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Was your family strict sabbatarian?


I haven't heard of that term before, but yes Sunday was a very important separated day. Ideally no phone/computer, no playing in the yard, no games, etc.


Yes, a lot of the reform traditions teach or used to teach strict sabbath keeping I think it’s even in some of the confessions of faith. I once was at a church conference where I heard two Preacher arguing about whether or not they would practice church discipline against a member who mowed the grass on Sunday. That was when I was a reformed Baptist. But later I became PCA, which is a lot more chill about about the sabbath. Congratulations on your deconstruction.


Sounds like Seventh Day Adventist too, but they're not Reformed.


>I heard two Preacher arguing about whether or not they would practice church discipline against a member who mowed the grass on Sunday. Even if that member worked all the week and only had time for mowing that Sunday? (I am from a Catholic culture country)


That would still not be a reason for my parents to do that on Sunday lol


>Even if that member worked all the week and only had time for mowing that Sunday? YES! That was kinda the point. The less-sabbatarian preacher was trying to make an argument like yours and the more-sabbatarian preacher was like "IT'S THE LAW OF GOD AND ONE OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS".


Thank you. Wow, that church discipline thing is something... But indeed, that's something my parents would NEVER do on Sunday.


there was also very much the idea that sunday was a 'no fun allowed' day in mine


Yeah, like my parents wouldn't explicitly say that but it's kind of how it works out. "On Sunday we go to church, we read Christian books and focus on how we live our life with God"


Jesus would have celebrated with you


I truly can’t remember if we didn’t celebrate birthdays on Sunday but I remember it being a negative thing if my birthday fell on a Sunday. We were not allowed to watch tv or play video games or anything on sundays and we usually were allowed to celebrate Halloween but not if it fell on a Sunday! Some of my family members thought it was bad to go out to eat on Sunday because you were requiring others to work on Sunday by doing so, but my pastor grandpa supported eating out to give his wife a day of rest from cooking


Oh wow, yeah this sounds pretty similar. Eating out and requiring others to work on Sunday was in my fam not a good thing either lol. Your grandpa is kinda cool tho haha


>but my pastor grandpa supported eating out to give his wife a day of rest from cooking reminds me: an elderly lady from my old church was upset that some of the younger married women were all hanging out together in the evening and she literally said 'they should be at home cooking for their husbands'


my family never banned sunday birthdays but they were decidedly less fun any other day we might go to the park and it's be your birthday celebration for hours, but on sunday you were lucky to get a cake and presents around lunchtime and that was it


Wow yeah exactly. Sounds similar. At least it's just less fun on Sunday...