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And you think your life sucks!? I can't think of a much worse position than a CO's wife.


I can think of a worse position, but it still involves being the CO's wife 🤣






Oh my god you win Reddit for me today 😂😂😂




This is why I think the leaders of this circus are true believers. Many were in this type of full time service. Its hard to live that life for many years while faking it. They might do wicked things but that doesn't mean they are faking it. Just my opinion.


Counterpoint, being so deep up the organizations ass makes you fully dependant on them. So climbing the ranks is your only option to keep cashing the meal ticket. Meanwhile, everybody treats you like some sort of rockstar. I can easily see a narcissistic person staying on the gravy train despite not actually believing purely out of self preservation and for the accolades and perks. It probably beats actually working for a living.


Fair point.


Yes, this! Sammie (the turd) Herd is one of these for sure.


Imagine being a CO’s wife and PIMO!


Think that position competes with being at bethel, surrounded by JWs and JWs litteratur 24/7.


Don’t be fooled. She’s not taking notes from his master’s talk. She’s writing cards or letters to family or just doodling. 😁




I knew a CO’s wife who said she would generally read articles of the WT like biographies and so on (the articles that are not studied during meetings)


She's looking at her husband, trying to convince herself! ![gif](giphy|3aifEbKv3aqeQ) I'm


Had a substitute CO (who proceeded to go into the circuit work) ask my grandfather for permission to date me. 😆 never asked me. My grandpa told him that if he can’t ask me, he didn’t deserve me.


I like your grandpa!


Your Grandpa kicks ass!


Good for your gramps.


Last one I saw her eyes were devoid of any emotion, just a glazed over look, and a fake smile. Her husband was interviewed at assembly bragging about turning down successfull career to become a co, she smiled and nodded like it was a blessing. She was hot and he was a bald ugly loser, she could and should have done better 


The CO we had several years ago had a SMOKIN wife!!! He was pretty laid back though but he looked like a Mob goon. She was kinda goofy but had a body like a brick shit house




Did he have an Italian last name?




Do better? In the borg? There has never been any guy to look twice at around my area. 98% of them are super sloppy looking. Sisters take whatever is available. 


They take whatever is available??? And I’m still single!!! Lol


Yep.  Obese✔  toothless✔  one eye looking the wrong way✔ marginally literate✔  nearly derelict✔ But he's single. How else do you gain status (or not be overlooked)as a female in the borg outside of marriage?






All jw are actors


Right. This is why honest people leave. Honest hearted ones lol 


The meetings are definitely entertaining!


Does that mean the meetings are comedies or tragedies? 😉 


Sexually arousing for pimis Comedy/tragedy for pimos


There's a lot of sex but pillows are never mentioned!


Have a family member who was a CO. She’s not taking notes at all. She’s assessing the ones in the congregation that they can get the most $$ from. Writing down names so she can remember. It’s all an act, believe me. And the money they get from $$$ handshakes is crazy.


The green 🤝 handshake


This is so true! Only the ones I knew didn't just get cash. The congregants took them shopping, bought them expensive suits, and super expensive clothes for the wifes.


I had an elders wife tell me she would never donate to the org as they have way too much money but would give elder wives money, clothing, and a small separate gift.


She was probably sitting and writing a steamy, dirty romance novel like 50 Shades of Grey.


Knew a CO’s wife who would file her nails during his parts. She was over it.


My PIMI sister is an all-in C.O. wife. There is something missing in her stepford wife personality. Appears super loving and friendly, but judges with a razor tongue. They get aaalllll the perks as cute CO couple on the coast.


I attended on the CO Tuesday meeting and made the point to introduce myself to mine. I then explained how sad I was because I’d be missing the rest of the week’s visit. Family obligations, you see. PIMO LIFE


Upbuilding! Thanks for reminding me of that word!


My favorite story is the CO's wife who brought her knitting to the meetingd


Wow, I knew a CO'S wife who did this. Wonder if we knew the same person


Parasites on the back of hard-working people! They deserve their monotonous lives!


They do not deserve that. Actually, no one deserves to be indoctrinated and to live a false life. I pity COs and their wives as well as any other PIMI


I don’t think so. I think many of them are in a situation a lot worse than elder’s wives. Some might want to leave but they can’t. Harder for them to be stable financially to do so.


I remember this really sweet CO wife who suffered from migraines. And I mean suffered. She had almost weekly attacks and going on for days (and still she did show up a lot (also missed a lot and no I do not think she faked this, this was real imo) and you could easily see she was suffering even though she was nice and smiley etc) Talked with her about this awful illnes since I also get regular migraine attacks and felt so sorry for her. Could not image the hell she was living. Having this kind of pain and struggle and not even be in your own home. Im out for years now, but still think of her now and than. Cannot shake the feeling that the way she lived her imprisoned life was ar least contributing to the heaviness of the attacks.


She was probably playing hang man.😵


Snoozefest you say? You mean to tell me it wasn't a hive of activity? 😂 That's got to be a job requirement to appear THAT interested and enthusiastic. Taking notes for the same 52/3 visits a year=17 talks? Check my math. I always wondered who they really were. I would always be conveniently sick that week; I just couldn't bring myself to participate in that fakenesd knowing well I was a 2 hour a month reporter. 


As a wife of a sub CO that had a regular assignment for a good length of time, I took notes for him so he could improve his talks.


How did that go?


They treat you like shit and it started us on the path of waking up because its so abusive.


☹️ but I'm glad you found your way ♥️


Who treated you badly, the congregations or the hierarchy?


Wowzer!.....imagine being low key depressed & burned out while forcing that smiling demon mask to stay on . That's mentally hard work & uses up too much energy, a recipe for a breakdown .


They’ve gotta be on some serious medication for that type of Groundhog Day


Knew a CO wife that didn't seem that into her husband. Rarely do anything together socially never seen them act affectionately. He has a narcissistic personality and likes to "shepherd" attractive middle-aged sisters. They develop a crush on him & say he's the most caring kind CO they have ever known. This feeds his ego as he is an A-Hole and looks like a troll. No wonder his wife is over him


Imagine taking notes of a talk you’ve heard a thousand times, delivered by a man who’s snoring kept you awake the night before.


circuit over-ettes


I bet she was writing letters and counting the time she’s at the meeting. Sorry not sorry


I was an elder for 25 years (20 as a COBE). What caused me the most nausea was confirming (visit after visit... with a few honorable exceptions) that most of the CO's wives were their infiltrated spies to tell everything that was going on in the congregation (from the 2/3 year old children who took small toys to keep themselves entertained during the meetings until reporting the elders and ministerial servants who were not at all the meetings to go out to the ministry). In one word: sickening. How is it possible for this cult to complain about totalitarian regimes that denounce their citizens if they do the same "in the name of God and unity"???


I can't remember a single CO wive without an exotic chronical disease and resulting diet restrictions (and because at least back in my time, they were invited to a different family every day, so everybody had to know), or even cancer. Even my uber-PIMI mom suggested a psychosomatic cause and acknowledged that they have to live a very unnatural life.


That's what I remember too. Fragrance sensitivity, gluten intolerance, artificial sweetener intolerance, allergic to onions, etc., And this was back in the '70s and early '80s before any of that stuff was popular. Some way of asserting control over their own lives in a situation that doesn't let them.


If you're someone that likes to mooch, not be tied down, travel a bit(providing its not a shithole of a circuit) and you don't mind your husband its probably great. I do know a lot musn't really like it, always sickly or devoid of any zest for life. However if you "woke up" one day on the circuit as a wife that would be terrible.


Most of the CO wives I've talked to absolutely hated the midweek meeting for that exact reason. I actually feel for them. They are just a sideshow, rarely able to make a real connection with another person. They all seemed to be resentful of their husband's position and want a normal life.


My wife is having a visit from the CO and his wife this afternoon. Joy of joys.... At least I have the excuse of working so I won't have to interact with them much


Them bishes is superstars. They're an example to be aspired to. The only celebrity they have is "wife" of a co, elder, Ms.etc, etc. 🤢🤮


Whilst I hate cooking for my family every night, at least I control what I eat, I don’t think I could be ok with having these meals prepared by everyone else and just blindly eating them


A CO for one of the northern states was single. Probably 35? He and my 17-18 year old sister in law got to be really an item. It was comical to me. I don't think many of us took it that seriously. I don't know exactly how it ended. Sister in law ended up married to a very sheltered young brother closer to her age. That's a whole another story and ended in divorce. I never really got to know them as a couple as they shunned us for many years before we finally gave up and resigned. My in-laws, professing quite a bit of self righteousness loved shunning. They had their own standards for shunning. Yet, we never shunned back, just left them super self absorbed in their own JW world. Around 1980 our CO was killed in a car accident the week after he served our congregation. His wife survived and found comfort in a very young local brother. I don't know how that ever worked out. CO's and their spouses are just regular people with the same dramatic stuff in life presents to all of us at times.


We having CO visit in 2 weeks time. I will interview the CO wife. 😊


Imagine the swx life of a C.O. Wife??? And the poor ones that marry in their 20’s to a brother in late fifties! Omg!!!!


Ya know, thinking back to the mid 80s, the CO we had was about the only person I enjoyed listening to talk. Ray Gwizdowski if I remember correctly, I was like 10 years old .


Donald Trump was right, the fake attitude of a COs wife equals FAKE NEWS


Oh.... also talking about FAKE, how about FAKE orgasms