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Now they can tick the box




And then blow meā€¦ god damn people


Itā€™s not a good sign because you are using your own conscience


Yah that was such a weird thing to say


Itā€™s just a completely indoctrinated response lol


It is a weird thing to say, but also the audacity to say the love the person says to have for your family, yet didn't even ask about how you guys are doing after such a health care ? Or tending to anything you might need.. no bc they're so worried about their "friend list" smh the nerve.


Now the soft shunning begins.


Nah, it's not a good sign that you come to a different conclusion than me by using the same source. How dare you! I hate "holier than thou" Witnesses, which is basically all of them...


This comment šŸ‘Œ


How dare you have that ā€œwild and dangerous opinion of your own!ā€ Not a good sign. Sounds like they were looking for an excuse to shun.


They have no life LOL all they do is police each other so they can go talk shit about peoplesā€™ ā€œspiritualityā€ in car groups and then call each other ā€œfriendsā€ on Sunday and smile in each others faces LOL nor do they really know the Bible like that. Since Iā€™ve been out itā€™s so funny to have met so many people that know the Bible extremely well, not just cherry picked scriptures tacked onto magazines and books written by random people with no real education or credentials. A joke. I feel sorry for them. Theyā€™re miserable šŸ˜­


Yah I feel bad for pimis too ā˜¹ļø there are a lot of genuine people still in that I wish would wake up


I remember one time someone said someone else was spiritually weak because of xyz and I said out loud, ā€œbut you are always saying Jeh is the only one who can determine someoneā€™s spirituality.ā€ Silence!! They hate it when you throw shit back at them that shows their hypocrisy and judgment. Gross!! So glad I am done with all this shit.


YES !!!!! Itā€™s always absolute silence when you call out the bullshit. Thatā€™s why it neverrrr worked for me because I canā€™t play pretend nor can I just let stuff slide. I call out the fraudulent shit and they hate that! Youā€™re labeled immediately after that lol Iā€™m just not a brainwashed šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ and never will be. Their lives suckā€¦ā€¦. And tbh if Jesus was alive and well and walked the earth todayā€¦.. theyā€™d talk about him like a DOG LOL because according to the actual Bible he hung with prostitutes and tax collectors and helped the poor and less fortunate ā€¦ā€¦. They know nothing about that. Thereā€™s NOTHING authentic or genuine about those people whatsoever.


Theyā€™re only concerned if youā€™re becoming an apostate


True šŸ˜­


Super true. You can smoke weed and they really won't give a shit but the second someone values the day they were born? Timne to start shunning.


Yes. Going to my cousins 50th next month, Iā€™m expecting there to be social media pictures and my jw family are fb friends with my never jw family so they will see them. Waiting for it all to hit the fan. Letā€™s see how it goes. Iā€™m getting to the poly finally where I just donā€™t care anymore. Theyā€™re practically shunning me anyway so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


My PIMI MIL straight goes to her never JW families a few times a year and it s always during like Easter and Christmas. Every Jan she comes back with gifts her siblings got her or her mother got her and one year she was gone during Thanksgiving and Christmas and when I asked where she got xyz she said Oh Aunt D or Uncle G gave it to me and I remember one time lifting one of my eyebrows and smiling and she smiled closed mouth in response. The whole time I thinking ā€œgood for you.ā€ lol šŸ˜‚ she also said while she was gone they had a huge Thanksgiving dinner /lunch etc and I had to stifle a chuckle. I keep telling her son my husband that she is a fenc erider and has one foot on the dark side and the other on the fence. Lol. He laughed!!


Right? Due to JWs being on my social media feeds I donā€™t say Happy Birthday but say something else entirely that still implies that and one sister just straight blasted me and I was like WTF I didnā€™t say it. She reacted like OPs ā€œfriendā€ did. Also another got mad cuz I used the word Cheers in one of my comments. She got an eye roll emoji and a swift boot and block off my friends list.


This religion really desensitizes peoples natural affection. šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦


So true ā˜¹ļø


They are soulless. No one can be fully embodied with their humanity and in a cult. Otherwise you would leave or go mad or both.


All they have are "references" to JW publications, nothing from the Bible. Then when you show from JW publications that it's never mentioned as being a problem they just stop listening because "we only celebrate the memorial and anniversaries". Why? Because some old men said so and if you disagree then the conversation ends. Then they have the cheek to say that "it seems your mind is made up".


I feel like most witnesses donā€™t know why they do or donā€™t do certain things so when they are confronted about it they panic


Definitely. I was trying to get my wife to think about it a bit this weekend and she would just change the subject. Too dangerous to think about why you believe something.


Ugh how frustrating. Trying to wake up a spouse is the worst. I hope she comes around eventually.


![gif](giphy|559srEnztPaZBNWinT) This is all they do when asked for proof on something.


Accurate haha


Someoneā€™s not keeping up with Jehovahs celestial chariot. It says ā€œeach Witness makes his or her own choiceā€ thereā€™s no excuse to say ā€œitā€™s not a good signā€ when the individual is given the choice. Thatā€™s called judgement and the standard of judgement that you set today is the standard by which you will be judged. If this person wants to make it to paradise they better consider this.


Of course, this choice-making is like the blood issue in Bulgaria: Each JW has a choice, but if they choose to accept blood, then theyā€™ve disassociated themselves. Or so the gbā€™s ā€œreasoningā€ goes.


Tell me about it! Before I really officially woke up, I had a close friend who was also JW. She once revealed to me that she has no clue why we don't celebrate Mother's/Father's Day and Thanksgiving... Even birthdays she didn't fully understand why, but settled on someone died on a birthday EONS ago and so we don't do it. When I asked her why she was doing it if she didn't know why she was doing it, she got so defensive and leaned back on "I have faith that the GB is right". She poked her head up from the sand and immediately went back under!


Ugh itā€™s sooooo frustrating


The thing is that that person would have died regardless of the day it could have been the day Herod died and JTB could have been beheaded. Stupid.


They like to let others do their thinking for them. Makes life so much easier!


They shut down disagreements because they are always right. The mark of a narcissist, never admit your wrong.


Cherry picking is an Olympic sport for JWs they would win gold medals for sure.


Itā€™s nothing but traditions of men. The reason why JWs donā€™t celebrate certain holidays, even though thereā€™s no Biblical reason behind it, is simple: ā€œWe donā€™t celebrate that holiday because other JWs donā€™t.ā€


real talk social media is gonna be the downfall for so many people they too nosyyy šŸ˜­ def recommend limiting the amt of witnesses following you to like 5 at most,, had a lady who never paid me the time of day snitch that i was ā€œbeing a half-naked slvt on instagramā€ horrible i had khaki pants on ??! šŸ˜­


How scandalous of you šŸ˜† fr tho witnesses survive off gossip lol I know after people leave the religion they wonā€™t unfollow them on social media because they want to still see what they are doing. No wonder they donā€™t have time to have their own lives šŸ˜…


Absolutely! This 100%. When I had faded and woken up, I had a conversation with my aunt after she realized I was done with the religion. First, she started out by saying that she knew something was up by my posts because she could see cleavage (oh no!!) and basically tried to slut shame me. Towards the end of the conversation, it was clear she wasn't going to be keeping in touch with me and had made up her mind, but she had the nerve to say that she would not unfollow me so that she could watch and see what I was up to and if I was doing any bad things. Lol I said, if that's the reason you want to stay attached to me on social media, that's really sad. I told her I wouldn't let people who felt the need to police me be on my socials and I removed her. Pretty sad when they only want to stay in touch to judge you.


Wooooow I canā€™t believe she actually admitted that šŸ˜³ good on you for removing her!


Oh my stars the cleavage. Guess no new system for you!! lol šŸ˜‚


Lol I know. She actually said that she could see 90% of my boobs, which made me laugh out loud. šŸ™„ So ridiculous!


Yep I covert unfriend/block peeps and if they ask me anything or chastise me itā€™s an automatic block/unfriend. Like no explanation no nothing. Even PIMI family same thing. IDGAF anymore.


This conversation can be paraphrased like this: You: I'm thinking for myself Him: It's not a good sign


Pretty much lol


JWā€™s are literally the most fucking nosy people. You could be almost dead in the hospital and post about it and no one would bother reaching out but if you post something that doesnā€™t align with the cult, itā€™s a shit show and the messages flood in lol bunch of hypocrites


Ugh itā€™s the worst


Those zealots were worried about my granny possibly getting a blood transfusion because she was about to have a surgery. They came to the hospital just to check if their stupid rules hadn't been broken. My mum told them to fuck off.


Boundaries are a complete unknown to most JWs.


This is 100% true


The sad truth šŸ˜­


The guilt shrugs šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. They really hate it when they're not in control of your thoughts don't they? "Oh your mind is made up šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø". lol


Right šŸ˜… also Iā€™m activity celebrating Fatherā€™s Day so why would they think my mind wasnā€™t made up already? lol just mad I wouldnā€™t change my mind


"I was a bit taken back by your post" Sounds like a you problem


There's nothing like the pearl clutching over the absolute stupidest shit.


Seriously haha


Right? Like one of the things I hated most was I was pressured to feel guilty for someone elseā€™s insecurities or thoughts and feelings. Like it was my fault if something I said they misconstrued whether accidentally or on purpose and got offended by it. Like wtf? šŸ¤¬ it was constant. Like I had to police my own thoughts or feelings or be silent even when it was positive because it could offend someone and then was forced or guilted to apologize for it. Like what?


You handled this very well and even provided JW articles and gave a reasonable argument. The way I read it is that the person on the other end literally bounced out because they did not have a reasonable rebuttal. Sucks for them! LOL


Aw thank you! I tried to keep it civil hopefully atleast planted a seed but who knows. I hope I never came across like this to anyone while I was still in šŸ˜… how embarrassing


You were very civil and respectful. If I had gotten that text when I was fully PIMI I would have thanked you for being polite, even if I didn't agree. Some PIMIs can do that, but some can't. Those type want all the respect shown to them but aren't willing to give it in return. The insufferable PIMI. LOL


I would have told them that. "So my making a post appreciating the man that has been there for our sick child concerns you, but the fact that our child was in the hospital for days doesn't? Maybe you should rethink your priorities"


For real šŸ˜’


ā€œSomething we donā€™t doā€ God that language pisses me off. Itā€™s like when they say ā€œlet me look that up and see what we believe on thisā€ ā€œWeā€ just does whatever the GB says. Literally they could change fathers and Motherā€™s Day in the next update.


So scary how much power the gb have


A friend of mine was a VP for Coca-Cola. In his mind there was no better soda on the face of the Earth. No better soda manufacturing company. No better soda distribution Network. No better cohesion within a company, all of whom are focused on their brand and their product. Even told me once that anyone caught drinking, or even carrying a can of Pepsi on company property would be fired. It just doesn't happen. Everyone tightly fits within the company culture. JW leadership and employees are no different.


I worked at General Electric for a long time and the corporate culture was very similar.


Wow thatā€™s actually insane itā€™s basically a cult too


This confirms to me that Coke is trash. I mean I knew it was already but šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Pepsi is #1


Hell yeah, friend! šŸ‘


It's funny how they kept saying "your mind was made up" like theirs wasn't. JW logic is a force fed tube to their brain lol




Yesterday: NO beards Today: Beards Gotta wait to be TOLD SPECIFICALLY by the 9 Losers in NY before they can suddenly go, "OH, the GB says we can decide about Holidays now on our own! Here's a list of Holidays they just "approved!" ... šŸ¤£


I would so love to see ppls reaction if they ever approve Fatherā€™s Day lol If you went on the jw website on Fatherā€™s Day the first thing you saw was an article about how to be a good dad lol


Your profile pic of him is a clown šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤” I fucking love this


Haha thanks šŸ¤£ I thought it was fitting


Should they celebrate a marriage every day by respecting their partner, rather than celebrating anniversaries?


Romans 14:5: One man judges one day as above another; another judges one day the same as all others; let each one be fully convinced in his own mind. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


This is literally my second biggest problem, the love is so fake it makes me want to puke šŸ¤¢ Quick to bully and counsel, slow to love and care for others... Just like you saw father's day, you saw my daughter was sick šŸ˜” Hatred at is finest is a person looking to bother your conscience when they've done nothing else for you. šŸ˜’


The most conditional love there could ever be šŸ˜­


Makes no sense, I really thought these people were going to be amazing. I want mercy, not a sacrifice. In fact, I NEED MERCY šŸ¤£ Sorry you went through all that, is your daughter doing well?


ā€œworldlyā€ ppl have more mercy then witnesses šŸ˜… my daughter is much better now šŸ’• thank you for asking!


This so much this!!


I have the regular friend list where everyone can watch my story, and a close friend list where non JWs can see it for this specific reason


I experienced something similar, right after I had gone POMO but no one really realized it yet because Iā€™d only missed a couple of meetings, someone I worked closely with committed suicide. I had known something was off with him and that heā€™d struggled with addiction and health issues in the past but thought this has been a small down turn that would pass, and then I get a call giving me the news. It crushed me. I made a small tribute post to him on social media that most jws I know glossed over. I felt so much fury and grief having just lost my friend and my faith and didnā€™t care about offending the jws anymore so posted anti jw memes etc. Literally the floodgate of jws opened reaching out to me about it and getting in my business, showing up at my place uninvited and I specifically told the nosiest and pushiest ones to respect my space and my friend had just died, and leave me alone. They all responded they didnā€™t know about that and theyā€™re sorry, even though they all followed me on the same social media that the memes that so offended them were posted.


Iā€™m so sorry about your friend šŸ˜¢ I hope youā€™re doing ok now & have better people around you šŸ’• It is very frustrating what they pick and choose from social media to address. My Fatherā€™s Day video has the most views of any Iā€™ve made but the least amount of likes šŸ˜‘ nosy nosy nosy


Thank you šŸ™. I miss believing that people like him would have a chance to live again, but he was in pain, and I am glad that he is no longer facing such suffering. Iā€™m very fortunate to have already found such wonderful community and friends in several areas of life. Itā€™s really something that the vacuum of the nosy jws has been filled with such different people.


Hugs. I wish I could say this is an uncommon thing but itā€™s not. I am so sorry and hope you are able to get some support and help to work through your grief. Hugs, hugs, hugs!


Thank you so so so much! I leaned on this wonderful online community soooo much in the early days, and though we are but little, we are fierce. Thanks for your kind message, it is much appreciated.


JW speak for you're going off the rails. Infuriating.


The difference between talking *with* someone vs talking *at* someone šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


So true it was very one sided & as soon as it didnā€™t go how she wanted it to she was out lol


Narrow minded people.


It's unbelievable lol someone approaching you to point a finger in your face. You were really patient and kind, I wouldn't.


Funny how this person seemed to short circuit and have no clue how to respond to your level headed questioning. You even used JW articles to backup what you were saying. Even then, they seemed to behave such an aversion to rational thinking. Itā€™s really sad to see how deep the brainwashing goes.


No matter how much the GB changes about DSping, talking to them, welcoming them, blasy blasy, to comply with Norway, Lithuania and Spain, the truth is, the culture within the org will still be to judge and soft shunned because everything is a competition on whoā€™s the better JW, specially among the women. And be specially careful of the Dalilas!!! This are the worse, they think they have power cuz theyā€™re married to elders and will police extra hard to gain favor between the sheets. Worst than GAME OF THRONES.


The dissonance is just nuts!


I mean does anyone wanna be friends with someone this gross? Wonā€™t bother with you if your child is in need but gets in your face if you do a spouse appreciation post on the wrong day?? Ew theyā€™re so shallow.


So they never gave shit about your daughter,but they only give shit about you posting something Father's Day-related? It makes zero sense


Your emojis were the icing on the cake here.


Heā€™s taking his toys and going home


Should they celebrate a marriage every day by respecting their partner, rather than celebrating anniversaries?


Sadly, you can't fix stupid.


The thing I've noticed with JW's (and this is only my opinion and observation) is that when they have an idea in their head, they will not change it, even when presented with JW literature, unless it comes as a directive from the GB itself. I mean, here is a classic example of cognitive dissonance.


Iā€™ve definitely noticed this too itā€™s such a frustrating thing for others to deal with


This asshole can run and find the first bag of dicks and chow down until he explodes. Respectfully.


Another form of virtue signalling.


Wow!! šŸ˜® willful ignorance but they will insist and demand you read something or research and when you do and throw it back at them they get all butt hurt and shocked pickachu. Itā€™s laughable at times.


What a clown!


Shit, Iā€™m losing! Quick, dodge out of the conversation!


Wow!, such judge'mental' holes. The nerve of them calling themselves Christian. So un-Christlike in so many ways!!!


Soooo passive aggressive šŸ¤”


Thatā€™s one of the weakest arguments Iā€™ve ever seen presented in here. Your friend is a moron.


Growing up i went to many ppls anniversary parties. Whats the difference between that and these other holidays like fathers day or mothers day. Its the same idea.


My Goodness ..so many unloving and busybodies they,re in all congregations! Block them all!


Should they celebrate a marriage every day by respecting their partner, rather than celebrating anniversaries?


Should they celebrate a marriage every day by respecting their partner, rather than celebrating anniversaries?


Should they celebrate a marriage every day by respecting their partner, rather than celebrating anniversaries?


Basically he's like 'you should be happy I'm ooonly gonna soft shun you on this one.' Also, from now on all of your interactions will be sort of cringe and awkward because he's made it clear he's judged you over a personal matter. How can you move forward with any kind of friendship?


So did you put the clown there?šŸ˜


You handled this whole convo very well šŸ‘


Thank you! šŸ’•


people really must have no life to be this concerned about one post šŸ˜‚ jwā€™s be so nosy, especially if your young, they press you about any and everything šŸ™ƒ


OMG. What awful people


Pfft šŸ¤£ so good. She was so bothered that you werenā€™t botheredā€¦and that little pffft at the end was chefā€™s kiss!


Haha thank you šŸ˜†


Ughhh I can't stand people like that! Your messages back are so polite, that will go a long way and it might make them think! I hope your daughter is ok btw šŸ™ šŸ’ž I was so triggered when they said 'i think your mind is made so...šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø'. They so badly want to control you!! They want u to fall in line. Who do they think they are? Poking into other people's business like that. I can't cope with it šŸ¤¢ I just got a text from an old PIMI friend saying " how are u doing spiritually?'. I hate that question. Why can't she just say 'hey, how are u doing? Hope you're doing well" šŸ™„.


Should they celebrate a marriage every day by respecting their partner, rather than celebrating anniversaries?


Should they celebrate a marriage every day by respecting their partner, rather than celebrating anniversaries?


Should they celebrate a marriage every day by respecting their partner, rather than celebrating anniversaries?


Should they celebrate a marriage every day by respecting their partner, rather than celebrating anniversaries?


Should they celebrate a marriage every day by respecting their partner, rather than celebrating anniversaries?


Why don't they mind their own freaking business playing police detectives and spying on each other...makes me sick the whole lot of them!!!!!!!


Cognitive dissonance.


I mean either something is a conscience matter or it isn't. So if they say it is a conscience matter, then they are not supposed to shame people for doing the thing. There should be no, "well its a bad sign." There should be no talks about the issue implying that you wouldn't be a Gold Star Witness if your conscience allowed you to do something that someone else's conscience didn't.


Fuck that guy


Wow, what a reasoning. You can make your own choice...but it is not a good sign


Your last text! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk)


How is your child doing? šŸ©·šŸ©µšŸ’


JW Police Ministry is always active. And they count time! ![gif](giphy|Qz4RaxcOh4qndWOG5N|downsized)


ā€œPffft okayā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ well said!!




Esa es la verdadera hipocresƭa de los T J. A mi me pasa tambiƩn lo mismo con mi esposa


i was raised by these clowns and yet the entitlement still surprises me.


I love the clown face assigned to this person šŸ˜‚ itā€™s so fitting.


You didn't show cult-think. So this person wouldn't talk to you anymore.


I must have been marked along time ago because ive been out for alittle over a year and now i have tattoos, celebrate birthdays and holidays, and i havent heard a single peep.


I think itā€™s somehow sad that a conversation between two grownup people goes like thisā€¦ that neither of them can just simply have an opinion and the other being fine with thatā€¦ You have to explain WHY you have it. Donā€™t get me wrong, I have been in the same place with my parents, and Iā€˜ve become tired of this game.. Now I think itā€™s just sad.


you provided far more articles/references than they did and yet *youā€™re* somehow still in the wrong???


this also reminds me of either a talk or article (i canā€™t remember which) where JWs would brag that ā€œwe donā€™t give a list of movies children can and canā€™t watch, like some religions might doā€, or something like that. yet, this person wonā€™t be content unless the gb expressly dictates which holidays theyā€™re allowed to celebrate. isnā€™t that the same thing?


It is the same but in JWā€™s mind itā€™s all compartmentalize. Itā€™s like saying that the Revelation book is symbolic, but the part that talks about ā€œ144,000,ā€ thatā€™s factual. We know so because we say so.


https://preview.redd.it/paczc76iv5ad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=464aae6d84e581eaf506bdcce931d8f74b7c2e4f Absolute freaks I would have agreed, yeh likewise fuck off


When I see things like this it makes me fume with anger. I absolutely hate that cult. I wish the government just went in there and destroyed everything. Thatā€™s what they all deserve. What a bunch of toxic garbage people. They are not nice like people think. They deserve no compassion when their time of need comes. I hope somehow they all pay for their actions.


Iā€™m so sorry to hear your little one was on the hospital. I hope sheā€™s doing better ! Itā€™s crazy how I used to stay in the hospital for attempts always had to cuts yet no one was concerned. But when I was heavily medicated and sleeping during the meetings I was constantly told to ā€œstop partyingā€ and reprimanded for not giving comments. Jehovahs Witnesses seem to equate ā€œbrotherly loveā€ as only a spiritual thing. Outside of that we become strangers. Happy belated Fatherā€™s Day and it you are so fortunate to have that type of support with your daughter. Good luck and wish you nothing but the best!