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Gotta keep on abusing those little enemies of God until the abuse is irreversible and they turn atheist later in life. All part of the plan of the 9 kings above our brother..


Yup! Worked for ME!




My dad, an elder, allowed none of these shenanigans in his presence. He may have been fooled by a death cult, but he was the finest example of a man I’ve yet to find.


That's honestly refreshing to hear. So many of us were beaten, and the beatings were encouraged by the Buffoons giving talks just like the one OP heard today.


I left when I was 18, but kinda sorta came back when my first kid was born. My (now ex) husband and I went to a few meetings anyway, and that was when I knew I couldn't be a JW anymore. I couldn't abuse my child. I had elders coming up to me after the meetings and counseling me because my NEWBORN BABY was too loud during the meetings and I should be discipline her. How do you discipline a newborn child? No. That was the last straw.


This actually reminds me of when I was appointed a MS and told part of my duties were to tell mothers if their children were disrupting the meeting. Now that I have a kid I know how truly insane that is and I doubt they tell anyone that anymore, they're lucky mom's with babies even show up.


That reminds me of the time we were lectured about our toddler crying every meeting. Brother elder told us we had to train her for the meetings at home: just put her in a chair and make sure she learns to sit there for 2 hours. ARE YOU OUT OF YOU MIND?! He beat his own kid with a belt (that’s what I heard, and that happened long before I moved to that congregation.) Oh and our child just hated being around so many people and in a place with too bright lights and irritating noises, but was too little to be able to tell with words, so she cried. (on the autism spectrum)


That's awful. One of the parenting classes I took explained that the attention span of a small child is roughly the age doubled in minutes. So, a 2 year old can sit and listen for about 4 minutes, a 3 year year old for 6, etc. As a PIMI dub, I remember feeling a mix of sympathy for the children in the hall as well as shame that our organization was so clueless and uncaring that they demanded something physiologically impossible from the most vulnerable among us.


6 more years and I can make it two hours!!


Their answer to bringing up your child, beat the shit out of them. Autistic children don't do well with authoritarian management.


The thing is in the worldly churches of Satan and false religion ( imo they all are ) there's a place for the children and unlike the JW enemies of god ( Stephen Lett s words) they are not beaten into submission and therefore later in life still believe in a fake man in the heavens watching over us .


Good for you


Try discipline a pre term just out of intensive care very vulnerable new born.


I remember a popular story when I was growing up about a mother whose infant was crying in the back of the hall and being so loud and disruptive to the meeting that she finally just put her hand over its mouth and and held on until the kid changed colors, And when she let go and the baby gasped for air and “it stopped crying” and she only had to do that one time and “the baby learned not to cry at meetings” Absolutely disgusting. I can just imagine Jesus from the great teacher book putting his hand over some child’s mouth and nose just suffocate the child until it stopped crying


Jesus Christ. Really adds meaning to “death cult”.


Yikes 😱


![gif](giphy|7vzDSUC6EOIEQ1ymTf|downsized) NOT COOL!!!!


Holy F! That's terrible! Just lightly kill your kid and next time they'll behave!


That's so repulsive and evil


I saw many kids get the hand over the mouth. That was regular.


I don't have kids, but I never thought anything was wrong with spanking them. UNTIL I read a comment online from a psychiatrist who said: You don't beat your wife when she makes a mistake. Why would you beat a young child 🤔? It blew my mind how much jw reasoning is always lingering in my mind. Not anymore.


A lot of these people do beat their wives when they make mistakes, or they at least fantasize about it. Not all, but a lot. I've had a driving instructor (non jw) tell me that he threatens to hit his student's hands with a willow stick when they mess up while driving, because that's supposedly the best way to teach someone. I was horrified, all I could manage to say was "I'm sorry for your children." I grew up in that environment. I can tell you from experience that this method of "teaching" doesn't work for me.


Same. Beating me just made me more resolute. It certainly never helped me understand what I was even in trouble for.


I'm so sorry you know what it's like. I wouldn't wish it on my enemy.


I knew a few men that beat their wives too.


I was spanked as a child and it's a big reason why I resent my father so much as an adult. He's never respected me


Alot of them use it as an "open mic night" - I'm so glad I'm out , I could never stand those types of people & talks .. it's not cute & to spank a 2 yr old for their bad parenting?? Spare me


My PIMI wife and I both agreed it was bad after and I told her "we don't have to pretend like every talk is good right?" Lol.


Definitely you don’t have to agree with this kind of treatment. They want total obedience as soon as you leave the womb. And if never stops . Run . I’m so happy not I’m out left last year after I woke up and did 1 year of deep research. Using their own propaganda literature. Starting from Charles Taz Russell upwards. Boy it opens your eyes for sure . Never knew also they were part of the UN for 10 year. Yes that scarlet women they bang in about . Total hypocrisy on every level. Just a vast real estate business. I notice Samual Herd no longer wears his Rolex after he was busted . Wears his Apple Watch now 😂 What a joke I’m sure they think we are all brainwashed . Bug some are more awake and have seen the real Truth n light . Don’t waste your time. Free labour, energy on a mam made CULT. I wasted to much already. Live is gd now and suprise suprise people In the world are lovely. And if unconditional love . Not conditional like the JWs .


Sounds horrible. I could never ever again attend a meeting, especially since i have a 2 year old as well and since i was raised in an authoritarian household, i despise all forms of punishment 😖


Our child is less than a year old, he is breast-fed and my wife is very attuned to his nap/feed/sleep times, meaning that midweek meetings are a no-no, and Sunday meetings can be challenge to attend. All her mother says is 'its a shame he can't fall asleep in a pram' and her step-dad told my wife 'you need to make more effort'. Let's just say my wife (and I) were very upset because she wears herself out to make sure our son is nurtured and healthy, not pushing him to stay awake or expecting him to just be quiet. Nobody needs that kind of 'encouragement', and I don't appreciate coming home from work to see my wife upset because of a thoughtless comment from her PIMI parents who should know better considering my wife has had chronic health problems from a young age. On a side note, my dad used to beat my brothers with a belt, but he was never a JW. Beating your children is not exclusive to the Witnesses.


Our Sunday meeting was right in the middle of what should have been my baby's nap time. I was talking to a couple of people at the hall, and said, "I feel so guilty for keeping him up right now, he's supposed to be sleeping." Their response was to awkwardly shift their weight and mumble some incoherent words. They knew I was right, but the obvious reality was that the organization does not care about children.


He might get the don't return status. There's only been a few talks that people have been asked to not come back in my hall


Never heard of that before actually! Really interested to know what those talks are like lol hard to believe JW's would draw a hard line anywhere tbh.


Depends on the elder body but some talks are either so bad, speaker is awful, or kinda go rogue. The elders decide to not invite that Br. Back. It's rare but does happen. I forget why the most recent one was told to not be scheduled again it was 2 years ago. I remember maybe 1 from childhood that never heard again. The brother went off and it was a whole sex talk and mentioned not having period sex out of respect for blood. I was probably 11 or 12






>not having period sex out of respect for blood Oh, this was absolutely taught in the literature


Yeah but not appropriate when you have kids in the hall. Or really any public audience. They need to retire the sex and marriage outline.


I remember talks that mentioned that actually. Maybe it was the same br. 😂


Once I became a Servant I looked through the outlines to make sure I wasn't crazy and that it actually was said on stage. It's there


Ask Abby is a section in the newspaper, idk if still read the newspapers. But people ask her (Abby) for relationship advice or marriage advice etc. Something like that.


Dear Abby,…


9/8 82 Awake is pretty clear that toddlers need to know they'll get hit. Times were different, etc etc, but because WT just got ambiguous about corporal punishment, instead of actively changing their stance, and encouraging parents to not spank, lots of JWs still think the same way, and haven't changed a bit. If you search things like "spanking" on WT library, you still get the old articles.


I am intrigued by the numerous comments here that allude to the moms being responsible for ensuring that kids behave at meetings. Did the kids have dads that were present? Being a JW woman with a brain was like being locked in an asylum. The misogyny is inseparable from the dogma and culture of the cult. https://www.callmevashti.com/post/shiny-happy-women


When the congregation where I grew up built a new hall in the early 80s, the women's bathroom was large with a mother's room and long counter for baby changing. The men's bathroom had nothing until my mom complained to my elder dad that there was no way for a husband to help with his own children, so they eventually got one of those wall-mounted baby change tables. Our congregation at that time had about five families who each had 4 or more kids. Lots of babies and toddlers, and if a kid was sick, it was the mom who had to stay home with all the rest of the kids. It was nuts. The brothers had no clue that they could actually take care of their OWN children! LOL


Apparently this old coot hasn’t heard the new light from Geoffrey jackson about “the rod” being a “mental regulating “.


I'm glad that you aren't on board with that Crap. My mom in the 80s and 90s loved these types of talks. They encouraged her to beat us and humiliate us in public by smacking us around in front of people.


Hi no it’s not an excuse. I was beaten by my dad. He also used a slipper and belt. And told me if I flinch I’ll get more. My bottom was red and had imprints . He was a JW when I was a child but left . It’s scared me for life. I was terrified of him and he had so many strict rule you walked on egg shells . I’m still in Counciling at 59 yrs old . They disgust me reg the amount of abuse they inflict . They are a cruel cult .


That is soooo fucked up!!! I would call social service on his ass... At least where i come from it's illegal to do things like that. And a two year old?! 🤬🤬🤬🤬


The worst public talk imo had to be "should you put your trust in science or the Bible?" A false dichotomy if there ever was one.. Every single time, regardless of the speaker, they read the first part of [Isaiah 40:22](https://biblehub.com/isaiah/40-22.htm) and then inserted "OR SPHERE" afterwards


Yes!!! Since when did "circle" mean sphere? I always questioned this!


I would doubt that Dear Abby story. Dear Abby wasn't a JW if he was insinuating that. What an abusive loser; I'd maybe put a R95 mask on everyone in my family, yikes. Even if not fearful of catching something, but to give a message. I was recently trolled by someone who said WT didn't say to spank your kids... 🤦🏻‍♀️, and here it is in 2024.


How many Unhappy JW Kids do we hear from Daily?...A Lot... How many Adults do we hear from Daily, had Unhappy JW Childhoods?...Most of them. Most JW\`s shouldn\`t have Kids...Most JW\`s shouldn\`t be allowed near or around kids...And... Those aren\`t even the Gawddamn JW Pedophiles, JW\`s Protect. . **The Watchtower** **Announcing Jehovah\`s Kingdom** https://preview.redd.it/g9ov4kojqe8d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93d5b9f83ad6195055ed134f27fd53c8957606ab


Before covid one of our brothers gave a talk and went into how christendom is full of pedophiles and how our organisation is "clean " ,i got him after and said "sorry bro but i have to point out that we cant critisize other religions for harboring pedos any more because WT is just as bad ,the Australian royal commision showed over 1000 cases never reported but covered up by our organisation " he was spechless , next meeting he thanked me for mentioning it .


My wife and I called WT quits after having our first child. We both decided we were not going to beat her at the meetings. Furthermore, we decided we were not going to be put in the position of maybe having to disown her when she hit the teen years. Our daughter is a fine well balanced adult 34 years later. We love her unconditionally, she loves us back. This is a great recipe for raising kids. Get out early and stay out!


The point of his talk was..? "Ask Abby". these columns in the newspapers are for peole to write in with their problems and "Abby" will give an answer.


Dear Abby,…


When my daughter was little she was being a little girl and messing about in the meeting not noisy not disruptive just being a little girl about 5 I think. I was taped on the shoulder and asked to go to the back of the hall to speak to an elder he told me to disciplin my daughter as she was distracting him I said if you where sat in a seat not stood up at the back spying on me he wouldn't he then suggested he could show me how. Hackles Rose and I basically told him assault would land him on his back then the police station.


One of the negatives about being pimo in the same congregation as your pimi parents is that you get to listen to their talks and comments about discipline and raising a family etc., all the while sitting there remembering being beaten for nonsensical things, being publicly humiliated, and constantly being reminded you're not good enough. Ya...good times. Wish I could leave but it's not time yet. 😕


I hope you didn't shake his hand.


I would have walked out!!! How awful 😖


Well it was actually "Dear Abby," (He mixed it up with "Ask Ann Landers.") Newspapers still carry Dear Abby, written by Jeanne Phillips now.


Ask Abby and her sister Ann Landers! OMG how old is that outline!!


My jw father in law went to my daughters house after my grand daughter was born and gave her advice that she should spank my granddaughter as much as possible to keep her in line. My daughter just laughed in his face 🤣.


This cult has never liked children, it's why they have so much child abuse, as a father bringing up my two son's, I vowed I would never ever lay a hand in anger on them, and never did, I also made sure they both went to University, and during their teenage years if they wanted to grow their hair long, I allowed that too. Yes, I had some comments from the superfine apostles, but I just laughed and smiled at the bigots. I am glad I am out of this Satanic cult, I never ever soaked all the crap, I was too much of a free spirit.


I think they referenced 1 Splane 3:19,20 19 if the slave says it so then so shall it be. 20 The slave is really the master, so eat your meat provided in due season with your mouth shut. See also; The Song of Fleegle 121:57-59 57 How great the ones, who bear the light The make it new when they pray 58 Remember to do just as they say What once was dark They make as the day. 59 Faithful and discreet they are You must do what they say.