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Fortuitous wrath month


For what it’s worth, happy Pride from me!


Pride is usually a clusterfuck. I’ll be gay and quiet at home, tyvm.


I knew we were officially old when my SO and I were at home and the conversation was "Oh, the pride parade is today." "Huh."


I got to see some pretty cool events internationally (ie Europe)


We only see boring stuff when we're abroad. We went to France and skipped Paris lol


Good on you for avoiding Paris Syndrome haha (can't get it if you never go)


A girl in my old high school moved from france and said paris outside tourist areas is one of the most disgusting cities


Maybe in Western Europe. I love NYC but between the 19th century trash pickup, the rats, and the unhoused, it’s far worse then most of Paris. And I visited India, walked over a bridge in Chennai over a literal river full of shit. Actually I said Western Europe but Brussels isn’t particularly appealing either, from a gross sense. But yeah I guess if you’re only comparing it to London, Amsterdam or Vancouver then yes.




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I’m glad I’m not the only one


i saw a comment once that said 'lgtbq' which i read as 'lgbtbbq' and i am still disappointed that they throw parades instead of barbecues


I think you're onto something




I would totally endorse a bbqueer


I have never been to an actual pride parade yet, one of the reasons being that I only quite recently figured myself out, and another is the sensory issues that I'd imagine there to be at a parade. That said, I did just spend all of today and yesterday at TwitchCon EU without too many sensory issues. I did also encounter a lot of LGBTQ+ people, like a lot, and so many stands in the artist alley had some kind of pride merch. I might have made my wallet cry...


I bought a T-shirt online from a vendor that uses the proceeds to buy LGBT+ children's books to donate to libraries. I didn't go to a pride. I feel like a good gay this month. Definitely valid to never go to parades. Engaging with community at TwitchCon is a great way to do pride!


Pride is a sensory nightmare. It's like you can't be queer and ND.


Gotta choose one or the other.


i didn’t even go this year, and last year we just sat on the grass away from everything bc it was too much. big corporations shouldn’t be at pride (and neither should cops, for that matter)


I feel this so much. Fuck that guy spraying water at people. It would push me into a shutdown too, especially if it's already too loud, the person I'm waiting for is too late, the event just sucked in general and was nothing like I expected it to. Your friends should have brought you back home after that.


We had went to the friend I was waiting on-s house. He made me food and didn't pressure me to get in the pool with everyone else. He gave me the hose to spray people with (everyone consented to being sprayed) to try to *help* make me feel better. I was still over stimulated but now I also had some sort of outlet so he was trying.


Spaces for queer ND people seem basically nonexistent and it sucks. 😔


Oh what I would do for a sensory-friendly queer-centered coffee shop or bookstore in my city.


Can I hug you?


Thank you for asking, if it was physical I would say no right now but I will accept virtual hugs.


I will also offer a virtual hug


*virtual hugs*




*virtual hugs*


*virtual hugs*




*virtual hugs*


*virtual hug*


*virtual hugs*


*virtual hugs*


Many pride events unfortunately lack disability access. Be it no wheelchair access, limited seating to no seating at all, and few sensory accommodations. It sucks. While my city doesn't hold pride until September, it still lacks disability access. I find I can't go anymore because I can no longer participate in the parade itself and the after-party is in a really lovely park but it lacks seating and has uneven grounds so it's hard for me to keep myself from being over-exerted and hurting myself. It's hard to be disabled in a queer space, more so I feel than in a non-queer event like Christmas parades n' shit. I expect to be left out of things, I expect to not be accommodated from things but I am always disappointed by queer groups who fight for inclusion, yes, but like the rest still end up forgetting about disabled folks.


Yesterday was my first pride and this basically sums up my feelings on it. Had me a big old meltdown in my car before I left the park. I think the rain was the worst part sensory wise 4 me. But the thing that pissed me off the most was the lack of genuine vendors and the price gouging on food and drink. I'm not paying 14 dollars for ANYTHING out of a truck! I begrudgingly bought a shirt to commemorate it because it WAS an important day for me regardless of how awful it was. 😔


Pride needs to be more inclusive and less ableist period.


I was stuck in central london yesterday because of it, and I didn't had a meltdown but it sucked bad.


Tbh! I would've been done after the break down 😰 *Virtual hug in which we're both blue blob ppl* 🫂


I’m sorry and I feel this whole post. I stopped going to large Pride events for very similar reasons. And I’m a queer trans man and cis gay men screamed “HOT GIRL SUMMER!!!!” At me. I’m not sure exactly what they meant by saying that, since I know cis gay guys tend to call each other “girl” for fun but it was loud and I was not amused by the exclamation.


Usually pride isn't this bad. It's usually filled with genuine art and fandoms. Buildings are opened for public. They have quiet get togethers where you color with drag queens and dedicated *sensory* rooms to be quiet in. There also used to be people reading cute little books to kids as well. So when we're doing the 20th annual pride parade which is supposed to have the most amount of people (60k) I was genuinely shocked that it was so bad this year.


It's not helping that this year I also just felt so out of place. I'm confused in my Sexuality and the only thing that I would say does fit my Sexuality isn't even a public thing so I couldn't have a flag or be represented.


i don't feel like i need a flag to be myself; i'm just vibing, not trying to claim the moon ....but you could always do a little vexillology and create your own flag


if you don't mind answering what is your sexaulity to the best way you could explain it?


For the longest time I just said I was asexual, but now after being on Testosterone my Sexuality has changed. Romantically I don't care I'm panromantic. But sexually men are attractive. Problem Is I've never seen a real life man who I was attracted to. All I know is that men=good. Facehair good..body hair good. Muscle good..fat good. Twink also good..femboy. yep. All men are good. The only time I felt sexually attracted was to fictional men, and the only time I felt really romantic was to fictional characters as well. So I found a thing called Fictosexual. Whether you believe it's a real thing or not, I'm not here to debate nor do I want to really fight in this thread. Point being that's the closest thing I can narrow things down to. Romantically I don't care. I'm not much of a romantic person but I don't care who I date. Sex isn't necessary and there's a good chance I won't be sexually attracted to you but if I'm comfortable enough we can have sex. I like everything about men. And I'm only attracted to fictional characters. I feel as If I'm too *sexual* to be asexual. I feel too asexual to be *gay*.


don't worry not going to debate on the finer ethics of cartoon fucking lol! but that's really interesting, I feel almost the same way in my bisexuality, in that I know I find men attractive but I've never really found a man attractive. who's your biggest fictional crush?


Well I've been dating Herobrine for about 2 years. We've known each other for 8. And about 2 weeks ago I've gotten close with Verosika.


cute I hope you guys have a wonderful life.


Thank you


As someone who loves microlabels (delving into labels has really soothed my religious trauma), I can relate to asserting your validity. I also really like vexillogy and apparently there is a flag, but you might not vibe with it: https://orientation.fandom.com/wiki/Fictosexual


Thank you. If possible I'll try to get merch of it when I'm not trapped at parents.


Good luck! It can be really hard to find niche flags. Happy Pride! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


Thank you. You too!


You can always use the rainbow flag since it represents everyone


Pride can suck so much for us trans folk, ive already seen a couple of posts in the trans sub about people getting misgendered at pride, denied entry to certain zones cause they "dont look like a lesbian/gay guy" and more 😥


NEVER blame yourself for a meltdown. you tried your absolute hardest, I'm so proud of you! I'm sure your friends don't blame you. and you didn't look like a fool. you looked like a human being having a hard time.


I guess I don’t understand why the float guy was spraying water. You said it was pretty hot but I don’t think the way to deal with that is to just start blasting random people with a super soaker. I’d think that would be a good way to get charged with assault and possibly punched in the face. LOTS of people (neurodivergent and neurotypical alike) have expensive phones/earbuds/other tech things that they have on their person and can’t get wet. I’d think he’d end up having to pay for a lot of electronic equipment if he went around doing that in 2024. Don’t blame yourself. That was just bad judgement on his part on so many levels.


I didn't get to go to pride this year, but I'm honestly glad that I didn't, knowing that I might've gotten overstimulated from the crowd and everything. Seeing how pride turned out in my country, I definitely dodged a bullet. Anyway, I am so sorry to hear that. You don't deserve that at all. I think you should've been brought home after you cried and collapsed because you were pushed to your limits, and it must've been so unfair to have you keep socializing more even after everything ☹️


Just reading this makes me feel sensory overload. I stopped going to pride events years ago because of this very reason. I'll give you a virtual gentle fist bump. Hell, even a nod.


That is awful. I am sorry you went through that and felt shamed. And then you couldn’t recover the next day. Honestly, if you ever want to try Pride again, maybe do it from a safe distance? My 1st pride I actually was inside a restaurant next to a large window. The restaurant was dead and my friend and I were able to enjoy the parade from behind glass in AC with yummy food and the ability to have a conversation about what we were seeing. It was a happy accident and I feel verrrrry lucky.


I refuse to go to the main corporate pride that includes police. If thats your cup of tea thats fine but I wouldn't feel pride in that environment. Im lucky that my city has a people's pride that is more focused on indigenous/first nations and ND LGBTQ ppl. I think it was 3 local queer bands playing and stalls selling so many types of art, and a rollerskating group had a stall promoting their all ages queer group (which I'm hoping to attend their next event) and the person told me that its mostly gnc kids and I am so happy theres a space that would have been helpful to child me.


I’ve only gone to pride twice I think. I’m just a homebody and I always felt “not gay enough” as a biromantic ace. I’m glad it exists but I don’t need to go.


This got me asking; why the hell does pride need to be held in summer when everything is too damn hot and humid? Why can't we have a pride in the fall or winter when we can actually be outside and not be too warm to wear cool colorful outfits? I ***know*** that the Stonewall riot took place in June. Okay cool, we can have a holiday in June to commemorate it, but I want cool/cold weather for pride. Summer and the sun can go die mad about it.


My city has theirs the last weekend of October. Charlotte NC isn't having theirs til August. It's still pretty hot here in October, but not as bad as it would be in June. Our "real feel" today was 107°.


I am so sorry that this happened to you. Our local events like this (Pride, our 4th of July and Xmas festivals) now set up a sensory tent, just outside of festival grounds where you can borrow a sensory sensitivity pack (a little bag with ear plugs, fidget toys, etc) or just hang out to get away from everything. I haven't had to use it yet (I take my own stuff), but I feel like it's pretty great of them to do it.


I was at Pride on Saturday in Dublin. Pouring rain, and we had to walk 40 minutes to the train station to meet up with someone who then decided they were fucking off home, so our time was entirely wasted


Don't worry, I had a meltdown at pride too. It was too loud and overwhelming even with noise cancelling headphones and hiding under a large flag. I panicked and screamed at a best friend. Luckily they understood. You did so well esp with all that socialising afterwards


Pride is always an overstimulating hot mess. If you are easily overstimulated, it is best to avoid it. 🙁


I dont do pride events cause im closeted, but i know that there is a group of autistic queer people who got in touch with the organisers of pride where i am and they get a special section in the parade where noone plays loud music and they get as much space as they want. Im part of the group online and i know that if ill ever go ill go with them cause theyre really nice people. I wish every pride had a sensory friendly part, cause i know that there are a lot of neurodiverse folks who want to go but realistivally cant due to sensory overload


I'd much prefer some kind of indoor pride, maybe at a hotel convention center, like a reptile expo but for gay


REAL!! next year im going to sit in a car along the parade route to watch the pretty floats with no heat or sound, then leave. its loud, pride in my city BANNED bring water into the actual event (they only had 2 water stations for thousands of people), and barely any of the stands were reasources or community things. they literally had a giant ass walmart area.


Giant ass Walmart area, are you in Arkansas?


No, Colorado :/


*~The coldest summer of the rest of your life~*


That sounds horrific, I avoid parades too. At least next year you can explain they are overstimulating and if your partner wants to go get a few hours to yourself. Also agree with other commenters that LGBTBBQ sounds like a great alternative for ND folk.


Wh n NT's want to show that they like autists and support them: (they don't)


Ive nver been to pride and I probably never will I'm not at all interested in naked people and large crowds or bigots screaming Jesus


Oh damn, I'm so sorry. I understand your pain. It's so horrible to see that places for queers aren't supporting our needs, while autistics are more likely to be queer (as far as I know). All autistic communities I know are super supportive of queers, I wish the LGBTQ community would even acknowledge that many of us are a part of it. In my town the pride parade is still quite small, it's just the 4th year taking place. But it's still super loud, overstimulating and kinda scary for me. I am only able to show up equipped with noise cancelling headphones for the protest march and a quick check of the merch. Rainbow capitalism isn't a big issue because it's so small. This is already more than I can take without needing to rest the rest of the day and the next day. Last year they tried to have one section of the crowd in the protest march without music and quieter "for families" but we weren't even able to find this section because it was all just loud. I honestly don't think it'll be better this year.


I was in psychiatry for most of it… so… mine sucked as well


I went to my first nyc pride yesterday, and my friends and I skipped the parade entirely. We had some charcuterie and cake on a rooftop and it was a lot more manageable for me since I could sit off to the side when I was getting overwhelmed. All of the going out to clubs afterwords definitely drained me though and all I could think about was going back to my apartment and watching my cartoons.


That sounds horrible. I didn't go to the parade, but my mom and I went to the library and there was a Pride event in the park next to it. Didn't go to that either because my mom burns easily in the sun, but as we were leaving the library to go home we saw some paramedics rolling over a gurney to the event, so I'm glad I didn't go. The only reason I went in the past was because my sister was a part of a queer youth choir, and there were usually booths giving away free stuff. Even got a glass cup from one that I still use to this day


This kinda thing is exactly why I don't go to parades. When I've had to go to parties I always end up staying outside most of the time, this stuff is way louder with more people and with no escape option.




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Yeah, I’ve always wanted to go to pride but I just can’t because I know it will be just like this, I’ve turned down invitations to go because I know I just wouldn’t be able to handle it, I hope you recover well and are able to get some time alone And happy pride, its not all about the parade, I hope next year you can celebrate in a more comfortable way


Fuck pride for real I can’t STAND pride events. Never been, only seen them from afar, and I never will go because it just sounds like immediate overstimulation. Nothing about it looks fun or appealing to me. I think *best* case scenario I’d be bored as hell and just wanna go home. (obligatory disclaimer im gay and trans dont come for me)