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Why does it feel like literally every WT is about this same subject? Oh right, because it is.


Only for 145 years. Have some patience. Jeez.


Some people just can’t appreciate a slow burn narrative


Anyone here ever read the first Watchtower ever? Now that was some tea. Russell was a saucy dude.


Ooooo I kinda want to now…..


Oh wow. I am over here cracking up at this one!




The words “may” and “likely” make me laugh.


I saw that . “We may receive specific life saving may have rinstructions as the Hebrew Christian’s may have received..” so basically these clowns are clueless.


We may be breathing, just as the apostles likely did, so obey us.


The apostles may have been eating pancakes that morning. Should we not also eat pancakes?


Pancakes.....What Does The Bible Say? 😂😂


🤣😂🤣 This comment chain!!


The jw translator: may = it’s going to happen any day. Likely = it’s already begun. Do what we say or be killed by Jehovah Sure. I’ve heard this before. Armageddon was supposed to be here before I graduated high school. That was the 90’s


My mom didn’t think I’d go to kindergarten. I have grandkids in elementary school.


My brother would never see the inside of a school. He is retired.


My granny would not die, she's been dead 40 years. My mother would not grow old, she's in her 90s. I would not need an education, I'm retired.


And know where it gets really weird? My PIMI family laughs about it.


Likely is another one. “Likely”..the first century Christian’s did a thing that we can’t possibly know but we want everyone today to do it so we will speculate wildly. 


..may ..may ..about to.. likely. and expect the creation of 'go' bags to get another airing. Many have created a 'go' back pack. .. and they can barely walk. Come on GB! where is the faith in... jehovah? Frankly all you are worried about is the the govt in the US turning on your NY 'compound', seizing the files with all the names and of course seizing the all important funds. GB, think beyond the walls of your compound and list all the countries of the world and tell where peoples in crowd packed countries are to go. or will it be another "1975, we never said that." . And its London to a brick money will be mentioned. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqjzgYnq5Uo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqjzgYnq5Uo)


"Likely the Hebrew Christians followed the direction to have packs with food and extra garments ready prior to the outbreak of trouble in Jerusalem."


Or “millions now living will never die” Whoops it’s changed to “millions now living may never die” Still, the millions he talked about are ded


Same thought.


Possibly...could be


They're great with weasel words


“Hebrew Christians needed to build trust in those taking the lead before the tribulation came” No they didn’t. Jesus already warned them. The message was already said. They just had to listen to Jesus command, he is the one that gave them actual instruction. There is no other recorded instruction about when to flee. That is speculation about previous spiritual instruction that does not actually exist, which is apostasy according to their definition of such and warnings to rank and file. The only reason this exists in writing is because people have openly stated they gave us a get out of JW free card by saying anyone can return after the GT starts. This is cleanup work for that statement.


Only instructions from Jesus was flee Jerusalem. And it was BEFORE tribulation of Jerusalem started. When tribulation started there's no more warnings. It's only in GB tribulation that they think they gonna be still giving orders 😁


Exactly, the more they speak, the further they are from what the Bible actually says. The irony of it all.


There's nothing stopping them now. They showing they the evil slave. They not gonna turn good suddenly. They gonna keep twisting the bible.


I was in a lot of tribulation until I fled from GB




Spot on!!!




Exactly. Suppose those taking the lead had instructed them to flee to Egypt instead of the mountains as commanded by Christ, would they have had to obey those taking the lead?


Wow. I’m shook. I’ve never seen them say anything like that before. ![gif](giphy|qDxe3pb4myxggnPe9u|downsized)


![gif](giphy|jWW2V7mrfmmME) Obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey


Ralph Walls was the branch rep at the assembly I went to. When he was going over the review questions at the end, he asked the audience something like, "what do we need to do when we receive instruction?" And the audience *chanted as one*: "Obey!" I froze. And then he repeated, "I can't hear you! What do we need to do?" "OBEY!!!" So dystopian.


I got Chills of horror just reading this, can’t imagine being there in person. 


All hail the Hypnotoad!


Kinda hard to strengthen our faith in a channel that has a track record of speaking nonsense. Anything before 1970 is 'likely old light and 'may' be apostate. I'm sorry but in 2024 they have to try harder than this.


I mean, it seems to work for them even in this day and age


Those GB dudes are unfaithful and indiscreet! They're about to have great tribulation as the Watchtower is dissolved while they are still clinging to it!


Definitely! They are being EXPOSED just about on every level [CSA, shunning, blood bans, etc.] conceivable. Hence, They are HYPING THE FEAR Component to the WAZOO, scaring/frightening the R&F to the greater degree that they would follow through on whatever is being spewed out---and WITHOUT QUESTION❗️. SIDEBAR---> There has been several YOUTUBE videos showcasing info that WT would SUBLIMINALLY INFLUENCE the membership to place themselves in a: JIM JONES/PEOPLE'S TEMPLE-DAVID KORESH/BRANCH DAVIDIAN/MARSHALL APPLEWHITE-HEAVEN'S GATE SITUATION. If so: WT & GB3.0 are HENIOUS AF entities‼️ 😡🤬


This Ark is taking in water and sinking into the Atlantic.


This magazine is gonna severely underwhelm us all.


Oh my gosh! Is that a worldly man? 😒 I’m sorry this whole thing is so embarrassing. It’s always about the GB or Organisation.  Not sure how the PIMI not seeing this.  Also, using the word “channel”. When I hear it sounds like the occults. They must know the occult use that word all the time. So I would think they would want to separate ”the truth” from the occult and not use that word.  What other religions use the word channel? 


Talk about brazen conduct. They really don’t even bother to be subtle anymore. At least it’ll be very damning in court.


With all the court cases happening, the total lack of self awareness about the garbage content they publish is…interesting.


Wash, rinse, repeat.  Can you see them 200 years from now, still blabbing on about the great tribulation and how everyone *must* trust them? I mean, it's been 100 years already,  what's a couple more?


😱!! Run to the mountains!! What channel the GB really!! Remember Not Inspired “ . So why do they continue to believe that Jehovah is guiding this bunch of idiots.. I would like to know what they are smoking 🚬 must be some good stuff!!


Just a year ago it would be a split picture and in the second picture his beard would be gone. He’s studying and anyone with a right heart who studies would shave their beard. And now it’s ok, as it should have always been. What a bunch of pricks.


What blows my mind is how JWs will read this as if its the first time its be said...like all the other times were just information but not its go time.


I remember I felt slightly scared whenever themes like this came out. Now I understand that's how they kept us under control.


"We are about to..." yet __again__? Oh, yeah, trust us _this_ time. Well, if not this time, next time, or…you know, like we’ve asked to since the 1870s, just keep it going. Now is the time to strengthen your trust in us, because it'll come _eventually_. We promise. 🤞


https://preview.redd.it/sngnte5avg7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abd256fb8dbed6eda570936ad549d98c9bcf1a6f ....the end has always been nigh


God this just gave me flashbacks and chills. As a kid I couldn’t bother to look at the covers of these because I would imagine myself dying as a little kid by the loving hand of God for not being good enough. I’m so glad we made it ❤️


I'm glad you made it too.....lots of love ❤️


I could never for the life of me figure out what the "faithful and discreet slave" is. I don't think my family ever understood half of their own religion, just blindly listened and believed what they were told, so they could never explain it to me.


They are such teases. I think they're flirting with the idea of saying that we're now in the great tribulation (any continuity or timeline errors can be newly lit as needed), and that's why we can reduce meetings, field service, etc. Just keep watching the Jesus movies and sending the money. And if they need to sell your Kingdom Hall to free up funds for "where the need is great," or whatever, it'll cover that too.


They used to say this until the mid 80s, so they can simply recycle the old light, as they so love to do.


"Likely gave, would involve more than, implies that" Once you start looking at how WT words things (to keep their arses out of the heat in case anyone calls them on what they are saying), you see how they work. All of the things that sound like a rule to us are simply legalistic con-men talk.


Weasel words….


I get the feeling those “specific instructions” will include destruction of incriminating documents and lying under oath.


"We are about to face a tribulation...." ![gif](giphy|Rh4vxHtcmVyHUyugXP)


Christians needed to build trust in those taking the lead before the tribulation comes” https://preview.redd.it/b76n84h5tf7d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69863a9175440d735fc1aa783ca01db342cab62e


What week is the great tribulation coming thy keepers of the light? Wasn’t that supposed to be 110 years ago? 🙃 More dangling of the ol blind obedience carrot. 🥕


They've been about to face a tribulation since Charles Taze Russell first came up with the idea


It should be a criminal offense for what Watchtower/GB does to its adherents. Back in 2018 or 2019 (me already fading) Russia was in the news constantly for all kinds of things. Well, I went to meet up w/ couple of old PIMI friends from high school to ‘catch up’ at Applebees. We were having fun and joking around. No speak of religion. I think the conversation ended up veering towards news. Then suddenly at the table, my friend’s eyes grew large, its almost like I could see her blood pressure rising. She started speaking unusually fast in a panicked anxiety filled mode. Eyes glaring at me barely blinking with fear in her eyes she tells me at the last assembly (which I missed)”Gnu light” was revealed. The GB had declared they finally know who the 8th king of the North is that would take over the world. It was Russia! Russia is marking the last of the last days which was around the corner in 2018. Part of me couldn’t roll my eyes far back enough. The other part felt sorry for her that she was so conditioned and programmed to be duped, to avoid thinking. I knew the only reason GB said that wasn’t bc some mysterious new light. It was them speculating on what was happening in the news at the time. I remembered having a similar feeling over breaking news they shared at the assembly in prior times that never impacted the future aside from making me scared to live. Fast forward 2024 Russia is not the highlight of news any more so I’ve not heard them mention it again or anything about the 8th King. It’s like the watchtower news that got us all so scared never happened. That focus for them just died. This type of fear mongering is all kinds of wrong putting people in distress behind fairytales. Just to make people scared to leave so they keep memberships up so GB can get paid. So abusive. Disgusting.


Omg my uncle's came to town in 2019, and we were talking about politics, and Russia came up. My dad got super animated and just started blurting out nonsense about the king of the north. We were all confused AF. I literally asked, "Jon Snow?"😬 then he started talking about the gb, and the rest of us were just kind of like, ummm... ok... whatever. I did look up king of the north when I got home. Sure enough, it was one of their latest doomsday prophecies. Absolutely insane, the gb is taking inspiration from GOT 😂


The laughable thing is it was not new light ,the 1958 WT book "your will be done " identified Russia and china as the king of the north , who is Russia top friends with now ?


Interesting! But not much of a prediction is it? I remember at assemblies prior to that them saying first that it would be the UN all would bow down and give their power to, years later then saying it was yet to be revealed -they weren’t certain. Then recently it’s Russia again. So I guess they’re back to Russia since they’re now in bed with the UN.




And where is the August 24 Watchtower?


"First of all know this, that in the last days ridiculers will come with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires and saying: 'Where is this promised August 2024 Watchtower? Why, from the day the September edition dropped, all fear-mongering and speculation has been continuing exactly as has been from JWs' beginnings.'" - 2 Splane 3:3




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What this verse means to Christians: In Matthew 24:45, Jesus tells a parable about a faithful and wise servant who is put in charge of his master's household while the master is away. The servant is responsible for caring for the other servants and ensuring that they are fed and taken care of. The verse emphasizes the importance of being faithful and diligent in carrying out one's responsibilities, as the servant in the parable is praised and rewarded for his faithfulness when the master returns. Overall, the verse teaches the importance of being faithful and diligent in serving others and fulfilling one's duties. In a deeper spiritual sense, Matthew 24:45 can be interpreted as a message about the importance of being spiritually vigilant and prepared for the return of Christ. The master in the parable represents Jesus, who will return to judge the living and the dead. The faithful and wise servant represents those who are diligent in their faith, serving others and living in accordance with God's will. This verse can be seen as a call to believers to be watchful, faithful, and diligent in their spiritual lives, always ready for the return of Christ and the final judgment. It emphasizes the need for believers to live in a way that honors God and serves others, rather than being complacent or neglectful in their faith. Overall, Matthew 24:45 can be seen as a reminder for believers to be faithful and prepared for the coming of Christ, both in terms of their daily lives and in their spiritual readiness.


Okay, ChatGPT.


If you believe in the Bible, you know that Armageddon will happen but only via God’s timetable. “Keep awake”! These guys remind me of sports radio hosts who holler and scream about what team will win when they can’t know for sure. When the team doesn’t win, they say who could really know for sure. But when they win, they can’t wait to say, “I told you so.”


Caution Speculation: Perhaps the August WT contains new stuff that also hardcore JWs gets a little bit nervous. So after they study the August WT, they want that everyone get on track.


Watchtower: every edition is May edition


I have to laugh at the build trust part in the later paragraph. That's exactly what pushed me away. The closer you try to get in this organization, the more inconsistencies and crap you see. You either ignore it and worship a bunch of dudes in NY, or you wake up that this is a corporation run by a bunch of dudes in NY!


Maybe the 💩 is about to hit the fan, in Pennsylvania and the rest of the US, due to CSA. And, this is what they want obedience on, like don’t watch the news, or read newspapers. JMHO. 🤷‍♀️


The fictional and disgusting slave


This sounds like some Jonestown/Heavens gate BS. ![gif](giphy|Ig4UZkXR1QCrMwRJGW)


Make mine a double.....🥃🥃




Same stuff since forever and I’m out since 2004.


Facts. I dipped in 02', and it is still the same tomfoolery. I don't understand why my family chose this. I would never.


Why are they calling first century Christians "hebrew" Christians lol. Not all of the Christians were Jewish in the first century which is what I think they mean to call them. Little do they know hebrew was a dead language in the first century jews at that time spoke Greek and locally Aramaic lol these people...


It’s basically OBEY WHAT WE TELL YOU TO DO OR YOU WILL DIE ![gif](giphy|kHcaX3uLU3IME) GB screams “You didn’t listen to what we told you” GB @ annual meeting “Oh we didn’t get it quite right but we don’t have to apologize” Message to GB: I have already had friends and family die from the instructions you gave about blood and your endless rules that micromanaged their lives. The schedule, guilt, fear and obligation you put on them caused them to suffer from physical and mental health problems and some committed suicide.


"May", "may have", "likely"; Weasel words. The one time they stuck their neck out and falsely prophesied directly, is the fear mongering lie that they can never resist using, to keep a hold of their captives and continue to string them along. "We are about to face a tribulation far greater than the one experienced by the Hebrew Christians". Funny thing, they cited Rev. 16: 14, 16, which is "armageddon" and which, according to them, has always been a separate thing from "the great tribulation". But anyways, these liars are blind to the fact that they themselves are the persecutors. They themselves do the trampling. They themselves are the killers. \[ Rev. 11: 7 \] When D. Splane said, "Brothers! This is war!", for once, which is rare, he said something approximating a truth. But, they themselves are soldiering for the Dragon. They themselves fulfill their mistaken citation of Rev. 16: 14, 16. Splane himself, as part of the Harlot 'gb', \[ & Earth - Earth Beast / Wormwood Star / False Prophet / Wicked Steward \] is guilty with the blood of the Called Ones, and countless others, who have been trampled and "killed" by the Sea / Abyss Beast he rides. \[ Rev. 8: 10, 11; 11: 7; 16: 6; 17: 6; 18: 24 \] Written by awakened anointed exjw's for jw's / exjw's👇: "Eighth King / Punishment of the Great Harlot" 👇; [https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2014/06/punishment-of-great-harlot-eighth-king.html](https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2014/06/punishment-of-great-harlot-eighth-king.html) "The Great Tribulation -- What and Why?" 👇; [https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2015/06/the-greatest-tribulation-why.html](https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2015/06/the-greatest-tribulation-why.html)


This organisation came too it's end middle of 90s. Leaders are struggling to keep their power. They live secluded from others and on donations members give. Jesus said follow his steps closely. Their live style is not supported by new testament. 


>This organisation came too it's end middle of 90s Yeah. Up until then the Org strung people along past all of its prophesying failures by always falling back on verse 10 of Moses' prayer in Psalm 90, which speaks of a lifespan being 70 - 80 years. They took advantage of tying that verse into meaning a single generation from 1914 to 1984 - '94. So when '94 came and went \[ 80th year from their made up and retconned date \], the cracking and crumbling of the tower / wall began to spread. \[ Ez. 13: 8 - 15 \]. >Their live style is not supported by new testament.  Agreed. \[ Amos 6: 1, 3 - 7 \].


You mean that which they manufactured for themselves




It's quite interesting that in English and Spanish there's a word "Faith" here. Faith in the slave. But in other languages there's another word - "Trust". For example in German and Polish. In other languages like Russian or Ukrainian there's written that "we have to keep faith that Jehovah is guiding us by using the slave". 🤷🏾‍♀️


How are they being "discreet"?


And this is how you get depressed teens and children.


Need a talk on rotating the food in the go bags. Mines 6 years out of date


WT is becoming culty as fuck. They have been going on about this for some time now bit makes me wonder if they are going to tell the members we are in the great tribulation or something.


Obey us now so you can obey us even harder later!


You must be grateful to the faithful and wise slave for this, because he will save your life, how great!


the usual indoctrination article, nothing new here, moving along....but thanks for calling Watchtower out!!


If that isn't a pedo-goatee than I don't know what is! Lol


Ah yes, fear-mongering the classic...


The same BS since 1879! The clowns 🤡 aka the crazy 9 aka ‘governing body’ are at it again. Let the fearmongering begin.


Cults gotta cult.


yeah, that's pretty crazy.. personal faith is a sacred concept.. they are on very thin ice teaching folks to put faith in anyone other than Jesus.. wow...


Haha they're confused again. Salvation possible after Armageddon began vs before the tribulation came


We're in the final part of the FINAL part of the last, LAST days.


And let's not forget putting a photo of a brother with a beard too!


Of course. That’s what I meant.


Ahhh I missed the small print. Getting old Larch! ;)




Tithing is next.


City overseer or, COBE related this biblical thought to me in 1992..…..and,,,,my family and I could for sure see this great big change for personal requirements IE unquestionable allegiances to FDL...by 2000. He's still waiting as far as I know or care.


Oh, let me hurry up and wait.....


![gif](giphy|FoH28ucxZFJZu) So same shit as usual.


Oh no.. this is sounding more cultish than ever.... Gloom and doom all the time


Or..... maybe they are on the brink of bankruptcy? Think about it: they shift the blame to the government all the time, and when they will "eventually" fail, they tell other JW's that they're being "shutdown" Just my two cents


“We need time to reflect on and apply what we read in God’s Word??” How much time do they frickin need? Is 2,000 years not enough time to figure out the ol riddle book? The zodiac killer must’ve written it or something.


This might as well be the September 1984 watchtower…or the September 1994 watchtower…or the September 2004 watchtower…what is the definition of insanity again…


I didn't realize you had insider sources 👀


strange, they released the september one but missed the august one…


Yes they did. https://preview.redd.it/zlfpkqdn7j7d1.jpeg?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=531b6d48628b922f074d56ee5b80781cab73ae40


thanks! so big news coming out, but maybe deep legal dept review is required 😅


Nothing new. It’s referring to the great tribulation itself, not some specific event. They’ve always said this. What’s new is the guy with the beard in the photo!


No I wasn’t saying it was about anything other that the great tribulation. It’s just they say “about to”. Like imminent. (As usual I guess!)


Good point! But it’s always imminent!


It is. Just thought the “about to” was interesting. 😏


Point taken!




What they don’t think about is if you die during the tribulation it doesn’t mean much. You just come back after it’s all over. No need for lifesaving anything, you’ve already won


How could one possibly be expected to have confidence and face in a group of imperfect men who lead and pressured their flock to get the Covid jab which has now been scientifically proven to be ineffective and dangerous which the producer of it were fully aware of that fact from the beginning It is a bioweapon Don’t believe me Watch the video of Alex Jones interview of Dr David Martin. Listen to what Dr Robert Malone ( the inventor of the mRNA technology ) has to say about. Listen to Dr Peter McCullough. And many more. The identifying feature of the faithful slave is they give the food at the proper time. A Watch Tower is a place where guards would watch over the land for potential and incoming dangers. Someone in the Watchtower was obviously not staying Awake.


Does this apply to my dad who has been “strengthening his faith” since he sold his possessions in 1975?


When did beards become allowed again? I've been out of the loop since the mid 90's.


15 December 2023! https://x.com/larchwood20/status/1735663847053181205?s=46&t=EWBFgLNiF6rAqLOWZKt2zw

