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I hate how fake this feels.


“Good will be called evil, and evil will be called good.”




"How do you do, fellow Christians?"


I actually laughed out loud at this. Thank you.


Lutheran lurker here. Mormonism broke off from fundementalist forms of Christianity. It's likely that Joseph Smith and Brigham Young grew up never celebrating Christmas or Easter or Ash Wednesday, because of course those were "evil Catholic celebrations". Later on, those fundementalist groups adopted some aspects of Christmas and Easter. But even today you would be lucky to find a Baptist church that does a service for Christmas Eve or Palm Sunday. For the Mormons to suddenly adopt the liturgical calendar, it would require them to to a deep dive into their own history to fix something engraved into the DNA of their theology. Fundementalist Christmas dropping the liturgical calendar was like Ungulates deciding to drop paws in favor of hooves, and them picking up the liturgical calendar again is like land Ungulates deciding "We should have paws, after all." But Mormons early on went so far off the rails with their theology that they evolved into whales. Can you imagine whales operating on themselves surgically to correct their internal skeletal structure so that the remnants of their hooves are returned to paw-form? It just ain't gonna happen.


It is the introduction to palm Sunday, which I do not recall ever celebrating as a mormon lds member. The real PR reason for the change is to blend with regular christians [8 days of easter ](https://www.crosswalk.com/special-coverage/easter/what-is-holy-week.html)


The lack of deep recognition/celebration of Easter is a longstanding issue for many members. Some TBM friends of mine used to go to the sunrise services of other churches because LDS Easter was so unsatisfactory. I remember a few times when Easter Sunday coincided with General Conference Sunday, and rather than postponing GC or even giving GC an Easter theme, they simply carried on with typical GC talks. And in Japan, where Easter plays zero part in the secular calendar, Easter sometimes passed completely unnoticed when I lived there as a TBM. They've apparently noticed recently that there's an issue and are trying to improve the situation. But, of course, they'll never publicly acknowledge that they did a poor job in the past. They'll just try to gaslight the world that they've always had the best Easters because they're the bestest most truest church.


yea they’re really starting to realize how little jesus actually plays a role in their church😂


Woah now. Let's not get carried away here 😆


this is the best description. I remember an easter sunday at church where botht talks were about JS and I was like wtf? oh wait that was conference when it was his birthday or something. and i thought yeah doing a great job being "the church of Jesus Christ" there


Nah it's the church of Joseph Smith the blasphemous false prophet.


The lies and cultish abuse did it for me.


As a nevermo raised as an evangelical, I never thought I would hear any "Christian" leader say about Holy Week: "You know how to celebrate the entire month before Christmas? You can celebrate the entire week before Easter!" Um, yeah, "celebrate" is not exactly the right word to describe Holy Week. And forget about the whole "He is risen" thing for Palm Sunday. There's just so many things wrong with this video. It's like 3 people trying to talk about a subject they had heard about once and have no idea what any of the words actually mean and are bluffing their way through it like a bad college group project presentation.


As a nevermo raised evangelical I concur. The whole week was always about repentance and thanks. Depending on the church (we church hopped a lot) some congregations get into some Passover traditions or giving up stuff for lendt. Although some more relaxed or less heavily tribalistic Christian sects might have people that follow it. It always baffles me that mormons are so unaware how the rest of society and Christians view them.


Well said. The angle is money buys influence.


Yes!!! Holy Week isn’t a celebration, it’s a commemoration of something that should be so deeply personal to each Christian and should be rather solemn and carefully considered. I’ve said this before but I received the weirdest looks for years when I discussed my family’s Lenten activities and Holy Week plans. So many members of the church were confused by this. Now it’s acceptable and encouraged but without any understanding…last year a friend actually called to tell me about it like president nelson giving permission to observe Holy Week should make me want to come back to the LDS church… No thanks.


...and the Christians in 1st world countries will never buy into it.


Yes they will, money worshiping evangelicals name it and tale it types. Mormons hate the poor too.


It's interesting because my TBM mom was raised Methodist, so she taught me about Palm Sunday and Good Friday as a kid, but I never once heard it spoken about in church. She did a half-assed job of it too - she told me *what* Palm Sunday and Good Friday were, but there was no explanation of why they mattered or were significant in any way. Just "This thing happened, the end."


Car salesmen selling to teens. Yuck.


I finally figured out who Brad reminds me of. He's full-on John Malkovich energy. Especially the way he talks.


Whoa, that’s really insulting John Malkovich.


Ya man, John is cool, don't do him dirty like that


I second this.


Now I want to see a meme of him in a dress shouting “Wilcox Wilcox!”


tell me the link below is not brad wilcox? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vj0wzAaqzss


It is spoken as if memorized, which I believe it was, with all the timed pauses and looking at who is going to speak next


Yep, had a very scripted feel.


That's what struck me was all the fake smiles and excitement. If you're going to stage it, maybe try to be a bit authentic.


They tried…. And failed.


Yes - very obvious.


That was my biggest issue with the church - the plastic, 2-faced people with the pious attitudes. That and 'pray on it, and if you don't get the answer we tell you that you will, and take things on "faith" then you're not worthy'. I guess I'm not, and never was worthy, which is why I had myself removed from the church register. They still send missionaries when I move to a new place, but I threaten them with trespassing charges if they return, and fortunately that does the trick keeping them away.


I hate how fake ALL of my interactions with people in the church have felt and it just took perspective to realize it. I was out mentally at 16, physically out at 18. Now I’m 32 and I have that perspective and it makes me cringe thinking about all the talks that I’ve had that were just like this.


When the guy in the middle looks over at personality-less Bob hoping for a miracle and he learns no amount of forcefully projecting his cheesy smile will resurrect the dead...💀


Same here. I felt t that vibe strongly. So fake, so scripted, so disingenuous, so Mormon. Rebrand Rusty would be proud.


I love how fake it feels. I adore it when they'll fail to fool people that they might have otherwise.


I love watching the church collapse in real time this shit is hilarious


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^spilungone: *I love watching the* *Church collapse in real time this* *Shit is hilarious* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




My gosh. Came here to say Nerd Central


Good bot


Ah twas a Sokka haiku. I almost didn't see that Anyway... I AM WITH THE OTHER GUY THAT CALLED YOU A NEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRDDDD, stupid bot


Being called a nerd by Homer Simpson is an honor. Especially since Conan O'Brien had his hand in writing that episode.


I agree, tis an honor


im from exjw this video is so bizarre 😭


And it’s getting worse as time goes on and the church collapses 


It really is vastly entertaining and they just keep grasping


Hahaha so true I love it 🤣🤣


Yeah I never thought I'd see them perpetuate their own fall and undoing as accelerated as they have; I always knew that within the next few decades the membership would dry up into a tiny core of the most elite and fringe, but not by so much self infliction. Oh well


Brad's shit eating grin is super creepy. His countenance is nightmarish. Mark my words: he is keeping dirty secrets that will burn a big part of the church down when they come to light. Healthy people don't act like he does.


FOIA docs released to the public of Jodi Hildebrandt’s calendar indicate that she met with Brad Wilcox in SLC last year while the Franke kids were being tortured at her home in St George.


Ok now that is the kind of research we need. For example, can we FOIA the GA meetups for Tim Ballard or Molester McConkie?


Why didn't his Priesthood tell him he was meeting with a child torturer?


I’m guessing the “g[r]ift of discernment” has a geography boundary to it…


Yes the shit eating grin but also the way he’s standing SO CLOSE and touching the guy in the middle’s hand while he speaks. Literally so weird and gross. There’s something homoerotic about this whole display, and not in a good way lol




Dude in the middle feels the same way. He has the most closed up posture.




The other guy keeps a healthy distance but Brad is too touchy kinda like Bednar when he manhandled that poor kid at a fireside until he cried


He looks uncomfortable standing close to other men. It makes one wonder why.


*I came here to say this, but knew in my heart it had already been said.*


His grin *is* so shit eating omg 🤣🤣


Interesting enough, info just came to light that he met with the evil Jodi Hildebrandt while she was abusing the Franke children and she was looking for land in AZ for presumably some kind of “troubled” teen camp.


And then he forgets to do it in the second half, so fake.


Brad: I wonder what happened to my friend, Jodi? You know, I haven't heard from her in close to a year.


This is so cultie…before Nelson gave the sign that it was ok to celebrate Easter like Christian’s do, no good Mormon would ever observe more than just Easter Sunday. Now with the wave of the cult leaders hand Mormons are encouraged to celebrate Easter season. Can Palm Sunday be far behind?


"Good Mormons" were forced to put aside Easter Sunday when it coincided with the All-Holy of Holiest General Conference. Nothing like showing God and Christ who's more important.


Easter "season" - a whole week before. Bitch, please. The Catholics call it Lent, and it lasts for 40 days. It's an empathy and appreciation exercise in sacrifice to better understand what Jesus means to Christianity. Believer or not, that shit's hard core, and way more reverent than anything the Mormon church does.


They have already started "celebrating" Palm Sunday.  They explain what it is on their website so Mormons can understand WTF they are talking about.


We’re gonna out-Christian the Christians by talking about Easter and celebrating Easter before anyone else does. (They’re just playing church). In fact, that’s why we’re going to talk about Christmas too and how much we love it. My wife gets ready for Christmas at Halloween, which is way before Easter. See how we’re the best and coolest. Yo.


Right?! 😅


Don’t Catholics  also „fast“ aka eat no meat, abstain alcohol for a month before Easter? 


It's no meat on Fridays during Lent. But meat does not include eggs and fish. I don't know about the alcohol. During Lent, people pick a thing to give up/sacrifice, so it could be anything.


> Can Palm Sunday be far behind? Next thing you know, they'll be doing Ash Wednesday and Lent too.


In the 60s I knew all about this cuz my best friend was Catholic. I was never allowed to go to church with her, and I wanted that ash cross on my forehead so badly. I can’t wait to see a bunch of nerdy white guys sporting that look. My mom is rolling in her grave


Right? I've been waiting my whole life for three white guys in suits to give me permission to celebrate Easter for a whole week. Yay.


I thought you said “cutie” and that was silly to me


They’re doing Good Friday now, so all bets are off. That was still the most wild thing to me - never in my life did I even know what Good Friday was. But apparently Mormons celebrate it now


In other countries, Germany for example, mormons do more observation of the Easter season. Because it’s a pervasive part of the country’s culture


"Happy Easter - now let me get back to reading a new book on how parents can torture their children into submission. Thanks Jodi Hildebrandt!!! Remember kids - Christ hated distortion!" (parody)




TSCC has to finally be seeing just how toxic he is to their brand. They need to dump him.




But you don’t have a right to know because you don’t have a right to question how gods servants use gods money. Now go repent of your wickedness. /SSSSS 🤦🙄




Watch him pull the same defensive mannerisms as Kenneth Copeland when asked about his planes.


I agree. But I don’t think they’ll do anything. They’ll just hunker down and hope it all blows over.


Not this time.


I thougjt his comment regarding white people waiting 1930 years ti get the priesthood would do it. And instead he was promoted!


And Jaggi


>distortion Thank you for reminding me of one of their favorite code words. Anytime I hear someone say that I know what shit they have been smelling.


How adorable that he mentions 3 Nephi 11 in reference to the wonder of Easter, the same book, that a couple of chapters before, describes the massive death and destruction of cities full of hundreds of thousands of people because...Jesus.


And people that weren’t even on the same side of the planet as Jesus. 




Entities awkwardly trying out human things. This egg is colorful and may be eaten. You may even decorate your egg days before Easter.


This made me laugh out loud 🤣


Church should be attended this Sunday with black ashes on your forehead in the shape of the cross. 🤣


I’m sure that idea is currently being focused-grouped: “How would you feel about rubbing ash on your forehead in the shape of a cross before Sacrament meeting?” A: Put me on the Ash path. B: Sounds kinda dirty to me. C: I love a good outwardly pious display.


Seems obvious they know they’re talking about a new approach to this if they have to say “You can celebrate Easter for a whole week!”


Isn't it wonderful to have modern revelation that tells us we can celebrate Easter during what other churches already call "Holy Week"? Perhaps God will reveal to us specific days other than Easter Sunday that should be observed. Maybe something during "Maundy Thursday" or "Good Friday".


Mormons: You can now Ash Wednesday, you can Good Friday, you can Palm Sunday but you CANNOT under any circumstances Thirsty Thursday.




OMG! That poor kid!! So heartbreaking - and infuriating at the same time! 😢


Beyond heartbreaking. You’re right. Brad Wilcox needs to be shown and asked about these photos. This was a YM under Brad’s leadership, and a YM whose mother was meeting with him.


That is absolutely horrifying! What psychopath does that to a kid? And kids were actually sent to her for help? It's clear they have no discernment.


Edit: corrected a typo I cannot believe Mormons have finally/are just now discovering Easter. Worse, the way these 3 present the message, they’re acting like lds is the first church to have this revelation. Many churches have long celebrated Easter as the most important of all holidays. Any church that follows the liturgy spends an entire 40 days (lent) leading up to Easter in preparation for Easter. Even as an atheist I’m offended on behalf of the other churches.


Watch that, then watch [This ](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/s/RVJ09tuWK3). It's the same. It's all creepy. Is all culty. It's all the same.


Omg. Women are empowered with the JWs just like the Mormons. “You can wear slacks now because we men say so, but you can choose to wear a dress or skirt too!”


I know. Isn't it a wonderful revelation? And they live them so much 🤮


Yeah for some reason when I watch JW content it looks corny. When I watch Mormon content it seems legit. Conditioning. It really is all the same corny cult mind control. 😂😂🤣


Bro men can have beards AND women wear slacks? Are JWs progressing faster than Mormons??


These staged goons give me the creeps and make me nauseous.


Maybe instead of asking why Brad's wife starts celebrating Easter after Halloween, we should be asking.... wtf? Halloween is the holiday you pick? Literally half a year away from Easter? So I guess what we should be asking is why Brad Willy-Cocks hates winter/Thanksgiving & Christmas. 🤔


That seemed so weird to me, too. And like you say, makes no sense. Easter isn’t one of those holidays people get obsessed with celebrating early. I think this guy is just so used to exaggerating and outright making things up that he doesn’t even think about it.


He mentioned celebrating Christmas right after Halloween.


These people are just ecclesiastical politicians: fake smiles, forced speeches, constantly trying to increase their status.


That guy on the left with the perma cult smile. Jesuz he looks like something from a simpsons episode. The leader is good the leader is great, surrender our will, and our estate.


That’s Brad “maybe the question we should be asking is why white people had to wait until 1830 for the priesthood” Wilcox and yes he is a nutter.


And the guy in the middle with the perpetually folded arms makes him look defensive or insecure. You'd think someone would tell Brad "just try to look human for 30 seconds" and "you in the middle, put your arms down or something, this isn't time out" And "Jesus, Brad! No one needs your permission to celebrate easter 1 week early, the Catholics have been doing it for over 1000 years" And "When the guy on the right talks, don't stare at him like he just dropped The Guiness Book of World Record's loudest fart"


The church has NEVER celebrated Holy Week! Other churches do but I guess they’re just “playing church” yet now they’re patterning it after those just playing church! It’s another way they’re trying to appeal to mainstream Christians. Just like they’re now okay with the symbol of the cross. They’re trying to blend in more and more.


I've been in sacrament meeting on Easter Sunday when the talks topic was "Church Welfare." There's been a few years when wards have put on choir events or "Cantatas," but for even more years, Easter church is canceled for General Conference. And, in General Conference, Easter is hardly mentioned.


As an adult convert,I had been told that Mormons focused on the risen Christ, so I was disappointed that they barely mentioned Easter at all, and that they don't reschedule conference for another weekend when Easter falls on that weekend. It's not a coincidence that I only spent a single Easter in the cult.


The only event that "rescheduled" General Conference was the Winter Olympics.


That smile from Wilcox is just mega fucking creepy.


Nothing “young men” about that presidency - c’mon grandpa it’s time to go


Why do they act like celebrating Easter before the holiday is a new thing? Other Christian religions have been doing this for forever.


This has to be the 100th time I’ve heard Mormon leadership explain the importance of Easter in context of Christmas. They can’t just explain the importance of Easter on its own. They themselves don’t get it or they don’t trust that we are smart enough to get it. It just shows that this is a culturally new thing and they are trying to adopt it into the religious practice.


Hey, little MaCKynLeigh, wave this palm frond! Look! A donkey!


Condescending arrogance in full display. Halloween, Christmas, Easter, blah blah blah. Yippee. Such wisdom/s. This is the best they come up with?


It seems like the other two don’t like Wilcox based on body language when he talks.


So, the church just now discovered Easter? Oh, wait, it's all about buying stuff? These dipshits sound like they had to study up on the resurrection and this video is the homework MFMC assigned them. NONE of them speak as though familiar and comfortable with the traditions of Easter Week. And NONE of them actually know those traditions.


It’s not just a calling, it’s a paid job and they’re 100% vested in the narrative and retirement plan!


Easter has always been about as important as Halloween in Mormonism. This is just nuts. Easter week was an apostate tradition.


Shut the hell up! Jesus, if he even existed, was just another failed apocalyptic first century “prophet”, even a “false” one at that! I’m good with appreciating life because I exist!


wilcox gives me really weird vibes. pedo vibes


Let’s talk about the hijacking of pagan holidays and making them Christian holidays. Then turning on the pagans and calling them devil worshipers.


IT'S👏A👏PAGAN👏HOLIDAY👏 #witchesagainstthepatriarchy


This is so weird, even without the fake Mormon creepy vibes. The way they are standing, where they are standing. Why film in a hallway? Are they trying to look like young people doing an impromptu tiktok or something? Whatever the aim, it got lost in ~~translation~~ bullshit


The message was pretty much: Easter is ok, but Christmas is so much better


Yes indeed. Let's celebrate Jesus coming to the Americas and his batshit crazy genocide of its native people. City after city after city. That reads just fine with all those scum who believed that the only good Indian is a dead Indian.


Brad Wilcox's face reminds me of a movie villain. I can't remember which villain because it's probably all of them.


Nearly 200 years into Mormonism, this “Christian church” finally fucking figures out that Holy Week - the most sacred week in the liturgical year in Christianity - exists? Mormonism = Non Christian. Mormonism = Cult. Don’t let these liars and thieves deceive you.


As an exMormon, and now a progressive Lutheran, this is insulting. Lent week is celebrated in the traditional high churches, and has been for centuries. Those same churches, especially the Catholics were badmouthed by Mormons in their temple rituals from their very inception.


Brad has a big head. Literally, not talking about ego (although that fits too)…


Ugh. I just pictured what Wilcox's Christmas tree would look like, probably covered in little dick ornaments. That guy is creepy (he loves his posters too much). Also, I had a thought from hearing these men who are well-paid by the cult talking about Jesus being born. These guys would have nothing to do with a baby born in poverty to a young female who was pregnant before she was married.


Sometimes I still try to give regular members the benefit of the doubt bc there are so many good people associated with this “church” while I hold many in leadership with disdain. This vid would be a good example of why. This DID creep me the heck out! Just CRINGE!🤮


Wow a whole week! But they don’t even say to celebrate the significant parts of Holy Week like the cleaning of the temple from the money changers (LD$ inc) hmm.. maybe because it rings a bell and TBMs may see the correlation 😅 just kidding. Most TBMs wouldn’t see it or choose not too.


Ick. Big ick 🤢


Why does the guy in the middle keep his arms so tightly crossed the entire time? He looks very uncomfortable and uptight.


Because Wilcox is encroaching and touching him. Creepy


Yeah. I KNOW. I DID that in my other church before you told me my church was wrong & I should join TSCC! Freaking Mormonism. Acting like you have invented a new way to celebrate Easter. It is maddening. And this IS CREEPY and weird. It's probably because they are talking to their Target audience of 12-18 year old boys. Those boys will celebrate about as much as the food & holiday treats are put in front of them. I'm pretty sure they aren't adding "Remember to celebrate Easter all week" on their calendars.


I love the look Brad gave the guy on the far right. As if he was upset he didn’t bring up any scriptures…. Then a fake smile 😃


When the guy on the right starts talking Brad looks like he wants to eat his face. -must contain my rage- inside Brad’s head probably.


That is when he turned off his personna and his resting grinch face took over.


I can smell the old spice cologne through my phone


Oh God, that general Priesthood meeting stench! I used to tell my dad I couldn’t stand the smell!


It’s funny how they’re trying so hard to be mainstream Christians (now celebrating Palm Sunday) but then this idiot says they celebrate Easter all of Holy Week. FYI, one celebrates the triumphal march of Jesus on Palm Sunday, then the institution of the Lord’s supper on Maundy Thursday. Good Friday was the crucifixion (most sombre day of the Christian year), and then one celebrates the resurrection BEGINNING on Easter (and lasting for several weeks until Pentecost.) At least, that’s what mainstream Christians do.


Steve Lund was the chairman at Nu Skin when I worked there, and he made every company party feel like a church event. MLM and MFMC: double cult.


While the three speak to you directly, the fourth behind you starts stroking your neck.




It looks like these guys just discovered the world of Christianity and the things Christians celebrate during Easter season


Brad Wilcox has the most forced & fake smile I've ever seen


Yes! Like he's smiling at a baby to get it to laugh and it starts crying instead.


I hate staged and rehearsed bs.


“We’re so hip, we came up with this brand new idea! The church is true.”


I didn’t know what Christ-centered worship looked like until I attended non-LDS churches. Every meeting was focused on a different aspect of Christ’s ministry according to the liturgical calendar. And not once did they have a meeting devoted to their amazing camping experiences “inthenameofJesusChristamen.” Talk about vain repetitions and taking the Lord’s name in vain.


Contestant #3 doing his best to audition for a general conference talk 😂


PSA for Mormons: You didn’t just invent Holy Week.


Who in their right mind thinks that the current crop of teenage boys is going to get at all excited about these guys in suits? Are they really this out of touch? Get Steve Young in there. Find some retired Green Beret or Navy SEAL to fill this position. None of these men are younger than 60. They all attended, guess which university? BYU of course!! One of them was an attorney for Dork, Geek and Gooner. Then next was a BYU professor of Ancient Douchery and the third was a financial advisor for CrotchSniff Investments. How about a guy who kids could actually look up to? No one looks up to businessmen and pasty white attorneys. Get a guy who could tell a story about leading a group of Contras against the Sandinistas in Nicaragua in the 80s. Or a fighter pilot leading a flight in Iraq. I hope you get my drift. Im sure these suits mean well but they are not the type of men that my father looked up to. That I looked up to or that my sons look up to. My young mens leader was a fighter pilot for the Luftwaffe in WW2. He emigrated to the US in the 50s and he was a complete kick ass guy. We all looked up to him. He was brave. He was honest. He was a tough man who did tough things and we as boys wanted to be tough and do tough things as well.


He’s really up there lying that his wife starts prepping for Easter after Halloween smh.




The dude in the middle with his arms crossed. Just... How am I supposed to believe he's the president of anything with such a weak, defensive pose. Like, I can't get over it. It's just a step above cowering in a corner. Has he ever spoke in general conference? Did he do this then too .


I think he is just uncomfortable bc he doesn't want to stand sooo close to Brad


Hahaha that's my mission president also he started nuskin 😂


Is it just me or do the first who spoke two seem gay?


Uncanny valley.


So, mormons can now celebrate Holy Week? Will they shut down the BYU's for Good Friday and hold Mass, I mean sacrament on that day? 🤔


Just you wait, next year they’ll be telling everybody to walk to the closest temple for a special blessing, á la the Good Friday walk to El Santuario del Chimayò


I mean, who among us has not watched Furio Giunta in 'Sopranos' bashing his way with an aluminum bat through the massage parlor and reaching the final bolgia to greet satan himself, then shooting that greasy coke fiend in the side of the knee, without sensing the sweet refreshing baptismal waters of the lord Jesus washing over our face, much as Fiurio's loogie strikes mamasan's face in that scene. We know not to sin, for the wages of sin is wow really painful not to mention no happy ending even if you already paid your . Palm Sunday, Good Friday, lent and all that, ma dai...


[Like this?](https://youtu.be/FxlT_9FYj-U?si=ij2RVmcAgCFfza3S&t=691) I know they didn’t use that song during the show, but I wish they had🤣


Am I wrong or those guys always seem like they're acting?


Worse than a bad used car lot ad


You can tell that they feel naked not standing above you and not behind a pulpit


There's something wrong with Brad Wilcox. He's off. There's something wrong with a church that would have Brad Wilcox in leadership.


That dude's creepy-ass fake smile. 😬


That smile is creepy, he looks like a four year old told to smile for the camera.


I grew up in the 70s/80s and Holy Week, Palm Sunday, Lent, and basically everything else related other than Easter weekend/Sunday was not taught or discussed except for the brief coverage of the verses in the New Testament that describe the week leading up to the crucifixion. All that "other Easter stuff" was what the Catholic church did. It didn't apply to the LDS church was the message I got. Now it's being promoted, encouraged and emphasized. I'd be interested to hear why now from the top leadership.


I hate the whole "look at some one to tell them it's their turn to talk"


1, why are we full-frame when we’re standing so that shoulders-up is enough? 2. Why did we just stand in front of a door to deliver this message? 3. Why are we looking at the one person that’s speaking so freaking intently? 4. Personal pet peeve of mine regarding how people talk on church topics: they say the word they’re talking about in every sentence, but don’t really talk about what it is or means, so it just loses its meaning as they go on talking about tangential things. 5. Can’t see Brad’s face without immediately thinking “we shouldn’t be asking why did blacks have to wait so long… we should be asking why did whites have to wait until the 1800s”


The most interesting part is how closed the middle guy is and how strangely close Wilcox is encroaching into his space. The former is certainly caused by the latter. If Wilcox crowded me like that I would have to protest.


Sleep paralysis demons…


100% Brad Wilcox got Botox on his glabella (the angry eyebrows muscle that makes the eleven lines between the eyes). His normal “snarl smile” is slightly less scary now


I don’t like old business men telling me how to worship. It’s honestly amazing how a local pastor look completely different