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Lol got caught sucking cock at Bethel. The other guy decided to have a conscience and told the Bethel brothers about our "Sin". Best thing that ever happened to me, I thought bethel life was the best there was but as it turns out, that was the opposite of the truth.


I am sure that at the time that was incredibly difficult but that has to be one of the raddest ways to go out. Iconic behaviour.


lol yes that’s me, I started Pillowgate


I hid my sexuality all through my time in the organization. I was an elder, special pioneer, gave talks at district or now regional conventions in front of thousands. I was Ultra Zealous Ultra PIMI and always denying what I was inside. I had known since I was a kid that I was different but I hid it. In my teens I knew I was gay but I hid it even attempting suicide. I used to try and pray the gay away but it wouldn't. So finally I decided I would live my life according to how I feel and what I am and I am so much happier. It can be lonely but you sound like you're very handsome and athletic so everything should be fine. Have you left the organization now? Or are you still in?


You have every chance to rebuild! I've dropped you a PM.


Sure I dont mind sharing if you would like to dm. I am pomo now. Only my immediate family knows I am gay.


Always happy to message. I dissociated 2 years ago after coming to terms with myself during the pandemic. Inbox is always open to chat.


In a very similar spot myself. The faith has been in my family since my grandparents started studying sometime in the 60s/70s. Expectations have always been high in the family. Got baptised at 17 (which arguably was considered a little late by friends and family) I became a MS at 19 and have been serving to this day 7 years later. I refused to accept I was gay for years and buried it so deep I didnt experience sexual attraction outside of porn until I was 16 whre I admitted to myself what I was. I plan on coming out to my parents and fully stepping away by the end of this summer. At 25 for the first time I accepted I was gay in a positive light, and I knew I had to start taking steps to fully separate myself from my family and live my own life. Since then I've been in a year long relationship, had a full spiritual deconstruction, and made many new friends to fall back on when I leave. My mentality from 16-24 reminds me every day why I can never return to the cult. I wont go into adetails but it was a dark line of thinking. I can never go back to that. If you're looking to connect I'd recommend looking for folks who have clearly left the faith, there's plenty of PIMO folks myself included who are going to be very resistant to sharing any personal details and be outed early, or at least they should be. Not to stop you from trying, but just be careful.


I left 20 years ago when I was around 22 and have been living my truth, work for an lgbtq non profit now. I'm always happy to chat with anyone that could benefit from that perspective.


Great you are now taking care of yourself and not living to please others. I became a JW because I thought I might be able to reconcile with my sexuality more effectively. Married a sister, had a daughter. Gave over two decades of my life to JWism. Dissociated. Finally, I came out at 54. Divorced. Now 65. Just happy to be free of JWism and out of the closet. I'm at an age where I am content to be single.


Ryonophoto, feel free to add me on insta