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that’s wild 💀 why in the world would someone want to pop a strangers pimples.


I KNOW i still can believe how many times this had happened to me


Ok, I've dealt with some weird ass NT's but I've never been approached and asked that. That is really creepy.


Where do you live that it's socially acceptable for people to want to pick at your face? Rude as hell and potentially if they had something dirty on their fingers, or heaven forbid, you had a staph infection you could catch some sort of nasty disease.


IKR, and i live in the USA, pennsylvania to be specific


I rarely get pimples at 43 except on occasion and no one has ever said or done that to me. I’m from Massachusetts originally and live in Colorado.


bro no one has ever done that to me in PA- I’m so sorry you got all the nasty pimple poppers in your area🤢 like ew I don’t understand it. Caring for like, a significant other? I *might*. But only if it’s about to pop itself and get yuck on their shirt lol But a strangers pimples?? EW. GROSS. like no.


Regional insanity I presume; check the water. Does the moon shine through their windows at night?


Ugh that's so revolting. Also in PA btw!


Florida for me, but only from family


I’m from Poland and had it happen to me more times that you’d think.


Wtf?? I'm an ocd skin picker and even get them for my spouse, but I would never ask a stranger that even if they had a breakout so bad my own skin picking ocd thoughts kick in. I'm so sorry you live around such weird and invasive people!


This is my reaction too. I'll pick at mine and I'll do it for my husband in spots he can't get to himself but asking a stranger that is so bizarre.


Right? I can't stand seeing the white goo tight under the skin because it doesn't belong there and should be OUT. But even with how much i wanted to do it to other people in high school when seeing them on their face (to the point it was hard to think of anything else... Might have a bit if OCD in my autism) i NEVER ever sayed anything because i know if they havent done it themselves they sure as fuck wouldn't met someone else do it so i kept my mouth shut. And these people were friends! Not complete strangers i tried to touch without their consent! HOW


Besides the disrespect and nastiness, they never listen when you say how detrimental it is. They don't care about health they just wanna touch people and satisfy weird urges


yes bro is so creepy tf


I feel really lucky that I personally barely get any acne. I know it's horrific to pick at, but it's a compulsion that I even do when half-asleep. Although wanting to touch another person's pimple pus? That's outright disgusting!


my only facial acne is just a bunch of really bad blackheads on my nose and sometimes i can barely stop myself from trying to pick at those. probably the best thing about the gel i’ve started using is it’s too unpleasant to get on my fingers unless i have a plan to wash it off


That’s just weird and inappropriate, no matter the neurotype


That's not really NT behavior, tbh.




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Trust me it's way too common for some NT I've seen. Least the ones I live with. Then again my sister is also just a annoying bitch in rhe first place sooo...*shrug*


I mean it's kind of different if they're strangers vs family/friends you're living with. I enjoy popping and glad my husband asks me for help but I would never go up to a stranger and just ask.


stab them in Minecraft


Gotta Use that autism bedwars pvp Buff somehow


That is not an NT thing. That person is a freak. Do not be fooled




Gross weirdos


I have never experienced this in my life that's terrifying


I have a mole on my nose and a girl I work with constantly wants to “pop” it, no matter how much I insist it’s just a mole and can’t be popped. I’ve literally shown her photos of me as a baby with it and I’ll still look up to see her reaching out at me. And they think we’re the rude ones??


Reading this made me want to bang my head against a wall, I'm sorry you have to regularly deal with someone so ignorant :/ Edit: deleted a word so it wasn't repeated


I'm ND and I always want to pop people's pimples (like just do it yourself wtf) , I have a skin picking stim.


Same here also it’s OCD related for me as well, but I always keep my thoughts to myself about it


For the record im always scared that people are looking at me going “why don’t you pop those” mine develop extremely quickly and for a whole I did that and it literally took over an hour out of my day and then they would be back not even 12 hours later


ask if you can strangle them and reach your hands to their neck! ![gif](giphy|gRgJtuivicbGUZ0ufg|downsized)


I used to have a friend who was obsessed with popping them. I don't get many but whenever I had one on my back I'd let her go to town because it felt nice lol. Difference here is I'd offer it to her. I don't understand the appeal of doing it but it did feel nice having someone do it for me in places I couldn't reach myself.


My mom is like thiissssss I'm also a cosmetologist, and am educated in skincare, so I know what I'm doing when I leave my acne alone. Heaven forbid I leave a pimple alone with acne solution. "You have a pimple" "I know, I'm taking care of it" "Can I pop it?" "No, it's healing" "But you can see it" "Okay?" "But it's *right there*" "It's *fine*" The amount of times I've had this exchange with my mother, as a 30 year old, is truly astounding 🥲


What is your method on pimples


Is this person a stranger? Because... that's not something you ask someone unless you are \*very\* close!


That has nothing to do with nd or nt. That's just a gross person.


i just shove them away


Ewwwww why


My partners have done it to me and vice versa but thats a different scenario than a stranger and either way its still weird and i hate it.


Yeah I don't think it's an NT thing so much as it is that you live in a town full of fucking weirdos


that's not an NT thing those are just weird people


my ND ex used to ask to pop mine all the time lmao. definitly wild for randos to ask that tho


Uhhh I don't think that's an NT thing that's just being a weirdo...


Who tf are you talking to


I mean I like popping pimples, but I would never walk up to a stranger and ask if I could do it. This is not socially acceptable behavior. Which is extremely weird for NTs to engage in. I feel like there's a piece of the story missing.


I blame YouTube, they have those videos of pimple popping and it makes NTs think it's okay to ask strangers. That's so bizarre, NTs are so weird


No it's ND. I am autistic and I suffer from this. It's called Compulsive skin picking disorder, excoriation disorder, or body focused repetitive behaviors. These include pimple popping, skin picking, pulling out your hair, etc. It is an anxiety and OCD related behavior for some, for others it's a self harm stim I genuinely want to stop but can't and I wear long sleeves a lot to cover my pick marks and scars I know it's gross but if I see a big fat zit on someone I am tempted to destroy it. It's like a compulsive or addictive behavior, it feels good to dig holes in my flesh even though it should hurt.


Thats so weird... i only ever had my mom comment negatively on my acne but shes a narcissist so she was afraid i'd make her look bad 🙄 im the type who is obsessive about my own pimples though, i hate having them and will pop every pimple i can find on myself. But thats just for me i wouldnt dare try that on anyone else. I only go for my gf's pimples if she gives me permission lol


I don't get harassing people over it, but it drives me mad whenever I have them; so I assume they feel that annoyance for me and try to kill it


My brother has tried that but it’s more been telling me to pop them rather than trying to pop them himself. I guess that was because he knew me enough to know I don’t like being touched outside of medical environments. I’ve let my mom put ointment on my back but that’s the extent of it.


I don’t think they nt gonna keep it a buck




What the actual fuck that's just gross and creepy


Half the time I see a post on this subreddit complaining about things NT's do that we hate, I always think "hey, my brother does that". This is one of those posts. He did that to me so many times over the years. That's another reason I'm glad he moved away.


New fear unlocked


Both my mom and a previous partner were like this, bringing me to a dermatologist actively made things worse as well. Now that I ignore my face it looks better than ever except for my consistently unevenly grown facial hair


That's creepy and no, I've never had NTs do that.




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my mom does it all the time, and she keeps doing it no matter how many times i tell her to stop. that is an invasion of my privacy, don't touch my face!


And they think we’re weird, the fuck


I would never, but I vividly remember the guy who sat in front of me in physics class in 1995. For an entire semester he had an eraser-sized greasy blackhead in his ear hollow, and I wanted So Bad. To be able to do something about it. Like, if he washed his ears better, it probably would have fallen out.


Tell them it’s a raging staph infection and ask if they brought proper PPE. Jokes aside, I used to have bad cystic acne and would get this question. I made it very deliberately awkward for these people because who DOES that dude?? Insane behavior.




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I would never do this to a stranger, but for my friends and family I am the pimple popper. Worked in skin care for awhile, drives me batty to see them hangin out unpopped.


Never had this specifically happen, but I do get a lot of people thinking it’s okay to comment on my acne or any small cuts or injuries/blemishes on my skin, and then getting pissy or confused when I don’t respond positively. Like I can assure you I’m already aware of it all, you really don’t have to draw attention to it. You are not helping, in fact you’re making me feel super self conscious. Idk what they hope to achieve by doing that, I think it’s just to make me feel bad?


I’ve heard of pregnant women being groped on the belly by random strangers and poc having their hair touched without asking or warning by white people. It’s really weird the lack of boundaries some people have. Like did they learn any manners growing up?


I only ever had one person do this to me. I still remember his full name, and he was the main reason I never tried to befriend the rest of the goth kids. Because holy shit eugh fuck no why


For me, that would be a wig split.


When I was a teenager, I was often pinned down by family to pop my pimples. It was painful and uncomfortable and gross. I’m glad they respect my boundaries more now, but I feel terrible about my face constantly now, worried I have a pimple that could be poked at. So, I claw the crap out of the slightest blemish.


That’d be a good reason for me to kick them in the crotch. ![gif](giphy|2wSaulb0fsDydh0IoB|downsized)


tell them to pick their own face.


I'm so sorry you live around the bad pimple poppers.


MY MOM. OH MY FUCKING GODS. MY MOM IS LIKE THIS. I have actually hit her because she hurt my face. She left acne scars on me when I was a teen.


I literally just shuddered like three times. ... oop. Four. Hdkdjd Seriously, that's... I wouldn't know what to do, other than scramble to find a way to decline while not looking INSANELY judgemental. >.> Or ready to fight on instinct.


My girlfriend does this and we're both autistic but like even her mum and brother do it not to me but like the get invested and its just...weird like I deadass have an uncomfortable urge to constantly pick at my skin and can just be locked in a duel with my face in the mirror for hours and she just "Ive been staring at that one all day can i have it" N o. You c a n n o t .


Mind you , Ive been working to stop picking at myself since i was near 15 .


My mom used to pin me down and forcibly pop my pimples. When I got older she would bribe me with snacks or money instead of holding me down. That shit sucked. Everyone should keeps there hands do themselves and not try to get their grubby fingernails on other people’s faces.


Are you sure they're NT? Popping my pimples/blackheads was definitely a stim of mine before I gave up dairy - it required some self control to keep away from someone else's nose!


I pick at my face. Not you. It's my face, so I am the only one qualified to pick at it. And I _will_ pick at it... 🫤


I remember feeling unfulfilled in a relationship in high school and then she reached over to pop one of my pimples without asking and I immediately decided to dump her. Nothing quite like thinking intimacy gives instant permission to groom me without consent *in public*


i've had that happen to me a few times but they always left me alone after i said no. at that point that's an invasion of personal space at best and assault at worst


I’ve had plenty of pimples but never in my 43 years has anyone asked to pop them. 🤢


WHAT??? I have a problem with picking my face/popping my own pimples but the idea of even publicly admitting this bc it’s gross enough to pick my own face much less someone else’s is so insane to me.




It's so yucky. And so bad for you, let alone putting their yucky hands on what would be an open wound. Soooo yucky


This is an NT thing? I thought this would be an ASD thing because it's something I find relaxing. I popped my husband's the other day and a bunch came out. I always feel tempted to pop a pimple but I would never ask a stranger if I can pop theirs, feels weird. They would think I was insane.