• By -


I did it all, lessened my work, pioneered. Ran my car into the ground and my finances to dust. I gave experiences on assemblies 5 times in front of up to 5k jws. I was the perfect example of faith. Until my jw husband began touching little girls and had 3 affairs that I found out. He was abusive in every way and the elders "decided to forget" when the police asked the 6 elders that knew in full and he sat with us discussing and he fully confessed violence and awfulness them. The elders that the young ladies spoke to about their abuses chose to burry that as well. My files, and theirs, have gone missing. But I chose to go forward anyway. He is currently in court hearings with the DPP with 27 charges for what he did to only myself. It may take a year to finalize. But because I refused to keep silent the elders branded me bad association and I found myself very alone. I was already struggling with my faith, but this ended all doubts. This is not where God puts his word. I have lost my own assets, my deceased father's estate, my future, and my dignity trying to be a good little jw girl. No more. I'm done. My daughters will never belong to a patriarchal male, and be treated like cattle. They will have choices and rights.


I am so sorry. I wish you nothing but love and healing in your future đŸ«¶đŸŸ.


That’s disgusting but typical
.all the best


100% the right thing to do even though it came at a high price..!!! Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it and right is right even if no one is doing it


*"MY FILES HAVE GONE MISSING."..* My heart goes out to you.


Wow. So awful. I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with such vile humans. But, thank you so much for having the courage and strength to stand up to all those men. I can’t even imagine what you’ve gone/going through. you’re literally making the world a better place for us all. Thank you.


I love you. You're not alone ❀ my ex husband became a witness 10 years and 2 kids into our relationship. I never bought into it. I studied for a year then told them it wasn't for me 3 years after a forced marriage I was able to get out. My kids are still young but hate going to meetings the only reason they go is because it's their dad. It's the only thing he does and talks about. He is very radical for someone not born in and it freaks me out. I'm here if you ever need to talk


I’m so sorry that you have gone through this but thank you for sharing your story, it’s experiences like this that reinforce for me how bad this cult is and how important it is to get away from it. I wish you the best for your future and I hope that disgusting excuse for a man gets what he deserves. Sending love to you and your girls đŸ«¶đŸ»


Wow tiger mum i am so sorry but your daughter mean the moon sun and stars to you. Fear and ignorance keep many jw in but you are not ignorant and have pushed through any fear for your daughters. The horrific part is your children could have been victims and the effers would have ignored it. For years now I have considered jws is a deep undercover paedophiles/sex ring. This covering up by elders seems to happen so very often. Its I bet the tip of the iceberg who have been prosecuted. I hope you ensure the evil one has the heaviest sentence possible. I can imagine he never thought you would say a word. Well done for decency your consciounce and your children 👏


I’ve often said this and comment ed on quora that I think word is out that it’s a great place for p***dos to hide out.


This is tragic, I am so sorry
.. I feel similar sentiments about not raising my daughters in patriarchy as well. Please pm if you ever need an ear


“You’ll never hear a Pioneer say that they regretted pioneering!” Until you come of the exjw Reddit page 


Survivor bias is the real MVP for the borg.


Hey cool, I never heard of that bias. Do you think my assumption holds true that when you fall victim to survivor bias, you're committing the sharpshooter fallacy?


One brother that was pioneering back in the 80s. When you really hade to put in time. Like 90 hours a month. He told me he regretted being a pioneer. But it's probably different for pioneer today. They don't really do any real hours. Plus they stand beside cart and play with mobile phones 


You'll get plenty of advice on which psychiatist is best tho.




Every good thing was a blessing from Jehovah and every bad thing was a curse from Satan. Nothing but confirmation bias


Heads you win, tails you lose??


Heads you get slapped in the face by that guy from Squid Games, tails your can't afford to retire.


More like heads, i win...


These people will tell you that a sunrise is a blessing from Jehovah after a cold and dark night. Don't forget, they literally cannot say anything contrary to the 'best live ever' propaganda, even if they wanted to.


I wonder who created cold and dark nights... hmm...


My family moved to become need greaters. My parents quit their jobs and lived off of my dad’s 401k. Several years later my dad filed for bankruptcy and my mom is still looking for a job. Still waiting for Jehovah to step in and help them out. But I guess you can say that Jehovah is taking care of them because they aren’t starving and homeless.


My MIL did the same. I’m still waiting for her to file bankruptcy—the money we just paid to buy her out of the unfinished house she was building that was also an “answered prayer” should keep her floating a little while longer. It’s so frustrating to be able to do absolutely nothing in the face of her poor financial decisions and then to watch her suffer for them later.


My mom was 8 years away from being able to retire from her job when she quit. Now because she's gotten even older and never finished college it's getting harder for her to find a job. I feel awful because I was PIMI when they did this. So, I saw no problem with it. It bothers me that they aren’t able to start working less or live comfortably in the home they had.


That is EXACTLY what MIL did. She’s just now retirement age and she drew on the 401K until it was dry about a year or so ago? My spouse and I were PIMI at the time, too, so we didn’t question it. She also refuses to get a better job and piecemeals herself along with cleaning jobs and gig work. đŸ« 


My parents did this when I was younger, with 3 kids and we ended up moving abroad from CAD. They sold their house, cars, and moved and thought they could easily open a business to make money. Shit started going downhill months later, went broke, dad had to go back to work and send money. School was an issue as the schools in the area were in Spanish and we didn’t know any Spanish. Now my parents work deadbeat jobs to keep up in call centres, behind in rent, broke and wish they had done it differently. I do have resentment towards them as there was a point where income wasn’t coming in and we had to eat same food for breakfast, lunch and dinner but we still had to be grateful and thank fucking Jehovah because things could’ve been worse! We were living so comfortably in Canada too! Parents had good jobs, and great house and they just let it all go


I’m sorry. Being forced to stay positive all the time about the situation doesn’t sound great either.




The incredible blessings of Jehovah is the ever increasing money on Watchtower's bank account.


wrench subtract offend rude flag soft crawl desert jeans plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love that he was honest!


merciful ten sense skirt absurd familiar squealing rustic husky wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I pioneered for six years and all I got from jehoova was severe burn out and low self esteem.


Same. I was really confused, too. I kept looking for the signs of being blessed like I was promised, but there was nothing. We'd stop for lunch or coffee and I couldn't afford it- it was so embarrassing.


Yup I felt so guilty because everyone tells you pioneering is the best most rewarding thing ever and I was miserable.


Well now GB has told everyone that counting hours is unbilical. So that probably gonna make pioneers and ex pioneers feel like they really living the best life đŸ€Ł. Not 


Same here! Did everything I could, everything I had to, everything I should. No blessings. Only burnout, despair and shame, because why didn't it feel like the best thing ever? I felt like the false witness. After all, I wasn’t wholehearted? Not good enough? or approved by Jehovah? What was wrong with me? Man...those 5 years destroyed me mentally. No self-esteem and confidence because my best was obviously far from good enough.


In this economy😬💾??? Seriously, this is silly advice. Weren't we also taught to use the spirit of a sound mind??? Is working less when everything is more expensive than ever a sound decision? What also drives me crazy is if you do what they advise, and it doesn't work out, They're going to tell you that either your faith wasn't strong enough, OR we in live in Satan's world 🌎 , OR we don't always know why Jehovah does something, but you will find out in time. They are literally setting you up for failure. Several years ago, my PIMI mother was a manager experiencing workplace bullying. So she took a job with a $3 pay cut and no managerial title. According to her and my grandma, this is a blessing Jehovah provided đŸ€š... Provided what exactly? A way for her life to be more stressful? Let's just say she is definitely struggling due to having $480 less monthly 💰. My point is that you can twist events in life to mean anything. It is not surprising that a pioneer would say this, but it's still terrible advice that could lead you in a major bind. Ignore that noise and follow the voice inside of you đŸ«¶đŸŸ.


How right you are, they can twist it however they want, but in the meantime you're the one who got screwed😅


Ok so I actually lived that life so I can speak to this. I worked part time at a job that barely covered my bills and left me enough money for ketchup and noodles for a good part of the month. I was a pioneer but my work hours meant I had literally 20 minutes between ending my shift as a window cleaner and starting the preaching. I would often walk home from the meetings instead of taking the bus because I had no money for the bus fare. Walking home took 45 minutes. You convince yourself that things just keeping you sane are blessings from Jehovah. One time an older couple offered me a free meal with actual protein in it, and I thanked Jehovah for the blessing. Another time my boss gave me a very small bonus, which I used to pay for travel to the convention. Again, I thanked Jehovah. I ate so much pasta I actually developed an intolerance to it, and I was so exhausted that I would occasionally collapse at work. But all the while I was thanking Jehovah for the strength to endure “one more day in this system”. I never realized that my life was absolute dogshit because I was trying to live the way the religion told me. Looking back I have so much pity for the young man I was, trying his best to do what he honestly believed was the right thing to do. This sick, disgusting cult has a lot to answer for.


Reading this made me very sad. I can’t imagine how mentally and physically draining it must have been to live that way. Hopefully you’re doing much better now in all aspects of your life.


Yeah I’m doing better thanks 🙏 I can’t eat lasagna which sucks but apart from that I’m doing pretty good!


I can definitely relate to your story. It’s really heartbreaking though to hear that other human beings have gone through this shit. I was a MS and should have been elder in no time but there were two cunts elders who hated me, plus they were a bit older than me. So I had the fight from the inside. Jehovah blessed me to endure though. I was pioneering with my ex wife and we didn’t have any money to warm up ourselves so with another brother (and he was a real one) we were using his car to go to the Greek mountains to illegally chop down some trees to warm up ourselves. Not getting caught from the cops was a blessing from Jehovah. My ex and I were constant broke so we didn’t have money for electricity so we heated up some water to have a “shower” but this also was a blessing from Jehovah. It was also a blessing from Jehovah to be with my ex wife as we would serve Jehovah together and get into the new world together. But every single day sucked. Sex sucked. But thx to Jah we were “managing” together. Shitty life from every each one perspective you see it. Btw I was dissfellowshipped for some time and when I get back (because I went back b4 getting out for good) I had a meeting with a family I had helped to learn the truth. When they saw me, and they hadn’t see me for 10 years eh, they unanimously said you look great, much better than before. I didn’t mark their words back then. I was obviously doing good away from Jehovah and his family. Now everything is better. Finally free away from the shit that JW are promoting.


I quit my job to pioneer once. I got another one from a person in the hall. To fit my schedule. A blessing from the lord. I really lucked out in hindsight. That could have gone bad.


Yeah, because the same thing wouldn’t have happened in another denomination. /s


Pioneers are self-fulfilling prophets as well, like do you expect someone who made a stupid or disappointing decision to willingly admit they wasted their whole freaking life? No, of course they will tell you it is the best live ever, despite having a mediocre, shitty life.


Well, is it not the case that in the world, 90% have  "mediocre, shitty life" anyway? To know quite a few JW and having traveled a bit, I can ensure you that most JW would have had a pretty bad life anyway. Remember who is recruted in the first place.


Hey I did that! Was an RP and MS for a little over 2 years. Did the whole shebang, got the barbecue and the cake parties. The only thing I got in return for my hundreds of hours of work was a whole lot of unanswered calls, returned letters for no address, and barking dogs. Sometimes I didn't have money for gas to get back and forth to the kingdom hall, and I was richly blessed for doing the right thing and going anyway, by having my serpentine belt break and getting stranded in the middle of nowhere. I form better relationships by working full time now.


The only "blessing" I received from years of pioneering and bethel service was learning how to work hard, for long hours, for little pay, and to stretch that dollar like you wouldn't believe. I probably could have learned about hard work, frugality, budgeting, etc from any other challenging experience though.


Sound like the military without any benefits when you get out.




Yes in the buildings that WT sells for profit


Getting into pioneering when you are young adult is very easy. It is safe and there is no pressure. If you grew up in JW family, it is the path of least resistance and easy way to go on. You most likely regret it in 20 years time.


The job I thought I got by praying (didn’t have to work Sundays) is the job that actually led me to meeting my now boyfriend and working up the courage to leave the org 😂 so something blessed me but I don’t think it was jehovah.


Oh yeah, my dad quit his full time job at John Deere in the early 70s to become a elder with time freedom in the form of a janitorial business. Meanwhile 3/4 of our elder body was comprised of Deere workers. When I was a teenager all my friends parents had 6 weeks of vacation and were getting like 23$ a hour, i.e. pretty well off in the mid 90s. My family? My Jehovah blessed elder dad? We struggled daily, always poor. We never had time freedom because we were always cleaning. Go to assembly 4 hours away? Come home and clean till 3am. My mom has no retirement and lives in a rent controlled building. But you know... #blessed.


Nope, I was a broke pioneer living off of my parents. I was told my parents were the blessing. But I woke up and realized my parents wouldn't be around forever.


I started waking up when I noticed that Jehovah seems to bless my effort to provide for my family more than any other area of my life. Then I started asking myself, is there any chance that I'm a talented dedicated worker and Jehovah isn't doing much of anything except take credit?


I get incredible blessings without pioneering.


"if anyone does not want to work, neither let him eat". That's what the bible actually says. If preaching is that important to them, why not fit it in after work and at weekends instead of wasting their days knocking on empty houses while everyone else is working. If it's important why not actually get involved with the community, talk to real people instead of walking as slowly as you can between houses and gossiping on street corners with other JWs, employing all the usual time wasting tricks.


Apparently because I found $20 in my witnessing pants it was a sign đŸ€Š


No. I never had any help at all from the God they call Jehovah. I think that is because he does not exist. I do actually believe in Gods, I just know he is a man made God.


My mother has spent the majority of her life putting the JW org first. She wasn't the most active in FS, but she still prioritized meetings over her job/career. She's been fired more times than I can count. She currently works PT at almost 60 years old and is dependent on family for housing. Owns nothing but a banged up car she barely paid off and STILL refuses to actually apply herself to build a career or better job to afford to support herself because she "has to make the meetings and needs days off for studying and conventions." It's sad but mostly it's infuriating because the rest of us end up having to deal with these idiots in life while they wait for the rapture or whatever.


I feel like the biggest problems in my entire life have all stemmed from this high control religion. Weight gain and high cholesterol. I know it's from a seditary lifestyle. A seditary lifestyle because of spending 2 plus hours a day doing JW things. Not including Assemblies, Conventions, and ministry school assignments. Severe depression and $ĂčÂą!da| thoughts. The doom and gloom surrounding Doomsday and persecution. It kept me in morbid fear I was always keeping a plan in mind just in case. Plus the micromanaging of sexual health. Estrangement of family. Estranged from my older brother simply because he changed his mind on religion as an adult. My mental health took a nosedive after he disassociated and my parents kept me away from him, I started self-h@rm|ng. I thought "His commandments aren't burdensome."


Been there done that.






Proverbs 10:22 says The blessings of the Lord brings wealth without toil The blessings of JW.borg brings regret, abject poverty with pioneer toil and tribulations.


So many get extremely offended when I was still in and said I don't have any blessings for the years I've laboured for the organisation. A few friends said I need to adjust my views but I said it's my story and my personal experience and I was telling it as it was. In JW world, that's being negative and allowing Satan to mold your reasoning. You have to toll the line and just repeat the claim of blessings. There is no blessing anywhere.


How old is your friend? If he is under 30 years old, he is probably too immature to understand what real life is like. Probably when he is 50 or 60 years old he will regret having wasted the best years of his life in this damned cult.


** Sorry, automatic response to your question.


Yes, JeHoVaH helped me to see the value of Prov 22:3 and stop walking on that road to ruin. i.e. I left with my family and focused on getting them through college and self supporting.


Heavy rain on a Saturday morning was a true blessing


No, there were no blessings let dlone and incredible blessings. Coercive control, misogyny and denial of education are the opposite of blessings.


Pretty much ANYTHING that happened positive in my life after I did some sort of witness activity was attributed to Jehovah blessing my life. If I was doing the bare minimum today, I would be told that Jehovah was blessing my life so much and what would he do if I reached out more. My life is so much better now. If I was in today, Jehovah would be blessing me, now witnesses would say Satan has control of me with "riches."


>Pretty much ANYTHING that happened positive in my life after I did some sort of witness activity was attributed to Jehovah blessing my life. My PIMI wife is like that. She even claimed us finding a stray dog that became our pet as a blessing from Jehovah. Simply because we found it on our way to the Kingdumb Hall.


I feel like it’s easy to fall under the delusional that God is helping you. There had been times where I felt like God was there in some ways but I think that I was just heavily indoctrinated to believe that and it’s crazy what you can convince your mind of. I know personally though that a lot of the PIMIs that “look successful with rich blessings from Jehovah” usually are living off of someone else. I know kids that lived off of their parents because their parents paid for them to be able to pioneer. I know people who had huge incomes since they were engineers, doctors, firemen, etc and were able to live off of that and possibly work part time if they had been doing it a long time. I know some that get extreme discounts since they are ingrained in the JW community either working for other JWs or living in houses rented by other JWs. I know that some are paid by the Borg itself if they fulfill certain roles. Lastly sadly some also live off the government on welfare/disability/medicare etc or off of their other family. Overall they usually find some way to get money and live their life. Unfortunately though not everyone can fall into those categories some of us don’t have family that can pay for us, some of us don’t know anyone that can hire us for a trade, some of us don’t qualify for government assistance or it won’t be enough to survive. Me personally I was lucky to go to college and I was able to do it for free and I got my bachelors. Not everyone is that lucky either. However I don’t think any of it was from God since certain PIMIs liked letting me know I would be worthless for going. I had to work hard to get where I am now. I may not be pioneering but I at least can afford myself I can pay for my car and my bills all on my own and I don’t need support from others financially. I don’t think God blesses anyone I think it’s all an easy delusion that people get especially if they are fitting one of those categories. Yeah I would love to not have to work and live off of some random money or if I did choose a job that was surrounded by a JW community it just will continually perpetuate that indoctrination.


Yeah just because you are not starving and homeless (and living off state welfare) that means Jehovah is taking care of you for putting Kingom interest first lol 😂


I clearly remember they always repeat that "Jehova doesn't intervene in human affairs" regardling when other religious ask for things, but they all forget that phrase when they pray for anything. Hipocresy at its finest.


When I was a JW, not a single one of my prayers was ever answered. Literally not even one. Not a single *"blessing"*. It was part of the reason I ended up becoming an atheist fully by the time I was an adult. Then, eventually, I started to believe again, just not the JWs' beliefs. I prayed both about which denomination i should join and about how I was going to feed my mom after losing my job, and suddenly within the next day or so an old friend of the family nobody had seen in *years* shows up to take my mom out to eat and tell her the nearby Catholic church has a food drive every week. This seemed to answer both prayers for me, and was my first step towards Catholicism (though I was still incredibly resistant to it for a long time lol) While I have many, many examples of my prayers being answered after this point, this was the first time I felt that "he will provide," and it was only after I was no longer a Jehovah's Witness.




Confirmation bias is a helluva thing.


Yes, he helped me realize I was in a cult


All my blessings come from the Flying Spaghetti Monster. ![gif](giphy|iUYEppp6tzJ2o|downsized)


Tbh ,,, no. Not 1. I was handed a life of exclusion, lies, and regret during my childhood. That's not a blessing.


Can’t say that I have seen any blessings while being a JW. However, I’ve gotten far more from not being in that bullshit than I ever would have had I stayed. Most important is I have genuine people in my life who aren’t around me on a contingency basis.


I once knew of a pioneer sister who was the fanatical, "Jehovah saved the day!" type.   She often struggled to pay her rent, but would say, on the due day, she would wake up to find all the money she needed on the kitchen table.  At some point, she was seen in the red light district. It seems she was a pioneer by day, hooker by night.   Apparently, she had a dissociative disorder, and had no idea of her nightly excursions.  No clue what the BOE did about that one.  “What could be more arrogant than praying to the God who didn’t stop the holocaust, for help to find your car keys.”  Ricky Gervais


I became an auxiliary pioneer at 13 and I started regular pioneering at 16 up until I was about 17 I had a lot of fun doing it but in hindsight it was because all my friends and I used it as a social hour. Once I had to start working and became busier a lot of people complained saying they haven’t seen me and they missed me out. I eventually cut my hours at a job I loved and chose not to pursue school, this is easily my biggest regret. I was a witness from birth up until I was 22 and I can’t think of anything good that came out of this cult


I have. Whether it was a move several states away, helping aged parents, finding work after being laid off, I feel very deeply that he has supported me and my family, in huge dramatic situations and in small ones. I feel like he’s helping me right now too, with my crisis of faith - not in him but in the org I thought my whole life was God’s one true org. I don’t know where this new “journey of discovery” (sorry for the cliched phrase) will take me, but I’m 95% sure it will be away from WT and am 100% sure he’ll continue to support me.


Yes, many actually. But for me, not everything is about money. A lot of great experiences (served abroad) and seeing Jehovah's hand as well. So I did pioneering until I stop enjoying it and it was time for me to settle down and get married. At first my family was against my decision (Mat 6:33 etc) but I demonstrated to them that actually Jehovah never promissed that he will give me a house, a car and other decent way of living if I was doing 70 hours a month ministry (well, that's not in the Bible isn't it?). He will still give me the minimum to live (just food & clothing) but if I wanted to have more, I needed to have more than that, I needed to do what Apostle Paul did: f\*cking WORK (by the way he worked 6 days a week which is way more than a normal 7-5 in France). I know several other ex-reg pionneers who after stopping pionneering went to UNI or got other diplomas and now have a decent lifestyle too. So I know that it is not just me.


Confirmation bias. If anything at all happens that is positive its seen as god blessing them for pioneering or whatever.


Basically anytime something positive happens in a JW's life, it's attributed to "jehovah". And anytime something negative happens, it's attributed to "satan". Nobody has any agency at all in their lives, they're basically just puppets being simultaneously played by "god" and "satan" this is literally how JW's and christians in general think. None of them have any control whatsoever of their lives, they're either being pulled by "god's" string or by "satan's" string and that's it, that's all life is to these people. It's sad really.


>a regular pioneer and he told me that **Jehovah has blessed him richly not letting them lack anything** despite having reduced his working hours a lot. Watchtower Provided him with Infinite ways to Provide Free Labour for the WBT$... That\`s a Blessing in WBT$ / JW Crazy Town... More likely than not...Everything else in his life is suffering.....NEVER take Advice from Crazy People.


Yup I prayed to Jehovah for apartment and for job. And even though I’m dF I firmly believe trying to do the right thing even in baby steps or the smallest steps gives something for Jehovah to bless. We all have our good and bad moments. In the past Jehovah even bless those who wasn’t a witness but because he saw something good in them. I never consider myself a wicked person although a sinner I am and born in but no way shame or form far from wicked.


And what retirement is there when your youth is gone?


Never did I ever feel the Holy Spirit in the Kingdom Hall or amongst the congregation. I always felt like there was something wrong with me? I didn’t ‘get it’ like everyone else. I have since learned that God will not bless a satanic cult. What he does do though, is draw those whom he has chosen out out it - and since leaving I can honestly say he has blessed me and my children.


No, but I've seen a bunch of mutilated children on twitter because of recent war.


I thought “Jehovah “ blessed me as a pioneer realizing now that he never ever answerred my prayers . Never ! If I was “blessed” it was other humans who helped me financially or gave me a ride to assembly or a meal or comforted me if needed . NOT GOD!


The best blessings are invisible, just like Jehovah and Christ. You have to have faith they exist.


I pioneer full time I trade and make 1500 to 3k usd per week as a Canadian My wife is beautiful, I married her outside the truth but she decided to study and get baptised My best friends I studied with who were Buddhist and Sihk now serve beside me as pioneers When my dog died a kitten strolled into my house sleeping on my couch 2 days after my first dog died I named her rue When I was down to my last 17$ everything I did Jehovah made successful and when my car broke, my lawyer gave me his corvette to drive for free! Until I got back on my feet. I learned trading from one of the heads in Toronto who trades for bmo and he took me under his wing. I made 50k last 3 months from trading and I support my wife full-time while she pioneers. Matthew 6:33 Seek first the kingdom and all over things will be added to you Malachi 3:10 Bring the entire tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house; and test me out, please, in this regard,” Jehovah of armies says, “to see whether I will not open to you the floodgates of the heavens and pour out on you a blessing until there is nothing lacking You fail to forget big Jah reads your heart and mind so If those align and you trust him he's comes through 10/10 times. Not just what you need but in surplus and abundance. -Liam




If this isn’t you being facetious then, Why are you here?   You know you just lost about 100,000 armageddon points with *Big Jah* for reading apostate content.    Better get back to preaching the good word before your blessings get revoked. You know, over there though 👉👉 


I can read whatever I want, I need entertainment Made another 1700 this morning on eurusd aswell What's interesting is you guys don't have a JW issue you have a God/Faith issue aswell God takes care of whoever draw close to him, even those in distant lands apart of other religions, he knows all who are his. They all get taken care of


đŸ€Ł  Found the wolf in sheep’s clothing. You are not speaking like a JW at all. Good luck with your tribulation.


JW apologist alert ⚠


Hi Jack a nory. Another funny story đŸ€Ł. Or said another way bull đŸ’©


It's just your own insecurities that are the clearest reflection. I'm chilling, life is good, being a witness is good, my wife is Hot, I make alot of money part time in 2 hours out of the day. Praise Jah


>my wife is Hot >I make alot of money part time >Praise Jah JW haiku




Seems like we want an echo chamber here


Plot twist: Hot wife is cheating with the sugar daddy Corvette lawyer.




How are you respecting him by calling him “Big Jah”? Sounds a little blasphemous to me. Maybe time to stop lying to yourself, or at least get off this subreddit if you truly do respect him.