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I wish every mormon could see just once what it's like not to have such childish fears and to feel the sense of freedom you get when you leave, and not just write it off as the "influence of the adversary"


That sort of fear is not god-sent. There is nothing good in it.


I thought this said “coffee CANDIE”, but no, it’s a candle. 😂 Who else felt bad for eating the coffee Jelly Belly growing up??


My parents were/are honestly very chill. They follow the no coffee/no alcohol rule, but it’s was never expressed as “because it’s bad,” it was just something they didn’t do. Thus, we never really talked about coffee growing up. I will never forget coming home in 4th grade raving about this amazing HagenDaas I got with a friend at the mall- Caramel Coffee! It was so good! My mom’s face was priceless. 😂


Even though it was artificial flavoring.


Yup. The very appearance of evil was enough to send my mom on a rant. Unless she wanted a particular sandwich a restaurant used to serve. We usually sat in the bar which was amazing to me. I started plotting my adulthood at that bar as a 10 yr old. Too bad it was closed by the time I was 16. I think it was called the Pine Cone in Sugarhouse.


I doubt it would be an artificial coffee flavor, since coffee powder is so cheap and also H-D is a premium brand that typically use quality ingredients (like they use vanilla beans to make vanilla).


A lot of flavourings are artificial, because they are much cheaper than the natural flavor, but coffee is certainly not one of them. It would probably be more expensive to create artificial coffee flavor than using the real thing.


My parents and siblings would spit them out. Even as a Tbm kid I would secretly pick them out and enjoy them. Positive there’s no coffee in them just artificial flavoring. So definitely not against the WoW.


I used to melt coffee nips candy in my hot chocolate when I was going to byu.


Warthers coffee hard candies in hot chocolate I feel you


Haha my mom pulls all the coffee Jbeans out of the pack and refuses to eat them. Every couple months, I get a ziplock bag of coffee jelly beans.


We grew up outside of mormondom where coffee shops abounded and the mall always had that one coffee bean store - which while walking past it my parents would comment on how it smelled so terrible and then remind us of the word of wisdom.  That, and always making a big scene when eating the coffee flavored jelly beans then spitting it out and systematically eliminating all the remaining coffee flavored jelly beans had thoroughly indoctrinated me to hate the smell or taste.  To this day I just don’t enjoy the smell or taste. My spouse joined the MFMC at 19 and she likes the flavor and smell of coffee although she’s not a coffee drinker. Me, I just can’t get over the hate ingrained in me. I can’t even eat tiramisu.  So did I feel bad, nope. I felt disgusted to even smell it let alone accidentally get the jellybean. 


Oh man those and the popcorn flavored ones are my favorite.


My mom would take them out of the mix before letting us at them


I think your sister needs to meet with the Bishop and confess her olfactory sins. 🤣


Packer might have something to say about the little ol' factory




If we’re truly subscribing to the belief that “inhaling coffee fumes is a cardinal sin,” then our hero must transform into an anti-aroma ninja whenever coffee is brewed within a five-mile radius. If the seductive scent of a freshly poured brew should so much as tickle his nose hairs, he must leap into action, possibly executing a dramatic tuck-and-roll and make a beeline for the nearest confessional. Panting with the exertion of his escape, he'd beg the bemused bishop to exorcize his nostril demons. "Father, I have smelled the forbidden fruit of the bean," he’d lament, ready to face a caffeine excommunication.


I worked in a charter school in Utah for awhile. The principal tried to ban coffee for a bit because the students might smell our coffee if we brought it in a mug. 🙄🙄🙄


OMG, please do tell, how did that go over?


It didn't last very long. I think people complained to the principal in private. They didn't want to speak up in faculty meeting and be noticed as a coffee drinker.


Haha if my boss comes to me and said no more coffee, I'll be talking to police an hour later while my coworkers are talking to a therapist and emts are scraping up what's left of boss off the floors and walls...




I grew up close to a coffee manufacturing place that roasted coffee beans and you could smell delicious coffee for blocks!


My gym locker room smells like balls. Does that make me gay?


It is TOTALLY against the Word of Wisdom to enjoy the aroma of coffee-scented candles. Get to the bishop immediately to confess and start the cycle of scrupulosity afresh.


Since sex is next to murder, surely sniffing coffee is next to armed robbery?


Matthew 15 17 Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? 18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. Let that verse sit on his shelf whenever he brings up the word of wisdom.


Very powerful, thank you for sharing


The WoW is pretty clear that it’s about DRINKING hot drinks not smelling them 🙄 I’m surprised he didn’t try to make the argument from an “appearance of evil” argument.


But...the candle's hot.


Offer "coffee cake" to TBM's and watch their head spin. (Coffee cake doesn't have coffee in it, it's just a nickname for a pastry because a lot of people drink it with coffee or a hot beverage.)


I want a drink of that coffee cake! 🤪


That is exactly my type of passive aggressive


I also visited my folks for the eclipse. I bring coffee with me and make it every morning. My mom loves the smell too. I'd say the visit went pretty smooth for me. Until I went over to my parent's friend's place for dinner one night. I got to hear them refer to anyone Persian/Arab/Punjabi as terrorists. That's fun.


technically it does say hot drinks are not for the BODY or the belly


And your nose is part of your body. It’s just science!




It’s a candle. You are not consuming it. You walk into an office building or school and smell coffee.. YOU WALK BY A TARGET AND SMELL THE STARBUCKS. You gunna just not breathe?! GET OVER IT?!


If smelling coffee was against the word of wisdom, then walking through an airport with all the very aromatic coffee shops meant I broke the word of wisdom daily while I worked at the airport. I cannot with these people either and I don't even know them... Quite a few years ago, my mom and I both agreed coffee flavored candy was delicious. She was a very devote member. I was very devote. Life is just so very interesting sometimes.


Well, if the candle is lit, it is 50% of the way to being a hot drink. Depending on what you do with the melted wax, you might even go all the way.


Juat FYI- Whataburger was much better 10 years ago. I know the family sold out to an investment firm in Chicago and no doubt, they've started cutting corners. It's just not as good as before.


Texas resident, 100% whataburger is worse than McDicks now. If I could to those investors I would, with a fury not known to man yet.


Dang!! That's so sad!


Interesting! It still better than the truly fast food burger we have where we live, but that’s not saying much!


Don't even get me started on how all the out of state move ins have ruined barbecue.


Aw man! That's a bummer! We're on the east coast and I might do some dastardly things for brisket. I like the pork here, but it doesn't compare!


They ruined it because it used to be affordable. You could pick up some sliced brisket and a few sides and you've got a family meal. Today, what they want for a pound of brisket is ridiculous. I just do all my own barbecue now. I haven't been to a BBQ joint in years. Insane prices they are asking because people are willing to pay it.


Coffee candle? Really? That's what the BIL wants to debate? This is not worth the brain power/energy spent discussing or debating. Maybe they try finding meaningful things to think about and discuss? I agree with all who say "I just can't with these people."


Does BIL have a wax-eating fetish?


If he doesn't like coffee, then he's welcome to abstain from drinking or breathing.


Our high school choir changed the words in the Christmas song from "pass around the coffee and the pumpkin pie" to "pass around the chocolate..."






Here’s something to chew on: https://www.dialoguejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sbi/articles/Dialogue_V14N03_48.pdf


Hahahahaha! The very appearance of evil angle he’s going for is negated by all the PORN he watches as a hypocrite.  *I have nothing against anyone that views legal and ethical porn*


He’s focused on “the appearance of evil”. So lame!


Exactly - bitching about a candle is flirting with evil. Idolizing a guy who screwed dozens women (including young teens, and even married women) is just fine.


Is he gonna eat it? What? I swear their intelligence disintegrates the longer they're in the church..


It’s not like the church has a lock up on these types of thought patterns, but to paraphrase Curly from city Slickers… “You [Mormon] folk worry about a lot of shit.” 🤠


One must avoid even the scent of evil.


I hate to think what coffee scented lotion would do to him. Probably send him into an apoplectic fit - especially if anyone wore it to church 😮. On a side note, my good friend (non -member) made the most amazing tiramisu while I was living in Scotland. I was a good little member then, but oh my goodness, that cake was to die for. I just never told him coffee was technically off limits and I ate so much of that cake. I'm actually drooling just thinking about it and it's been nearly 19 years. . .


The scent of evil🤔


My MIL bought a frozen ‘mud pie’ dessert not realizing it was coffee flavored. Dessert was served, my in-laws were APPALLED 😱 and freaked out!! I rescued the pie before it was thrown out (much to their horror -they never liked me and this was just one more reason why 😂) So happy to be out and enjoying flipping a double bird to the WoW!!