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We had a guy swear on the platform one day. And the next week a sister said the same swear word when she gave an answer. They both cringed and tried to cover up. I reckon you must swear a lot at home for the words to just come out at a meeting. They were spoken to after the meeting.


I love it when that happens. Even more funny hearing an old person cuss. If they "slip" giving a comment at the KH, you know they're habitual outside the KH when it rolls off so naturally.


Yeah my family and my GF’s family are PIMI so I regularly gotta flip that switch so that I don’t drop a F-Bomb around their virginal ears. That said I swear like a sailor at home so it’s definitely almost slipped a few times.


My elder grandpa used to regularly relate a story that involved a cuss word. My crazy PIMI aunt cringed every time and I thought it was hilarious.


Yeah just open quotation marks.


In which case they wouldn't give a shit about the opinion of some old fart elders.


I'm there now and order senior coffee at McDonald's.   It's liberating when you can not give a F


Except if you really, really didn't give a fuck, you would just walk away, no rumination just not one bat of an eyelid and no memory because it doesn't matter. When you take the time to say fuck off it's because of anger. PS what's really funny is when someone uses the f word in a really posh quiet voice.


Imagine after that he just went “Oh shit, I’m so fucking sorry!”


Imagine the elder on stage replying "No problem, my good man. Shit happens."


I am in tears 🤣


That is something my dumbass self would actually say lmao 


They say shit all the time in the Caribbean Islands like it's nothing. Then if they move to the US they experience some culture shock


Same thing in the UK, from what I understand


Maggie was at a meeting, a Dutch minister was there also. She said to him, what do you do? He said to her, I fuck horses. She said, PARDON. He said, YES, YES, PARDON. Turns out in Dutch FUCK is breed, and PARDON is horses. (or near enough)


Ik fok paarden (I breed horses) 😂 I fed it into Google translate


Yes thanks. It's a true story, I checked it out with a friend in the Netherlands.


No absolutely not.


Not in the UK.


Shit is an exclamation, definitely not a swear word. Fuck is also an exclamation, definitely not a swear word. In many parts of the UK.


I hink they would consider shit as an obscenity and fuck as a profanity. Probably has to do with the definition considering how uptight they are about sex.......


Of course some do, many don't. Do you know Billy Connolly?


IMHO The UK is less uptight about sex than the US. "Are You Being Served?" could never be done in the US without some kind of editing.


It was shown here. On Public television.


Yes I know. That's how I know about it, bc my local PBS station has shown it for years. My point was that, there would be no way for the series to be created from scratch for US broadcast TV (like an adaptation or something) without having significant changes done. Let's be honest - would CBS, NBC or ABC be willing to let "pussy" be casually used in dialogue today? Let alone in the 1970s? And yes, it's been a staple of the PBS schedule. But PBS follows a different model than most of American broadcast television. They are not representative of mainstream American broadcast TV, which is the entire point of their existence. EDIT: Plus, a significant amount of the humor wore sex on its sleeve. No other American sitcom of the time came close, except for perhaps Three's Company by a long distance. And even that was an adaptation of a British sitcom. As unpleasant as this may sound, Americans have long been notorious for being the most sexphobic people of the developed world. National broadcast television simply reflects that. And I'm speaking as an American here.


Oh yes, I remember Mrs. Newcomb's cat----Ha!


I didn't know that, that's quite an insight, I had to stop and think which one is that, stores like that actually existed in UK they were really awful places. What about Benny Hill, lots of people here in the UK thought that was hilarious, I didn't like it.


> Benny Hill Oh yeah that DEFINITELY couldn't have been done from scratch for American broadcast TV. Even half of that would have made conservatives reach for smelling salts. Even when it was being shown on BBC America (back when they had an actual schedule), it was consistently rated TV-MA. As in, for adults only.


True! Could you see Ab Fab coming across the pond! Clutch the pearls!!


Very common in Nigeria 🇳🇬


I don’t know if it’s related, but we had a brother from the Caribbean give the Bible Highlights one time and throughout the entire talk he kept saying how “pissed off Jehovah was with the Israelites”. Must have said it 20x….everyone was dying!


My husband is not a JW but had worked with some. And he was hearing a LOT swearing.


Release of pent-up aggression.


I remember someone commenting and saying “shit” during the watchtower study, the conductors face was a picture. After the meeting I saw him march up to his daughter and ask did he say what I thought I heard. Daughter said yes, then he marches up to brother that said shit, and frog marches him to the back room 😂


Ugh, so childish 


Yep, they think they’re everyone’s parents 😂


Oh no my delicate ear canals have never… ffs


An elder said “she was acting like a bitch” under his breath referring to a bible character on platform one time.. it became a gossip


OMG an absolute ass of an elder said bitch on the platform one day and only me and my friend reacted like … at…. all. We struggled so much had to go outside, she sat on her glasses when she came back and they broke… giggling started and again and out we go






When I was in Spanish there was a MS from the Dominican Republic and gave a Watchtower study comment that referenced a bad example from the lesson and said "he behaved like an asshole". I took a double take and looked over at my wife and said "did he just say what I think he said?". The Watchtower conductor was our cobe and a very distinguished older man and he said to the congregation that we don't use words like that in our comments. After the final amen, the cobe and secretary immediately walked to where that MS was sitting and gave him a tongue lashing right there at the front of the hall.


That's completely unreasonable. You don't chew people out in public. That's what the back room is for.


I can definitely see this happening in the Spanish congregation though 😅


I would think that little reprimand on stage would have sufficed. They are all ADULTS!


He probably didn’t realize it was a bad word. I had a friend who pioneered in a Spanish group and she thought she was using the proper word for gay but it was a really bad swear word. Someone finally told her, use this word or that word, but not the one you have been using!


He was a native born Dominican, so he knew what the words were. 😉


Oh, he said it in Spanish, I was thinking he said it in English. Haha 😆 We had a couple funny times with people learning Spanish saying bad words from the platform, like puta (bitch) instead of punto (point) and mierda (shit) instead of miedo (fear.)


I was today years old when I learned I was saying “I am shit” instead of “I am scared” 😳😅😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hay me da mierda😱


omg these comments, i'm laughing so hard 😂😂😂


I remember a guy said something about the shit we go through every day. I looked at my bs conductor, and she's like, he's been out awhile. Lol


Years ago a very zealous bro gave a public talk about false religion ,i managed to get my gran and mum to go ,partway through talk he meant to say " bloodguilty " but he said " bloody guilty " haha after the meeting my gran said ,"i dont want to come here again ,i did like the way that man swore " . Actually he was a good bro who got passed over for elder ,never did get it because he was a plain speaker who took no crap ,when the new GB started the changes he stopped going to meetings because he said ," i dedicated to Jehovah and Jesus not a group of men in USA "


But you could say "bloody" in the US and nobody would bat an eye as they would think somebody got beat up.


Long time ago, a young elder giving the public talk in my congregation said “ every fucking church”. He was talking about the teachings that BabylonTheGreat will soon be destroyed. English is his second language. He may have been watching too many Hollywood movies




I had an elder tell me years ago when he was young on stage doing a part on the Hittites, said "...the Hi tit woman..."


That’s funny 😁


She musta been a young woman then.......


There was a guy who swore during a public talk and a elders wife who swore in a Watchtower study! 🤣


Now do you know if they got talked to? I’m so I vested in these stories now 😂 I hope I find someone who themselves swore in a comment and what happened 😂 I think I’ve heard people swear in the meetings but nothing that was exciting enough to actually remember


The elder apologised from the stage. He got a bit overexcited describing a bible account. If the sister got spoken to it would have been by her husband as he's an elder. For all their rules and regulations I think most brothers and sisters realise it's simply a mistake and they obviously didn't mean it.


I never understood what’s bad about saying shit or any other curse word. Isn’t the way it’s used more important? For example, if I say I have to take a shit, I don’t see a problem. It’s no different than saying I have to go #2. If I say you are a piece of shit… there’s the problem.


You are a piece of #2 doesn’t quite get It Haha.


But it means the same thing! Haha


The only thing wrong with them is that people a long time ago decided that they didn't like those specific combinations of letters and pronunciations, making such a big fuss about them that it gave them even more meaning and purpose, that for some reason we keep around today


A newly baptised JW during his first talk said "And the angel came down and killed the bloody lot of them". Gasps all round and the school overseer did his best: "Well old habits die hard, don't they?"


SIDEBAR----> The Borg a few decades ago counseled within an old Theocratic Ministry School book (it had a maroonish-brown cover, if I recall) for Dubs NOT TO USE even words such as: "DANG", "HECK", "GOLLY", "GEE", "DOGGONE", + other DERIVATIVES close to these (even if a member says the word "DOG!" in anger, he/ she would be side-eyed angrily by fellow members---especially elders, MSs, and so forth😒). The leadership at that time [GB1.0 (Sydlik,Schroeder, etc.)] considered these words/phrases to be "DISRESPECTFUL to both Jehovah and Jesus Christ". Nowadays, no doubt GB3.0 would have a DUCK FIT if any parishioner even scoffs or mumbles some words if they are angered or upset about something. It seems as if EVERYTHING BOTHERS these folks in this cultporation! #F💩CK❗️🤬😈


JW Land has always been the Bad Place ![gif](giphy|xT0xeGWDzEfcsd8QzC)


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) GOOD GIF CHOICE❗️🤣🤣😈


Not exactly everything. CSA is still okay. Doesn't bother the GB.


We had the CO doing a part and he asked for a bible reading from the audiance, a older sister got picked and she kept reading organism as orgasm. She said it like 3 times before he stopped her. He husband was whispering what she said and she ran out of the hall in tears. Seriously it was the funniest mix up I had ever heard.


I (never-JW) once told a JZ elder that something was ‘bovine excrement’. He thought for a while then laughed.


Back in the early 2000s I went to a public talk in Portland and the speaker used the term faggots to describe gay people no less then a dozen times... got an applause at the end. I didn't give a shit what I said or heard after that in kingdom halls. The pearl clutching is absurdly hypocritical.


Currently and it’s going on now for 12 years of no longer speaking to a once very close cousin, who is a devout cult member. I accidentally sent a text intended to my wife, who was upset with some co-workers, being angered by the incident myself, I sent back a text that included the word “cock,” which wouldn’t have offended my wife in the slightest. The text was sent to my cousin, (there was no unsend technology then), my bad for not checking the number. Immediately realizing my error and knowing how badly I’d offend my “virgin eared” cousin, I text (it was late at night and didn’t want to wake her husband) her to please disregard the text and to delete it since it was intended for my wife and that I was upset and used language that she might find offensive. Weeks earlier I slipped up in front of my cousin and said, “pissed” and if she could, she would have washed my mouth out with soap then and was totally shocked at my choice of words. There’s nothing that offends her more than cursing. Once her husband, a sci-fi fan (odd for a JW) purchased a bargain dvd with 10 or more classic 50’s and 60’s B movies, which first had to be screened for language and if any contained even the word “ass” she marked a line through the title, forbidding him to ever watch that movie, which if you think about is pretty stupid to begin with. Like I said, we haven’t spoken since the slip up in 2012. Despite never being baptized she probably “disfellowshipped” me in her mind and knowing she was the judge and jury of my fate I stopped bothering with her cult mentality. I just was never quite that committed, even being raised my whole life in the religion by strict JW parents and many relatives. I even married someone outside “the truth.” I’ve just seen too many people get cast aside like garbage, relatives and all, it never mattered to any of them. I could write a big book on just my bad experiences with the cult and I’m happy finally to be free of it. I’ve suffered from anxiety, depression and high blood pressure, thanks in part to the stress I had to endure. Anyway, thanks for allowing me to vent.


That’s nothing, in the early 2000s we had a visiting elder give a public talk on euphemisms and he explicitly said “Gosh darn means god damn!” One girl in the audience gasped so loud and a very awkward silence followed. The ironic part was the same elder had already been in trouble for this same talk before and was warned not to do it again, so doing it again got him in some serious heat 😂


We had one of the seasoned MSs say under his breath "god dammit" when hosting a zoom meeting during peak pandemic. He had just muted everyone and it seemed he was having trouble getting the song to come up or sharing his screen...i dont remember. He immediately realized he was unmuted so he muted himself and shut is video off. What's even better....IT WAS THE GODDAM CIRCUIT OVERSEER VISIT!. I think it took another 2 or 3 visits for him to be appointed elder, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was already being considered for it during that visit.


I always love it when my, not born in pimi grandma swore! And my kids thought it was hilarious!!


My mom always had this obsessive fear that she would go to comment and couldn't help herself and just start cussing. It was like a morbid fear of hers 😆


I said “sucks” in a comment once and got counciled for it


I have such a sailor mouth after leaving the church. It was in development all through highschool, I could just keep it in check. I find myself slipping up now that I'm an adult, bc I even say "fuckin" as a stall word now when im tryna think what im tryna actually say 🤣


I hear stories of a lot of older people in the Borg being taken care after retiring cursing out the sisters who take care of them. Like if you never cursed before, it wouldn’t just come out so naturally


I remember someone saying "crap" during a demonstration as part of their dialogue at the circuit assembly and it was soooooo cringy we just about died in our chairs.


He could have been referring to Shit'tim, a town mentioned in the bible, but the 🎤 played up in the Hall




my dad is totally in but used to swear at home. he said they are adult words to express adult frustration. in my 20s and when he was in his 60s he accepted me swearing. now he's in his 80s and recently gave me a tirade about how it's unacceptable to use that kind of language with your elders, especially your father. i was explaining how my psycho boss was cutting costs in insane ways so we couldn't do our job. i thought that was a pretty appropriate time to express frustration.


One time my 10 year old son said the word " suck" in a comment. We both cringed and laughed.


That’s funny my dad is an elder, & he would love to go see the new Deadpool movie or any of them. And he has stopped watching certain things even on cable tv. He really wanted to watch Yellowstone too but it says Fuck all the time. Well he said he can’t watch it because what if he’s giving a part & accidentally says it. I told him then he has no control. Because i swear all the time but unconsciously don’t swear or say bless you in front of them.


Cussing as a bad thing is such an interesting and funny idea. I used to not be allowed to say crap and now I hear Mormons say fetch instead of fuck. Cuss words are just words we as humans created to add emphasis to an emotion or to something. Especially if you stub your toe, it sounds so idiotic to go oh gosh darnet. Those are just replacement words and the stronger word needed to be said because its a stronger emotion


Lmao. I said "a bitch of much needed encouragement" once instead of "bit of" A circuit overseer called Bicht was called Brother Bitch during the service meeting. A former catholic elder yelled OMG MOST HOLY VIRGINI! In spanish when lightning struck on the hall property during the talk. He was so shook for the rest of the talk he referred to Paul as Saint Paul 2 times lol




During my 30 years a witness I only heard one utter a swear word on one occasion




Only in my nightmares that I would wake up from in a cold sweat what's the feelings of deep guilt. 😆


Lol this needs to be normalized


First amendment 😂 it applies only when preaching about this god they blindly serve. That’s lower case g lol their god is the gb. I’m a grown up and you’re telling me shit is a bad word? 😂 ok procedes to raise hand to comment again. All joking aside I was so involved before that swearing was so appalling to me. I’d use lmbo 🤫🫢 Lmao now I’m a certified Sailor the green apple dawn really starts to taste good after awhile 😂 sooooo fuckin good that auto correct doesn’t understand lmbo anymore 😂


Would have been better during the prayer 🙏


I said 'crap" commenting at a meeting for field service. An old stuck up district overseer named Mendenhall and his wife gave me a real dirty look! At the time I thought oops....


Why do the elders always freak out? A gentle reminder would be fine, and infinitely more loving. Seriously!


I loved multi-player halo and call of duty with all my young servant buddies haha. Not a clean mouth in the bunch.


I once answered that Jesus would make a bloody good king 😂


I laughed every time the speaker said SNAFU without any clue what the acronym meant.


We had an MS give a part and he referred to some people as "mother fathers", but it was purposefully said to sound as close to "motherfuckers" without actually saying that word. It shocked me at the time and a few others.


A young elder out in service one day, alone with me, said “son of a fucking whore” in Spanish when someone cut us off in traffic. Then shot me a panicked glance. I sat there and pretended I didn’t understand. Lol.


Under "cussing adjacent"- an elder came to me for help with a local needs part, he wanted examples of popular bands with "questionable names." I suggested Prong, Hole, Butthole Surfers, and Circle Jerks. "Do NOT say those names in your part though" I told him. Guess what he did


I’m new here and notice it seems like a lot of people still go to meetings. But it’s exjw so I’m confused 🤔


I did tell a joke once


When my friend and I were teenagers, we used to mispronounce things so they sounded almost dirty when we would answer or give talks. We’d do it in a way where we could feign ignorance if called out on it. I remember one or two of the cooler laid back older brothers knowing what we were doing and chuckling. 🤭




cussing is actually becoming kinda normal in my cong, purple haired elderly lady saying "shit" my dad and uncle calling sisters "bitches" no one even cares


My undiagnosed 8 yr AuDHD ass said "crucified" instead of "impaled" while the CO and DO were there. Not only do i still wrestle with the humilation to this day....got my ass beat too.




I said dangit on stage giving a talk when I was like 9, felt like a total scumbag lol