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I’ve read stories on here about grandparents who were told in their patriarchal blessing that they’d live to see Jesus return and then on their deathbed felt they must not have been worthy because they were dying before it happened.


Aww, man, that is heartbreaking. Such a horrible cult, to condition people to believe such stuff.


Do you know what will really happen by 2040? The Mormon church is projected to have 1Trillion Dollars by then. Let me repeat, One Trillion Dollars.


LMAO. As if my sole corporation (with its wholly owned subsidiary entities) doesn't already have a value of over $1T USD. 🤑 Or we're you just talking about liquid assets. 🤔


Holy crap! I would surely call that a Second Coming…


Rainy day fund. Raining money on them.


Can you say it in your best Dr Evil voice?


He's been returning for over 200o years, it's a long way and he only has sandals, so it takes a while.


Here's an example of excess food storage for you. My parents are in their 80s and my mom has maintained a hefty amount of food storage. My favorite item? She has **over** 2 years' worth of cooking oil (48 oz bottles). I encouraged her to use it up and get it down to at least only one year but she keeps buying more. So happy to know my (and my siblings) inheritance is in cooking oil. 🙄


We cleaned out my grandparent's food storage to help them move out last December. So much of that food ended up in the trash.


Not to call you a lazy learner or anything but the rest of us have known for years that performing baptisms for the dead in a jacuzzi filled with cooking oil results in the dead receiving their second anointing, so your Mom is likely just hedging her bets in case she doesn’t get the invite during this life.


Anointing by oil…yep, checks out.


Heh heh.... Ah....makes so much more sense now. Thanks for letting me in on that "secret".




Oh, believe me, we've brought up the expiration dates and checking the smell. She doesn't use it as fast as she used to - much less baking nowadays - but at age 80 we aren't going to get her to change her ways.


This. If she insists on storing oil product, canned shortening is probably a more long lasting alternative.


remindme! 16 years


If its only back to 2017 then she's an amateur doing it wrong. When someone tells me the second coming is right around the corner, especially the ones that think it is going to happen in a couple of years, I ask if that means it is coming before prophecies are fulfilled. That usually results in a deer/headlight expression. If it is not sufficient I remind them that the temple in Jerusalem has to be rebuilt and animal sacrifices made before Jesus comes, and that spot is currently occupied by the Dome of the Rock mosque.


We had items from my mom dating before 2010. She even had single wrapped toilet tissue to be used as barter during the apocalypse. She check out in 2022. Over 300 pounds of storage wheat went to neighbors as chicken feed. A whole pickup load went to the dump.




There was a crazy food storage lady in one ward I lived in. She told everyone not to worry about food storage going bad. When Jesus returned, their food storage would be made whole again. Shocking how many people believed her. She died of Dementia a couple years later. Be careful who you listen to.


My mission president said no man knows the day or the hour but we can ascertain the year. He emphatically stated on multiple occasions that the second coming would be not later than 2025…


That's funny. I heard the same thing back in the late 60's. People were sure 1972 would be the year. Some sold everything they had and moved to the mountains. I wonder how that worked out for them.


Jesus' second coming has been just around the corner for the past 2000 years. Tell your mom not to hold her breath.


One problem when cleaning up the Rexburg (Teton flood) was the soggy mud laden food storage (especially wheat). Everybody’s basement was full of food storage and everybody’s basement was flooded. It all had to be carried upstairs and dumped. Such a germ laden heavy waste!


Hope they were able to compost all that food!


Nope, everything from the flood was contaminated, dead animals, human and animal waste (busted sewers) , all mixed with mud and 10 feet of water. It all had to disposed as toxic waste.


Didnt Joseph Smith say it would come in his lifetime? I think they played it off by saying if he hasn’t been martyred, it would’ve happened.


Maybe figure out how to convert it to a biofuel 


Or it was godly trolling, his idea of a joke. Or perhaps a way of telling Joe Jr. to stop asking such questions (according to one apologetic line of thinking), telling him it would happen when he turns 85, while knowing full well that would never happen.


In 1887, TSCC was under scrutiny of the US Govt for polygamy. John Taylor made a statement to the effect that god didn’t give us an everlasting covenant of plural marriage just to give it up when the government told them they should. The reason for this brazen defiance on Taylor’s part was that he believed Jesus was coming in 1890 as Joseph Smith had predicted. Once it was pretty clear that the prophecy was shit, Woodruff bowed down to the government pretty quickly, at least on paper. It took a few polygamy ending revelations for it to actually stick. Not that I ever wanted to participate in polygamy, but even when I believed that god had actually commanded it to build up a people it seemed off that the way it ended in the Official Declaration was a vision that the US was going to take all god’s toys away and god couldn’t stop them. It would have made more sense for Woodruff to say “god told me we’ve got enough people now, polygamy will be phased out starting today”


My parents are convinced it will be 2025. Before that, they were convinced it would be 2019, then 2012, then 1997, then 1982, then 1975, then.....


I tell my family that if the food storage is old enough to have a driver's license, then it needs to be thrown out!


Probably in her patriarchal blessing...


So if we're all still here by December 31, 2039 we're having an end of the world party right?


My MIL told me back in the 90’s (when Hinckley was leading) that Monson’s patriarchal blessing stated he would be prophet during the second coming.  Not sure how she learned this amazing “fact”…and she’s conveniently forgotten in now.


I just helped my MIL deal with a dozen tins of wheat that have been stored under her house since the early 80s *(they are now chicken feed)* but that doesn't beat the tins of honey my parents have that are more than 50 years old


I don't know if it's true, but mormons were told that honey would never get old. It could be stored forever. So, what does 50 yo honey look like? What would happen if you put some of that in a Petri dish? I'm curious.


It is true, honey will last essentially forever if stored reasonably well. There is a layer of crystallization at the top of the containers but a few seconds in the microwave will fix it and it is still fine to eat


It won't.


2017? Thems rookie numbers. I have rolled oats from 2003 my MIL brought over recently because she has too much food storage. 2003! The can says best within 5 years. We opened it. It’s edible but has zero flavor. Bleh.


This isn’t preparation, it’s hoarding, it’s mental illness.


It was a commandment. The more food storage, the more righteous you were. Nevermind that the supply source for most of this stuff was......you guessed it, the mormon church. Cans, containers, wheat, honey, powdered milk, dried apples, etc. ALL of that was money the church was making.


The D&C commandment is “prepare every needful thing” “All Is Safely Gathered In: Family Home Storage” focuses on gradually building up a 3 month supply of items canned goods and then some grains that can last decades. That same pamphlet also councils rotating everything so it doesn’t spoil. Many Mormons prefer to continue building their cache of dangerously inedible food because it makes them the mormoniest mormon that ever mormed. Thats hoarding. Thats mental illness


As a kid, I read up about the singularity, and the guess they gave was that the singularity would happen in the 2040s. I always thought that Jesus would have to come before then so that we didn't get to the point that we no longer needed a savior to fix our messed up world.