of mustard, first 3 then twist the hotdog then 3


I peel the skins off of 3 musketeers and then slurp the nougat log down lol


The skins lol


I start with the stick then the ice cream then chocolate.




i don't eat anything in a particularly odd way, sorry


Freezing my oreos for extra crunch or peeling the, uh, skirt (uhh) off the choco Leibniz before devouring it


I nibble the chocolate off of reeces cups until it's just peanut butter then I roll it into a ball and eat that. Also I'm allergic to peanuts.


wish i could eat the chocolate last😔


I eat ice cream sandwiches by licking the inner ice cream sideways or eating it out with a spoon, and then eating the biscuit last.


Swallow, not chewing because you dislike its texture. I also prefer to chomp down on fruits directly if the skin was edible. I eat watermelon with spoon. 😅 And I hold the spoon like a stick. NT teacher hated it.


Wait I thought that was the normal way to eat it?!


I yoink the stick out of those before eating them, the stick is awful to bite down on


is that not the normal way?


I thought everyone ate it that way


I eat cookie dough ice cream by eating the ice cream first and sucking the ice cream off of the cookie dough balls and spitting them out so they get saved for last 😅


I would peel the skin from chicken nuggets with my teeth and leave the flesh undisturbed until I have skinned all of my nuggets. I eat the skin before I eat the meat


I eat the chocolate off the sides and tops of kitKat bars then the wafer inside. no breakage


I do this with 3 Musketeers bars and kitkats!


kitkats are all about nibbling all of the external chocolate off and then eating each wafer layer one by one


I like to eat the breading around the hotpocket first. i eat the plain, uncheesed chips before the cheesed chips in nachos




I get all the banana peel off, throw the peel in a bin, then eat the main part of the banana


I like to gently bite off all the chocolate coating then eat the ice cream. It’s like that for anything coated


Sometimes If I get kaiser rolls, I not only eat them on their own, but I'll peel up the top layer of crust, eat that, and then eat the rest of the roll with the sift inner part exposed. It's so yummy oml


Sometimes I peel off the skin of grapes with my teeth Also with perogies I like to eat them in multiple ways, sometimes I’ll eat the edge first, then unwrap the noodle from the potato stuff and eat those separately, sometimes I’ll split it open the opposite way, sometimes I’ll eat the potato then the noodle, and sometimes I’ll actually eat them together https://preview.redd.it/1g8b66sgce5d1.jpeg?width=731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c76352bcbda985879d93641ac0c9fae9f7e5a2c Specifically these pirogies


I also like dipping croissants and graham crackers in milk and cheese cubes and French fries in carmel


i do the same thing but with corndogs


1. Take your custard cream, holding it such that the writing is upright. 2. Place the bottom row of your teeth underneath the top-left corner of the top biscuit. 3. Pull upwards to snap the corner off, and eat. 4. Repeat, moving anti-clockwise around the corners. 5. Turn the biscuit over and repeat, moving clockwise from the top-right corner. 6. Eat the centre.


circle around burgers so i have the middle last, bite chocolate off of the outside of kitkats and then eat the wafer (it's fun, don't judge me)


I eat pizza by first a taking bit from the front, then I eat the crust and only then I get to the middle. I didn't even notice that as something weird until my friends pointed it out to me


It's more fun that way. I also like to deconstruct my nutty buddies one layer of at a time


I eat salmon by eating it by eating the flesh layers as the pieces.


Eating pizza from the crust to the middle part


I eat the peal of the aple first, than 2/3 of the good stuff, than the inner part and the last bites are perfect aple taste. Also there is a right patern to eat my "jelly beans" or similar mixed sweets.


I eat the pizza crust first




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I used to scalp my pizza before eating just the cheese, in one piece, then the scalped dough, then the crust. It felt like more pizza.


I eat the Avocado pit first, then the green stuff


i bite into an uncrustable, squeeze out all the filling, then eat the rest of it


I open bananas on the bottom


So I eat ice cream sandwiches like a layered meal too overran bottom


*So I eat ice cream* *Sandwiches like a layered meal too* *Overran bottom* \- FaithlessnessTop709 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I eat the crust of stuff first. So like a sandwich or a pizza. I hate the crust so I just try to get it out of the way faster so I can get to the good part




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I chew ice cream


I eat the ice cream the same way. Also I like to lick the salt/other flavouring from potato chips first, only after that eating the chip 😅


I eat the outer layer of a carrot first, and only when I'm done I start eating the sweet core. (I also do the thing op mentioned)


Yes I exclusively do this, eating both at the same time is a nightmare. If it can be peeled with my teeth, it will be peeled. Also, there is a nearly perfect circular rod through a carrot (idk what it’s called) and you can bite out the sides of the carrots to carve out the rod. I suck all the juices of anything remotely juicy.


I take out the core of carrots and eat them separately, they're sweeter than the outside bits


people eat the chocolate and ice cream at the same time?!


I like to eat kitkats in layers (bite chocolate off, eat each layer of the wafer)


I take the time to eat a Nutty Buddy layer by later. With Goldfish crackers I bite them in a specific way that splits the two halves apart.


I eat kit-kats like you would eat a hot dog.


eat finger foods with a fork because getting any sort of oil / food dust on my fingers irritates me to no end


Ahh that’s such a good idea! I always have to ask my wife if dinner will be finger foods. That way I know to wash my hands thoroughly and keep my left hand from touching anything other than food, even if it means sitting there for 5-10 mins with my left hand out. I keep my right hand available for everything else like using the remote control, my phone, grabbing blankets, etc.


if you can use them, chopsticks work well too! (unless you try to eat an uncut sandwich with chopsticks, in which case it doesn’t.)


I don't think that an autism thing, my mum (NT) does the same. Its just the best way to eat one of these.


I put fries inside my burgers.


1. Nibble around the edge of the Chicken McNugget 2. Pop the top and bottom layers of breading off the Chicken McNugget 3. Throw away the breading 4. Eat the Chicken McNaked


Whenever I eat chicken, I crack open the bones to get to the marrow.


I prefer my gummies cold, I usually put them in the fridge to achieve this


Man, I used to eat all the breading off of every McDonalds nugget, then eat the nuggets themselves




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KitKats MUST be consumed by: Biting the chocolate off the two short ends Biting the 4 long panels of chocolate off Consuming the remaining naked wafer


I roll things into balls. I hadn't realized it was weird until one of my friends pointed out how much I play with my food. Usually I just do it to like shredded cheese or bread rice or other malleable foods, but when I was younger I remember chewing up an entire bag of princess goldfish and rolling it into a huge ball of goldfish mush and eating it one bite at a time. Sometimes I roll up food into balls that wouldn't reasonably be able to be rolled up into balls, like chicken legs.


I used to eat the skin off of my chicken nuggets first, but I stopped because my family made fun of me for it


I peel and eat the skin off of raw hot dogs before getimg to the inside


I do that too. I like to make my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches by putting the peanut butter and jelly in the middle of the bread, then put the piece of bread on top and press around it. I eat that first, going in a circle. When I get to the middle, I bite and suck the peanut butter and jelly out, then I eat the rest of the sandwich.


Eating the outside of meatballs first. Turn it into a cube, usually, though the side stabbed by the fork does tend to be harder to deal with.


I eat sausages sideways


doesn't everybody do this?




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I roll up flat garlic bread and just eat it like that, I also eat the brown smarties last for some reason


I have a very meticulous way of eating drumsticks. It’s similar to your method with these. I first eat the chocolate, then I lick the scoop of ice cream until it’s level with the cone, from there I have a very precise method at continuing to have the perfect ice cream to cone ratio. And I don’t eat the bottom chocolate part cause it’s too much chocolate at once for me. I have eaten them this way my whole life. It would feel wrong to eat them any other way.


I used to do that, I just did without questioning it, until one day, I tried biting it, and eating the chocolate with the ice cream inside, changed the way I eat ice cream forever, I fucking love the chocolate with the inside mix together as I chew


Chocolate first then the ice cream is my go to on this too. When I don't like stuff on my plate in masked mode I tend to eat a bit of everything in one bite to try out the aromas of the food infront of me, most of the time the texture isn't a problem but that is on a good day. Other days I just eat my safe foods and I'm good.


I would do that but it would cause ice cream to get on my fingers and this would result in me screaming


When I was younger, my favorite candy was butterfinger. I would scrape the top and bottom layer of chocolate off with my teeth, then eat the rest of it.


I like to hollow out hot dogs as I eat them (but only if they don't have a bun). I also like to carve patterns into the outside of carrots


Sometimes I'll peel the skin off of deep fried fish and eat it separately And sometimes if I'm eating a meal that has fries on the side (i.e fries and nugs, fries and burg) ill eat both at the same time, fries stacked on top of the main food


Bro I do the same


Why y'all like me tf is going on


big same, i do it with a lot of other foods too.