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this isn’t very specific but NDs just always seem to be nicer than NTs 😅 Maybe it’s just by experiencing your own difficulties do you just learn to be kind and accepting of other people and their quirks. Oh also, ND people are usually more creative which I absolutely love. I think it’s partially just because we see the world differently and question things more.


omg Mom i’m famous


Granted it can be the source of some social ills, but it’s nice to be able to “see through the mist” as it were with regard to social constructs and conventions. Gender, religion, economics, culture and etiquette; NTs take all of it for granted and often seem trapped by these ideas, not realizing that none of them really matter or mean anything beyond the power you choose to give them. I appreciate feeling free from that burden.


Absolutely. They are absolutely trapped in their constructs and can’t get out of it. I think it’s due to the top down thinking and not being able to see things in another way, in other words they have quite a lot of rigidity in the social concepts realm


those kind of constructs absolutely infect their entire senses of identity. to further their understanding of the world in any of a number of different ways feels like a personal attack. it’s like stockholm syndrome or something


Yeah, like the idea that neither American political party cares about you, and that they're just power brokers playing the same game with different tactics. I don't understand why people can't see that. I think both parties and their leaders are sociopathic, dementia-addled scum who are all part of the same ruling class. They act like I'm over here crucifying the son of god, and I feel like I'm the only one not huffing crazy dust.


i have sympathy for those who’ve had those institutions forced on them endlessly and weren’t gifted with the tools to see through them. a deterministic understanding is the basis for the most pragmatic path forwards. but the totally lack of curiosity that comes as a consequence of entwining your ego with these concepts is so depressing. we need to stimulate these kinds of people’s curiosity in order to free them. idk how the fuck to do that


Confused by username, surely DeclawedKhajiit does huff the moon sugar? (is joke)


Yes! I feel like so many NTs are very set in their ways. I genuinely can't wrap my head around why people get so invested in what others do in their life without causing any harm (e.g. be trans, gay, into kinks, etc...) to the point where they start making shit up about how it actually *is* causing harm (e.g. LGBT people are grooming children). Whatever happened to 'looking at the evidence' and 'making informed decisions'?


A lot of monogamous relationship norms make me recoil from how weird it is to see and treat people that way, while the issues are just... invisible to the allistics who buy into it.


As a Stirner enjoyer this is probably also my answer


This one!! And I’m still fully grasping all the ways this had benefited me (personally, not always socially). But yeah, this is def one of my favorite autistic traits!


Very very accurate


Natural resistance to advertising.


Wait… i was always confused why advertisements are working because i never felt like they were working on me and i therefore thought they dont really work on anybody but just a small group and thats why they advertise so heavily, to reach this small group. Are NT people more susceptible for advertising?


Well the whole point of successful advertising/marketing is the person doesn’t realise they are being marketed to. Kind of like survivorship bias [really interesting article here](https://www.deanyeong.com/article/survivorship-bias). So likely the only ads you notice are the ones not working on you. Anyway my favorite autistic trait is being a know it all lmao. Maybe not a favorite of NT’s ;)


You are not immune to ~~propaganda~~ advertising. My guess is that most advertisements don't work as well on NDs because we have more niche interests.


I think you may be on to something there. I am definitely not immune to ads, but I basically never see a product ad and think “oh that’s cool, I want that”. In general I am pretty anti-consumerism, both on principle and by nature. IF an ad works for me, it is because I think “oh, I have been looking for that specific solution”. While historically businesses tended to lean towards the latter approach (solve a problem and tell consumers about it), modern ads are largely built on the former premise (create a product and generate artificial demand, often by inventing a problem). It seems very possible that the tendency towards narrower interests in neurodivergent people could make us less susceptible to campaigns that are designed to pull in the widest, most general populations.


Which is also why I try to make sure I don't get targeted ads


I used to think ads didn't work on me is because I was too smart for them. I do have an above-average IQ, but but when it turned out that I'm autistic and learned it was an autism thing I thought that made much more sense. I'm not a super-genius. There's a little research on it, nothing I've seen that's super helpful, but anecdotally, I think most autistics agree advertising doesn't work well on us, and it must work on most NTs, otherwise it wouldn't be a thing.


Oh i just think it doesnt work well on me because i always buy the same food/drink/things. I really dislike trying new things and advertisements are mostly trying to sell you that, new diffrent things


Sometimes I make the conscious decision to let myself be affected by advertising. 'Oh, a KFC ad, I guess I want KFC now. Well played, YouTube midroll ad, well played.'


yeah sometimes it happens, but only if i was already considering buying it, the ad just gives me the urge to


I saw an Ubereats ad that was like "remembering you can order on ubereats means you forget something else" and then the ubereats delivery person pulls out a squash and says "apple" - as if it's funny to have the kind of cognitive difficulties that make it hard to discern between different objects. But the insensitivity is not the issue for me, it's that ubereats is communicating to me that I should not use their services because their employees will bring me the wrong items. WHY did this even go to production????


#Saying what we FUCKING MEAN


This. And the number of times that I have to explain that I meant precisely what I said is so aggravating. No, I didn't ask you to go check the mail, I asked if you *got* the mail. No, I didn't ask you to retrieve that file for me, I specifically asked if you happened to know when it was dated. I actually put thought into how I phrase things because I want to say exactly what I mean. I'm not beating around the bush, I meant literally what I said, and if there's more to it, I'm not afraid to politely make a request. And don't even get me started on people thinking I'm a jerk because you asked for my opinion and I'm supposed to know when you *want* me to lie to your face. If anything, I think it should be seen as a sign of respect that I'd want to give you the harder truth instead of letting you live in a comfortable lie.


But what if I feel bad (regardless of whether that is a reasonable thing to feel) for not having seen the email or don't remember the date on the file, and would like to check for you right away so that you don't need to do it yourself? If you're asking, I'm assuming you're currently working on something that requires it way or another, and if I cannot provide the requested information from memory, I will seek it to provide it to you. Genuinely looking to learn.


So don't assume then. Say "No, I haven't gotten the mail yet. Would you like me to?" or "I don't remember the date. Do you want me to check for you?" You still get the chance to provide the information, if they want you too, but it adds a lot more clear communication for us.


Makes sense. Thank you.


I've been thinking on this response off and on, and it's made me realize that going to look for the info immediately without checking if the other person actually wants me to do that is essentially a channel for my people pleasing tendencies. It seems my brain insists on doing the favor, and doesn't expect an honest and balanced response to "do you want me to do that for you?". And autocorrects for that immediately, or perhaps just doesn't want to be vulnerable to a "no" to begin with. So much so that asking the question doesn't even enter my mind. Why am I this way? I don't know. But based on this thread I'm certain I have annoyed people by doing this. My bad. And thanks again for the explanation.


Tbf, if we were living in a completely 100% neurotypical society, that would almost certainly be the expected response. It's only when neurodivergency (and in this case specifically autism) is introduced that it causes problems and friction, and not just when it comes to this. Navigating all the rules and social cues of neurotypical society can be quite hard, especially when noone seems to understand why you have such trouble with it. There seems to sometimes be this inherent disconnect between how people with and without autism prefer to communicate, so having people try to learn and bridge the gap is quite nice. And honestly, thats all anyone can ever ask of you. And you seem to be doing so. So thank you for that.


This makes it seem like the expectation is for you to have that knowledge. Is that case? Are you responsible for that? Or is it a situation where someone is asking if you have information readily available? How much milk is in this recipe? I am totally capable of getting out the recipe but if you know there is 1 cup I don't have to dig.


Thank you for explaining. Makes sense.


It’s ironic that this is about expressing oneself clearly because I am struggling to find the words to say how much this resonates with me


Absolutely. Being literal and not making people guess what were saying has been pretty fuckin great for my long term relationships in life.


This is the way.


this one I find hard to relate to like I often say exactly what I mean in a stream of consciousness word vomit to the annoyance or amusement of the person I am talking to but when interacting with NTs I've learned that I have to sort of dance around the subject out of fear of retribution maybe I am overestimating how much I do that though




Wait is that a autistic trait?


This x1000000000.


I like it when other ND people and I can go back and forth for hours about absolute nonsense and still understand what we meant by the end of our 8 hour conversation. Also I like when people have obscure and weird interests, because yes, I *would* like to know about the very first toothbrush to ever be invented and then the entire timeline of other oral health care items. Please tell me.


"What have you been interested in lately?" should be the official autistic greeting.


I have found a group of ND friends at work and we are just constantly telling each other about our interests. It's so nice to be able to not feel like we're bothering each other about it because we know it's just gonna start the next hour of the conversation.


I second this!


Whenever I meet another autistic person I ask what their special interests are


This! My sister is also ND and we talk about the most random stuff forever...no one else goes that deep.


My mom is ND too, we once had a 3 and a half hour conversation while standing in the kitchen when we were supposed to be doing something else. It started with work drama, ended with what monster high doll I want next and how much my mom likes that one compared to my other dolls.


You should definitely watch Technology Connections


Where should I look for that? (YouTube, streaming services, a different website etc.)


He is on YouTube.


Ok, wanna listen to my damn obscure interests?


*Tell Me Right Now* (only if you want to)


El Tigre Mine Sonic Yup, that's the hyperfixation, some extremely obscure spanish amateur show based on a old af genre of videos that was popular in spanish internet culture...


That's wonderful, I hope it makes you happy when you watch them and think about them. And I hope whoever you talk to about it can also experience how nice it is for you.


I was hanging out with friends and complained about back pain. My friend launched into the differences between Tylenol, advil, etc. I had to stop him to say I love having friends like this before letting him continue.


Just friends being buds, that's what it's all about




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The protecting others from bullies when that sense of justice rage kicks in.


Everything is fun and funny to me. I was giving birth and cracking jokes and laughing. My Midwife said it was the best time she’s had at a birth in her 10 years on the job. A fortune 100 company I was working with called me the best support engineer in their 20 years of working with my company, because I was fun and knowledgeable. There are people that can’t stand to see someone unbothered and happy, but fuck em. Miserable crabs in a bucket ass.


>Miserable crabs in a bucket ass. new insult just dropped


I use this comparison all the time. Strange world, right? Haha. :)


Having a fat ass


Damn I didn't get that one


Me neither, I *am* a fatass


And nice thighs.


That too :3




Less superficial judgment and competitive social ladder nonsense


The idea that we can’t understand complex, nonsense, social rules BUT if we ever make a weird sound at another neurodivergent person we will automatically understand what they mean


Being less susceptible to influence such as advertising, gender roles, etc.


Creativity, sharp reasoning, ability to process massive amounts of stimuli, having special interests, ability to hyperfocus, being spiritually connected, synaesthesia, authenticity, good sense of humor, younger looking than peers, savant skills, open-mindedness, curiosity about how things work, being multi-talented, hyper empathy, being a bookworm. You asked! Hugs🫂


> ability to process massive amounts of stimuli Autism really is a spectrum because I can’t process more than one sound at a time without my error screen showing up xD


Can relate lol Me being able to process a lot all at once isn’t my norm but when it does happen it feels like I have superpowers Edit typo


this reminds me I think last week, at school the teachers gave me a riddle they found on the internet, basically I have to sort out information that is all over the place and hard to understand, like the person in house red has a cat the person in the middle house is a lawyer the Australian lives in the first house etc. there are 5 colored houses 5 nationalities 5 jobs 5 hobbies 5 pets no overlaps what you have to find out is who is the persin with the fishing hobby the teachers couldn't get it, it took me half an hour but I figured out who it was, it was the british iirc I had sorted all the information like who lives where, has what job, hobby, pet, also the order the houses are in it felt great when I finished


Deductive logic puzzles. My aunt got me a couple of books of these a few years back, only knowing I enjoyed solving things. If you're interested, they're produced by a publisher called Mind Wave and the term they use in the titles of their books is Perplexors. Logic puzzles are a great brain reset for me.


Thank you for sharing!


Any time!


Not playing verbal hide and seek when they say something. If I don’t like something I will say that instead of running in circles to be polite


Me and my friends like to do a back and forth game of "what about this?" It's almost always either "I LOVE THAT SO MUCH" or "I fucking hate that and don't ever say it again" with very little of it being anywhere between. Very good bonding game.


Ability to completely ignore social convention when convenient without peer pressure constraining my actions


The more of these comments i read the more traits i find in myself


I love infodumping back and forth with other autistic people, especially if we have the same interests


Attention to detail, and the willingness/commitment to do things properly/with care. They can at times become a double-edged sword, because perfectionism can drag good traits down, but I'd much rather be this than the alternative. Also, taking others into account. I do my best to remain level-headed, kind, and reasonable, since one of my biggest pet peeves is the nature of human arguments, and the fallibility of people in general.


Identifying patterns, that makes me almost a witch.


I definitely feel witchy!!


Im not sure if you mean for myself or others so I’ll do both. For other autistic people: direct communication and special interests ( tie) For myself: sensitivity. It’s my strongest power and my largest weakness. I may get overstimulated but I can taste and smell everything and it’s pretty SICK


being a lil silly :3


Being totally absorbed by an interest or hobbies, I love it when I'm hyperfixated on something


No one knows when to talk


Cricketing the feet, it’s silly


My memory when it comes to things that "dont matter" is top notch.


Pattern recognition, and just generally noticing things. My mother in law is gluten free, she never runs out of her favorite crackers because if i see the box in the recycling I’ll get some more at the store. I went to a pride festival yesterday and everyone was annoyed at the long row of food trucks but by then I could already tell my group what (almost) every truck sold. I can pick up on bad patterns of action so quick, but people never believe me when i do and god does that drive me crazy


The love, happiness, and excitement i am able to feel just from my interests. It makes life worth living


I love my creativity. And, I’m no longer afraid to fire back at those who judge my autism.


I have strong empathy for struggling people. So the moment a person makes an offensive joke about gays, POC, ND's and other sensitive topics, i loose all interest. I'm terrible at social clues, i can't tell if someone offends me or lies to me. But when person says something mean about others - i realise they don't deserve my time. It's not that strict. Sometimes when i tell a person that they are mean they apologise and change their behaviour. That's what I'm doing with my partner. Some day he will stop judging people he doesn't find good looking. For now I'm happy to live with a little gremling who hates everything but me.


Pattern recognition has saved my arse more times than I care to admit and more times it's broken my heart than any other person could 😅


While it’s equally very unpleasant, the mask serves as an effective comparison tool to sniff out fellow autistics, and manipulation and it allows me to belittle narcs bc they can’t handle being called out and fucked with especially when you’re fucking with their bread and butter and making them out to be a genuine fool to themselves and most people engaged in the interaction, I may or may not feel a euphoria surge through me comparable to that of actual Molly watching them suffer, give me long enough and I can probably drive a narc to genuine psychosis (oh wait I already have)


No susceptibility to peer pressure. To quote Steve Martin: “Hey, let’s go try this *new* thing!” *SLAM* ![gif](giphy|Z6qZogzede3LO)


Hyperfixations Like ohhhh yes I abolutely LOVE learning about the political demography of Europe




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Our brains are very silly and I like that :3


I don't know about a favourite autistic trait as all of my traits that I remember right now are like double edged swords (I think the expression was like this?) or simply bad things. I have high attention to detail, wich can make me very overwhelmed, or make me a very good puzzle solver or plot writer. I benefit from routine but am destroyed when it isn't like usual. I have a very good memory for very specific details, but can make me remember embarrassing things more deeply. Etc etc


I think mine is the double edge sword that is lying being like a nonexistent thought in my brain like I can remember it's a thing manually but it really ain't a thing I think normally so I'm like super honest but I also expect most everyone to be super honest


My communication skills are actually out of this world when I'm talking with another autistic person. My favorite thing is that there are things that feel like they "click" and behave the way they're supposed to interpersonally, while with allistics it can often be a choppy clusterfuck. Feeling heard and seen is so important for all people, so I'm really glad that I have words that can sometimes work to help me have that.


I think this is more of a comorbid trait between my adhd and asd, but my favourite trait about myself is that I can be a perfectionist and that I’m also good at it. At least that’s what my partner has told me when describing how I do stuff lol


It's just authenticity, we don't bullshit people


Being kind and having a lot of empathy


My passions. I love my special interests and nothing compares to the sheer enjoyment of them. I also really love the very visual way I think—it makes creating art just that much more enjoyable.


Being attractive as flip


Mine isn't as well thought out as others, but I happy stim by clapping my wrists together. It's a fairly recent thing but I cannot see myself getting rid of it


The ability to become absorbed by a work of art. Right now I'm 1/3 through a [5+ hour video](https://www.youtube.com/live/cer3Aon1srY?si=UTNkF9CMiJU3K0Ae) where this music reviewer is having his mind blown listening to a viewer submission. The first 40 minutes I was actively watching the video, sinking into the songs while keeping an eye on the chat. I'm really into ambient music so this is my cup of tea. My usual listening experience is very private and introspective but it's rewarding to share the joy of stumbling upon a hidden gem, even if it's with internet strangers. (In this case I'm also pleasantly surprised by the patience of the reviewer, he can be all over the place when he's bored or annoyed with an album)


COMMUNICATION. we don't beat around the bush or sugar coat things, we tell it like it is


If you can easily get a copy (many libraries have it) of Different, Not Less by Chloé Hayden, it’s would probably really help you with this. Written by an autistic author, it is a narrative handbook for autistic people, their parents, and their friends. It talks about our struggles, but also how to learn how to accommodate ourselves so that they stop being obstacles. It’s not a mushy book about overcoming our problems, but rather a map to taking the longer pathway around the side of our problems, if that makes any sense


Not feeling bad when you say what you think


One of my special interests is wound care, so I’ve become a very skilled wound care specialist. My patients certainly appreciate it, and they actually like when I infodump. Some have told me that they’re so happy that someone has finally explained what’s going on to them


Please infodump :)


I don’t think there’s enough space here, lol, but if you’re serious, I can get going!


I’m v serious. What do you do w a minor scrape on a hinge bit of body (elbow etc)


Minor scrapes on an overall healthy individual aren’t really a problem. They can be more annoying as they heal because of the movement. Neosporin or something like that should help.


organization skills!! idk if this applies to other autistic ppl but i am super clean and organized because when things are messy or dirty i get overstimulated


i quite enjoy infodumping and also stimming


special interests. my own and listening to other people talk about theirs.


Hyperfixations and special interests. Joining a new fandom or picking up a new interest is like unlocking a new ability in a video game that lets me explore more of the map.


one of my favourite Autistic traits is that I can find connections between things that seemingly have nothing in common! I feel like I always have an interesting perspective and that I’m able to draw together really disparate disciplines and ideas since my brain loves the patterns and the details. I love being able to make connections between things like astrophysics and international relations and clean energy and computer science! It’s so crazy because so many people will not even think of these connections but because I think in details, I see the way that small parts connect these broader big areas together in really unique and specific ways! Another one I really love is the amount of research that I do before forming an opinion on something. I have always questioned everything (gotta know the why and the how before accepting the what) and this has meant that when I am interested in knowing about something, I truly *know* it, in all its depths and details. I think a lot of allistic folks are okay with surface level understandings and oversimplifications of things that are much much more complicated, but I am always so driven to really truly understand things. I’m also totally okay with not having an opinion on something that I haven’t researched, and saying “I don’t know, I haven’t had the chance to learn enough about it yet” and that is something that many allistic people seem very averse to doing lol


My special interest is social interactions, so I’ve gotten very good at reading people. I also tend to over-share, so I’ll sometimes just tell people what negative traits they have, or someone they’re complaining about has, without being super rude about it, or sugarcoating it. I also can’t physically bring myself to break rules unless they’re dumb. If I can understand why a rule is in place, and it has good reason, I can’t go against it, so I don’t get in trouble as much.


Mind empty


being super straight foward and blunt is both a blessing and a curse


The ability to sometimes tell a duplicitous person the reasons behind their maladaptive behaviors. And the “guts” to question them. Kinda like: “I’m guessing this poor attempt at manipulating me into doing/believing XYZ must’ve worked at least once. Otherwise you wouldn’t be trying so hard huh?”


That I can just share all of my cool facts and if people are like 'I don't wanna hear this, you talk too much🥺' I can be like 'idc' and continue talking about my bugs and dinosaurs


Special Interests!




happy hand flaps :D


Logical thinking


I think autistic people tend to live in the present moment more than NTs


no-nonsense honesty




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having no empathy. i find it helps me keep a level head in emotional situations, which makes me able to try and find more practical ways to help


girl why did i get downvoted 😭 wtf did i do


Long winded monologging about my fixations for sure


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