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Heatwaves in the uk are a force sent directly from hell as punishment for being British I do not deal with them, I just suffer


How hot does it get there? It’s 37C in Texas right now and we have a handful of days in August that are 41 or higher.


Anything above 20 is considered warm here, but the problem is none of us have air con or anything like that + our houses are designed to keep heat in There is no escape from slowly cooking wherever you go


Why not go outside? On the patio or go for a drive. Car AC will keep you cool.


Outside is where the problem is and I don’t wanna sit in my car all day, petrol is expensive ( also I don’t own a car)


Oh yeah I forgot gas is more expensive in Europe.


Yeah I remember when I went to spend a week during summer in London one year and there was a heat wave but it actually felt great to me. It was like 72 F/22 C or something while back home in America it was 95 F/35 C during that time with such high humidity I could barely breath. I guess I got lucky because we stayed in a hotel and it had AC


i don't summer is the worst season out of all the four


Preach !


The way it makes people so much more annoying and loud


I hate everything about summer. I’m very heat and light sensitive, so I’m always getting headaches and sweating my ass off and getting nauseous when it’s above like… 60 F. I hate having to listen to everyone gushing about how “nice” the weather is. I hate my boss making us do shit outside because it’s “nice” out. It’s not nice, it’s 90-100 degrees, and I’m going to pass out if I’m out there more than 10 minutes. I would 100% rather stand outside in the cold, the rain, or even the snow. And lastly, (probably at least partially due to the above) my seasonal depression strikes in summer instead of winter. Fuck the sun. ETA: Also the FUCKING BUGS jesus christ I feel like I spend 75% of my day swatting them away from me. Good lord. And someone else reminded me of the fireworks too…. god I fucking haaaaaaate fireworks


i hate summer passionately bro omg. everything on your list is real af and i got a couple more to add 1. the BUGS. i’m afraid of most bugs with a full blown phobia of ants, i’m talking can’t even look at pictures or squish one with my fingers scared of ants. i had to go home from work early to take a shower early because i had ONE ant get on me and i couldn’t stop feeling them all over me and panicking thinking there’s hundreds on me after. that and the yellow jackets, wasps, millions of gnats and flying things that love to get in your face…i hate the bugs 2. the 4th of july. fuck fireworks. way too loud. too many drunk & stupid people. awful holiday to experience 3. back to school season and how chaotic the couple of weeks leading up to schools opening again in stores, fuck that noise too.


Bugs!!! Yes. These days they are mutated and I feel like I will walk in a mosquito net hat😭


The heat can die, it's also been more humid than usual and it's making it so much worse. I'm the type of bitch to start sweating at 78 F while sitting still and being extremely lightly dressed with 3 fans on me and really low humidity. Anything above 73 F is uncomfortable. For the last few days, we've been at 99 F and 80% humidity. Closest I get to feeling anything like seasonal depression is during the summer. There is no dealing, just suffering.


Literally! I have a fan in my room at the highest level of intensity and I still am sweating. Super irritating as hell.


I have the same three issues during summer and they cause me to actively avoid going out during the day while I’m usually very active, which means: 1. I’m not exercising as much anymore and often gain some weight over the summer, as well as feeling trapped inside all day. 2. I start going out late in the evening / at night, which means I’m not sleeping much when I have to get up early. I also feel unusually sad during the summer, like some sort of mild seasonal depression maybe? Or maybe it’s just general overstimulation and discomfort that causes it, idk.


>1. Too high tenperature. I hate this feeling when it’s too hot. Same, though proper clothing and shade as well as a light breeze from a fan can reduce the issue drasticly. And proper clothing isn't the same as short clothing, wich also reduces the need for sunscreen. >2. Sweat See above >3. Suncream. It’s the WORST thing ever. I don’t know how ppl can use it and still have fun in summer? It’s like putting on an oily mask all over your body and everything sticks to it, you sweat under it and feel that the sweat can’t get out & every house animal will lick your legs. There are different types of sunscreen, some of wich are truely a sensory nightmare. Especialy cheap sprays are usualy terrible. However others soak into the skin and don't make you sticky for more that about 2-5 minutes at most.


Yes! Proper clothing doesn’t mean short clothing. It’s very important for me to have breathable and loose, coverd clothes. It’s the only way to survieve this hell. I ordered a more fancy suncream, hope it will be good🙏🏻


Bugs, and idk why I sweat so much all the time I hate it rahhhhhh


1. The fact that it flares up my fibromyalgia symptoms 2. Being told "get used to it" or "get over it" by people who have no idea what fibromyalgia or chronic pain feels like. 3. Sweat 4. It makes my hair look horrible, and that combined with my makeup melting and sweat happening while at the same time I'm forced to either wear less clothes or be even more hot makes me genuinely hate myself and feel ashamed everytime I leave the house.


I cannot express how much I relate to this post so much so it’s kind of concerning.


All of it is the worst. And I don't deal with it. I stay out of the sun as much as possible because I can't exist with anything greasy on my skin. 


Omg thank u for existing evil austistic freaks🤖much better to know that there are more of us who know that SUMMER SUCKS


Sweat is ass and makes my ass sweat




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cant even add anything to this you’re just right


Mosquitos. I would love to enjoy my patio, but I can't escape the mosquitos.


fuck them mosquitoes, probably the worst part of summer. i just can’t have a normal day without those fuckers biting me whenever i go the Caribbean in the summertime for vacation. the itchiness everywhere afterwards is ABYSMAL, i tell ya.


Sames fuck summer


https://preview.redd.it/n31xb5u1c39d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28562dfe7e0ea7100ab45648b0218c54317311a7 Welcome to my everyday-best friend, my dear reliever..💜 Tower Fan 💜