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Unless you want to get into a discussion where you are required to see it his way, I would not respond. My PIMI wife wanted me to go to the elders and discuss my doubts with them. I said no. She couldnt understand why. I asked her if she believed that the Mormon religion was the truth? She said of course not. I asked her why she doesnt go to the Mormon elders so they can convince you otherwise. She said because I know they dont have the truth. That is exactly the same reason why I have no interest in meeting with elders.


Wow that is clever!


The Mormons think the *same exact thing*. She gets that, right? It has to click at some point


Actually, I never knew how religious people viewed their own faith. Never knew they could be just as sure as we were. I was under the assumption that they couldn’t possibly be as faithful to their religion as we were to ours. I mean we were the best at EVERYTHING spiritual.


Whoah.... And how long did you get the silent treatment on that hurtful truth? But yes, that's really good.




Im curious as to her response. Do you mind sharing?


There was no response, she just turned and walked away.


There is no response, and I'm sure she got it




> My PIMI wife wanted me to go to the elders and discuss my doubts with them. I said no. She couldnt understand why. I have had the exact same experience with my PIMI wife. She tells me if you just go and talk to the Elders they can help you to be okay with the Child Sex Abuse crisis that is gripping the Jehovah's Witnesses organization! She did not say it in those exact words.....but that is basically what she said.


How can one be ok with the crises?


Great question. I have had a very specific discussion with my PIMI wife about the CSA topic and basically said I cannot support an organization that does this. She has an endless number of excuses or answers as to how an average JW should be able to "get over" the fact that JWs have a massive CSA problem and just get back on the JW hamster wheel. Excuses include the typical: * Perfect organization run by imperfect men. * Research and read what the organization publishes. * Talk to the Elders. * Wait on Jehovah to take care of it. To an indoctrinated PIMI person there is no legitimate reason to stop being a JW! Edit: Grammar.


I "waited in Jehovah" until the 1914 generation died out. The "overlapping generations" was the signal that there was no Jehovah, no answer, and thus no more waiting.


The organization has cherry picked scriptures to show that R&F JWs should be okay with the idea that waiting forever for the Big J to solve things. No matter how terrible it is.....just keep waiting. Even if it makes no sense....just keep waiting.


I agree. But how can they explain the false prophecies? My only regret was not leaving sooner.


The organisation that she thinks is perfect is promoting CSA, by it's instructions to elders, service desk, legal department. Written instructions not a knee jerk reaction, written instructions take time to compile and many people involved it's , maybe she should research and read what the organisation has published over the 100 or so years about CSA and still say that this is a perfect organisation. She should ask the elders what their SFG book says about CSA. Ask the big J why he has so little regard for small children, why he doesn't protect them, why he allows this organisation to abuse children. I'm sorry for your situation, my sister had a similar reaction and also said well that happens everywhere, so they should do nothing! It's inconceivable.


Great comparison of cult cousins!!!


Bam! This!!!




👆🏽 ![gif](giphy|3O3dsdSHBwQjC9gjnH)


> How do you respond? *You Don\`t...* You Block them, Ghost them, Ignore them. *You Do Not Respond.*


I find the best way to get rid of them is to always say 'thanks so much. That's encouraging ' and nothing else. Just that same thing over and over again like a robot. They eventually quit, they get nothing out of you that they can use over you, and it's fun driving them crazy to respond like a robot. I know i have a problem with being passive aggressive but at this point it's whatever makes me feel better, no matter how petty.


I dunno. They could take this as encouraging them to keep it up. I've always found something like, "Thanks for your concern. If I need anything further, I know how to contact you. Please respect my privacy until I feel ready to get back in touch" works pretty well. If that doesn't work, follow it up with a written no contact request. If that doesn't work, consider seeking a restraining order from the Court. That'll get their attention for sure. They don't want the bad publicity.


That sounds fun. I'm pimo so I can't go that hard yet. But maybe in the future I'll have circumstances that will be more favorable to this type of response.


Restraining orders have their place, but I'm not sure about bad publicity. That isn't really something that hits the public radar. But I agree if they are overly persistent, that is the way to go. Though in JW world, you could bring the spotlight on you even more. I find simply not responding at all, or responding in a very mindfully way....are the only things that work. But even that is highly dependent on the body.


I wanted to vote ignore but having read the above, I think your suggestion is the best! It's not that passive aggressive, it's Diplomatic.


It drives them crazy haha


My gf has a great response whenever her ex-husband sends a long nasty text: “Ok”


Beautiful. This response makes an abuser the most mad. I love it.


Exactly. He’s a narcissistic asshole and an “ok” response makes him furious. He’s trying to generate an emotional response and gets pissed that it doesn’t work.


I'm very familiar with these techniques. My elder dad was and is abusive. He still tries sometimes to use me as his verbal punching bag but doesn't get many opportunities now. I learned pretty young to not respond. Now if he starts I immediately get my husband in the room or on the phone and he stops. He's a coward.


Because your telling them your encouraged, but there's no change in your behaviour, I think that is brilliant and if you relax sit back with the popcorn you can enjoy the show.




Haha that'll be my next line I repeat.. too bad I can't be honest and continue it with 'when This spiritual food rots I look forward to the fresh new light'


It was rotten when served lol


Haha true. True true true


This is the best response 👆🏻


Broken record technique


That had been my strategy as a teen to avoid getting g baptized and overall it worked well. I managed to escape without the added layer of disfellowshipping. I can see how it would work in this situation as well and gives them nothing they can use against you.


Awesome! Glad to hear you were able to get away without getting disfellowshipped!


I've read that they really back off when you tell them you're really struggling with mental health, and their pressure and contacting you is making it worse. Hope this info is accurate.


I used that to get off the theocratic ministry school. Worked great. And it was true, I just didn't say "I'm having a mental breakdown because I recently realized I grew up in a cult"


That's nice to hear it worked, the cognitive dissonance of figuring our you're in a cult is brutal. Enough to cause actual mental health issues!


This is the way.


Don’t respond. Delete and block the number. What’s your situation? Are you fully faded? Are you living away from JWs?


>*"Have you given equal opportunity to hearing the answer to the charges against us?"* What an absolutely, utterly ridiculous question. Especially if you're born in, you've been hearing the answer to the charges against them ALL YOUR LIFE. What you haven't (until now) given a chance is hearing that there's any alternative to what you've been told to believe. I had similar accusations leveled at me and I well remember how maddening it is to have your decision dismissed as though you're being flippant or aren't giving them a fair shake when you've just had to make what will likely be one of the hardest decisions of your life. It's also incredibly disrespectful and dismissive to 1) just assume that you made your decision "quickly" and 2) to act as though he can just toss a couple of scriptures at you as though that's supposed to make all doubts and concerns vanish. Please. Edited to add that practically speaking, you're under no obligation to respond and try to explain things to people who are committed to misunderstanding you. It's emotionally exhausting. If you respond at all, I'd just keep it light and cordial. You could let him know that you don't take the decision lightly but you don't wish to discuss it, merely to have your decision respected.


I know, right? Been out 25+ years. I guarantee I know more about what they supposedly believe than they do. I’m certainly more current on their shit. Infuriating.


That question is down right insulting. It insinuates that OP has not done their research, but it is exactly the opposite. JWs have not given equal opportunity to weigh criticism against the org. They block their ears and quickly shun anyone who has the facts.


Agree 100%!! The audacity of these men, to think that you haven't listened to their side of things, when it's literally ALL you've heard for the majority of your life! You finally find out about the rotten cesspool of the underbelly of the organization and if you read these few scriptures it will completely negate what you've learned. Seriously...the Audacity!


Jesus disciples did not abandon him because he was JESUS. He was the one making miracles and had words of eternal life. That is not the case with the Government Body. They are a false prophet. They shut down the door to get to Jesus. They drive people to suicide.


well said!


Cringe! I would probably say something along the lines of: This is a perfect example of why I woke up to the truth about the organization - comparing you imperfect men to Jesus! I can have faith in God and Jesus and the Bible without going through a delusional self-appointed middleman organization that confesses to getting it wrong and can only keep people in through manipulation and threats of coercion and dividing families if someone disagrees with the interpretations of men. I have no issue with individual members as they are victims like I was, and I'm not angry. I chose to leave a false religion. And now I am free. Now I am happy. Take care and never contact me again.


And you could add Happy New Year


Absolutely Happy New Year!! Lol


I thought the same thing!!!! How blasphemous, right?!


You owe them nothing. Do not acknowledge the message


"Lol", then block. Edit: Texting the number the entire screenplay for Bee Movie, then blocking is also a contender.


Molested or unmolested bees?


You keep that mods disturbing bee bothering fetish out of my wholesome Bee Movie joke 😤.


You know where it’s from right?


No! I had to look it up, that's pretty damn funny. Lol was that in the pìnk songbook or yellow one? Wasn't sung at all when I was all little kid witnessey in the 90s.




maybe reply: "Charges?" "Overlapping Generations" is not a 'charge' and removing Holy Spirit from Jesus baptism in Matthew 28:19, to add the Watchtower "Organization" in place of Holy Spirit is not a charge. Did you EVER think that those that saw 1914 would never die, before? .. What happened to you?" I added the 'what happened to you?' to disarm, and make him think. I was that guy once, unfortunately... But just block and ignore. He must have a CO visit, obeying his overlords... Block and ignore imo.


I played the old "new number who dis" just for kicks. It worked really well for a while. Eventually changing my number and getting rid of fb and insta then moved and did not share my address with a single person I once knew.


Ignore them. I mean it. I should have been disfellowshipped years and years earlier, but when the elders called to schedule judicial meetings I just ignored them. Since I was inactive and didn’t ever reply, they just did nothing. It made life much easier for my family at the time.


Why do you all give these people the time of day? Just block them. I saw a post where someone wrote a long ass letter "resigning" from JWs. That is some of the silliest shit I've ever seen. Just leave.


I think thays unfair to say. If a long letter makes someone feel better-great


Okay, I agree with that. If writing a long letter helps with closure, then good. Just don't mail it. You'd be giving them authority over you yet again.


Personally I agree that disassociating gives them power over you and plays Into their hands. I think they hate the fade the most, which makes it my personal favorite method of leaving. That or just stopping everything cold turkey.


I think it'd be funnier & more damaging to run around declaring yourself a member of JWs while actively breaking all their rules, and never showing up to get DFed. I wish I could go back in time and do that.


Oh thats very easy. A quick "Go fuck yourself" along with a block should do the trick


The problem is that JWs dont want to give an answer to those charges.


They can't. There is no answer. There's pray harder and have more faith


use prov 18:13,17 against him - If one gives an answer obefore he hears, it is his folly and shame. Tell him that he can share information with you as long as you can also show him all the information you have. Also you can remind him that his governing body forbids him from looking at any other information so he can follow the advice from the GB or the conflicting advice from proverbs!


Funny how their so quick to shun us, but heaven forbid we shun them. "Turn your back on us"... Yeah. Ok.


"No... not stumbled - perfectly balanced, thanks! Just watching others fumbling around in the dark... and enjoying the spectacle!"


Ignore and block. I think by not saying something in return is saying something to those nosy elders.


Some psycho gaslighting ought to stop the bleeding


Ask them how is listening to gossip showing love. Hearsay doesn’t hold up in court so why would it hold up in the congregation of God. So you have doubts that is not a gross sin. Even Elijah had feelings like ours, and Jesus can sympathize because he took a human form. Where is there compassion. Why are doubts or feelings charges ?


Being raised all these years in it, im very much familiar with most in my hometown, most happen to be relatives. I’ve thought about getting a PO box and writing them letters anonymously like they do 🤣 “Hi neighbor. I’m just writing to let you know about the wolfs in sheep clothing that walk amongst us. Other nicknames include chesters, jdubs, jws, etc. Many failed predictions and promises. Harassment. Gossipers. I’d love to share a scripture. Luke 21: 7-9. 1 Thessalonians 4: 11-12.” Man do my parents hate when I quote scripture against them. Its almost like using the dark side of the force. “A power some consider…unnatural.” - Darth Sidious


I wonder how many sex offenders this elder has personally protected. Perhaps they should look at their own stumbling as they ignore reality and prop up the corrupt GB pffss


This is exactly what I was wondering.


Wen I was Pimi. I was with friends watching a convention with a talk about avoiding apostates & it had that same excuse. Look at all you've been taught wat can apostates give you & honestly it's flimsy...it doesn't justify the harm done


"UNSUBSCRIBE" is what you reply to robots...


Ugh. It’s so nice to know that you’ve been ‘discussed’ behind your back. “I understand you’ve stumbled over some doubts” is a veiled threat. He’s letting you know that the word is out and now you’re on their radar. You’re being talked about. You’re being watched. So here, let’s force you into an ultimatum by directly texting you. Ridiculous. How you reply depends 100% on your current situation/status and your exit strategies and goals. If you’re trying to quietly fade, do not rely and block the number. Make sure you disable the “seen/read” feature too. If they know you merely opened the message and read it, that’s technically feedback. It’s information they shouldn’t be allowed to know. If you’re already openly POMO, feel free to reply however you see fit (even rudely if you want to). If you’re stuck in as a PIMO (young still living with parents or adult and married to PIMI spouse) and need to slow play for a few more years, then reply kindly and try to diffuse this ASAP. Agree to meet with them. Tell them everything they want to hear (lie). Assure them that you’re ok—you had doubts, but now you’ve corrected your thinking and no longer have them. Agree with everything they say and thank them for their counsel.


Ignore. And then ignore some more; ultimately (most) Elders are lazy AF, they will give up. No response is a response. Yeeeah, it’s irritating fading when stragglers are snooping for gossip, but when you stop feeding the beast, it dies.


"Please reindoctrinate yourself. Or else, we'll do it for you." Hang in there and stick to your guns my friend. It's about to get rough. 🤞🏾👍🏾🤜🏾🤛🏾


After I was reinstated and began to fade hard, one of the elders that was on my previous judicial would send me texts in a group with his wife, and my mom to check in on me whenever I missed meetings. It was a hell of a guilt trip including my PIMI mom in there, along with his wife whom I always loved and looked up to when I was active. Eventually, I sent him a text separate from the group telling him that while I appreciated his concern and outreach, that it wasn’t necessary. I asked that he please stop the group messages between him, his wife and my mom. I closed it by saying that I hoped both him and his wife were doing well, and much love to them both. Fortunately, he was incredibly respectful and responded in kind. While I think the majority of witnesses are totally deluded, I do think that a lot of them mean well; they don’t know any better. Killing them with kindness may seem a bit cliché, but better to do that than give them something negative to say about you and your character. Especially if you need to maintain somewhat of a good reputation to keep in contact with family members and the like.


Yeah, my brother who is an Elder and COBE wanted an opportunity to answer my doubts when he found out. I asked him to disprove radiometric dating or provide proof of the supernatural. He related a story where he prayed for something very likely to happen and it happened and said it was irrefutable proof of Jehovah. They always make it seem like they have some secret that destroys any doubts. They don't, they'll just give you a few scripture verses and say it means whatever they want it to. My brother couldn't even wrap his head around questioning the Bible itself. Sorry you're going through this. If you don't have to keep up appearances or you're trying to remain PIMO or something... I would just block his number. The chances of him seeing your side of the argument are practically nill. If you need to remain PIMO, just pretend he helped you with his ridiculous scripture and thank him... Offer nothing else.




I love when they use that scripture in John because it’s so easy to respond with a few verses earlier in John 6:53, 54. The reason those people were abandoning Jesus was because of his “shocking” speech that any who want everlasting life must eat his flesh and drink his blood. Something which most JWs refuse to do every year at the Memorial. Personally, I don’t believe in any of that nonsense anymore but it’s a good way to show how they’ll use one scripture and ignore other ones in the same account.


Hate to say it, but this is one reason disassociation is a still an option. If you have support, it is the best way to keep them off your back, plus, it helped clean up all my fake friends, which was all of them lol


What you're dealing with here is what those of us experienced with narcissistic abuse call a flying monkey, after the servants of the witch in The Wizard of Oz. This person's purpose is to pull you back into orbit so that they and others can wear you down and get you to concede. You're not gonna win the argument. They're never gonna come with you or agree to leave you alone. All you can do is ghost.


They think that having doubts of the watchtower is abandoning God. CULT


Just don't respond. It was soooo freaking hard for me/us. They texted, called, emailed, and even stopped by our house unannounced. It killed me to ignore them, but eventually they stopped and we've never heard from them again. If you respond, depending on what you say, they will either redouble their efforts to get you to come back, or decide to take judicial action against you. If you ghost them, they'll eventually leave you alone. Stay strong! ❤️ You can do this!


OP just message back: “1 Thess. 4:11,12”. Lol 😂 that should shut them up


YES!!!! Best way to tell them to fuck off


Block them


Here is what you do. Works every time. When you get a text from someone type “hi who is this, just got this number” after that block the person. You will never see another Text from them again.


Just block them and go about your day.


Try to block them, ghost or ignore if you can. Hopefully they leave you alone eventually. Not the way it went down for me but hey it is what it is


This person is saying “who told you about this and this and that” as is what they teach is real


Hello, I do not wish to be contacted. Thank you.


Who dis new phone.




Reply. Sorry I have Ebola.


Change your number


I had to do this when I fully faded. It’s been nice not to be harassed. But for the person that began this thread, it’s hard to just change your number because they are still PIMO. Once you’re POMO, it’s easier to cut them all off.


If you have grown up as a JW then the society was the “first to make their case” and you are now cross examining them! Turn that scripture around on him and show how he is misapplying it. Ask him if he is willing to be cross examined.


I find goatse is super effective at stopping unsolicited messages.




No, goatse.




Tell them you informed the police of them stalking you. You don't have to call the police. They won't know it.


Don't respond, Block him! Live your life manipulation free!


B.L.O.C.K. Number ;)


Don’t give those Doomsday Cult of False Prophets power over you.


Are they talking about the stuff going on in NY with the cover ups of SA on children and women? Because that's enough reason for "stumbling" if you ask any reasonable person. My response would be " until it's proven that those charges are infact false", which we know they aren't, "I can not support an organization that knowingly keeps sexual predators hidden from the authorities" and then quote a scripture to back it up


Stumbled… over facts.


"It's honestly concerning to me that you consider me "stumbled" as opposed to having concerns rooted in legitimacy. Have you already decided someone cannot be legitimately critical of things that have caused harm within the organization? If so, how could you possibly consider your faith of value? I have considered a great many things....and continue to. I appreciate where you are coming from, but there is much I believe you may be shielding yourself from. I have no desire to affect your faith negatively, nor to dissuade you from your own path. But I must follow my conscience, and the available evidence to it's conclusion. I wish you well.".


You owe them nothing. You don’t have to respond. Just delete the message and pretend you never received it. Problem solved.


Either just ghost/block. Or go full scorched earth and tell them to stop contacting you or you will file harassment complaint for a protection order.


Block him and any other elder. The best answer to these jabronis is silence


Send him back Proverbs 18:2 lol


>... the condition of the dead and the resurrection and the gift of the ransom and the paradise earth to come ... These are things I struggled with when I was PIMQ. It's dangerous to accept a such a doctrine in the first place. The disappointment and heartbreak I felt when I woke up was second to none.


The Pharisees charged Jesus for a lie and kill them emphasis on the Pharisees, so what charges do you have?


So by citing John 6:68 when issues with the IMPERFECT Watchtower corporation are raised they are equating themselves to God's PERFECT son, Jesus. Is that what they are actually saying?


Those motherfucker never near the other side and never allow their opponents to even say a word. Fucking hypocritical pieces of shit.


Why, yes, Elder Nosy McAssface, I will indeed "quickly turn away from" lying sons of bitches. They've already wasted so much of my time that I've turned away without responding to your pathetic attempt at apologia. Seriously, does that guy have that saved for copy/paste? Because that sounds like something he'd be saying a lot lately. Fuck him. Don't even bother with a reply. You can live rent-free in his head for another few months, dinging the service report he's so worried about, and get on with your life.


Holy culty!!


"No, thanks." "The number you have reached is disconnected." "The number you have reached is attached to an apostate." "The person whose number you have reached wishes not to have this conversation." ...and so on lol


You don’t respond. Block.


Easy answer: you don’t reply


Do you have to answer?


Ignore and block. Simple


“I ain’t reading all that, congratulations or I’m sorry I guess” and then block But I’m also POMO for like 4 years so my “give a fuck” meter is a lil broken. *Dont listen to me.*


I get these similar messages Just don’t respond anymore They will get the message Just say you are doing your research and won’t need any calls or visits


You haven’t stumbled. You have actually fixed up your previous fumbling in the dark.


If Jesus was known for saying 2 witnesses need to be around or else a woman's or child's claim of rape could not be followed up for some sort of judgement to protect the woman or child, I am sure he would have less followers. Common sense tells you two witnesses being around while anyone is raped makes themselves liable unless they did what they could to stop it.


🤣🤣🤣 what a text message, the nerves of this elder.


Block their number(s) and ignore all attempts at communication.


This is what I said when the elders were trying to reach out to meet with me regarding my “concerning comments” after I had told a old friend that I wasn’t serving God and was living with my bf. Good morning . I understand that I used to be a witness and in the congregation but I'm not anymore. What I said to friend was the truth and I’m no longer serving Jehovah. We don’t have anything to discuss. They didn’t even respond lol and I was disfellowshipped without a meeting a few days later.


Man I love Proverbs 18:17. He should apply such wisdom to himself


Or you do what I did and tell them to fuck off and stop bothering you. You don't have to do it so bluntly perhaps, hell, point out that your connection to the space ghost is a personal matter between you and him and if that changes you will let them know. These people have no power over you.


So they want to bring up why abandon the place that taught you the truth about the resurrected dead and the paradise earth which is still wrong. Also Jesus disciples did not abandon him when others stumbled. How about Jesus abandoning the Israelites for their false practices and doctrines? I think that is enough for you to say in a final reply and then block them.






Start asking strange questions that they can't answer that's what I did n I was genuinely looking for answers cuz I didn't know who to ask. They couldn't accuse me of apostasy cuz I never became a member just raised in it but I don't wish anyone I'll will. The one that stumps them is the time-line and the council of Nicea in 333c.e. I learned about it at a meeting funny ol world cuz the Bible manuscripts that are presently being used were edited or decided on which Bible books are non canonical meaning the Romans didn't want them in there so the masses wouldn't focus on them cuz they were popular with the ppl and if that doesn't work ask why the entirety of the dead sea scrolls hasn't been translated into a book cuz doesn't it have jehovahs name in there? Yes it does. Don't disagree with the doctrines or message whatever cuz then you'll be deemed leper or pariah. They haven't called me back since 2015 and I wasn't even trying n I was studying with a elder.


Grey Rock. OK Thanks Thumbs up Do not engage.


No answer is definitely the best answer.


Dear Elduh: Respect others' beliefs: Even if you no longer believe in the JW religion, it's important to respect others' beliefs and to try to avoid judging or criticizing them.


Just remember that you are blocking a plumber or electrician or window washer. You are not blocking anyone with any insight into the world. "Elder" is just a made up title. There is no reason to consider anything he says.


"Hi Frank, I do not recognize you as my elder."


They always have to refer to the bible or the literature in their contact with inactive members. Why can't they just be natural in their contact. They're also like lawyers for the org 🤮


"if you want the best for me then realise that shunning someone is not the way to do that, removing someone's family does not do that. Forcing someone to go to a religion using emotional blackmail is not the way to show that you care about them. If you want me to be a part of a religion that has policies that destroy family relationships, then that is my problem. I don't hate you, I just want to be happy, and having leverage over someone else's family and friends is not what I consider a good motivation to belong to a religion. "


Either. Say one of these words OK Or Thanks Or Ignore the text. Nothing else is needed.


Block the phone number and ignore them. Silence is the best answer. They can’t do absolutely anything if they never hear back from you.


Block! Can't message if they can not contact you .. best reply is silence


Silence, I found to be best. The art of doing nothing.


“Have you given equal opportunity to hearing the answers to the charges against us” Yes. It’s called the ARC. Where your leader did plenty of answering for y’all on your behalf. You have what you need. You don’t owe them the opportunity to explain. What can they possibly explain that one of their grand overlords on trial didn’t explain and butcher already?


“Whoops! Accidentally hit send on that delusional horseshit before I was done typing more delusional horseshit!”


The dead are not conscious and are lost forever, Jesus was a mortal man, nothing else, and there isn't enough evidence in the Bible to support a paradise hope for believers. There, now you can turn away from those manipulative pieces of shit.


Cool story bro


Awww... They need to probe and solve everything (doubts) with Bible. (Boring...)


So, I'm not exjw or Christian by any chance (exhindu - now and forever hard/gnostic atheist). I understand a lot of the comments suggesting some sort of snarky or serious reply, but imho, the best way to deal with religious idiots is to just block them if possible in your situation, just block every last one of the mfs who think you need salvation from their imaginary version of sky daddy


Reply: Cool 😎


If you want to get him to ease back, I'd say "Thank you for reaching out with some encouragement. I have been working to make the truth my own and really appreciate hearing from you" and then stop talking to whoever snitched.


What do you do when you receive spam texts or phone calls or emails or social media posts? Technology makes it easy to contact us these days but there are simple tools within that technology to counteract unwanted contact. Use block, junk, spam, and mute functions to effectively rid yourself of unsolicited communications. I did that when I left the JWs 3 years ago and I haven’t received a JW begging me to come back…ever. I proactively blocked them all everywhere. You can also block them as the communication comes through.


First of all… blasphemy! They’re comparing themselves to Jesus. Secondly, why do they always use death and resurrection? Guilt! And preying on broken hearts. Man… I do not miss this! My suggestion is to ignore! If you respond, it won’t stop.


Tell them to F off and block them


it’s sad they only think you can believe in god as a JW.


If you don't want to be a JW anymore you need too say that to them. They are not allowed to ask questions why. You don't need to write letter to them. The policy are in JW org page.


Tell them you're the happiest you've ever been after leaving a high control religion.


I never responded to the elders harassing me but sometimes I wish I would have. Probably the best thing to do is just ghost em though


Unbelievably manipulative...I dont think I'd reply to this at all.


I mean the disciples came back, but yes, I do think they abandoned Jesus in his darkest hour. So this elder must be wrong. Oh my goodness.


Some great advice in this thread but you can also just block their number.


The elders are not your friends. They are not interested in "helping" you. They do not have your best interests in mind. Block their numbers. Don't read their texts. Seek legal advice if you feel the need to put in a restraining order. Their only goal is to either make you kneel, or chop your head off.


Am pimo and this is scary this sounds crazy tf


If you can not respond at all that's best. Anything and I mean anything they get in the way of response or information is used against you. If you can, ignore and just fade away.


No response. Block and move on with your life.


I would just read back a text that I don’t remember correctly the text of the Bible that talks about Christians in timothy times that they investigated if what they wore being teach whas the truth (I don’t remember the text, some one here can help) but that would be a great come back to them


Ignore it. That's what I do when the elders from the congregation I was in pester me.


JW elders are bullies, they are trained that way. They have a radar to detect fear and that makes them more powerful. You have to turn the tables and make them afraid if you. When I left not one elder came to my house or pursued me constantly. I was so firm and powerful and they felt my energy. When they would message me I would say, “Thank you for your concern, my family and I are fine, doing great. If I wish to speak/meet with you I will reach out to you. I ask that you please respect my privacy. Have a great day” I was a woman alone in the cult and I made them so scared of me. I took the power from them and they didn’t even know what hit them. You have to fight fire with fire with these assholes. Don’t be gentle because they will not.


Funny, they dont seem to consider much anything people say to defend theirselves from accusations they are made there


“I do not have doubts whatsoever”. Lie to them.


Get a restraining order.... no ones ever done that to them before.


John 6 is all about eating his flesh and drinking his blood foreshadowing Communion, which they don't do so that's funny he used that chapter. Yes, you are to do Communion if you are a christian. Lol


Just block them




😂😂😂 Conditional love merchants talking about Christ how ironic


Just block, ignore, and move on with your life.