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We met our new neighbors, and they invited us over for a cookout. Sounded good! Then they said they wanted a time for fellowship. We nope'd right out of that!


Maybe they just wanted you to sit down and watch the Fellowship of the Ring (extended edition, obviously).


Those would be awesome neighbors


But what about second fellowship?


And my axe?


And my bow!


And elevensies!


Where do I sign up?


No signup required - simply speak, friend, and enter.


How does a non-theistic Quaker work?


I agree with the principles and appreciate the community, but do not believe in God, Jesus, or the Bible. Quakers do not historically have creeds, so more liberal meetings allow for nonbelieving members.


I bet you get this a lot, I remember it wasn't that long ago that I asked you.


About once a week or so somebody asks. Questions are always respectful, I don’t mind answering, and I’ve even met another Quaker on this sub.


I grew up with them in Indiana. Richard Nixon grew up a Quaker btw.


For what it is worth, I know his cousins and they are amazing people who walk the walk. I grew up going to the meeting some of his family goes to and they have very strong values that do not align with his.


I just started attending a Quaker church as an atheist! They seem pretty open to everyone. I don’t worship a god, but I see the beauty in all things. They are wonderful people.


The words rebuke, revival, fellowship and the phrase “Have you found Jesus?”. “Didn’t realize I was in charge of babysitting him today. Nope”


Maybe they were Christian swingers


AA also has fellowship but besides that I agree.


AA is stealth faith-based though. 


So, I've met *total strangers* who have come up to me and told me about their testimony of being previously an addict. It's happened enough that I'm instantly on guard and know that the Jesus pitch is right around the corner. Through those experience I've (indirectly) discovered the fast track to getting those guys to fuck off. And it's by responding and saying "I appreciate you telling me this. I'm glad something worked for you. I'm actually working towards being a professional therapist and definitely wanna help people who struggle with addiction." It's always outside, but they typically fuck off so fast that, if we were indoors, they would have left a Wile E Coyote-esque imprint in the walls. Now, I don't want to imply that, as an organization, AA or NA has an ideological/systemic opposition to the concept of getting professional mental health help. I have no evidence that's true. However, based on my experiences, it seems that individual sobriety groups en masse are systematically opposed to mental health help. The fact that my bringing up wanting to do mental health help professionally is where the conversation stops on their part.......HUGE red flag!


Exactly; AA is christianity under a trench coat.


And Celebrate Recovery is Christianity under a trench coat flashing you


If they react to good news with “praise god”, tell me how “blessed” they are, or talk about the “season of life” they’re in. Honestly Christians have ruined the term “season(s)” for me.


I still use the word “blessing” to describe something really good happening, and I’m an atheist. It still feels like a good word to use.


I knew a Wiccan woman who used to say "Blessed be." I guess that's a standard greeting for Wiccans. But some fundigelical poophole reamed her out for disrespecting his religion and trying to shove her beliefs down his throat. Ridiculous!


That’s insanity. Some people are just jerkasses about their beliefs (looking at you /r/atheism ) Like it somebody says “god bless you” to me I’ll say thank you. They’re wishing me well in their way and such things should be taken in the spirit they’re given.


A blessing from what or who tho? That's my personal issue with it. I prefer "luck" or "just awesome" to celebrate those good things.


I recognize it’s a somewhat charged word in this context. I think of it as a blessing from fate, or chance, or The Force. I like the feel of it, but I don’t disagree with what you’re saying.


That's completely fair 😀


AronRa says when you tell someone to have a blessed day you're really saying "Have a magically enchanted day!"


Hahaha omg. I unfortunately still say some of these things. I say Thank God all the time, I think out of habit and nothing else to really say.


The enemy


That term triggers me lmao. The enemy and spiritual warfare. So dramatic that they can't even specify who this enemy is.


He who shall not be named (Santa).


Never met anyone who said they were “struggling against the enemy” or “doing spiritual battle” that struck me as having all the lights on upstairs. It usually felt like Jesus flavored schizophrenia


This is part of why Christianity makes me so mad. The way they phrase and “explain” things seems like psychosis fodder at best. They volunteer to take in the mentally ill and say, “Oh, those paranoid thoughts you have about the devil always trying to get you to do things you don’t want to do, and Jesus knowing where you are and what you’re doing at all times, meaning you have no actual privacy, even in your own home? Yeah, they’re real! It’s all real, and you have every reason to be afraid! But don’t be afraid, because the figure that’s constantly spying on you will protect you! But he can’t protect you if you do too many things the devil likes, so be on guard! But you can let your guard down because you’re always safe in the comforting embrace of god. But don’t let your guard down TOO too much because the devil likes to sneak around and mess with your life when you least expect it!” and think they’re fucking helping


Yup. And as I’ve said a million times before, taken to its logical conclusion, this devil, it would seem, is more powerful than god.




> The enemy and spiritual warfare. The enemy and spiritual warfare in question? Someone (rightfully) calling out their toxic behavior and/or telling them they're an asshole.


But they'll happily say "the devil is out to get us" the moment something bad happens to them 😂. They're so quick to praise the devil


"Oh my word"


The way I still sometimes say this because of how I was raised 😭


Same this one really exposed me


It's funny because I blastpheme like crazy not even trying to. Spent 25 years as a Christian and only out of it 5 lol. Happens quick. Well I guess I was still blaspheming as a Christian so idk


I still occasionally use PG-rated cuss words just outta habit or because i think it's funny gosh darnit


I just use this out of habit out of respect around old ladies down here in the south lmao. A lot of them don't take real kindly to cursing.


I still use this around my parents lol


I will still do this in “polite company,” but I am in the small town south.


Someone approaches me at a park randomly and asks " Do you believe in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?"... Oh subtle? I don't think I've experienced that lol


Weird question to ask someone to be honest. Has the same value as asking a stranger if they are a follower of Imhotep.


Exactly! Idk if it's just a South Florida thing but it happens all the time


Sadly I know nothing of Florida or the usa regarding Christianity. Never been. I live in a generally secular Netherlands where Christians and all religions are the minority. And totally annoying that they ask it so much in south florida


> Idk if it's just a South Florida thing but it happens all the time No, this *definitely* happens in my small-ish Texas suburb. I fucking HATE it here!!!


Just answer with, “I recognize the reality of the Noodly Flying Spaghetti Monster, praise be his sauce.”


I am visibly disabled, and I always close my eyes and say "Sweet lord Beelzebub please grant me the strength to take this person's working legs for my own" and that usually ends it one way or another.




"may the schwartz be with you"




Hasn't happened to me but if it ever does my plan is to say "Who?" and if they like start ranting about how he died for my sins I'll say, "Oh, Josh. Yeah. Sucks that he died."


“(Invite into ones) heart”


"practice forgiving"  Either you do or you don't forgive. 


"Seasons" "Him/He" "my walk" "Evolutionist"(for YEC) "Scientism"(for YEC/Fundamentalists) "Testimony"(not used in a legal context)


Wdym seasons? And is Him/He a Christian troll instead of He/Him?


I think they mean they capitalize the h whenever they use Jesus’ pronouns


Pretty much. There's a lot of He and Him in Christian written discussions I've noticed that only refers to god.


I once asked my mom why they do this and she said it was a sign of respect. That's a weird way to show respect. I still think it's dumb. The only pronoun that should always be capitalized is "I"


I know observant Jews will often say "G-d" instead of "God" and "Hashem" which literally just means "The Name" instead of Yahweh or even YHWH, They often give the same reasons. And that's their right to do so but I'm not obligated to follow those rules. I don't respect Yahweh if he's anything like his biblical depiction, nor do I believe he's real so I can't offend a fictional character. I'm also neither Jewish or Christian so I'm not obligated to follow the rules of a belief system I do not subscribe to.


And also for capitalizing Jesus’s many titles, for some reason.


I've noticed "Season of X" is a common term I hear in Christian speak online. And "He" and "Him" are only used to refer to Yahweh in Christian writing.


Unless it’s “Halloween III: Season of the Witch.”


"Sharing" your testimony is a dead giveaway that they are speaking Christianese not Legalese.


“My calling/called to”


Scientism is so ridiculous.


season--as in season of life: early parenthood, aging parents, empty nester, a couple bad days in a row ("We just need to get through this season.") blessed patriot tyranny And to double up on OP, fellowship. You can never gather as friends, or have a cookout, or go to the movies or... whatever. It's fellowship time.


Christians saying things like 'patriot’ and 'tyranny' sound like such an American thing. A special breed of Christian stupidity and entitlement.


yea, i don't think i can remember any christian in europe say that


Christianity in the US is becoming increasingly tied to a pseudo-religious right-wing culture that idolizes Donald Trump and believes that the United States is far superior to any other nation that's ever existed, and also that our government has been infiltrated by tyrannical leftists who are forcing children to be gay by exposing them to profane library books. It's all very dangerous nonsense. These people usually have an arsenal of guns that they plan to use when the communists complete their takeover of the government or something equally inane. These are largely Baby Boomers who think that we need to force everyone to pretend it's the 1950s (no abortions, gay marriages, casual racism, ostracization of the nonreligious, etc), but without the social programs that made that era prosperous for a large swath of the American people.


You nailed it! BTW Happy Cake Day!


SUCH an American thing. And as an American, it is downright embarrassing. So much Christians in America do is embarrassing, if I can be honest.


that takes you into MAGAt territory!


Seasons is so triggering partially because I feel it’s a good descriptor and reminds me that the bad parts don’t last forever. But I can’t use it anymore because it gives me the willies.


Christianese is very real haha “walk in faith” “bathe in the blood of the lamb” “are you saved?” Sounds like nonsense to normal people, but to the crazies it means something.


It really is like another language. “The lord called me to do this.” Really? Did anyone else hear this call? No? You mean it was all inside your head, then? In that case, the Lord has called me to eat another slice of pizza. “All things can be done in Christ.” Really? So the guy’s body envelopes the planet?


“All things can be done in Christ.” “Yeah, well George on Grindr says the same thing about himself.” Derail the hell out of that conversation


"Saved from what?" Jesus was going on about an end of the world that he believed was imminent. before a generation has passed. If some of what the gospels said can be believed, he very much believed the end of days would arrive very soon. So did Paul. So did the dude who wrote 1 John. So did the dude who wrote Revelation. Christians just ignore that and go on about about being saved from some hellish afterlife Jesus allegedly created per their own doctrine.


Sometimes the word salad I read on the Christianity sub makes me want to suggest the writer get checked in case they’re having a stroke. It’s insanity.


When they speak in nothing but Christian-based virtue signaling verbiage, I'm very tempted to ask them "are you okay? Do you smell burnt toast?"


“Have you been washed in the blood of the lamb?” “Sounds metal, but I’m vegan.”


I once asked someone what they were grateful for that day, and they told me it was a Christian thing to be grateful. They meant that to be grateful implies that there’s someone to thank and they said that in their perspective they don’t owe anything to anyone so they are not grateful for things.


What a ridiculous point of view.


I mean, you can be grateful to anybody for anything, so you could be grateful to a friend or a family member for something. If one isn’t a complete and utter malcontent, one should be able to come up with *something.*


I used to believe that non-theists couldn't \*truly\* experience gratitude because they had no one to be grateful to. I'm not sure it works that way anymore, but I assumed that was just my condescension at the time... I haven't met any that said that out loud.


usually when they wear the cross


I read this quickly and thought it said when they wear crocs and i -


Same lmfao goddammit, i gotta get rid of my crocs now ???? Lmao


Cross necklaces are an immediate red flag for me.


yes usually. but some were cross for symbolizes like goth culture. so there are exceptions a.


St Peter’s cross (upside down cross) is an exception too


Yeah, unless the person is extremely goth or alt it’s a quick alarm bell


Rebuke The world Helpmeet


“Helpmeet” 🤮


I haven’t heard of helpmeet


It’s a misogynistic way to refer to a wife (and only ever the wife, it doesn’t go the other way). They believe God gave eve to Adam to “be a helper for him” (or helpmeet in the kjv) , so they use it for women and at weddings - and whenever they’re praising a male leader, there’s a sanctimonious little nod to “his helpmeet”. UGHHH


I could not hear that as anything other than “helpmeat” and referring to a person as that is would disgust the hell out of me


"Have a blessed day." It's also a personal pet peeve when I say I was "lucky" and someone corrects me to say I was "blessed." No. I actually think it's an insane amount of hubris to believe God personally intervened to stop me from losing control of my car when I blew a tire but entire countries full of kids dying of starvation or malaria don't matter to him.


They better not correct me on that. Nope. However, in a lot of contexts where I don’t know the person, I will say “fortunate.” That definitely means “lucky,” but for some reason, they don’t have a knee-jerk reaction to it.


Anything about obedience is a giveaway for me.


Fucking triggering.


“Don’t speak that over me.”


“Would you like me to speak it under you?”


Is that the Christian version of “I don’t claim that energy?” 😂


"Don't you put that on me, Ricky Bobby!!!!" Same energy.


* "Love on..."  * "The Enemy..."


“Love on” is so creepy


For real. I grew up with too many country songs that used it as a euphemism for sex.


my former pastor asked me to "love on" (exact words) on my abusive ex-brother and when I suffered for it, the pastor stopped picking up my calls and ghosted me for months. I have to forgive myself for going against my gut instinct and listening to someone who cared less about me and more about keeping the peace.


Depraved, when referring to morality


Sounds like the TULIP crowd.


Tulip? Never heard of that Edit: Nevermind, I know exactly what that is. That’s what I grew up in. Just never knew the acronym


The fuckin “do life together” makes me gag. Same with any time I hear “hey girlie, so you have really been on my heart lately and…”. That shit sends me into fight or flight.


> The fuckin “do life together” makes me gag. What is *foundational* to SO MANY Christians' faith is a need, like a downright *pathological* need, to feel important and special. "Do life together" is, conceptually, nothing more than a relationship development. They're not fucking special regardless of what bullshit verbiage they invent to use amongst their tribe. Relationship development is like one of the most basic of human behaviors. It's not a "divinely inspired" concept nor is it one they came up with! You know what they remind me of? That South Park episode where everyone in town who writes Yelp reviews thinks they're so goddamn important and superior compared to everyone else.


Something is "secular". Fuck I hate that word.


Share joy Praise be Loving Father Eternal Gospel Ladies group/men's club/youth group Transformation


LOL when my oldest was at her college orientation a few years back, she befriended a girl and we were talking to her and her mom and some things like “season” and “blessings” and “called to do x…” came up and I pulled my daughter aside and said Welp. They’re crazy Christians! She didn’t grow up with it so she didn’t know the key words. But sure enough—they followed each other on social media and the girl was super Christian


I complain about Christianity and Yaweh all the time so it's challenging to have friends who are Christian. I'm trying to learn to not hate Christianity quite as strongly as I do be hatred gets me nowhere


The phrase: Love the Christian, but hate the Christianity comes to mind (like love the sinner but hate the sin).


“Season” “My walk” Mentioning casually that you’re praying for this or that or that you’re blessed to do xyz. Referring to being LGBT as a “choice.”


> Referring to being LGBT as a “choice.” "[Child's name] thinks they're bi/gay/trans!!!!"


"Rightly divide"


“Rightly Dividing” the word = cherry picking verses


Did you just watch Abraham Pipers last IG post? Reminded me of this. Justification, justified, sanctification, PTL, come before your throne,


The day I realized he was John Piper’s son (from a post on this sub), his whole deal made so much sense. Only of the only IG personalities that I would genuinely like to spend a few hours talking to.


- blessed / what a blessing - worship (as opposed to “church”) - praise (especially used as a verb) - quiet time / devotions - burden (especially a “burden for…”)


"lord willing" "equally yoked" "worldly" And one my grandma came up with, "angel eggs" because she didn't like saying deviled eggs


When they say lmbo instead of lmao


They’ll disown their children for being gay but GOSH forbid they say a naughty word hehe


This is pretty common in conservative black culture. A lot of people will be church going but not believe any of this stuff. Or they'll have fairly liberal theology. Black baptist is another whole subculture.


At the gym I used to go to, there was a woman who worked the front desk who *thought* I was a Christian because she didn't hear me swear. Seriously. That's........that's all it took for her to ID someone as part of her tribe. Not saying "fuck".


When they say bondage, and they don’t mean kink 😂


Ha! This reminds me of the time when, shortly after 50 shades came out as a movie, and at the church where I ran the a/v department, the new sermon series was... the seven deadly sins, maybe. Anyway, the pastor got up there and started discussing sin in general, as his kickoff moment for the new series. I had the front cameras turned on so I could see the audience's faces, to gauge when they were done looking at each slide and I could move on to the next thing he wanted displayed. So he starts off with, "What is sin? Bondage!" He's off to the races discussing the whole concept of being trapped by the devil, and I'm watching most of the faces on my monitors, fighting back grins, blushing, tittering, etc, across most of the audience. Except one high school kid I noticed in particular, who was looking at her parents kind of confused, then whipped out her phone and you could tell by her eyes, exactly when she figured out why her parents thought a pastor yelling "bondage" was funny.


I'm so glad you mentioned this one 


"On my walk" "Blessed" "Grateful" "Being humbled" "Giving grace" "Trump 2024"


"Grateful" and "being humbled"? Im confused here, i only heard them in a secular context where im at


“Get right with Jesus” or “Jesus is coming back” when bad things happen in the world.


Have a *blessed* day.


I came into this thread to say exactly this, I work customer service and some customers will be like "oh you have a *blessed* day" and like, hmm. Spotted the fundamentalist.




Testimony/testify outside of court-related topics Also “witness” and “convicted” outside of same


“Fearful” instead of “afraid”. Dead giveaway.


All deserve forgiveness. Forgiveness isn’t about them it’s about you. No. Some things are not forgivable. I’m fine I don’t think others should decide if I should forgive someone.


Yes! Thank you for this! I do not forgive what cannot be forgiven. And that’s OK. I do not wallow in bitterness, and my heart isn’t black. But I don’t have to forgive if I don’t want to. Some people just don’t deserve forgiveness.


My husband and I got suckered into a pickup orchestra at a church, and after the rehearsal they invited us to stay for "good news". We did not go back for the performance


And going along with this, their assumption that people exist in the US who haven't heard of Jesus


If they ever use the term “onanism”. Dead giveaway.


When people use the word blessed or blessing unironically I nope the fuck out


Always using words that indicate black and white thinking such as: always/never, love/hate, good/bad


absolute truth, unconditional love, wholly,


Confused about this one because those are common and normal words I use all the time to express how I'm feeling, describe something, or even just playfully exaggerate. Like I know Christians talk about love and hate in a specific context but that is not a relevant context to me so I don't consider it proof of black and white thinking.


Referring to a higher power as “The Lord.” Tbh even after deconstruction I still say “season of” and “on my heart”. And then I cringe at myself for how Christianese I sounded.


"on my heart" (as in, "you've been on my heart," meaning they've been thinking about the person they're addressing) someone has "a calling," like going some place to witness/minister "edify" -- said by my youth pastor when we used depricating humor among ourselves


This “season” or “season of life.”


Saying "Oh my word" instead of oh my God.


How are you? "I'm blessed." Tf


How are you? “I’m blessed and highly favored, how are you?” Um, well the planet’s on fire and we’re in a housing crisis, so, I’m ok, but I have a headache.


"Laid on my heart." Could be anything that you think God is telling you. "Hey Laura, God laid on my heart that you're an asshole.''


Being 'called' to something.


"Lust" "Sign of the times" "Iron sharpens iron" "Demonicrats" / "Demoncrats" "Amen" "Have faith"/"Believe"


Oh my gosh


Many of these are red flags for me - fellowship and "do life" or similar weirdly constructed terms. But also, kingdom. Any time that word comes up and the person isn't talking about Bhutan, it's a clue that they're likely to start jesusing at me. Especially is they're using the word in a grammatically odd manner - "for kingdom purposes" or whatever.


‘Have a blessed day’🙄 I’d rather get a bless your heart.


Use of the term Believer instead of Christian.


Make America great again


The obvious cuss word substitutions. lol. “Gosh dang it!” “No freaking way!” “Good Night!” (as in, “good god!” or “oh my god!”)


"I was blessed with...." after receiving something


“Trials and tribulations.”


Not really a word but a phrase. I watched an American YouTuber a few weeks ago who traveled to Australia. He went to The Great Barrier Reef and said 'I mean how could anyone look at all this and say it happened by accident?' I checked out.


The podcast Straight White American Jesus has a series called It's In The Code where he talks about these Christianese words/phrases and breaks down the meaning of them. It's kind of intended to be a sort of translation for people who didn't grow up in Christian culture, but I've found that I really enjoy it.


How about I just come up with a whole paragraph for you out of thin air with all the christianese I can muster from my little ex Christian soul🤣🤣 Setting: Women’s event : Read the following paragraph in the classic female women’s pastor voice. • • “Hello lovely Brides of Christ! 💕 I am so blessed to be here with my spiritual family and that we could all make it out tonight for an intimate night of fellowship in the secret place with the Father. 🫶🏻We all need times like this to fill up our wells so that we can overflow into the hearts and lives of the prodigals around us. Tonight, take this service as an opportunity to rest in the peace that surpasses all understanding and to be vulnerable with those around you. Remember, we are here to do life with eachother and learn about our purpose. Now, let us rise and lift our hands as a sign of surrender to the father as we prepare our hearts for tonights worship! • • How’d I do?🤣


I've seen a few exceptions, like AA which uses terms like "fellowship" in a non-churchy way. 


"i have faith" in non religious contexts. "I have faith the package will arrive on time." "Have faith, you'll get there."


“Have a blessed day”. I always cringe inside when I hear that.


Sin You’ve been on my heart Feel called to [fill in the blank with whatever they wanted to feel righteous about doing or saying] Father Lord (why were we all so comfortable with the serfdom vocab!!) Pure Bless Any combination of Ye Olde Speak and yoga-esque language: humble thyself, go forth, come before you, unto him shall it be etc I dread discovering my teen journals. I bet it’s like a Christian verbiage bingo card in there.


Always heard about Demons, Demons and Demons! As a Transtheist, I say that Christians wouldn't live a day without saying that the world is infested with Demons. My sister got into rock music recently, and my parents say it's "Demonic"


Anointing Discernment The lord laid it on my heart He will provide




Have a blessed day


Was on the phone with my bank's customer service today and was told to have a "Blessed Day" with all the enthusiasm of a Christian who is too religiously high to realize they are burnt out like hell from both their day job and the free labor they give their church family.


A lot of people are mentioning “seasons”. Where did that come from? Other than literal seasons of the year, the only time I’ve heard it was in old poems. Has this phrases become used religiously recently?


- Blessed/blessing - Purpose - Will - Soul/Spirit


Worship. Sinner. Praise. Etc.


Everything is equated to being a "season". Yes, that is a fairly accurate term to divide expected yet somewhat fuzzy distinctions in a cycle. But ever since the more popular evangelical preachers with a web presence started using seasons to explain literally any life experience, I've found that the only people who casually use this terminology *regularly*, are frequently exposed to sermons. The same can be said for "World View". This is a term that is leaned upon quite heavily within Christian school settings, to distinguish between the perceptions expected of the student and the perceptions of everyone else. When really it was just educational conditioning to force said student into viewing everything in life as a relative matter devoid of any real ability to truly "know" anything. This was then followed by an emphasis on trusting faith first, so you can know truth even when you can't actually know truth. The end result is someone who very likely can look at something fairly straight forward that contradicts their established belief, and say with complete honesty that they can't comprehend what you are explaining to them. This sadly enough also extends to the Bible as well, where Jesus himself could show up in person and counter the interpretation of the modern podcast pastor, and many of his so called "followers" would denounce him as a liar and a heretic. Assuming they didn't first nail him to a tree for not being a rabid nationalist.


For me it's not just the words themselves though there are a few dead giveaway phrases. I can spot a christian a mile away just by their clothes and mannerisms. That stepford wife forced happiness, the insecurity, and the fear just oozes out. Much like a little kid who has done something wrong and are trying not to get caught or trying to be on their best behavior so the bad thing they did gets ignored. Even the liberal christians in my area have a dress code. Muted colors, tee shirts, polos, sack dresses, and pretty much anything that could have been purchased at a big box store. Which makes sense given the previously mentioned behavior. If you're trying to fly under the radar and go unnoticed by big daddy in the sky unless you are doing something to try and get his attention you're going to dress in a muted manner. I currently have a closet half full of polos and dress shirts that my husband just informed me he is no longer comfortable in and wants to get rid of because they don't fit him personality wise anymore and the other half of the closet has a selection of dresses and denim skirts I never wear anymore for the same reason. It's been nearly 10 years since going to any church and we are just now acknowledging that feeling.


When they are "trusting" for something.


The inability to properly use swear words


"It didn't feel right in my spirit"


People pleasing is really common.


Describing something as “Secular”


Homosexual Wisdom Unity Chastened Seed/Quiver Goodly Charity Grace Submit be subject Rebellious Blessed “Had faith/didn’t have faith to…” “Lord willing” “His timing” “I’m from Texas.” Kidding, but really the other day someone said this and I was like oh no. Edit: adding Zealous