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That's shocking! I've never heard of anyone doing this. That's psychotic lol


Used to do this in the 90s all the time. Especially around 7-7:30am. They don’t care about your sleep. Their message is more important.


Actual residential door knocking though? I was a PIMI for 40 years in 4 states and I never heard of anyone knocking on residential doors before 9am. Gas stations, parks, laundromats, hospital waiting rooms, etc. were done at any and all hours but never knocking on residential doors at 6:30-7:30am? Not accusing you of lying, just seems really odd to me.


Plus it would far easier to sit at a laundromat etc to kill time while catching up on monthly hours (which is definitely a pioneer strategy of old) rather than door knocking that early in the morning. Then again I’ve known well meaning zealots in my time that I wouldn’t put it past them to do something like that but even for them it would be unusual, unless they were told by someone else it would be the only time to catch the “householder” at home.


We didn't even sit in the laundromats, just dropped off literature and drove to the next one with a coffee break between each one 🤣


Listening to a Pearl Jam cassette, and all jacked up on Mountain Dew. Good times.


Coffee and the Smiths!


Seriously. 😂🤘


I remember chilling at the donut shop with the magazine spread lol


“Letter writing” at the donut shop.


During covid I would sign on zoom just to show my face and let them know I was there, then immediately close the laptop and go back to sleep 😅


For service?




Same 😂😂 never once had on a skirt too 🤣


Was not extremely common but I went out in service with a few old crazies before that decided to go early. Only happened a couple times in my born in lifetime - but it happens. I did do a lot of early morning and for the most part many times you have spare moments where they are like, maybe we should just do a couple doors. Look their lights are on! Most wouldn’t dare, some would.


"Maybe we should do a couple doors. Look their lights are on!" LOL sounds accurate honestly


I have absolutely met those people. A couple were ooold men when I was a kid in the 70's. You know, the kind who'd jam their foot in the door and keep talking. The rest were those lonely old pioneer sisters who'd either never married or lost their husbands long ago, and door to door work was their whole life. Looking back, I suspect they were in varied stages of cognitive decline, but because they were single and kept preaching, nobody cared enough about them to suggest they get help. They'd walk in anywhere and talk to anyone, ignoring no trespassing signs, dangerous dogs, dudes with shotguns, that this was the loading door of a business marked EMPLOYEES ONLY...just no recognition of boundaries at all. Gals like that wouldn't let a silly little thing like lack of daylight stop them.


Sounds like pioneers. I think their hours are most important.




I’ve heard of them going out at 9pm but not 6:30am that’s insane I know my parents do early morning but are they doing door to door that early. That’s not even cool op I would have ignored them too


It's because they love you! They're not known for being the academic lariats of society.


No, no, no... 6am is grocery store parking lot time. Or maybe donut shop time. 6am is ***NOT*** door-knocking time. I try really hard to be kind to JWs, but if *anybody* knocks on my door before 10am on *any* day of the week and I'm home, I will ask for a copy of the Watchtower, roll it up, and smack them on the forehead with it. "BAD J-DUB! [smack]... Bad. No! Now go to your crate!"




Same that’s strange for them to come so early. Most JWs aren’t even up that early and they don’t usually have an organized meeting until 9am or 9:30am where they meet specifically to get organized for door to door and then they go out. If it’s early like that they usually do street work / informal witnesses like going to bus stops trying to catch people on their way to work after leaving the house. Most JWs prefer street work too, it’s easier.


Burglars undercover?


In my area they had a problem of people dressing as JWs and distracting people at the front of the house while someone else would sneak in the back and rob them


Fascinating. Now I know next time I should just yell "It's the JWs again, get the gun!" to be safe....


It happened to my Grandma about 15 years ago, and while one was at the front door with her, The other one went in her backyard and went through the back door up her stairs and stole her purse and some jewelry she saw bthem when they were leaving out the back door , but they got away. This was in Seattle.


better than robbing them of their lives.


I wonder if this is the right answer bc I’ve never heard of the witnesses knocking that early…


Unless you’re living on a park bench, this doesn’t add up. I’ve never heard of JW knocking houses this early. But I have seen many JW do early morning witnessing in public parks, beaches, and parking lots.


I used to be forced to wake up at 4-6 to preach at houses and gas stations before I went to school as a 8-12 year old. It was awful. No, they don't care about what you may be doing because they're more important. It's so dumb


Not buying the story at all. You may see some JW standing by a cart at a bus station or something, but never in my 50+ years being a JW would anyone I know would have come to a stranger’s door at that early hour.


If it was two brothers/elders, they were calling early to set up a shepherding call or a judicial hearing. They may have been trying to reach you & couldn’t. This is when they resort to extreme measures & call times.


kinda like serving a summons?


That's not really the JW M.O.


That is VERY odd, even for JWs.. It might have been a couple JWs that are going rogue. 


I'm very suspect.


It's because we are in the last days of the last days shortly before the final days of the last days of the last days


I can tell you are ex JW because you used the word "literature"




Yes, you take that with you to work your ***back calls***.


They trying to beat the heat. It’s hot as hell outside. Have a ❤️. (Jus kidding)


Honestly that could be their reasoning, especially in my state


Yeah still to early


elderly domineering zesty ten cough ring juggle sable fuel practice *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


LOL I was going to say the same thing. I don't want to call OP full of shit..but pretty sure they are full of shit. The ONLY way I could see this happening is if this person lived with someone who told them it was ok to stop by early (bible study, etc). When I was a kid we would get started at 7, drop off tracts and hit people up who were pumping gas then meet at the KH for 9am service meeting, then do D2D or bible studies. There is *no way* it would have been ok to do D2D before the FS meeting.


It could also be someone was pranking OP and filled out the visit request on the JDub website and said that 6:30 was the best time of day. I know a lot of TikTok'ers who are not and who have never been JWs filling out that contact form on another person as a prank. A much safer form of swatting.


That could be a possible explanation, and pretty funny if so!


shrill jar rich materialistic expansion plucky fly languid stupendous quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe…just maybe…other people’s life experiences are not the same as yours? Maybe other people are not from where you’re from? Have you considered that? Going out in service that early, especially in the summer, was the norm growing up in Arizona because otherwise you’d already have a heat stroke by 11am. Although 6:30am is crazy early to most people, this sounds perfectly “normal” for JWs in hot climates.


Nothing to do with service at 630 am it’s knocking on residential doors that early. So many comments of ppl who spent many years and all of them say the same thing, myself included… no one is knocking on random doors that early. And OP in a comment said they were zooming field service meetings during Covid so this isn’t someone ‘out’ for a long time … so most likely story is Bs and not real


Covid was four, nearly five years ago. You do realize that right? That’s quite sometime to be out of the org. But then again I’m not sure how you think OP’s story isn’t legit, nor see how covid plays into this. There’s A TON of comments on this post sharing stories of being out in service that early, some even earlier. Like I said in my first comment to the other person, it’s not your life experience. To sit there and say something didn’t happen simply because you weren’t there to see it, is very ignorant. Knocking on doors that early is not the craziest thing I’ve heard JWs do, so I’m not sure why this is so hard for you to understand. Plenty of other people do. I’m not saying this to be rude, I’m just confused on why you’re confused that’s all 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit to add: a simple scroll through OP’s profile screams “ex JW”. Just look at their posts. Seems real as hell to me, just sayin 🤷🏻‍♀️


Where I'm from they would often give out territory for pioneers to do. Many would get an hour in before the group. Just because you didn't experience it doesn't mean there aren't witnesses crazy enough to do this? I mean out of all the bat shit crazy stuff J-dubs believe and do, do you really think they draw the line at being annoying early in the morning?


I find it odd that they even still go door to door, let alone at that ghastly hour. Probably some asshole zealout's idea and they need to get rocked into their place.


No one, not even sales people call at doors this early. Yeah in my day we would hit up laundry mats at like 7am to drop magazines, but knocking up someones door? Thats a good way to get shot.


They are obviously desperate for converts


This has never been a thing for JW. We’ve always been told to go door to door later in the day, earliest 9:30am. This is the internet so idk if you’re just lying to get attention but there’s always a possibility some JW go rogue and not follow instructions.


Has this always been the case where you are? I've been out since the turn of the century, but back then it was a point of pride for our local pioneer clique to have at least an hour of door knocking, not just laundromats or business territory, before the morning meeting for service. It sounds like people are a lot more apathetic these days, but that isn't to say there aren't pockets of superfine apostles out there. You know there's always someone who has to dial their PIMI showmanship up to 11.


Preaching before 9:30 is a staple but not doing it door to door. Like you said it’s typical doing business territory or just walking down the sidewalk and talking to anyone you see early in the morning. Earliest I’ve seen this done is 7am.


This can't be real! Regular pioneer JWs would preach early morning to comuters, but not door to door.


It only takes one abnormal pioneer though. And let's face it, Being in the Borg isn't exactly the best environment for normal behaviour


That doesn’t seem right. I always thought it was common courtesy to wait until after 9:30am (which is still too early, especially on weekends). Early morning witnessing was always just bus stops in my local hall.


When I was PIMO. We never met up for field service until at least 9 AM. If you did start earlier than that. You were downtown to do street work, the equivalent of the carts.


Exactly. I thought not knocking on doors before 9am was a universal rule. Not to mention that there are usually laws against it.


The one I never really understood. Was people who wanted to go knocking on doors on Christmas morning and New Year’s Day. Christmas Day you’re just gonna irritate people. New Year’s Day, you’re going to wake up someone who is nursing a hangover.


That is bizarre. I've done street witnessing that early but NEVER door to door. There are usually local ordinances against soliciting at those hours. I would contact your local authorities and see if you can file a noise or "disturbing the peace" complaint".


Wow. Never heard of knocking on doors before 9, and usually it was 10. Although street witnessing was whenever.


During my time among the borg we had instructions to only start knocking past 10 AM. Looks like they are losing common sense.


1980's through early 90s it was common in our congregation to start field service at 7/730 even on weekends, because it was really hot by 1030. Lots of pissed off, hung over people cursed at us. Super fun and safe for a kid.


Did they maybe made this visit specifically to you? Because you were one them maybe? I don’t know dude. I’m not telling that this is not true but being myself a hardcore Rambo Jw I never hit any door before 09:30 or so. But you never know.. maybe it’s their new tactic before Armageddon kills us all?? 🤷🏻‍♂️


It was probably a prank. One of your friends filled out an online request for a Bible study and said your best availability is 6:30a I used to get those assignments and hated them because I knew it was someone pranking.


I love how everyone is like 'that aint right ' A UNITED people 😏😌


There’s no way those were JW.


They have no boundaries.


I would have invited them in. I would have listened to their message and allowed them to initiate their first Bible study with me. Then, I would have filled my bathtub so they could baptize me. After being baptized, I would have told them I would continue on in helping them in their preaching work right after I called my boss and quit my job because I couldn't work on meeting days. Oh, I could only dream of such!


You forgot to add, that the spirit told you that you were one of the anointed too!


When I was in they didn’t start til 9 am going door to door. The only early morning stuff was street work on the corner or donut shops and laundry places.


I live in a part of California that is very hot in the summer. Over 100 degrees before noon sometimes. the CO would have us go door to door at 7:30-8:00 am. Yeah...real smart.


That’s nuts. Seriously I know JWs who laugh at you if you asked them if they ever went door to door before 9am lol


That’s beyond inconsiderate. I work in a medical office that has appointments at 6:30am, but I would never call a patient at that hour. In my congregation, there was an elder who witnessed/tried to recruit at truck stops and diners. Please leave these tired people in peace. Edit: I remember a zealot pioneer who tried to recruit me to help her recruit at businesses starting at 6:00 am. My husband was so disappointed in me.


Need to get their hours in... 😂


I knew someone who gave Biblical study to an individual at 4am cuz that was the only time the homeowner was available.


That is extremely odd. Not sure I would trust anyone knocking on my door that time of day. I certainly wouldn't be receptive to hearing the message.


The lady I used to study with would go out in field service before work. I think she started work at 9am. She'd go out in field service at 6am.


Why in the ever living fuck would someone do that to themselves I truly don’t know


I would have come to them and invite them to breakfast and show them my researches and speak about them being an NGO. What a great way to start the day !


That’s kinda strange, W are usually careful of not going to rv’s that early, unless they had an appointment with the householder. Have you recently moved to the area?


For all the people trying to call BS, is it that hard to believe that brainwashed, mentally unwell cultists act weird sometimes? Yea, that's not normal, even for JWs, but all religions and cults have their more zealous members.




No way really??? When JWs knocked on my familys door It was around 11am I think. A lot of people literally never wake up THAT early not even for early school activities. This is why they’ve hated so much. Nobody wants to be annoyed THAT early in the morning….


What the HECK?! When I was a JW I purposely dragged my FEET to knock on doors and tried to do it as late as possible because that’s the worst.


We just went to a convenience store and got a shorty bottle of Coke and bag of salted Planter's peanuts to put in and sat for a spell, spells and half a spell. https://preview.redd.it/gdu2xf6grm7d1.jpeg?width=311&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6da716c7448af9179273b310fb00910ebe763ce2


Pretty sure I got woken up around that time too a few months ago. My doorbell rang so loud to the point where I felt disoriented for a sec lol. I fell asleep for another few hours. Going door to door is so dumb idek why they still do it


Our early morning was businesses but never that early for residential


That is some pioneers in BeastMode™️ 😂😂😂 I mean, I remember being out that early, but we would never knock on a door. You go look for who’s out. Laundromats, street work, places where cabbies congregate… You don’t bother homeowners outside of bankers hours.


I used to like “laundromat witnessing” because I would just leave the literature, get out and could count time and how many pieces of literature I “placed.”


Great way to unload a bagful of outdated magazines.


Exactly! 😆


I used to write ‘Sample Copy’ on mine. 😂🙄🤮


A punch will stop that. I'm not suggesting by you, but I'm confident that someone will lose their shit and apply fist to face.


Time for a 6:31a airhorn rebuttal.


trumpets of Jerico?


If this happened and you don't want it to happen again, just phone the local KH and let them know their publishers should not be knocking at peoples' homes until a reasonable hour. That's not what "early morning witnessing" is. They're supposed to go to public spaces and meet people who are already up.


Do you live in a desert? I have no other explanation why they’d be doing this so early


We've had problems with the Spanish congregations in our area doing things like this, standing 5 to a cart and taking up the sidewalk, seeing us work the block and following right behind going to the same doors, things like that.  It causes major issues amongst the congregations and friends, not to mention the householders. 




There has to be city rules about sales people and when they can come to your home. That is so disrespectful that they go do any door to door preaching but at 630 am? Ridiculous


I added a sticker to my ring doorbell which says “no soliciting”, and I thought that would solve this. But I’m realizing most jws don’t seem to understand what that word means so they ring anyway.


My congregation had early morning witnessing every Wednesday. Residential for sure but majority was just door stuffing. I refused to knock on doors that early during summer vacation. Some elders were really insane about still applying the knock three times rule though. Hated being in that car group


I used to do this early in the morning too as a kid. I’m 24, so this was well into the early 2000’s


Pioneer cuckoos do it from time to time. Pioneers *still need* to make their hourly requirements, thus they'll keep bothering people in the early morning. They can't start counting their time unless they tied to preach to someone. Cult and normal life are incompatible, so pioneers often start at about 06:00 in the morning to make it happen anyway somehow.


Not door to door, though. Laundromats, gas stations, maybe.


Maybe they are looking for an RV and couldn’t be sure of the address


They were not jw. 930 am is the earliest jws go to residential areas.


I was raised a JW, I know a pamphlet when I see one. They were JWs


do they still hand out preprinted invitations to the public talks?


This sounds pretty dubious tbh. I wouldn't be so sure they were JWs.


That seems far too early! Desperate times…


Some über vigilant R.P. will try every hour to reach a N.H. in order to complete a territory card.


Here in my neighborhood they don't seem to insist on knocking on doors. I think they just want to go home as soon as possible and keep walking around the blocks to pass the time 🫠


Rogue JW


What other rules did they break?




My congregation mostly just did public/ informal witnessing super early in the morning but the people who went door to that early were usually the tone deaf people of the congregation


Show the video of them to prove the people wrong who are saying the story is bs?


The early bird gets the convert!


Wow! I was always taught to never go out door knocking until after 8am and not even ring doorbells until after 10am


Damn they can be happy it wasn‘t my door 😂


😶 I use to do street witnessing at 6:30 am but never go to someone house at that hour. Bad form.


That is illegal. I know I was a telemarketer and I know the laws!


Never heard of early door knocking. Must be new…


So harsh and annoying! Maybe they’re having such a hard time getting people to answer the door, that they are going in at daybreak when people are dazed, confused and wouldn’t suspect it’s them. LOL!


Not true. Thay start at 9am


Early morning witnessing... Used to do it myself... It's honestly ungodly how early some of them will be up, ready to shove a scripture in your face


We don’t do door to door before 9, that’s odd.


Doubt it. When I used to auxiliary pioneer, we would do stuff like go to gas stations and letter writing in the morning until it became an appropriate time to knock on doors.


Bro that don’t even meet that early. You cap’n


Doubt they were JWs. How could you tell just by glancing by at the camera at 6:30am?


I recognized their literature. I was raised a JW


How do you know it was JWs? The only smartly dressed people that might knock at that time are likely some sort of government authority